如何设置Eero Home Wi-Fi系统


If your house has Wi-Fi dead zones and weak spots, it may be time to ditch the old-school router setup and go with a mesh newtork like the Eero Home Wi-Fi System. Eero’s multiple router setup can provide strong Wi-Fi signals to every part of your house, and is easy to set up–no complex extenders, secondary networks, or other confusing steps. Here’s how to get Eero up and running and banish weak Wi-Fi signals for good.

如果您的房屋有Wi-Fi死区和薄弱点,则可能是时候放弃老式路由器的设置,并选择Eero Home Wi-Fi系统之类的网状新技术了。 Eero的多路由器设置可以为房屋的每个部分提供强大的Wi-Fi信号,并且易于设置-无需复杂的扩展器,辅助网络或其他令人困惑的步骤。 这是如何启动和运行Eero并永久消除微弱的Wi-Fi信号的方法。

什么是Eero? (What Is Eero?)


Eero calls itself a “Wi-Fi system”, but it’s actually nothing more than just a few routers that link together in order to blanket your house with the best Wi-Fi signal possible in every nook and cranny. You can buy them in packs of one, two, or three units, mixing and matching so you have as many as you need to cover your house—no matter how big it is.

Eero称自己为“ Wi-Fi系统”,但实际上无非就是几个路由器连接在一起,以便在每个角落都缝隙最好的Wi-Fi信号来覆盖您的房屋。 您可以购买一包 或三包的混合,匹配的包装,这样 ,无论房子多大,都有足够的遮盖空间。

Granted, you can do this with regular routers and Wi-Fi extenders (and for cheaper), but it comes with a host of caveats. Often, the setup process is much more complicated and requires you to dive deep into the router’s settings to change things around. And, depending on your extender, you may end up with a secondary Wi-Fi network that you have to connect to when in certain parts of the house, which is a hassle.

当然,您可以使用常规路由器和Wi-Fi扩展器(并且价格更便宜)来执行此操作,但是它附带了一些警告。 通常,设置过程要复杂得多,需要您深入了解路由器的设置才能进行更改。 而且,根据扩展器的不同,您可能会遇到一个二级Wi-Fi网络,在房屋的某些部分时必须连接到该网络,这很麻烦。

With Eero, everything is dead simple: you just spread the units around your house, plug them into the wall, and follow a few simple steps in their app. The whole thing should take less than 15 minutes, and you’ll have strong signal throughout your home.

使用Eero,一切都变得非常简单:您只需将单元散布在房子周围,将其插入墙上,然后在其应用程序中遵循几个简单的步骤。 整个过程需要不到15分钟的时间,并且整个房屋都会发出强烈的信号。

NOTE: Setting up Eero is the same as setting up a brand new router, rather than amplifying your current Wi-Fi network. If you’re using a modem/router combo, you’ll want to turn off the combo unit’s Wi-Fi network so they don’t interfere (and so you can use the same Wi-Fi name you used before, if you want to). Alternatively, you can contact your internet provider and request a standalone modem instead of a combo unit–or, better yet, buy your own and save some money. Ideally, you should do all this before you begin setting up the Eero system.

注意:设置Eero与设置全新路由器相同,而不是放大当前的Wi-Fi网络。 如果您使用的是调制解调器/路由器组合,则需要关闭组合单元的Wi-Fi网络,以免受到干扰(因此,您可以使用以前使用的相同Wi-Fi名称至)。 或者,您可以联系您的互联网提供商,并请求一个独立的调制解调器,而不是一个组合单元,或者,最好是自己购买并节省一些钱 。 理想情况下,应该在开始设置Eero系统之前执行所有这些操作。

第一步:下载Eero App (Step One: Download the Eero App)


Before you begin, you’ll need to download and install the Eero app to your smartphone. It’s only available on iOS and Android currently, and it’s required to set everything up. Sadly, there is no desktop app at the moment.

在开始之前,您需要下载Eero应用程序并将其安装到智能手机。 目前仅在iOS 和Android 可用,并且需要进行所有设置。 可悲的是,目前没有桌面应用程序。

第二步:创建一个Eero帐户 (Step Two: Create an Eero Account)

Open up the app and tap on “Set up Eero”.



On the next screen, you’ll create an Eero account by entering in your name, phone number, and email address. Hit “Next” when you’re done.

在下一个屏幕上,您将通过输入您的姓名,电话号码和电子邮件地址来创建一个Eero帐户。 完成后点击“下一步”。


You’ll then receive a verification code that will be texted to your phone number. Enter this code in and hit “Next”.

然后,您会收到一个验证码,该验证码将发送到您的电话号码。 输入此代码,然后单击“下一步”。


You’re now ready to start setting up Eero. Tap on “Start” at the bottom of the screen.

现在您可以开始设置Eero。 点击屏幕底部的“开始”。


第三步:安装第一个Eero单元 (Step Three: Install the First Eero Unit)

First, unplug your modem and current router. (If you have a modem/router combo, we’ll just refer to it as your “modem” for the purposes of this tutorial.) The Eero app guides you through the installation, so feel free to follow along in the app as well.

首先,拔下调制解调器和当前路由器的电源。 (如果您有调制解调器/路由器组合,就本教程而言,我们将其称为“调制解调器”。)Eero应用程序会指导您完成安装,因此请随时在应用程序中进行后续操作。 。


Next, take the first Eero unit out of the box (marked with “Start”), along with the ethernet cable and power cable from the box as well.



Take the ethernet cable and plug one end into one of the ethernet ports on the Eero device and plug the other end into a free ethernet port on your modem.



Next, plug your modem back into the wall, and plug in the Eero unit into a free outlet.



Wait for the small LED light on the Eero unit to blink blue and then hit “Next” in the app on the “Starting up your Eero” screen.



