如何在OS X照片中禁用iCloud照片同步

Apple has finally taken the wraps off its iPhoto successor: Photos. It’s great so far, but we’re not sure everyone is going to be thrilled about its iCloud integration. Here is how to make adjustments to Photos’ iCloud features, or turn them off completely.

苹果终于完成了其iPhoto继任者的包装:照片。 到目前为止,一切都很好,但我们不确定每个人都会对其iCloud集成感到兴奋。 以下是对Photos的iCloud功能进行调整或完全将其关闭的方法。

Photos has been a long time coming. Development on iPhoto, which used to be Apple’s go-to photo-editing and library app of choice since 2002, ceased in 2014. To be honest, iPhoto had grown long in tooth and was in dire need of a some kind of refresh but stopping development meant that Apple had a noticeable photos app gap between its desktop operating system and the millions upon millions of iOS devices out there.

照片已经有很长时间了。 自2002年以来一直是Apple首选的照片编辑和图库应用程序,iPhoto的开发于2014年停止。老实说,iPhoto早已发展壮大,迫切需要进行一些刷新,但仍需停止开发意味着苹果的台式机操作系统与数以百万计的iOS设备之间存在明显的照片应用程序差距。

Never fear, however, Photos, which not coincidentally shares the same name and icon with its iOS counterparts, closes that gap in Apple’s OS X photo library/editing/sharing repertoire.

不过,别担心,与iOS对应的照片和名称并不相同的照片弥补了Apple OS X照片库/编辑/共享库中的空白。

Photos is meant to sync across all your devices, meaning if you have an iPad or iPhone, you’ll be able to take a picture on one of those, and it will automatically appear in your Mac’s Photos library, and vice versa.


That said, if you only use a Mac and don’t own an iOS device, or you have stuff on your Mac that you don’t want to share to iCloud, then you probably will want to turn it off, or make changes to Photos’ iCloud options.


在OS X中关闭或更改iCloud照片共享 (Turning Off or Changing iCloud Photos Sharing in OS X)

There are two ways to turn off or at least lessen Photos iCloud sharing. First, open the “System Preferences” and click the “iCloud” icon.

有两种方法可以关闭或至少减少Photos iCloud共享。 首先,打开“系统偏好设置”,然后单击“ iCloud”图标。

The iCloud options allow you to disable any number of features that are hooked into and syncing to your iCloud account. To disable iCloud syncing outright, uncheck the box next to “Photos.”

通过iCloud选项,您可以禁用与iCloud帐户挂钩并同步到其的任何数量的功能。 要完全禁用iCloud同步,请取消选中“照片”旁边的框。

Alternatively, click the “Options…” button for finer control over iCloud Photos syncing.


Here we see your choices. You can turn off automatic uploading and storage, turn off your Photo Stream (in case you’re using a device without iCloud Photo Library), and you can disable iCloud Photo Sharing, so you can’t share your photo albums with other people.

在这里我们看到您的选择。 您可以关闭自动上传和存储功能,关闭Photo Stream(以防万一,如果使用的设备没有iCloud照片库),并且可以禁用iCloud照片共享功能,因此无法与其他人共享相册。

The iCloud Photo options have explanations attached so you know what each one does.
iCloud Photo选项附有说明,因此您可以了解每个功能。

You shouldn’t have too much trouble figuring this stuff out and Apple does explain each option fairly well. We suspect quite a few users will make it an all-or-nothing affair (on/off).

您应该不会太费解找出这些东西,Apple确实很好地解释了每个选项。 我们怀疑相当多的用户会将其全部或全部删除(打开/关闭)。

You can also access these options from the actual Photos app (in the Preferences, “Command + ,”), with one additional option that is actually going to be of interest to a lot of Mac users with crowded hard drives.

您还可以从实际的“照片”应用程序访问这些选项(在“首选项”中为“ Command +”),其中一个附加选项实际上是许多拥挤硬盘驱动器的Mac用户所感兴趣的。

Under the “iCloud Photo Library” option, you can decide how items are stored on your Mac. If you want to store original photos and videos (full resolution) on your Mac, you want to select “Download Originals to this Mac.”

在“ iCloud照片库”选项下,您可以决定如何在Mac上存储项目。 如果要在Mac上存储原始照片和视频(全分辨率),则要选择“将原件下载到此Mac”。

If you want to “Optimize Mac Storage,” your full-resolution items will be stored in iCloud while originals will be only stored on your Mac provided you have enough drive space.


Note, if you want to pause iCloud photo library syncing, click the “Pause for one day” button.

That’s all there is to understanding how Photos shares and syncs photos and videos to iCloud, and it means you can keep your photos on your Mac and share them via other means if iCloud doesn’t strike your fancy.


While turning it off obviously lessens the convenience of having your photos library sync across all your devices, if you’re only using a Mac laptop or desktop, then you may not see the need for having everything stored on iCloud (or maybe you want to back them up to a different cloud storage provider). In any event, if you do one day add an iPhone or iPad to the mix, you can always turn iCloud syncing on again.

虽然将其关闭显然会减少在所有设备上同步照片库的便利性,但是如果您仅使用Mac笔记本电脑或台式机,则可能看不到将所有内容存储在iCloud上的需要(或者也许您想将其备份到其他云存储提供商)。 无论如何,如果有一天将iPhone或iPad添加到混音中,则始终可以再次打开iCloud同步。

We hope this article has been helpful to anyone getting started with Photos on OS X. If you have any questions or comments you want to share with us, please take time to leave your feedback in our discussion forum.

我们希望本文对在OS X上使用Photo的任何人都有所帮助。如果您有任何问题要与我们分享,请花点时间将您的反馈留在我们的论坛中。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/214782/how-to-disable-icloud-photo-syncing-in-os-x-photos/

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