

Guides to help you work remotely seem to have swept through the Internet these days.


Do this, avoid that, stay productive, and all those run-of-the-mill tips we’ve already tried out.

这样做避免那样保持生产力 ,以及我们已经尝试过的所有常规技巧。

So instead of talking about how your remote team needs to schedule out their day effectively or clean their desk, here I am focusing on the hands-on tips you can apply to manage your software development team while working remotely.

因此, 在这里我没有讨论远程团队如何有效地安排他们的工作时间或清理办公桌, 而是在这里着重介绍可用于在远程工作时管理软件开发团队的动手技巧。

First, we need to understand the exact meaning of “remote teams”.


This will allow you to clearly see that having even one individual who’s working separately means you should improve the way in which you manage your team and the process they use for remote team collaboration and task execution.


真正的远程团队是什么? (What are remote teams really?)

Today, millions of companies are faced with remote work situations in one form or another. Whether they’re fully-distributed organizations, have a couple of employees working from another part of the world, or just regularly work with external collaborators.

如今,数百万公司以一种或另一种形式面临着远程工作环境。 无论他们是完全分布式的组织,有几个在世界其他地方工作的员工,还是只是定期与外部合作者合作。

The first thing that comes to your mind when you think of remote teams is something like: different people working from all parts of the world and distinct time zones on a single project and having the same general goals.


In reality, there are many remote teams that have employees in a single country or even in one city. It’s just that everyone works from their own home, without having to go to the office. 🥳 This saves on costs while managing remote teams.

实际上,有许多远程团队的员工在一个国家甚至一个城市中。 只是每个人都可以在家中工作,而不必去办公室。 managing这样可以节省管理远程团队时的成本。

But many companies (software development included) have offices in multiple countries. When your US team members talk to their colleagues from the UK, they’re essentially collaborating remotely. So remote team communication is a must in these cases even if everyone is in the office.

但是许多公司(包括软件开发)在多个国家设有办事处。 当您的美国团队成员与英国的同事交谈时,他们实际上是在远程协作。 因此,即使每个人都在办公室,在这种情况下,远程团队沟通也是必须的。

This being said, whether work is done from an office or not is not necessarily a defining factor for remote teams. The problems you could experience lie solely within the communication and work processes.

话虽如此,是否在办公室完成工作并不一定是远程团队的决定因素。 您可能遇到的问题仅在于沟通和工作过程中。

跨多个时区管理远程软件开发团队的最佳实践 (Best practices for managing remote software development teams across multiple time zones)

Since you’re probably used to all the “do this to be productive” rants, I’ll try to tell you what you might not know.

由于您可能已经习惯了所有“ 这样做以提高生产力 ”,所以我将尽力告诉您您可能不知道的内容。

为您的远程团队雇用合适的人 (Hire the right people for your remote teams)

People are the heart of any team.


So if you hire the right professionals [and humans] for your team, you’re halfway to success.


On the hiring and interviewing process, here are some of the best tips from Shannon Hogue, Global Head of Solutions Engineering, @Karat:

关于招聘和面试过程,以下是来自Karat解决方案工程全球负责人Shannon Hogue的一些最佳技巧:

“I always tell hiring managers to start at the review and work back to determine which core competencies should be listed in a job description. Then, to keep things standard across a global network of Interview Engineers, we put those competencies into structured scoring rubrics for each interview.

“我总是告诉招聘经理要从审查开始,然后再努力确定应在职位描述中列出哪些核心能力。 然后,为使面试工程师的全球网络保持标准,我们将这些能力纳入每次面试的结构化评分标准中。

“I always tell hiring managers to start at the review and work back to determine which core competencies should be listed in a job description. Then, to keep things standard across a global network of Interview Engineers, we put those competencies into structured scoring rubrics for each interview.

