android 恶意软件_如何保护系统免受恶意软件的侵害

android 恶意软件

All sorts of ignorance over the web can cause some serious damage to security. One really need to be on toes when working on the word wide web. Malwares being the most dangerous reasons for causing destruction’s, hence one needs to safeguard themselves by using some of the trusted software’s offering malware protection. One cannot judge the extent of damage a malware can cause, hence staying protected is the only available option.

对网络的各种无知会严重破坏安全性。 在使用“万维网”一词时,确实需要警惕。 恶意软件是造成破坏的最危险原因,因此需要通过使用某些受信任软件提供的恶意软件保护来保护自己。 人们无法判断恶意软件可能造成的破坏程度,因此保持受保护是唯一可用的选择。

Netizens must make sure that malicious software’s doesn’t come your way. And the best way to do it is safe-guarding yourselves and your local machines should be your primary concern. Leaving security on chances could prove fatal. It would be no different than facing a war with no arms and ammunition’s.

网民必须确保恶意软件不会以您的方式出现。 最好的方法就是安全地保护自己,本地机器应该是您的主要关注点。 失去安全保障可能会致命。 这与面对没有武器弹药的战争没有什么不同。

The information provided in this article is mainly for educating individuals about the risks involved when working online.


How Malwares enter into your systems ?


Ideally, most of the malwares use the Internet as a medium for carrying out their intended tasks. Here we have jotted a list of few commonly used techniques adopted by malwares for example, the use of d.exe for encroaching the local systems :

理想情况下,大多数恶意软件都将Internet用作执行其预期任务的媒介。 在这里,我们列出了恶意软件采用的几种常用技术,例如,使用d.exe入侵本地系统:

    • Infection through E-mail attachments : Attackers tend to spread their illegal activity via emails, the Malware tends to become activated as soon as you open an attachment enclosed with an email.通过电子邮件附件感染: 攻击者倾向于通过电子邮件传播其非法活动,一旦打开电子邮件随附的附件,恶意软件就会被激活。
    • Doubtful sites 可疑网站 : There exists few websites over the web, whenever a visitors reaches sites like these, it infiltrates your local PC with malware alike spywares and adwares. 网络上几乎没有网站,每当访问者访问此类网站时,它就会通过间谍软件和广告软件等恶意软件渗透到本地PC。
    • Freeware – A number of freeware programs come hidden with spywares and adwares which gets activated upon installation of such freeware applications or softwares.免费软件 –间谍软件和广告软件隐藏了许多免费软件程序,这些程序在安装了此类免费软件应用程序或软件后便被激活。

Are there any particular symptoms to judge a malware infection?


There are certain symptoms that can point users to a probable malware infection


    • The PC performance tend to show inconsistency.

    • More often, your PC would tend to hang up during normal activities.

    • The PC would start taking longer time to start-up or even at shutdown, it takes longer time and then shuts-down.

    • The frequency of encountering system errors increases.


And in more severe cases:


    • Users may sometimes even realize that some of the files go unfound

    • Gluttonous applications

    • Even the normal tasks that does not take any resources for completion would never get completed.


Are there any effects of a security breach caused due to Malware ?


If a malware is into a system, it can cause unimaginable effects on your system. One cannot really judge the task that a particular malware has been assigned to perform. Users can face the following threats in such cases :

如果恶意软件进入系统,则可能会对您的系统造成无法想象的影响。 人们无法真正判断已经分配了特定恶意软件执行的任务。 在这种情况下,用户可能面临以下威胁:

    • Compromised Identity – Most malware programs are primarily designed and developed for carrying out the task of stealing confidential information and passing it over to the individual who has developed it, which might later be misused.身份受损 –大多数恶意软件程序的设计和开发都是为了执行窃取机密信息并将其传递给开发该信息的个人的任务,这些信息以后可能会被滥用。
    • Slothy PC speeds – The malwares usually would consume a lot of your PC’s resources, hence affecting the processing speeds.PC速度过慢 –恶意软件通常会占用PC的大量资源,从而影响处理速度。
    • Random error messages – They might sometime even infect few important system files resulting in the generation of errors.随机错误消息 –它们有时甚至会感染一些重要的系统文件,从而导致错误的产生。
    • Registry Corruption – Malware programs are also reported to infect the PC’s registry with dangerous entries and delete some important registry entries. 注册表损坏 –据报告,恶意软件程序还会通过危险条目感染PC注册表,并删除一些重要的注册表条目。

Could the malware programs show themselves with the names of some real processes ?


Attackers are constantly in search of creating programs that seem genuine and similar to the processes that usually run on a system. This helps them crawl underneath the detection software’s and applications running on a PC running Windows OS. Two very well known malware are consent.exe or smss.exe which usually slips from getting detected.

攻击者一直在寻找创建看上去真实且与系统上通常运行的进程相似的程序。 这有助于他们在运行Windows OS的PC上运行的检测软件和应用程序下面进行爬网。 两个非常著名的恶意软件是greet.exe或smss.exe,通常不会被检测到。

How to avoid or resolve PC issue’s caused due to Malwares ?


First of all, one needs to understand that Malwares aren’t viruses and can be detected and removed using a trusted Malware Removal tool. Users must scan their systems atleast two or three times for ensuring the complete removal of the malware. This would help the tool detect it even if the malware has skipped the initial tests. Once your computer is cleaned up, you must reboot it. For further ensuring it, you may again run the scan and check for any traces. It is suggested to keep the malware removal software updated with the latest patches and upgrades.

首先,需要了解恶意软件不是病毒,可以使用受信任的恶意软件删除工具将其检测和删除。 用户必须至少扫描两次或三遍其系统,以确保完全清除恶意软件。 即使恶意软件已跳过初始测试,这也将有助于该工具检测到它。 清理完计算机后,必须重新启动计算机。 为了进一步确保它,您可以再次运行扫描并检查是否有任何痕迹。 建议使用最新的修补程序和升级来更新恶意软件清除软件。


android 恶意软件





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