The app will search for the Eero and, when found, will display a green checkmark. Hit “Next”.

该应用程序将搜索Eero,并在找到时显示绿色的选中标记。 点击“下一步”。


Select the room that the Eero is in. You have a large selection of options, including living room, bedroom, kitchen, and so on, but you can also choose “Custom” at the bottom and enter in your own room name.



The Eero will finish setting up and will display another green checkmark in the app. Tap “Next”.

Eero将完成设置,并在应用程序中显示另一个绿色对勾。 点击“下一步”。


第四步:创建新的Wi-Fi网络 (Step Four: Create the New Wi-Fi Network)

The next step is to create your Wi-Fi network. As we mentioned earlier, you’re creating an entirely new network here, so if you’re using a modem/router combo, you’ll want to turn off the combo unit’s Wi-Fi network so they don’t interfere (and so you can use the same Wi-Fi name you used before, if you want to).

下一步是创建您的Wi-Fi网络。 正如我们前面提到的,您将在此处创建一个全新的网络,因此,如果您使用调制解调器/路由器组合,则需要关闭组合单元的Wi-Fi网络,以免它们干扰(因此您可以使用以前使用的相同Wi-Fi名称)。

Once you’ve done that, give your new Wi-Fi network a name and password. Hit “Next” when done.

完成此操作后,为新的Wi-Fi网络命名和输入密码。 完成后点击“下一步”。


Give a few moments to set it up and hit “Next” when the success screen appears.



第五步:安装其他任何Eero单元 (Step Five: Install Any Additional Eero Units)

After that, you’ll be asked if you want to set up another Eero unit in your house. If you bought more than one, tap on “Add another Eero”.

之后,系统会询问您是否要在您的房屋中设置另一个Eero装置。 如果您购买了多个,请点击“添加另一个Eero”。


This time around is even simpler than before. All you need to do is plug the second Eero unit into an outlet. Eero suggests placing it within 40 feet of the first unit, but I placed mine all the way downstairs and it works great. Your mileage may vary, though. The app will warn you about this, so scroll through it and then hit “Next”.

这次比以前更简单。 您需要做的就是将第二个Eero装置插入插座。 Eero建议将其放置在第一单元的40英尺内,但我一直将其放置在楼下,效果很好。 但是,您的里程可能会有所不同。 该应用程序将对此警告,请滚动它,然后单击“下一步”。


The setup process within the app is the same as the first Eero unit, where it will search for it and then you’ll select a room that it’s in. After that, you’re all set, and you’ll get to the screen where you can set up another Eero unit if you have one. Simply repeat the above steps to set up any further Eero units.

该应用程序中的设置过程与第一个Eero设备相同,它将在其中进行搜索,然后您选择它所在的房间。在此之后,就完成了所有设置,然后进入屏幕如果有的话,可以在这里设置另一个Eero单元。 只需重复上述步骤即可设置其他Eero装置。

Once you finish setting up all your Eero units and you get to the screen where it asks you if you want to set up more, just tap on “No, I’m all set”.



Tap “All done!” on the next screen.

点击“全部完成!” 在下一个屏幕上。


第六步:如有必要,更新Eero (Step Six: Update Eero if Necessary)

You’ll then be taken to the main status screen, where a software update will most likely be available. So tap on “Update now” at the top.

然后,您将进入主状态屏幕,最有可能在该屏幕上进行软件更新。 因此,点击顶部的“立即更新”。


Tap on “Yes, update now” at the bottom. The update process will take 10 to 15 minutes and the network will go down during that time.

点击底部的“是,立即更新”。 更新过程将花费10到15分钟,在这段时间内网络将关闭。


Once the update is complete, you can begin using Eero and connect to the new Wi-Fi network that it created. You will likely have to re-connect all your laptops, phones, tablets, and other devices to the new network.

更新完成后,您可以开始使用Eero并连接到它创建的新Wi-Fi网络。 您可能必须将所有笔记本电脑,手机,平板电脑和其他设备重新连接到新网络。

The Eero app acts as the main control interface for your Wi-Fi network now. It’s very similar to your router’s old settings page: you can see what’s connected to the network, allow guest access, and even set parental time limits on certain users.

Eero应用程序现在充当您的Wi-Fi网络的主要控制界面。 这与路由器的旧设置页面非常相似:您可以查看连接到网络的内容,允许来宾访问,甚至可以为某些用户设置家长时间限制。


Of course, a lot of the advanced features of a traditional router are missing, but most casual users won’t need anything more than the basics that Eero provides.


If you have other devices that connect to ethernet, like smarthome hubs or a network drive, you can connect those to the ethernet ports on the back of any Eero unit. You can also use these ethernet ports to connect your Eeros units together over ethernet if your house is wired for it, making the wireless signal even better.

如果您有其他连接到以太网的设备(如智能家居集线器或网络驱动器),则可以将这些设备连接到任何Eero设备背面的以太网端口。 如果您的房屋是有线的,您还可以使用这些以太网端口通过以太网将Eeros单元连接在一起,从而使无线信号更好。

Right away, though, you should notice a huge difference in your Wi-Fi signal and speed once you switch to your Eero network. In my house, I used to have multiple spots where my signal was really weak and speeds were crawling. With Eero’s mesh network set up, I’m now getting close to the max speeds that my internet provider gives me.

但是,一旦切换到Eero网络,您应该立即注意到Wi-Fi信号和速度上的巨大差异。 在我的房子里,我曾经有多个地方,在那里我的信号真的很微弱,速度也在爬行。 有了Eero的网状网络,我现在已经接近互联网提供商提供给我的最大速度。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/278447/how-to-set-up-the-eero-home-wi-fi-system/





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