“我总是告诉招聘经理,从审查开始,然后再努力确定应在职位描述中列出哪些核心能力。 然后,为使面试工程师的全球网络保持标准,我们将这些能力纳入每次面试的结构化评分标准中。

Here are 3 quick steps for building a structured rubric that can help keep everyone on the same page, be it for hiring or managing:


Here are 3 quick steps for building a structured rubric that can help keep everyone on the same page, be it for hiring or managing:


Identify what competencies are both relevant and important to assess.


Identify what competencies are both relevant and important to assess.


For each competency, list observable behavior and results as checkboxes (select all) and/or radio buttons (choose one).


For each competency, list observable behavior and results as checkboxes (select all) and/or radio buttons (choose one).


Write down an “algorithm” to help interviewers summarize a completed rubric into a single conclusion.


Write down an “algorithm” to help interviewers summarize a completed rubric into a single conclusion.


Here’s what Shannon’s example could look like:


Beyond any hiring tip, effective remote work also imposes a question on whether your office workers will adapt to the new lifestyle.

除了招聘技巧外,有效的远程工作还对您的办公室工作人员是否会 适应新的生活方式 提出了一个问题

If you’re switching from an office team to a distributed one or even if you want to hire someone who hasn’t worked remotely before, you need to guarantee they’ll fit in the team and work efficiently in your remote team even before day #1.


For software developers the demand is so high that you’ll often bump into this problem:


How do I make sure that who I’m hiring is the perfect fit within our team when they haven’t worked remotely at all? 🤔

当他们根本不在远程工作时,如何确保我雇用的人是我们团队中的最佳人选? 🤔

Perhaps tech professionals are some of the easiest to assess beforehand. Check out any of their side projects, if they own a business or do freelancing, and even look at their online presence.

也许技术专业人员是事先最容易评估的。 查看他们的任何附带项目(如果他们拥有企业或从事自由职业),甚至查看他们的在线形象。

A developer who’s only been putting work for their official job and has no GitHub repositories and projects to boast is clearly not going to be someone you’ll trust right away.


Trust and accountability are the 2 main attributes to consider beyond any hard skills.


These two character traits (which we often ignore because we’re too focused on business results) can predict whether that person will fit within your team culture. And, even more importantly, if they’re willing to stay with your company for many years to come and dedicate themselves to your project.

这两个字符特征(由于我们过于关注业务成果而经常被忽略)可以预测该人是否适合您的团队文化。 而且,更重要的是,如果他们愿意在您公司任职多年,并致力于您的项目。

From then on, managing remote teams is also a matter of how you handle their training.


入职培训 (Onboarding and training)

The trial period all HR experts recommend exists for a good reason. It allows you to literally SEE how they work, collaborate, and get along with the rest of the team.

人力资源专家建议的试用期是有充分理由的。 它使您可以从字面上了解他们如何与团队其他成员一起工作,协作和相处。

Many managers make the mistake of hiring a developer, letting them start the trial weeks, but not monitoring what they’re actually doing.


Don’t assume that someone who seems skilled and experienced will deliver the same commitment and quality of work to you too. May I say this is the best and only time to be a micromanager and literally oversee all of their actions.

不要以为看起来熟练和经验丰富的人也会向您提供相同的承诺和工作质量。 我可以说,这是成为微观管理人员并监督其所有行为的最佳也是唯一的时间。

But do offer your help within the first days by making sure they have all resources needed and making the appropriate introductions to your team.


Get them involved in the code writing process for your project as soon as possible so you can get a better feel of how they conduct their work. I’ll also advise you to try a pair programming session during the hiring process too. More on this procedure later in this guide.

让他们尽快参与项目的代码编写过程,以便您更好地了解他们如何进行工作。 我也建议您在招聘过程中尝试一对编程会话。 本指南后面将详细介绍此过程。

准备正确的工作方法 (Prepare the right work methods )

This is largely the manager’s decision. Team feedback is only valid when everyone knows the relevant best practices and benefits of each work method. This doesn’t mean you can't get their input on the methods they’d prefer to use. However, letting them take care of the decision process will only give rise to conflicts and postpone the choice for the time being since there simply will be too many opinions for you to sort out.

