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翻译 什么是Google Workspace?它会完全取代G Suite吗?

Google谷歌For over a decade, G Suite was Google’s collection of professional productivity tools. As the way people work has evolved, so has G Suite. To signify this transformation, Google rebranded the ...

2020-10-12 14:51:17 6216

翻译 如何在Google Chrome浏览器中更改主页

Google Chrome opens with a “New Tab” page by default, but it’s easy to open the browser with a custom startup page instead. You can also set the page that appears when you click an optional “Home” ico...

2020-10-12 14:41:56 2741

翻译 使用SMTP在SQL Server中发送自动作业电子邮件通知

When you have automated backup jobs running on your database server, sometimes you forget that they are even running. Then you forget to check to see if they are running successfully, and don’t realiz...

2020-10-12 09:44:00 1716

翻译 如何在Windows 10上快速找到程序的EXE文件

If you’re doing advanced troubleshooting or configuration of a Windows 10 application and need to locate the program’s EXE file in File Explorer, there’s a quick way to do it if you have access to a s...

2020-10-12 09:02:12 5525

翻译 ubuntu添加静态库_在Ubuntu上添加额外的存储库

ubuntu添加静态库Repositories on Ubuntu are the locations that you can download software from. As a general rule, the default repositories don’t contain the right locations for most software packages that y...

2020-10-12 08:51:45 529

翻译 如何在iPhone和iPad上更改默认浏览器

Safari is a great web browser, but there’s a reason why Google Chrome has the largest market share. Thankfully, as long as you’re running iOS 14, iPadOS 14, or higher, you can set any third-party brow...

2020-10-12 08:13:57 6812

翻译 更改VMware NAT的DHCP IP地址范围

VMware Workstation includes a network utility that allows you to manage the virtual networks. Typically virtual machines will use NAT (Network AddressTranslation)to automatically assign a virtual IP...

2020-10-12 07:53:42 753

翻译 谷歌浏览器在编辑器中打不开_如何在Google文档中使用编辑器聊天

谷歌浏览器在编辑器中打不开If you’re working on a Google Docs document with others, then you don’t need to rely on a third-party service to communicate. While you could add comments, another way to send messages is...

2020-10-12 07:13:38 884

翻译 carplay_如何更改您的CarPlay壁纸

carplayJustin Duino贾斯汀·杜伊诺(Justin Duino)When it comes to CarPlay, Apple doesn’t let you modify much of the in-car infotainment system’s appearance. Thankfully, as long as you’re running iOS 14 or high...

2020-10-12 06:32:09 15442

翻译 c#中将整数转化为字符串_在C#中将字符串格式化为货币

c#中将整数转化为字符串When building a string for output to a web page, it’s useful to format any currency value in a human-friendly money format. This is extremely easy in C#.构建用于输出到网页的字符串时,以人类友好的货币格式格式化任何货币值非...

2020-10-12 05:02:30 1098

翻译 在Vista中禁用Windows边栏

Let’s be honest: If you are reading this article, then you probably think the Windows Sidebar in Windows Vista is cheesy and useless. Thankfully it’s also easy to disable.坦白说:如果您正在阅读本文,那么您可能会认为Window...

2020-10-12 04:30:34 178

翻译 在Windows中一次对多个硬盘驱动器进行碎片整理

The Disk Defragment utility in Windows XP does not include a way to defragment all hard drives at the same time, which is inconvienient when you have more than one hard drive in your computer.Windows...

2020-10-12 03:00:10 409

翻译 如何找到Mac的屏幕分辨率

The resolution (in pixels by pixels) of your Mac’s display determines how much information you can fit on screen and how sharp the image is, so it’s important to know. If you run a full-screen game or...

2020-10-12 01:16:59 4321

翻译 如何在Microsoft PowerPoint中使图像透明

Microsoft PowerPoint provides a suite of basic image-editing tools, including the ability to change the opacity of an object or photo. If you want, you can even change the transparency of only a certa...

2020-10-11 22:27:48 1310

翻译 为什么我的Windows Vista字体看起来很糟糕?

If you’ve just bought a computer with Windows Vista installed and your fonts look awful, especially when browsing the web, it could be because the default settingsenabled by the manufacturerhave fon...

2020-10-11 21:07:47 161

翻译 从命令行清除IE7浏览历史记录

If you like to build batch files to automate cleanup on your computer, you’ll probably want to include at least one of these commands in your batch script. You can automate any one of the functions on...

2020-10-11 20:57:32 231

翻译 什么是Instagram卷轴,它是TikTok克隆吗?

Reels is a new feature on Instagram that allows people to create 15-second videos á la Vine and TikTok. But is Instagram Reels just a TikTok clone?Reels是Instagram一项新功能,可让人们创建15秒的视频,例如Vine和TikTok。 但是I...

2020-10-11 20:38:20 1229

翻译 airpods2防水测评_您的AirPods或AirPods Pro防水吗?

airpods2防水测评Prostock-studio / ShutterstockProstock-studio / ShutterstockIf you’re going for a run in the rain, or if you accidentally left your AirPods or AirPods Pro in your laundry (which happens to...

2020-10-11 18:58:37 4678

翻译 如何在Strava上阻止某人

Nutthanun Gunthasen/Shutterstock.comNutthanun Gunthasen / Shutterstock.comStrava, like all social media apps, can reveal a huge amount of information about you. Even if you stop random strangers from ...

2020-10-11 18:47:38 590

翻译 “ IMY”是什么意思,如何使用?

PlusONE/ShutterstockPlusONE /快门In today’s busy world, it’s not always easy to find the time to call and catch up with friends and loved ones. Instead of never communicating, when you’re thinking about...

