程序连接cdh的hue_如何使用旧的“ Gen 1”应用程序控制飞利浦Hue灯




Philips’ new Hue app is quite nice, but it’s missing some very useful features of the original “Gen 1” app. Thankfully, the Gen 1 app is still available for download, so if you need those old features, here’s how to get them.

飞利浦的新Hue应用程序非常不错,但是缺少了原始“ Gen 1”应用程序的一些非常有用的功能。 值得庆幸的是,Gen 1应用程序仍然可以下载,因此,如果您需要这些旧功能,请按以下方法获得它们。

If you’re setting up your Hue lights for the first time, we recommend using the Gen 2 app–you can see instructions for setting it up in our Philips Hue guide.

如果您是第一次设置色相灯,我们建议您使用Gen 2应用程序-您可以在我们的Philips Hue指南中看到有关设置它的说明

However, there are some things that the Gen 2 app can’t do. It can’t set scenes based on specific colors in a photo, let you group lights when setting a custom color, or sync your scenes between devices. So, if you need those features, you’re stuck with the Gen 1 app for now. In this guide, we’ll show you how to set up your lights using the old app. This guide assumes your lights are already plugged in and your hub is set up.

但是,Gen 2应用程序无法完成某些操作。 它无法基于照片中的特定颜色设置场景,不能在设置自定义颜色时将灯光分组,或在设备之间同步场景。 因此,如果您需要这些功能,则暂时不使用Gen 1应用程序。 在本指南中,我们将向您展示如何使用旧版应用设置灯光。 本指南假定您的灯光已插入并且集线器已安装。

Go ahead and download the Philips Hue app for iOS or Android. Be aware that there are a lot of third-party Philips Hue apps available, so you’ll want to make sure to download the official one for this–make sure it says “Gen 1”, not “Gen 2”.

继续并下载适用于iOSAndroidPhilips Hue应用程序 。 请注意,有很多第三方飞利浦Hue应用程序可用,因此您需要确保为此下载官方的应用程序-确保其显示的是“ Gen 1”,而不是“ Gen 2”。


Once the app is downloaded, open it up and swipe through the introduction (or tap “skip” in the bottom-right corner).



Tap on the big “Start” button in the middle to begin the setup process.



You’ll be prompted to press the Push-Link button on the Philips Hue Bridge, which is the round button on top of the device with “Philips” etched in the center. You get about 30 seconds to push this button before you’ll need to start over.

系统将提示您按下Philips Hue Bridge上的Push-Link按钮,这是设备顶部的圆形按钮,中间刻有“ Philips”。 您需要大约30秒钟的时间才能按此按钮,然后您需要重新开始。


If you have an iOS device, the next step is setting up Siri voice control, which allows you to control your Philips Hue lights using Siri by saying commands like “turn on living room lights” or “dim bedroom lights to 50%.” If you’ve already done this with the Gen 2 app, you can skip it here.

如果您使用的是iOS设备,则下一步是设置Siri语音控制,通过说出“打开客厅灯”或“将卧室灯调低至50%”之类的命令,您可以使用Siri控制Philips Hue灯 。 如果您已经使用Gen 2应用程序完成了此操作,则可以在此处跳过。

Then it’s time to add your Philips Hue light bulbs to your Hue Bridge, so make sure that the bulbs you want to add are turned on, then tap “Auto search” at the bottom.

然后是时候将飞利浦Hue灯泡添加到Hue Bridge,因此请确保要添加的灯泡已打开,然后点击底部的“自动搜索”。


Your Hue Bridge will now automatically search for any Hue light bulbs within its vicinity, and they’ll begin showing up in the list one by one. When it’s done searching, the “Searching…” prompt with disappear. (This may take a few minutes, so give it time.)

现在,色相桥将自动搜索其附近的任何色相灯泡,它们将开始在列表中逐一显示。 搜索完成后,“ Searching…”提示消失。 (这可能需要几分钟,因此请花点时间。)


If there’s a light bulb that wasn’t automatically detected, you can tap on “Connect new lights” and try the auto search function again or do a manual search, where you’ll enter in the serial number for the missing light bulbs. You’ll find the serial number on the bulbs themselves.