这很大程度上是经理的决定。 只有当每个人都知道每种工作方法的相关最佳做法和收益时,团队反馈才有效。 这并不意味着您无法在他们希望使用的方法上得到他们的输入。 但是,让他们来负责决策过程只会引起冲突,并暂时推迟选择,因为根本就没有太多的意见可供您整理。

“While you do not want to micromanage a remote team, you certainly want to set up clear minimum administrative processes. For a previous remote team I had to manage, this included setting-up very precisely the infamous JIRA workflow.

“虽然您不希望对远程团队进行微观管理,但您当然希望设置明确的最低限度的管理流程。 对于我以前必须管理的远程团队,这包括非常准确地设置臭名昭著的JIRA工作流程。

“While you do not want to micromanage a remote team, you certainly want to set up clear minimum administrative processes. For a previous remote team I had to manage, this included setting-up very precisely the infamous JIRA workflow.

“虽然您不希望对远程团队进行微观管理,但您当然希望设置明确的最低限度的管理流程。 对于我以前必须管理的远程团队,这包括非常准确地设置臭名昭著的JIRA工作流程。

While it is good to leave a remote team some freedom, work also needs to be clearly organized, so there should be a few processes that have very precise descriptions. In development, the most important of such processes are issues management, and also the build process. This should be described in detail, and followed strictly.

最好让远程团队有一些自由,但是工作也需要清楚地组织,因此应该有一些过程具有非常精确的描述。 在开发中,此类过程中最重要的是问题管理以及构建过程。 应该对此进行详细描述,并严格遵守。

While it is good to leave a remote team some freedom, work also needs to be clearly organized, so there should be a few processes that have very precise descriptions. In development, the most important of such processes are issues management, and also the build process. This should be described in detail, and followed strictly.

最好让远程团队有一些自由,但是工作也需要清楚地组织,因此应该有一些过程具有非常精确的描述。 在开发中,此类过程中最重要的是问题管理以及构建过程。 应该对此进行详细描述,并严格遵守。

To make sure key processes are respected, there should be set points when work needs to stop until the process is followed. As an example, I gave strict orders to my business team not to look at any incident that is not documented.” - Nicolas de Mauroy, CEO @Open Lowcode

为确保关键流程得到遵守,应该在工作需要停止之前设置设定点,直到遵循该流程为止。 例如,我向业务团队下达了严格的命令,不要查看任何未记录的事件。” -Open Lowcode首席执行官Nicolas de Mauroy

But how close should supervision really be?


Surprisingly – not that in depth.


Keep your devs under your radar only enough to guarantee that all processes run smoothly and you’re able to maintain a trust both ways. Yes, 50% of data breaches across all industries are caused by insiders, but that doesn’t mean you must force everyone to track their time or record their screens.

将开发人员仅留在自己的监视之下,以确保所有流程都能顺利进行,并且您能够双向保持信任。 是的,所有行业中50%的数据泄露都是由内部人员造成的,但这并不意味着您必须强迫所有人跟踪他们的时间或记录他们的屏幕。

Developers should really only have to track their time in 2 instances:


  1. They/you really want to improve your work processes.

  2. They’re getting paid by the hour.


Your role as a manager goes beyond the person who is seemingly in charge of everything. You’re a liaison. That key link between one team member and another, helping your development team collaborate with operations, marketing, design, customer support, and sales while also ensuring all team members are happy and their needs are met.

您作为经理的角色超出了负责所有事务的人。 你是联络员 一个团队成员与另一个团队成员之间的关键链接,可以帮助您的开发团队与运营,市场营销,设计,客户支持和销售进行协作,同时还可以确保所有团队成员都满意并满足他们的需求。

I’m super disappointed to tell you that only 35% of managers are engaged with their work. How is this going to motivate someone else?

我非常失望地告诉您,只有35%的经理从事他们的工作。 这将如何激励别人?