2020-10-11 17:27:10 14504

翻译 通过SSH远程访问MySQL服务器

So you’ve got MySQL on your web server, but it’s only opened to local ports by default for security reasons. If you want to accessyour databasefrom a client tool like the MySQL Query Browser, normal...

2020-10-11 17:17:02 976

翻译 在Linux上使用htop监视系统进程

Most people familiar with Linux have used the top command line utility to see what process is taking the most CPU or memory. There’s a similar utility called htop that is much easier to use for normal...

2020-10-11 16:15:40 155

翻译 如何在YouTube上制作播放列表

A YouTube playlist is the best way to create a tailored list containing your favorite videos. You can group videos together by channel or interest, as well as share your playlist for others to use or ...

2020-10-11 15:06:08 2608

翻译 管理Windows Home Server设置

Here is how to manage basicWindows Home Server settings. Screen shots speak for themselves so here we go!这是管理基本Windows Home Server设置的方法。 屏幕截图可以说明一切,所以我们开始吧!From the Start Menu open up Windows Home...

2020-10-11 14:26:24 305

翻译 使用yousendit通过Internet发送大文件

I have been a fan of yousendit.com for a few years now. This is a decent and reliable service to email large files to others. The maximum size is 100 MB for the free version. You can send larger files...

2020-10-11 13:45:45 296

翻译 iphone 屏幕_如何在iPhone的主屏幕上添加和删除小部件

iphone 屏幕Khamosh PathakKhamosh PathakApple brought widgets to the iPhone’s Home screen with iOS 14. They are an evolved form of the widgets from the Today View screen. Here’s how to add and remove wid...

2020-10-11 10:51:59 2224

翻译 在Windows 7或Vista中禁用Windows Mobility Center

Windows Mobility Center is a fairly useful tool for those of us using Windows 7 or Vista on a laptop computer, but might not be for everybody, especially since it takes over the Win+X keyboard shortcu...

2020-10-11 08:51:19 224

翻译 苹果mac有什么用_苹果的T2“安全芯片”在Mac中有什么作用?

苹果mac有什么用Apple苹果Apple proudly advertises that its latest and greatest Mac models come with a T2 security chip, but what does it do? And, more importantly, does a T2 chip create more problems than it s...

2020-10-11 07:11:09 2287

翻译 将虚拟PC添加到XP(第1部分)

Why should Vista Ultimate get all of the cool toys like Virtual PC? You can add Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 to your existing XP box now. This is a free download from Microsoft. In this post I am goin...

2020-10-11 06:01:20 117

翻译 从Microsoft Office 2007应用程序保存为PDF

In continuing with my apparent PDF theme this week, I thought it would be good to point out a nice Add-In for Microsoft Office 2007 which allows you to save or email documents in PDF format. Just dow...

2020-10-11 03:46:18 796

翻译 如何始终在Google Chrome浏览器中显示完整URL

Google Chrome hides the “https://” and “www.” in web addresses until you click twice in the address field. If you’d rather see the full URL, you can by enabling a hidden flag added in Chrome 83. You’l...

2020-10-11 00:49:57 5463

翻译 xp好还是vista好_Windows XP的Vista风格模拟桌面时钟

xp好还是vista好One of the features that regular users seem to love in Windows Vista is the sidebar’s analog clock. Every time I glance at somebody’s desktop in a coffee shop they are using one. Windows XP...

2020-10-10 23:51:47 192

翻译 如何关闭Steam的弹出广告

When you launch Steam, it normally shows a pop-up window with advertisements for updates to games you own and new games. Here’s how to turn those popup ads off.当您启动Steam时,它通常会显示一个弹出窗口,其中带有广告,用于更新您拥有的...

2020-10-10 22:19:49 5887

翻译 日历代码 谷歌无法显示当日_在Windows日历中显示您的Google日历

日历代码 谷歌无法显示当日Windows Vista includes a built-in calendar application that’s pretty slick, but as an addict to Google Calendar, I’d like to just view my Google calendar in a desktop client. This is wher...

2020-10-10 18:40:41 318

翻译 在Stage.FM上找到新音乐

I found a cool site today while cruising around the Internet. Stage.FM is a great site to find new unsigned artists and bands. This site is a social network for independent, unsigned musicians and f...

2020-10-10 17:51:26 77

翻译 cc cleaner 注册_使用Yahoo!的CC Cleaner的不同版本!

cc cleaner 注册Today I ran into a new version of CC Cleaner v 2.06 which includes the Yahoo Toolbar with the installation. According to the instructions this allows you to use CC Cleaner from your brow...

2020-10-10 17:41:20 402

翻译 轻松将桌面快捷方式更改为XP中包含的图标

Unhappy with the way the shortcut icons on your desktop look? Here is a quick way to change them to a different icon included in XP.对桌面上的快捷方式图标的外观感到不满意? 这是将它们更改为XP中包含的其他图标的快速方法。Here I have a shortc...

2020-10-10 17:21:20 107

翻译 superfetch_如何在Windows Vista上禁用SuperFetch

superfetchThe SuperFetch service in Windows Vista preloads your system’s memory with the applications that you use most often. This makes launching of those applications much faster, but it might be a...

2020-10-10 16:31:49 309

翻译 xp注册表备份位置_在Windows中轻松备份注册表

xp注册表备份位置Anytime you make a change to your computer it is definitely recommended to do a system backup, create a restore point, or backup the registry. The latter being most important when going into...

2020-10-10 14:50:15 367

翻译 火狐4.9保存书签不显示_将Firefox书签导入Opera 9.5

火狐4.9保存书签不显示Opera 9.5 was officially released today. I started to play with this version today and I must say I am quite impressed! Here is a quick how-to on importing your Firefox bookmarks into Op...

2020-10-10 14:20:40 177



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