
Shortcuts icon

Apple’s Shortcuts app is as powerful as you want to make it, and it can do some incredible things if you know how to wrangle it. You can also use it for some super simple things, like searching a website for text.

Apple的Shortcuts应用程序功能强大,可以满足您的要求,如果您知道如何处理它,它可以做一些令人难以置信的事情。 您也可以将其用于一些非常简单的事情,例如在网站上搜索文字。

If you find yourself needing to search a website for something regularly, then you’re no doubt familiar with the site search operator. Head to Google—or use the address bar—and enter “site:nameofsite.com keywords” to search that site. Searching the How-To Geek website for Shortcuts, for example, would require “site:howtogeek.com shortcuts” and you’ll be rewarded with the results.

如果您发现自己需要定期在网站上搜索某些内容,那么您无疑会熟悉该网站搜索运营商。 前往Google(或使用地址栏)并输入“ site:nameofsite.com关键字”以搜索该网站 。 例如,在How-To Geek网站上搜索快捷方式时,将需要“ site:howtogeek.com快捷方式”,结果将为您带来回报。

It isn’t a complicated process, but it’s cumbersome to type out every time. That brings us to Shortcuts. And don’t worry, if you want to skip to the end and download the shortcut, that’s fine, too.

这不是一个复杂的过程,但是每次输入都很麻烦。 这将我们带入快捷方式。 不用担心,如果您想跳到最后并下载快捷方式,那也很好。

如何创建搜索网站的快捷方式 (How to Create a Shortcut to Search a Website)

As Shortcuts go, this one’s pretty simple. It consists of two variables and a text box, and it needs just four actions to function.

就捷径而言,这很简单。 它由两个变量和一个文本框组成,仅需四个操作即可起作用。

To get started, open Shortcuts and tap the little “+” icon at the top-right of the screen.

首先,打开快捷方式,然后点击屏幕右上方的小“ +”图标。

Tap the Plus icon

Next, search for “Ask for Input” and tap it. Do this twice to create two actions.

接下来,搜索“询问输入”并点击。 进行两次以创建两个动作。

Search for Text Input and tap it

Enter some text into the two new actions. These will be popups that ask you for the site you want to search, and then the keywords to use. See the screenshots for examples.

在两个新操作中输入一些文本。 这些将是弹出式窗口,要求您提供要搜索的网站,然后是要使用的关键字。 有关示例,请参见屏幕截图。

Enter two suitable strings of text for your two prompts

Next up, search for a “Text” action and tap it. Enter “site:” and then tap the magic variable button.

接下来,搜索“文本”操作并点击它。 输入“ site:”,然后点击魔术变量按钮。

Search for a "Text" action and tap it. Enter "site:" and then tap the magic variable button

Select the first of the two input actions we created earlier.


Tap the first Text Input action

Now type a space, and then select another magic variable. This time, select the second text input we created earlier.

现在键入一个空格,然后选择另一个魔术变量。 这次,选择我们之前创建的第二个文本输入。

Type a space, and then select another magic variable. This time, select the second text input

Finally, search for a “Search Web” action and tap it.


Search for a "Search Web" action and tap it.

And that’s all there is to it. Run your shortcut, and you will be amazed. It’s like magic!

这就是全部。 运行您的快捷方式,您会感到惊讶。 就像魔术!

You can run the shortcut from the Shortcuts app, access it via a widget, or add it to your home screen.


Alternatively, you can access and download the same shortcut here. Do this if you want to compare the shortcut you created with the original, especially if you’re having any problems.

或者,您可以在此处访问和下载相同的快捷方式。 如果您想将创建的快捷方式与原始快捷方式进行比较,请执行此操作,尤其是遇到任何问题时。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/406350/how-to-quickly-search-a-website-using-shortcuts-on-iphone-and-ipad/





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