Employees who are supervised by highly-engaged managers are in turn going to be better and happier performers themselves. This will boost your employee retention rates and create that long-lasting company-worker bond most companies can never attain.

反过来,在敬业度高的经理监督下的员工自身也将变得更好,更快乐。 这将提高您的员工保留率,并创建大多数公司无法获得的持久的公司与工人的联系。

This takes me to the importance of knowing when and how to communicate. Both ways.

这将我带到了知道何时以及如何进行交流的重要性。 双向。

制定您的远程团队协作计划 (Craft your remote team collaboration plan)

Collaboration goes hand-in-hand with your work method and how you manage tasks. It’s the little things like crafting clear task descriptions and expectations that add up to distinguish a positive collaboration experience from a chaotic one.

协作与您的工作方法以及如何管理任务密切相关。 精心编写清晰的任务描述和期望等小事情加起来,可以使积极的协作体验与混乱的协作体验区分开。

Tinjo Thomas, Design Technologist @Coredes Interactive also recommends the following two tweaks you can make:

设计技术人员@Coredes Interactive的Tinjo Thomas还建议您进行以下两个调整:

“1. Always set a due date for each task even though your developers are experts and can make estimates themselves.

“ 1。 即使您的开发人员是专家并且可以自己进行估计,请始终为每个任务设置截止日期。

“1. Always set a due date for each task even though your developers are experts and can make estimates themselves.

“ 1。 即使您的开发人员是专家并且可以自己进行估算,请务必为每个任务设置截止日期。

在会议上 (On meetings)

Meetings are honestly a very controversial topic. Managers love to call meetings. Devs, though, hate most of them but are afraid to voice their thoughts.

老实说,会议是一个很有争议的话题。 经理们喜欢召开会议。 开发人员虽然讨厌大多数人,但害怕表达自己的想法。

To keep meetings relevant, here are some actionable points to keep in mind:


“On a more macro-level, knowledge sharing can happen through a weekly team meeting with a Q&A via video whereby the members of the team can share what they learned from the codebase with each other as well as ask questions. In terms of knowledge sharing through team meetings - you can have several types of meetings.

“在更宏观的层面上,知识共享可以通过每周一次的视频问答集会与团队成员进行,团队成员可以互相分享从代码库中学到的知识并提出问题。 关于通过团队会议进行的知识共享-您可以举行几种类型的会议。

“On a more macro-level, knowledge sharing can happen through a weekly team meeting with a Q&A via video whereby the members of the team can share what they learned from the codebase with each other as well as ask questions. In terms of knowledge sharing through team meetings - you can have several types of meetings.

“在更宏观的层面上,知识共享可以通过每周一次的视频问答集会与团队成员进行,团队成员可以互相分享从代码库中学到的知识并提出问题。 关于通过团队会议进行的知识共享-您可以举行几种类型的会议。

The overall idea for these is to encourage collaboration in an effort to turn explicit knowledge into tacit knowledge. So you can have brainstorming sessions or meetings geared more towards lessons learned (this can be in the form of a demo or presentation). All done entirely remotely.” - Emil Hajric, CEO @Helpjuice

这些的总体思路是鼓励协作,以将外显知识转变为隐性知识。 因此,您可以进行集思广益的讨论会或会议,以更适合所汲取的教训(可以采用演示或演示的形式)。 所有操作都完全在远程完成。” -Helpjuice首席执行官Emil Hajric

One huge mistake first-time remote team managers make is filling up entire days with meetings:


“First-time remote team managers need to be quite aware of the differences between collaborative work [like Scrum meetings and software architecture design] and individual focus work [like coding]. It is important to schedule time and ensure everyone can contribute to the collaborative session, but then leave your professionals alone to do what they were hired to do, write great software.” - Pedro Henriques, Co-Founder & CEO @BRIDGE IN

“首次远程团队经理需要非常了解协作工作(例如Scrum会议和软件架构设计)与个人重点工作(例如编码)之间的区别。 安排时间并确保每个人都可以为协作会议做出贡献是很重要的,然后让您的专业人员独自去做他们应聘的工作,编写出色的软件。” -Pedro Henriques, BRIDGE IN联合创始人兼首席执行官