如果没有自动检测到灯泡,则可以点击“连接新灯”,然后再次尝试自动搜索功能,或者进行手动搜索,然后在其中输入缺少灯泡的序列号。 您会在灯泡本身上找到序列号。


Next, you can tap on an individual bulb and rename it to whatever you want. For example, you could name your living room bulbs “Living Room.” This is especially useful when you use Siri, since you can tell her to turn on or off bulbs by their names (“Hey Siri, turn on Living Room lights”).

接下来,您可以点击单个灯泡并将其重命名为您想要的任何名称。 例如,您可以将客厅灯泡命名为“客厅”。 当您使用Siri时,这尤其有用,因为您可以告诉她按其名称打开或关闭灯泡(“嘿Siri,打开客厅灯”)。


After you have renamed your lights, tap on the back arrow in the top-left corner, and then tap on the menu icon in the same location.



From there, select “Lights” from the sidebar menu.



From there, you can begin controlling your Philips Hue lights right from your smartphone. Tapping on the downward-facing arrow toward the top-right corner allows you to change the color of the bulbs, if you have ones that are able to do so.

从那里,您可以直接从智能手机开始控制Philips Hue灯。 轻击朝右上角的向下箭头,可以更改灯泡的颜色(如果有的话)。


If you want to be able to control your Hue lights when you’re away from home, or if you want to sync your scenes to other devices using the Gen 1 app, you’ll need to create an account on Philips’ website. You can do this by selecting “Log in to my Hue” in the sidebar menu and tap “Log in” at the bottom.

如果您想出门在外时可以控制色相灯,或者想使用Gen 1应用程序将场景同步到其他设备,则需要在Philips的网站上创建一个帐户。 您可以通过在侧边栏菜单中选择“登录到我的色相”,然后点击底部的“登录”来完成此操作。


The Philips Hue website will load in your web browser. Go ahead and select “Create an account” at the bottom.

Philips Hue网站将在您的Web浏览器中加载。 继续并选择底部的“创建帐户”。


Enter in your name, email address, password, and agree to the terms and conditions. Then tap on “Next step.”

输入您的姓名,电子邮件地址,密码,并同意条款和条件。 然后点击“下一步”。


Next, you’ll need to push the Push-Link button just like you did earlier when you first set up the Hue Bridge.



The website will verify the hub and it should verify the connection. Hit “Continue.”

该网站将验证集线器,并应验证连接。 点击“继续”。


On the next page, you’ll want to select “Yes” when it asks for access to your bridge for controlling your lights while you’re away from home. After that, you’ll be taken back to the Philips Hue app and remote access will now be enabled.

在下一页上,当您出门在外时,它要求访问您的桥梁以控制灯光时,您需要选择“是”。 之后,您将被带回Philips Hue应用程序,并且现在将启用远程访问。

飞利浦Hue灯可以做什么 (What You Can Do with Your Philips Hue Lights)

Turning on and off your lights from your smartphone might be awesome, and turning them on and off with Siri is awfully convenient. But there are a handful of things you can do that don’t just involve flipping your lights on and off. Here are some of the basic features of Philips Hue lights that you can enable in the Philips Hue app.

通过智能手机打开和关闭灯可能很棒,而使用Siri打开和关闭它们非常方便。 但是您可以做很多事情,而不仅仅是打开和关闭灯光。 这是可以在Philips Hue应用程序中启用的Philips Hue灯的一些基本功能。

灯泡在一起 (Group Bulbs Together)

If you have two or more bulbs in one room (or even in one fixture), you probably want to control all of those bulbs at once. Luckily, you can group bulbs together in the Philips Hue app.

如果您在一个房间(甚至在一个固定装置中)有两个或多个灯泡,则可能需要一次控制所有这些灯泡。 幸运的是,您可以在Philips Hue应用程序中将灯泡分组在一起。

By selecting “Lights” in the menu and tapping on the downward-facing arrow toward the upper-right corner, this brings up the color selector that you played around with earlier.


