


Two images of a pair of sunglasses on table, one blurry and one clear.
Harry Guinness

In-body image stabilization (IBIS) is one of the headline features of mirrorless cameras, like the Canon EOS R5, Canon EOS R6, Nikon Z7, and Sony A7 III. But what is it, how is it different from other kinds of image stabilization, and does it really matter at all? Let’s find out!

体内图像稳定(IBIS)是无反光镜相机的头条功能之一,例如佳能EOS R5,佳能EOS R6,尼康Z7和索尼A7 III。 但是它是什么,它与其他类型的图像稳定有什么不同,真的有关系吗? 让我们找出答案!

什么是图像稳定? (What Is Image Stabilization?)

Image stabilization (IS) is also sometimes referred to as vibration reduction (VR). It’s a mechanical feature on some lenses and cameras that limits the amount of blur caused by camera shake.

图像稳定 (IS)有时也称为减震(VR)。 这是某些镜头和相机的机械功能,可限制由相机震动引起的模糊量。

Generally, the slowest shutter speed you can use without IS and still get blur-free images is 1/XX, where “XX” is the 35mm-equivalent focal length of the lens. This is called the reciprocal rule.

通常,在没有IS的情况下可以使用的最低快门速度是1 / XX,其中“ XX”是等效35mm的镜头焦距。 这称为倒数规则

For example, if you’re using a 100mm lens, you can safely use a shutter speed of 1/100 of a second. With a 50mm lens, you can go a little slower at 1/50 of a second and still get acceptably sharp images.

例如,如果您使用100mm镜头,则可以安全地使用1/100秒的快门速度。 使用50mm镜头时,您可以以1/50秒的速度变慢一点,但仍然可以获得可接受的清晰图像

Four images of a pair of sunglasses on a table, two for which IS was used, and two when it was not.
These images were shot seconds apart with a 200mm-equivalent telephoto lens at a shutter speed of 1/40 of a second. IS was used for the noticeably sharper image on the right. Harry Guinness
这些图像是用相当于200mm的远摄镜头以1/40秒的快门速度间隔几秒钟拍摄的。 IS用于右侧的明显更清晰的图像。 哈里·吉尼斯

IS, whether it’s a feature of the lens or camera, enables you to use a slower shutter speed. Depending on how advanced it is and how steady your hands are, you’ll likely be able to go somewhere between two and four stops slower. (Some manufacturers, like Canon, claim certain camera and lens combos can have up to eight stops).

IS是镜头还是相机的功能,使您可以使用较慢的快门速度。 根据操作的先进程度和手的稳定性,您可能可以将速度慢两到四个停顿之间。 (某些制造商,例如佳能,声称某些相机和镜头组合最多可以停八次)。

With a 100mm lens, this means a shutter speed of between 1/25 and 1/10 of a second. In low light, that’s enough to make a big difference.

对于100mm镜头,这意味着快门速度在1/25到1/10秒之间。 在弱光下,这足以产生很大的变化。

IBIS与镜头稳定 (IBIS vs. In-lens Stabilization)

The big distinction between IBIS and in-lens stabilization is where the stabilization mechanism is placed. With IBIS, the camera sensor itself moves slightly to counter any camera shake. With in-lens stabilization, an additional lens element moves and ensures a stable image protection on the sensor.

IBIS和镜头内稳定之间的最大区别是放置稳定机构的位置。 使用IBIS,摄像机传感器本身会略微移动以抵抗任何摄像机抖动。 借助镜头内稳定功能,可以移动额外的镜头元件,并确保传感器上稳定的图像保护。

Neither system is superior to the other—they both have their advantages.


IBIS works best at shorter focal lengths. On long focal-length lenses, like a 300mm telephoto, the sensor can’t move enough to overcome the highly magnified camera shake. However, since the stabilization is done in-camera, all lenses can be stabilized—even those that weren’t originally designed to be.

IBIS在较短的焦距下效果最佳。 在长焦距镜头(如300mm长焦镜头)上,传感器无法移动得足够远,无法克服高度放大的相机抖动。 但是,由于稳定​​是在相机内完成的,因此所有镜头都可以稳定,即使不是最初设计的镜头也可以稳定。

In-lens stabilization is less convenient and more expensive than IBIS. While longer lenses with IS have systems designed to accommodate a lot of shake, you’re paying a premium on every lens. It’s also another fragile thing that can break if you accidentally drop a lens.

与IBIS相比,镜头内稳定功能不那么方便,而且价格更高。 虽然带有IS的较长镜头的系统设计可以承受很大的抖动,但是您要为每副镜头付出高昂的代价。 如果不小心摔倒了镜头,这也是易碎的东西。

它有多重要? (How Much Does It Matter?)

Historically, Canon and Nikon have relied on in-lens stabilization for their lenses. It’s only with the release of their latest mirrorless cameras that they’ve started using IBIS. This is largely because Sony has been making a big deal about the IBIS in its mirrorless camera range.

从历史上看,佳能和尼康一直依靠镜头内稳定功能。 只有在其最新的无反光镜相机发布后,他们才开始使用IBIS。 这主要是因为索尼在其无反光镜相机系列中对IBIS做出了很大的贡献。

IBIS is certainly a nice feature to have, and it can enable you to take shots you’d otherwise miss. However, just like any kind of image stabilization, it comes with the following important caveats:

IBIS当然是一个不错的功能,它可以使您拍摄否则会错过的照片。 但是,就像任何类型的图像稳定一样,它也具有以下重要警告:

  • It only reduces blur from camera shake: If you use a slow shutter speed, like 1/10th of a second, you can expect to get motion blur from anything moving in the frame, even without any camera shake.


  • It’s most useful on longer lenses, but works best at shorter focal lengths: This isn’t a magic solution for wildlife or sports photographers.


  • You’ll get better results by increasing your ISO or aperture: In most situations, this approach is more reliable than image stabilization.


Also, it’s worth noting that many of Canon and Nikon’s new telephoto lenses still feature built-in IS, which works in concert with IBIS to stabilize images. This means you’re essentially paying twice for stabilization.

另外,值得注意的是,佳能和尼康的许多新远摄镜头仍然具有内置的IS,它可以与IBIS协同工作来稳定图像。 这意味着您实际上要为稳定支付两次。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/686211/what-is-in-body-image-stabilization-ibis-on-a-camera/






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