You’ll want to always remember to press that record button during meetings. We’re not necessarily fans of paper trails, but you’ll need them to avoid bothering your team with issues that have already been discussed:

您将要始终记住在会议期间按下该记录按钮。 我们不一定是纸本足迹的拥护者,但是您将需要他们避免已经讨论过的问题困扰您的团队:

“You should be recording and saving absolutely everything from remote team meetings and strategy sessions. While working remotely, we've noticed a huge uptick in productivity when managers and team members can refer directly to meetings instead of having to play phone tag or email back and forth for simple information. It's a huge boon to workflow across the board and should really become the new normal with the increase in remote team management.” - Alexander M. Kehoe, Co-Founder and Operations Director @Caveni

“您应该记录和保存远程团队会议和策略会议中的所有内容。 在远程工作时,我们注意到生产率提高了很多,管理人员和团队成员可以直接参考会议,而不必反复打来电话标签或电子邮件来获取简单信息。 这对整个工作流程都是巨大的福音,随着远程团队管理的增加,它确实应该成为新常态。” -Caveni联合创始人兼运营总监Alexander M.Kehoe

Keeping up-to-date with all changes is even more important when your team’s distributed. But remote teams have different approaches to how they make sure they don’t just communicate, but also apply and consider every opinion.

当团队分布时,保持所有变更的最新状态就显得尤为重要。 但是远程团队使用不同的方法来确保他们不仅可以交流,而且可以应用并考虑所有意见。

Here’s where the real-time vs asynchronous communication battle comes in. Everything’s already been said about this. So the conclusion is:

这就是实时与异步通信之战的来历。 因此,结论是:

There’s a right time for each type of communication. A predisposition for certain types of tasks will also make your remote team more likely to go for one method of communication over the other.

每种交流方式都有适当的时机。 对某些类型任务的倾向也将使您的远程团队更倾向于采用一种交流方法。

Just like the video vs written communication issue.


The Voro team, for instance, has used their office and remote communication tests to conclude that written collaboration worked best for them:


“My #1 tip for managing a remote team is to default to written communication rather than video calls. This forces you to clarify your thinking and communicate succinctly. When we all worked in the same office, it was easy to walk over to someone’s desk to talk through a problem. It would waste a great deal of time to replicate that with a scheduled video call.

“我管理远程团队的#1秘诀是默认使用书面交流而非视频通话。 这迫使您澄清您的想法并进行简洁的沟通。 当我们都在同一个办公室里工作时,很容易走到某人的桌子上解决问题。 通过预定的视频通话来复制它会浪费大量时间。

“My #1 tip for managing a remote team is to default to written communication rather than video calls. This forces you to clarify your thinking and communicate succinctly. When we all worked in the same office, it was easy to walk over to someone’s desk to talk through a problem. It would waste a great deal of time to replicate that with a scheduled video call.

“我管理远程团队的#1秘诀是默认使用书面交流而非视频通话。 这迫使您澄清您的想法并进行简洁的沟通。 当我们都在同一个办公室里工作时,很容易走到某人的桌子上解决问题。 通过预定的视频通话来复制它会浪费大量时间。

Since we are 100% remote, more of our communication has been written, and we try to memorialize most of that in internal documents, so we continue to move fast and share institutional knowledge seamlessly.” - Tomas Hoyos, CEO @Voro

由于我们100%处于远程状态,因此我们已经编写了更多的交流信息,并且我们尝试在内部文档中保留大部分信息,因此我们将继续快速前进并无缝共享机构知识。” -Toro Hoyos, Voro首席执行官

一对一地投入更多时间 (Invest more time in one-on-ones)

With one-on-ones, you’re focusing more on sharing the status of specific tasks and individual activities, while every single member on your team gets to make their own suggestions. One-on-ones are commonly held between one team leader and the other members at a time.

