geek 手势代表什么_询问How-To Geek:为什么您永远不应该清理PC,为Kindle转换书籍以及使用一个键盘控制多台计算机...

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geek 手势代表什么


You’ve got questions and we’ve got answers. Today we take a look at why you should never vacuum your dusty PC, how covert books to read on the Kindle, and how to control multiple computers with one keyboard and mouse.

您有问题,我们有答案。 今天,我们来看看为什么您永远不应该清理尘土飞扬的PC,如何在Kindle上阅读秘密书籍,以及如何用一个键盘和鼠标控制多台计算机。

在没有吸尘器的情况下清理尘土飞扬的PC (Cleaning Out Your Dusty PC sans Vacuum Cleaner)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I’ve heard from more than one person that it’s a bad idea to vacuum out the inside of your PC… but why? I’d like to get to the bottom of things before I accidently destroy my computer.

我已经收到不止一个人的来信,清理PC内部是一个坏主意……但是为什么呢? 在不小心破坏计算机之前,我想深入了解一切。



Dusty in Delaware


Dear Dusty,


It’s bad to clean the inside of your computer with a vacuum cleaner because vacuuming creates a large static build up that could (and most likely will) discharge into the sensitive electronics inside your computer case. There are specialized vacuum cleaners designed for cleaning out computers and electronic equipment but given the limited amount of use a single user would get from such a purchase it’s not a very wise one—they start at $300+ and can easily break the $1000 price barrier.

用真空吸尘器清洁计算机内部是很不好的,因为吸尘会形成大量静电,这些静电可能(很可能会)排放到计算机机箱内部的敏感电子设备中。 有专门用于清洁计算机和电子设备的吸尘器,但是鉴于单个用户只能从这种购买中获得有限的使用量,所以这并不是一个明智的选择,起价为300美元以上,可以轻松突破1000美元的价格障碍。

What we’d recommend doing is taking your computer case into a well ventilated area (outside on a sunny day or in your garage is a great place), grounding the case to protect against static discharge (although the risk here is very very low) and using compressed air to clean the dust off. If you’re using an air compressor (as opposed to just a can of compressed air from the computer store) make sure to start a good 24″ or so away from the case and work your way in closer. You want to use just enough air pressure to blast the dust off the surfaces and out of the case without overdoing it and pushing dust into even more difficult to remove places.

我们建议您将计算机机箱带入通风良好的区域(晴天外或在车库中的好地方),将机箱接地以防静电释放(尽管此处的风险非常低)并使用压缩空气清除灰尘。 如果您使用的是空气压缩机(而不是一罐来自计算机商店的压缩空气),请确保距离机壳24英寸左右良好的距离,并朝近距离方向移动。 您只需要使用足够的气压即可将灰尘从表面吹出并吹出外壳,而又不会过度吹入并将灰尘推入更难以清除的地方。

One important thing to consider: compressed air (from a compressor, not a can) contains minute amounts of water vapor. Although we’ve never actually heard of this happening to anyone it is (however remote the chance) possible to blow moisture into the connectors on your mother board and damage it if you were to boot it immediately afterwards. This is in the range of lightening-strike remote, however. None the less to be extra cautious we would recommend that you leave the computer off and in a warm dry location for a few hours after you give it a good air-compressor cleaning to allow any residual moisture (if it’s even there to begin with) to evaporate. This borders on paranoid caution, mind you, but better safe than sorry.

要考虑的一件事很重要:压缩空气(来自压缩机,而不是罐子)含有微量的水蒸气。 尽管我们从未真正听说过发生在任何人身上的情况,但是(如果有多远的话)有可能将潮气吹入主板上的连接器并损坏,如果您随后要立即启动它的话。 但是,这在雷击远程范围内。 仍然要格外小心,我们建议您在对计算机进行良好的空气压缩机清洁之后将其关闭,并在温暖干燥的地方放置几个小时,以免残留水分(如果有的话)。蒸发。 请注意,这有点偏执,但要比遗憾更好。

为Kindle转换书籍 (Converting Books for the Kindle)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I need to be able to convert ePub books into AZW books so that I can read them on my Kindle. How can I do this? Also, is there an easy way to remove DRM from ePub and AZW documents? Thanks!