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To group light bulbs together, simply tap and hold on a light (indicated by the numbered pins) and drag it over another light. A pop-up should appear that will automatically group these lights together.

要将灯泡分组在一起,只需轻按并按住一盏灯(由编号的插针指示)并将其拖动到另一盏灯上即可。 应该会出现一个弹出窗口,将这些灯自动组合在一起。

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Lift your finger and those two lights will now become one pin. From there, you can drag the pin around to change the color, and the new settings will change on all of the bulbs in the group.

抬起手指,这两个指示灯现在将变成一针。 从那里,您可以拖动图钉来更改颜色,新设置将更改组中所有灯泡的颜色。

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将您的灯光设置为不同的“场景” (Set Your Lights to Different “Scenes”)

In the world of Philips Hue, scenes is a fancy term for presets. If there’s a particular color you like, or a certain brightness you use often, you can create a scene from it and activate it with one tap. Even if you don’t have the fancy color-changing Hue lights, you can still create scenes with your white-only bulbs by setting them at specific brightness levels and creating a scene from that.

在Philips Hue的世界中,场景是预设的幻想术语。 如果有您喜欢的特定颜色或经常使用的某种亮度,则可以从中创建场景并一键激活。 即使您没有花哨的变色Hue灯,您仍然可以通过将纯白色灯泡设置为特定的亮度级别并从中创建场景来创建场景。


By accessing the menu in the Philips Hue app and selecting “Scenes,” you can view all of the scenes that you have created. When you first visit this page, you’ll see a bunch of Philips’ default scenes, but you can press and hold to delete any that you don’t want.

通过访问Philips Hue应用程序中的菜单并选择“场景”,您可以查看已创建的所有场景。 首次访问此页面时,会看到飞利浦的一些默认场景,但是您可以按住以删除不需要的任何场景。

To create a scene, click the Menu button in the top-left corner and go back to the “Lights” menu. Adjust your lights to how you want them, including any specific colors, and then tap on “Create” in the top-right corner. (On Android, this will be an icon with two squares rather than the word “Create”.)

要创建场景,请单击左上角的“菜单”按钮,然后返回“灯光”菜单。 根据需要调整灯光(包括任何特定的颜色),然后点击右上角的“创建”。 (在Android上,这是一个带有两个正方形的图标,而不是“ Create”一词。)


Uncheck the lights that you don’t want included in the scene and then tap “Save” in the top-right corner.



Give the scene a name and hit “Ok.” This scene will now appear in “Scenes” and can be quickly activated by just tapping on it.

给场景起一个名字,然后点击“确定”。 现在,此场景将出现在“场景”中,只需轻按即可快速激活。


You can also create a scene by heading to the “Scenes” section and tapping on the “+” icon in the top-right corner.

您也可以通过转到“场景”部分并点击右上角的“ +”图标来创建场景。


From here, you can choose either “Photo” or “Light Recipe.”


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Choosing a photo allows you to adjust the colors of your Hue lights to match the main colors of a photo, making it a quick-and-dirty way to get the right colors you want without doing it all manually.


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Light Recipes, on the other hand, are pre-made scenes that are geared for different scenarios, like reading, concentrating, relaxing, and so on. There are only four of them to choose from, but hopefully Philips adds more in the near future.

另一方面,“光食谱”是针对不同场景(例如阅读,集中注意力,放松等等)的预制场景。 它们只有四种可供选择,但是希望飞利浦在不久的将来会增加更多。

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Keep in mind that the two above methods don’t work on Hue White bulbs–only the color-changing bulbs (thus why “Living Room” in the above screenshot is grayed out).

请记住,上述两种方法不适用于Hue White灯泡,而只能用于变色灯泡(因此,为什么上面屏幕截图中的“ Living Room”显示为灰色)。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/252932/how-to-control-your-philips-hue-lights-with-the-old-gen-1-app/






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