通过一对一,您可以更专注于共享特定任务和个人活动的状态,而团队中的每个成员都可以提出自己的建议。 一对一通常在一个团队负责人和其他成员之间同时进行。

Having these twice a month is your best bet to make sure everything gets covered. Holding them weekly is too often as you won’t have time to focus on your other tasks because you’re too busy with meetings.

最好每月两次进行这些检查,以确保所有内容都得到覆盖。 每周举行一次会议太频繁了,因为您没有时间专注于其他任务,因为您太忙于开会。

These one-on-one meetings are also a good opportunity for you to hold reviews and updates on the OKRs. To facilitate the feedback and ideation process, Charles Ahmadzadeh, CTO @Bunch uses checklists during these meetings:

这些一对一的会议也是您就OKR进行评论和更新的好机会。 为了促进反馈和构思过程,@ Bunch首席技术官Charles Ahmadzadeh在以下会议期间使用了清单:

“I like to use checklists with my team. I'll ask each team member to create a checklist each day of what needs to be done before ending the day and before submitting their work. We review these checklists in 1:1s to spot patterns.

“我喜欢与团队一起使用清单。 我会要求每个团队成员每天创建一份清单,以列出结束工作和提交工作之前需要做的事情。 我们以1:1的比例查看这些清单,以发现模式。

“I like to use checklists with my team. I'll ask each team member to create a checklist each day of what needs to be done before ending the day and before submitting their work. We review these checklists in 1:1s to spot patterns.

“我喜欢与团队一起使用清单。 我会要求每个团队成员每天创建一份清单,以列出结束工作和提交工作之前需要做的事情。 我们以1:1的比例查看这些清单,以发现模式。

I mostly use this to help others around me grow or keep myself accountable to the feedback I receive from the team.


I mostly use this to help others around me grow or keep myself accountable to the feedback I receive from the team.


NOTE ON OBJECTIVES AND KEY RESULTS: Team leaders can establish these at a team and individual level by also taking into account suggestions from developers.


For instance, each department or team can have specific targets: to release a feature on time, avoid more than 2 major bugs after a release, keep the error rate low, etc. Individually, each member should take care of one release so that every single team member will know how to handle them.


Here’s an actionable idea: Use TrackJS [or other error tracking tool for your programming language]. Every member can choose a top error and fix it. This allows members to increase their accountability and learn new things to avoid freezing their skills.

这是一个可行的想法:使用TrackJS [或其他针对您的编程语言的错误跟踪工具]。 每个成员都可以选择一个最重要的错误并进行修复。 这使成员可以增加责任心并学习新知识,从而避免冻结他们的技能。

结对编程终于得到应有的重视 (Pair programming finally getting the attention it deserves)

Now is also the best time to experiment with pair programming. This practice allows two developers to work simultaneously, often on the same tasks. While this is usually done from the same computer, you can switch it up a bit and make use of tools like TeamViewer or screen sharing.

现在也是尝试结对编程的最佳时间。 这种做法使两个开发人员可以同时执行多个任务,通常都执行相同的任务。 通常,这是在同一台计算机上完成的,但您可以对其进行一些切换,并使用TeamViewer或屏幕共享之类的工具。

Pair programming also helps distributed teams improve the quality of their code, tighten bonds between colleagues, transfer information and know-how from one dev to another, increase their own accountability, and speed up the entire development process.


Does this make you feel like you’ve been missing out on all its benefits? 🦄 Just keep in mind some best practices if you want to get started with using the pair programming practice on a regular basis.

这是否会让您感到自己错过了所有好处? if如果您想定期开始使用结对编程实践,请记住一些最佳实践。

By using common sense, you probably won’t have both developers working on the same thing for 8 hours straight. Instead, distribute tasks evenly and allot a specific time slot for them to actually work together. Dealing with multiple time zones? Pair programmers within similar work schedules.