我需要能够将ePub图书转换为AZW图书,以便可以在Kindle上阅读它们。 我怎样才能做到这一点? 此外,是否有一种简便的方法可以从ePub和AZW文档中删除DRM? 谢谢!



Formats, Conversions, and DRM, Oh my!


Dear Formats,


There are applications out there that will convert documents into AZW format. They’re usually quite specialized (such as just converting one particular format like PDF to AZW) and often not particular effective. That’s not a problem though! Kindles read the MOBI format quite nicely and it’s very easy to convert to the MOBI format. We’d suggest downloading a copy of the excellent open source application Calibre and using that to manage all your non-Amazon purchases on your Kindle. From within Calibre you can convert from many formats into MOBI (including from ePub to MOBI).

有一些应用程序可以将文档转换为AZW格式。 它们通常非常专业(例如仅将PDF等特定格式转换为AZW),通常效果不佳。 但这不是问题! Kindle很好地阅读了MOBI格式,很容易转换成MOBI格式。 我们建议下载出色的开源应用程序Calibre的副本,并使用它来管理您在Kindle上的所有非Amazon购买。 在Calibre中,您可以将多种格式转换为MOBI(包括从ePub转换为MOBI)。

As for stripping DRM from ePub and AZW books, it’s a royal pain in the ass. ePub encryption schemes vary quite widely from publisher to publisher and AZW DRM stripping used to be just a moderate pain in the ass but is now a huge pain in the ass thanks to Amazon’s institution of per-book keys (instead of using universal keys). Decrypting and stripping the DRM is pretty much a case-by-case basis and not worth the effort unless you’re trying to strip the DRM off a book to use on another device and you can’t find a copy of it from the “usual sources”, if you will. Sorry there isn’t an easy solution! DRM is an enormous pain.

至于从ePub和AZW书籍中删除DRM,这是一个麻烦。 ePub加密方案因发行商而异,发行人之间的差异很大,而AZW DRM剥离曾经只是一个中等的痛苦,但是现在由于亚马逊的每本书密钥制度(而不是使用通用密钥)而成为一个巨大的痛苦。 解密和剥离DRM几乎是逐案的基础,不值得付出努力,除非您试图从一本书中剥离DRM以便在另一台设备上使用,并且您无法从“常规来源”(如果愿意)。 抱歉,没有一个简单的解决方案! DRM是一个巨大的痛苦。

通过一个键盘和鼠标控制多台计算机 (Controlling Multiple Computers via One Keyboard and Mouse)


Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I have my desktop with Windows 7 and 2 monitors. I would like to setup another rig right next to it, and install Ubuntu on it. I would then like to use a KVM switch and/or software, and be able to hotswap operate either OS on both monitors, or Windows on one and Ubuntu on the other. How can I achieve this one keyboard, one mouse, dual machine nirvana?

我的台式机装有Windows 7和2台显示器。 我想在它旁边设置另一个装备,并在其上安装Ubuntu。 然后,我想使用KVM切换器和/或软件,并且能够热交换操作两台显示器上的OS,或者一台显示器上的Windows,另一台显示器上的Ubuntu。 我该如何实现一个键盘,一个鼠标,双机必杀技?



Attempting Omnicontrol in Omaha


Dear Omnicontrol,


You’re in luck. This is one of those geek moments where a perfectly elegant, robust, and free solution exists. You need a copy of Synergy. Synergy is an awesome application that allows you to control multiple machines using a single keyboard and mouse input. One of your machines acts as the server and the rest of the machines act as clients. It’s quite snappy and a solution well loved by geeks of all stripes. It’s free, open source, and works on Windows, Mac, and Linux machines.

你真幸运。 这是极好的瞬间,其中存在完美优雅,强大且免费的解决方案。 您需要一份Synergy副本 。 Synergy是一个很棒的应用程序,它使您可以使用单个键盘和鼠标输入来控制多台计算机。 您的一台计算机充当服务器,其余计算机充当客户端。 这是相当活泼的解决方案,深受各方面极客的喜爱。 它是免费的开源软件,可在Windows,Mac和Linux计算机上使用。

Have a burning question? Shoot us an email at and we’ll do our best to get you an answer!

有一个迫切的问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至 ,我们将尽力为您解答!


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