



You want to link your home network to an outbuilding, like a garage or workshop, and wired is the only way to go. How do you run the Ethernet cable safely to the secondary building?

您想将家庭网络链接到附属建筑,例如车库或车间,而有线连接是唯一的方法。 您如何安全地将以太网电缆连接到辅助建筑物?

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“问答”环节由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一个分支,该社区是由社区驱动的Q&A网站分组。

问题 (The Question)

SuperUser reader Yoyoyoyosef is ready to wire his garage with Ethernet, but he has a few questions:


I’m trying to extend my network to an unconnected garage that’s about 20 yards away from my house. What’s the best way to do this?

我正在尝试将网络扩展到距离我家约20码的未连接车库。 最好的方法是什么?

1. Is there special outdoor-rated cat5e/cat6 I should use? 2. If put it in a dug trench, do I need to put it in conduit? 3. If I run parallel to electric, how much separation do I need, and do I go UTP or STP? 4. If I do an overhead run, how should I properly ground it against lightning?

1.我应该使用特殊的户外额定cat5e / cat6吗? 2.如果将其放在挖好的沟槽中,是否需要将其放入导管中? 3.如果我与电气并联运行,我需要多少间隔,我要使用UTP还是STP? 4.如果进行架空运行,应如何将其正确接地以防雷击?

The best way to avoid a minor accident (or a big tragedy) later on is to ask good questions before you start a project; he’s off to a good start here.

避免以后发生小事故(或大悲剧)的最好方法是在开始项目之前先问好问题。 他在这里开了个好头。

答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributor Jweede offers some advice:


Yes. This article answers most of your questions.

是。 本文回答了您的大多数问题。

Is there special outdoor-rated cat5e/cat6 I should use?

我应该使用特殊的户外额定cat5e / cat6吗?

"Preferably, special exterior or direct burial CAT5 cables should be used for outdoor runs instead of ordinary CAT5."

"Preferably, special exterior or direct burial CAT5 cables should be used for outdoor runs instead of ordinary CAT5."

If put it in a dug trench, do I need to put it in conduit?


"Exterior-grade Ethernet cables are waterproof and thus do not require conduit."

"Exterior-grade Ethernet cables are waterproof and thus do not require conduit."

If I run parallel to electric, how much separation do I need, and do I go UTP or STP?


"5-20cm (6-8 inches) and at least that far away from power lines or other sources of electrical interference."

"5-20cm (6-8 inches) and at least that far away from power lines or other sources of electrical interference."

If I do an overhead run, how should I properly ground it against lightning?


"Accordingly, CAT5 surge protectors should be installed as part of outdoor Ethernet networks to guard against lightning strikes."

"Accordingly, CAT5 surge protectors should be installed as part of outdoor Ethernet networks to guard against lightning strikes."

Another contributor, Keck, suggests combining the two installation techniques:


In my experience, it doesn’t hurt to combine both trenched conduit and direct burial wire. Expansion is great. Direct burial alone tends to get eaten rather easily if you have any sort of rat/mole/gopher digging around. Straight conduit can leak if done improperly, but the combo is a reliable combo. If you’re concerned about dealing with conduit, flexible “liquid-tight” grey pvc tubing is “very” easy to route, but does cost a bit more than standard pvc.

以我的经验,结合使用沟槽式导管和直接埋葬线并没有什么坏处。 扩展很棒。 如果您有任何老鼠/痣/地鼠挖,直接埋葬往往会很容易被吃掉。 如果操作不当,直导管可能会泄漏,但是该组合是可靠的组合。 如果您担心要处理导管,那么灵活的“液密”灰色pvc软管“非常”容易布线,但比标准pvc贵一点。

When it comes to underground/remote cable installation, it’s definitely worth the extra money up front to do it right (and avoid the headache of pulling new cable, fixing a sloppy installation, or otherwise doing the whole thing over at a later date).


Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什么补充说明吗? 在评论中听起来不对。 是否想从其他精通Stack Exchange的用户那里获得更多答案? 在此处查看完整的讨论线程

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/165097/how-can-i-safely-run-ethernet-cable-outdoors/






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