通过常识,您可能不会让两个开发人员连续8个小时都在从事同一件事。 取而代之的是,平均分配任务,并分配一个特定的时隙以使它们实际协同工作。 处理多个时区? 在类似的工作计划中配对程序员。

与远程团队沟通超越工作范围 (Communicate beyond work with your remote teams)

We’re all humans. So we can’t work, work, work all the time. How about you implement some activities for people to destress twice a week as part of your remote team management process?

我们都是人类。 所以我们不能一直工作,一直工作。 在远程团队管理过程中,您如何实施一些使人们每周两次感到压力的活动?

Playing board games online. Having a #watercooler channel on Slack. Finding some creative online team building activities. These are all ideas to help your remote teams unwind and get their mind off anything that’s stressing them out.

在线玩棋盘游戏。 在Slack上有#watercooler频道。 寻找一些创造性的在线团队建设活动。 这些都是可以帮助您的远程团队放松并摆脱压力的想法。

Pedro Henriques also shared his thoughts on the importance of implementing this type of downtime while working remotely:

佩德罗·亨里克斯(Pedro Henriques)也分享了他的想法,即在远程工作时实施此类停机的重要性:

“Remote teams need to deliberately schedule slack time and create informal virtual watercooler moments. In the office, the watercooler or coffee machine is often the place for spontaneous discussions about various topics ranging from a nasty software bug to vent about office politics or even troubles in personal life. These discussions are not superfluous. They’re absolutely critical for team cohesion. Therefore managers should actively promote them, but make sure not to attend.”
“远程团队需要故意安排空闲时间,并创建非正式的虚​​拟水冷却器时刻。 在办公室中,经常使用水冷却器或咖啡机就各种主题进行自发讨论,从讨厌的软件错误到有关办公室政治甚至个人生活中的麻烦的发泄。 这些讨论不是多余的。 它们对于团队凝聚力至关重要。 因此,管理人员应积极提升他们,但请确保不要参加。”

选择合适的工具:基础将做,没有神奇的解决方案 (Choose the right tools: The basics will do, there are no magical solutions)

I’ve seen so many “best tools for remote work” lists the Internet could really crash for good.


Nah, but really, stop looking for the best apps and miraculous software to somehow save your remote teams.


We already know everyone is using Slack and Zoom to collaborate and the ones who don’t use these are probably doing so because of small issues they had or costs they wanted to lower.


For instance, from all apps I’ve tested for this purpose Google Meet was the fastest and most accurate one but guess what? My clients are using Zoom already. No room to impose another tool.

例如,在我为此目的测试的所有应用中,Google Meet是最快,最准确的应用,但您猜怎么着? 我的客户已经在使用Zoom。 没有空间可以使用其他工具。

The key point is not to waste weeks trying to find the right tools for your team. Others have already done this. There are thousands of options out there. All of them are copying features from each other so you end up with the same tool in dozens of versions.

关键是不要浪费数周的时间来寻找适合您团队的工具。 其他人已经做到了。 那里有成千上万的选择。 所有这些功能都是彼此复制的,因此您最终会获得数十种版本的同一工具。

So here’s your stack:


Jira - Slack - Zoom - GitHub - InVision - a bug tracking tool - every developer’s code editor


Test these [preferably the free versions first] and only look for alternatives if you have huge issues that are stilting your workflow. My two cents.

测试这些(最好是免费版本),并且只有在您遇到困扰工作流程的巨大问题时才寻找替代方案。 我的两分钱。

Also, some wise words from Tinjo Thomas:

另外,廷乔·托马斯(Tinjo Thomas)有一些明智的话:

“Don't try to save money on bug tracking or team management tools. You will know why it’s important when things don’t get done as you expected.”
“不要试图在错误跟踪或团队管理工具上省钱。 您会知道,当事情没有按预期完成时,为什么这很重要。”

Know a remote team manager who could use these tips? Share this remote team management article with your network to keep improving remote work processes.

认识可以使用这些提示的远程团队经理吗? 与您的网络共享此远程团队管理文章,以不断改进远程工作流程。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/remote-teams-manager-guide/


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