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翻译 tail: 无法监视_世界病了:大规模监视

tail: 无法监视How much does your privacy cost? Your medical information, your home address? How much is your browsing and search history? You might have never thought about that. You might have answered w...

2020-09-11 11:32:58 1212

翻译 figma 安装插件_Figma中的插件。 从构思到1000次安装

figma 安装插件Inside the plugin, you can do whatever is available to the developer on the web.There are practically no restrictions on the possibilities, except for those related to the system.Fortuna...

2020-09-11 11:23:06 2117

翻译 数据驱动决策_数据驱动的见解如何帮助更好地制定决策

数据驱动决策The real problem with such a strategy is not the data collection as field sales software is always there but the expansion and analysis of the available data to get insightful details. 这种策略的真...

2020-09-11 11:12:34 1585

翻译 css首行缩进字符间距行高_黑暗代码风格的学院:换行,间距和缩进

css首行缩进字符间距行高Hey guys! Let me walk you through the next part of our dark-style code academy. In this post, we will discover some other ways how to slow down the reading speed of your code. The next ap...

2020-09-11 10:52:06 480

翻译 数字集成电路面试常见问题_关于空间级集成电路的常见误解

数字集成电路面试常见问题 对集成电路辐射硬度的常见误解 (Common misconceptions on the radiation hardness of integrated circuits)Space exploration was always fascinating, and recent developments have reignited the interest to th...

2020-09-11 10:42:24 5892

翻译 无损ElasticSearch数据迁移

Academic data warehouse design recommends keeping everything in a normalized form, with links between. Then the roll forward of changes in relational math will provide a reliable repository with trans...

2020-09-11 10:32:29 231

翻译 android 暗码_暗码风格的学院:如果陈述破坏了

Do you want to raise your salary? Do you want always to be in demand? Do you want to have your job as long as you want? It is absolutely real! You just need to change the way you write your code. Basi...

2020-09-11 10:21:52 131

翻译 cobol 教程_现代COBOL:微服务教程

You will learn and implement a microservice in COBOL without Mainframe. You will structure the project, manage dependencies, implement automatic tests and build virtualized execution environment. Fina...

2020-09-11 10:11:43 2068

翻译 c++auto x:_C2x:未来的C标准

c++auto x:A cue to the events that may come in my day. 提示可能发生在我这一天的事件。 (‘Doctor Zhivago’, Boris Pasternak) (“日瓦戈医生”,鲍里斯·帕斯捷尔纳克(Boris Pasternak)) I’ll be honest: I don’t write in pure C that often ...

2020-09-11 10:00:52 921

翻译 Angular vs React vs Vue 2020

There are various programming languages available but it is difficult to choose the best one when it comes to our own project. And sometimes we even get stuck between the different languages when we...

2020-09-11 09:51:43 460

翻译 kconfig_对自己的项目使用kconfig

kconfig 介绍 (Intro)Every Linux professional write scripts. Someеimes light, linear. Sometimes complex script with functions and libs(yes, you can write your bash-library for use in other scripts). 每个...

2020-09-11 09:41:23 1413

翻译 redis 延迟队列_Java和Redis中的延迟队列

redis 延迟队列Several years ago we had to solve how to enqueue events with an arbitrary delay, e.g. check a status of a payment 3 hours later, or send notification to a client in 45 minutes. At that point...

2020-09-11 09:20:46 524

翻译 程序员 软件工程师_程序员VS工程师

程序员和工程师 有一种方法... (There is a way...)Hello, Habr. I've been watching IT market for a long time. But i'd never written anything. That's the first part of my first article, so please don't hate it too...

2020-09-11 09:10:10 269

翻译 关于测试工程师_关于测试

关于测试的问题Despite of lots of benefits, tests have two fundamental problems: there is no architecture at all (quality), nobody knows what is the meaning of the quantity. 尽管有很多好处,但是测试仍然存在两个基本问题:根本没有架构(质量...

2020-09-11 09:00:53 95

翻译 土著实验室

土著生物实验室 (Indibiome labs) 项目执行摘要,指出项目的当前发展和基本目标 (Project Executive Summary indicating current developments and basic goals of the Project)Indibiome labs for kids are franchise network food labs pr...

2020-09-11 08:49:55 282

翻译 aws cdn_摩托 模拟AWS

If your application uses 如果您的应用程序使用Amazon Web Services, Amazon Web Services ,那么python library python库moto is the perfect thing for that.moto是完美的选择。 Full list of implementation coverage is 实施覆盖范围...

2020-09-11 08:39:48 192

翻译 afl过程_动物园AFL

In this article, we're going to talk about not the classical AFL itself but about utilities designed for it and its modifications, which, in our view, can significantly improve the quality of fuzzin...

2020-09-11 08:30:08 837

翻译 破解JWT令牌

For Educational Purposes Only! Intended for 仅用于教育目的! 旨在用于Hackers Penetration testers.黑客渗透测试人员。 问题 (Issue)The algorithm HS256 uses the secret key to sign and verify each message. The algorithm RS...

2020-09-11 08:20:50 2853

翻译 系统测试集成测试单元测试_关于集成测试

关于集成测试的内容正确的是Previously] I was talking about combinatorial complexity of integration tests in multicomponent systems, so let me remind. Let's build a simple system with only 3 components inside. It ca...

2020-09-11 08:11:00 309

翻译 目标实现软件_如何实现目标?

目标实现软件 5个秘诀 (5 tips) to help you achieve your desired goal. Of course, it is not necessary to carry them all out and in the order indicated. However, it is important not only to read them and forget,...

2020-09-11 08:00:14 522

翻译 如何建立品牌?

Brand building is a long process. Be prepared that it will take not one, not two, or even 6 months — you must be ready to work on it all the time. 品牌建设是一个漫长的过程。 准备好要花费一个月,两个月甚至六个月的时间-您必须时刻准备着工作。 如何...

2020-09-11 07:50:12 428

翻译 血糖 miaomiao_血糖和COVID-19

血糖 miaomiaoIn the article below I summarise my knowledge on infection and immunity, back it up by links to COVID observations of doctors and scientific papers. 在下面的文章中,我总结了我对感染和免疫力的知识,并通过链接到医生和科学论文的...

2020-09-11 07:40:02 685

翻译 vue输入框限制输入_真正输入Vue

vue输入框限制输入inb4: This is not another "setting up" a new project with Vue and TypeScript tutorial. Let's do some deep dive into more complex topics! inb4:这不是另一个使用Vue和TypeScript教程“设置”新项目的方法。 让我们深入研究更复杂的主...

2020-09-11 07:30:46 1465

翻译 黑人是晒黑的吗_Indibiome是新的黑人

黑人是晒黑的吗Indibiome is discussed in my previous paper in Russian ( 在我之前的论文中,俄语中讨论了土著生物( link). Shortly indibiome is indigenous microbiome, like indigenous people, term is used below in the meaning «inh...

2020-09-11 07:20:11 678

翻译 css切换按钮_CSS上的切换按钮

css切换按钮Have you ever seen an attractive Toggle Button on various web-pages or apps? Today we will create it with you together! 您是否曾经在各种网页或应用程序上看到过吸引人的切换按钮 ? 今天我们将与您共同创造! 为什么需要它? (Why you need it?)T...

2020-09-11 07:10:35 2219

翻译 算法训练营 重编码_什么是编码训练营?

算法训练营 重编码The goal of many bootcamp coding attendants is to move into a web development career. They do this by learning to build applications at a professional level – providing the foundation they ...

2020-09-11 07:01:26 257

翻译 有条件覆盖

Recently I had to add python3.8 for our Python linter (the strictest one in existence): wemake-python-styleguide. And during this straight-forward (at first look) task, I have found several problems w...

2020-09-11 06:52:06 312

翻译 电报注册_更秘密的电报

电报注册We used to think of Telegram as a reliable and secure transmission medium for messages of any sort. But under the hood, it has a rather common combination of a- and symmetric encryptions. Where's ...

2020-09-11 06:41:50 4108

翻译 metapost_MetaPost中的各种事情

metapostMetaPost became the focus of these fantasies.MetaPost成为了这些幻想的焦点。 The main advantage of using MetaPost (or similar) solution is that every picture can be a sort of function of several variabl...

2020-09-11 06:31:43 744

翻译 sidecar_Sidecar用于代码拆分

Code splitting. Code splitting is everywhere. However, why? Just because there is too much of javascript nowadays, and not all are in use at the same point in time. 代码拆分。 代码拆分无处不在。 但是,为什么呢? 仅仅是因为现在的ja...

2020-09-11 06:21:34 486

翻译 react手机验证码验证码_React令牌验证

react手机验证码验证码 问题 (Problem)Authorization is one of the first problems developers face upon starting a new project. And one of the most common types of authorization (from my experience) is the token-b...

2020-09-11 06:01:44 1294

翻译 drf 和 django_对Django和DRF进行类型检查

drf 和 djangoAs you have already know I love optional static typing. The thing is that sometimes it is not optional, but impossible. Because we have plenty of big untyped projects in Python's ecosystem...

2020-09-11 05:51:28 484

翻译 分解分解二_清洁分解

分解分解二The decomposition problem was encountered by the NullGravity mobile development team and below how we solved it and what get in the end. NullGravity移动开发团队遇到了分解问题,下面是我们如何解决它以及最终得到什么。 史前史 (Prehi...

2020-09-11 05:41:25 260

翻译 中断,中断向量,中断向量表_旧版中断

中断,中断向量,中断向量表Right at the beginning, we need to outline a couple of details for our readers: 从一开始,我们就需要为读者概述一些细节: All Autonomous System Numbers under 1000 are called “lower ASNs,” as they are the f...

2020-09-11 05:30:57 309

翻译 Python与R —数据科学

While a great deal of data researchers will discuss the customary shortcomings like data wrangling in R or data representation in Python, ongoing improvements like Altair for Python or R have adequa...

2020-09-11 05:20:50 143

翻译 c#之.net 版本问题_C#和.NET棘手的问题

c#之.net 版本问题I have collected some most interesting and not well-known questions from the web. And also based on interesting books, articles and videos I have seen, I have wrote some of questions mys...

2020-09-11 05:10:52 320

翻译 wire tox_Tox-rs的漫长旅程。 第1部分

Hi everyone! 嗨,大家好! I like Tox and respect the participants of this project and their work. In an effort to help Tox developers and users, I looked into the code and noticed potential problems that c...

2020-09-11 05:01:00 839

翻译 ror 和 shr_使用RoR和React Native的ANPR

ror 和 shr 抽象 (Abstract)Due to the never-ending increase in volume of vehicles surrounding our daily lives, Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR), has become an evolving solution for managing an...

2020-09-11 04:51:14 465

翻译 谷歌地图如何制定火车路线_如何制定完美的路线图?

谷歌地图如何制定火车路线 制定路线图的各个阶段 (stages of creating a roadmap) and learn about 并了解 创建理想路线图的服务 (services for creating the ideal roadmap). 。 7 years ago most of the roadmaps were made in PowerPoint or ...

2020-09-11 04:42:13 1306

翻译 使用丝裂原加快Ansible的速度

与Mitogen一起加快Ansible! (Speed up Ansible with Mitogen!)→ Russian version → 俄语版 Ansible is one of most popular Configuration Management Systems nowadays. After it was acquired by Red Hat in 2015 Ansib...

2020-09-11 04:31:24 368



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