Apple MacPad Pro会是什么样?

by benjamin bannister


Apple MacPad Pro会是什么样? (What Would an Apple MacPad Pro Look Like?)

Apple has created many near-magical devices that enrich our lives. Their products exude ultra premium design, with a multitude of useful features, and constructed of refined materials. They get thinner. They get lighter. (But those prices never get smaller.) And we love them for it.

苹果创造了许多近乎神奇的设备,丰富了我们的生活。 他们的产品散发出超优质的设计,具有许多有用的功能,并由精致的材料制成。 他们变得更瘦。 他们变得更轻。 (但是这些价格永远不会变小。)我们为此而爱着它们。

But there’s still one holy grail of technology: a device that can successfully merge the experience of using a laptop with the experience of using a tablet.

但是,技术仍然有一个圣杯: 一种可以将笔记本电脑使用体验与平板电脑使用体验成功融合的设备。

Today, I will take you on a journey to conjecture the design and specifications of a theoretical MacPad Pro.

今天,我将带您猜想理论上的MacPad Pro的设计和规格。

MacBook Pro + iPad Pro = MacPad Pro

MacBook Pro + iPad Pro = MacPad Pro

“We feel strongly that customers are not really looking for a converged Mac and iPad, …You’d begin to compromise in different ways.” — Apple CEO Tim Cook in 2015

“我们强烈认为,客户并不是真正在寻找融合的Mac和iPad,……您将开始以不同的方式做出妥协。” - 2015年苹果公司首席执行官蒂姆·库克

Well, back in 2010 Steve Jobs said no one’s going to buy a big iPhone.

好吧,在2010年,史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)表示, 没有人会购买大型iPhone

Look how that turned out. The latest iPhone 7 Plus was sold out globally for months after launch.

看看结果如何。 最新的iPhone 7 Plus推出后几个月就全球销售一空

No matter the line being told to us, all the clues as to where Apple is headed are right in front of us in their current product line.


为什么MacPad Pro没有发布? (Why Hasn’t MacPad Pro Been Released?)

One possible reason: because of product cannibalization. If Apple were to release MacPad Pro, it would devour sales of MacBook Pro and iPad Pro.

可能的原因之一: 由于产品相食化。 如果苹果要发布MacPad Pro,它将吞噬MacBook Pro iPad Pro的销售。

These products are two revenue streams that would now become one.


Apple is likely biding their time with a product launch — because they can. Why release a hybrid to eat into sales of two product categories when they can get away with releasing those product lines for a few more years? It’s smart business.

苹果可能会花时间在产品发布上,因为他们可以。 当他们可以放弃发布几年的产品线时,为什么还要发布一种混合动力来吃掉两个产品类别的销售额呢? 这是明智的业务。

But as the man himself once said:


“If you don’t cannibalize yourself, someone else will.” — Steve Jobs

“如果你不蚕食自己,别人会。” — 史蒂夫·乔布斯

Cannibalization is an inevitability in business. Apple can do it on their terms. Or they can let competitors — like Microsoft Surface — eat into the market share of this new and growing product category.

食人化是企业的必然。 苹果可以按照自己的条件去做 或者,他们可以让竞争对手(例如Microsoft Surface) 蚕食这个不断增长的新产品类别的市场份额

A second possible reason why MacPad Pro hasn’t been released yet is because it just isn’t ready. From what history has shown us with iPhone and iPad, Apple releases new products when they are ready. Not too soon, not too late, but always precisely on time. It’s not a matter of if they decide to cannibalize, but when.

MacPad Pro尚未发布的第二个可能原因是因为它尚未准备好 。 从历史向我们展示的iPhone和iPad来看,Apple会在准备就绪时发布新产品。 不会太早,也不会太晚,但总是准时。 这不,如果他们决定要拆,但是的问题。

Let’s talk about what major hurdles exist that is preventing this product’s release.


用户体验和用户界面的合并 (A Merging Of User Experiences And User Interfaces)

The first major hurdle of actually making MacPad Pro is figuring out how to merge the User Interface (the UI, — how it looks), with the User Experience (the UX ,— how you feel using it), of two different platforms in a way that is intuitive and natural to use.

实际制作MacPad Pro的第一个主要障碍是弄清楚如何在一个平台中将两个不同平台的用户界面 (UI, 外观 )与用户体验 (UX, 您感觉如何使用 )进行合并。直观自然的使用方式。

用户界面 (User Interface)

If you examine the operating systems of MacOS and iOS over the years, you’ll see an osmosis of interfaces already happening. iOS started with putting elements of a computer in your pocket via the iPhone, and macOS has incorporated more of the iPhone into laptops.

如果您检查MacOS和iOS多年来的操作系统,您会发现接口已经渗透。 iOS首先是通过iPhone将计算机的元件放到口袋里,而macOS已将更多iPhone整合到笔记本电脑中。

Example 1: iMessage on iPhone looks and works like iMessage on iPad/Mac:

示例1: iPhone上的iMessage外观和工作方式类似于iPad / Mac上的iMessage:

Example 2: Email on iPhone/iPad/Mac are now near-identical to each other. Can you tell which is which anymore?

示例2: iPhone / iPad / Mac上的电子邮件现在彼此几乎相同。 你能说出哪个吗?

When your devices start looking the same, and become nearly identical in size and functionality, you have to ask: “why do I have a laptop and a tablet that do the same things? Why aren’t they combined?”

当您的设备开始看起来一样,并且在尺寸和功能上变得几乎相同时,您必须问:“为什么我有一台笔记本电脑一台平板电脑执行相同的功能? 他们为什么不合并?”

合并用户界面 (Merging UIs)

So apps look similar across devices. How do we now visually distinguish between using a computer and using a tablet?

因此,应用在各种设备上看起来都相似。 我们现在如何在视觉上区分使用计算机平板电脑

Let’s see what the competition is doing. Microsoft Surface Pro, is a laptop computer with tablet abilities. This is the Windows 10 operating system:

让我们看看比赛在做什么。 Microsoft Surface Pro是具有平板电脑功能的便携式计算机。 这是Windows 10操作系统:

The UIs are distinct. The left looks like a normal computer desktop when you want to do computer things. The right consists of app squares when you want to do tablet things. You can switch between them with a button embedded in the hardware, or click a Windows icon in the software. This is good UX.

用户界面是不同的。 要执行计算机操作时,左侧看起来像普通的计算机桌面。 当您要进行平板电脑操作时,右侧包含应用正方形。 您可以使用硬件中嵌入的按钮在它们之间进行切换,也可以单击软件中的Windows图标。 这是很好的用户体验。

Microsoft’s system is decent, and I say “decent” because there aren’t enough apps being developed to make full use of their tablet mode. You’re getting a laptop with tablet features.

微软的系统很不错,我之所以说“不错”,是因为开发的应用程序不足以充分利用其平板电脑模式。 您正在购买具有平板电脑功能的笔记本电脑。

Let’s look at Apple’s macOS:


Wait a minute, macOS already has distinct interfaces that are similar to Windows — except MacBook doesn’t sell itself as a tablet.


And this is where Apple has an undisputed advantage. They have a great computer operating system and a fantastic tablet experience with millions of apps. macOS already has a way to switch between “laptop mode” and “tablet mode”, with a five-finger gesture. Just combine them.

这就是苹果拥有无可争议的优势的地方。 他们有一个伟大的计算机操作系统,并与数百万应用一个梦幻般的平板电脑体验。 macOS已经可以用五指手势在“笔记本电脑模式”和“平板电脑模式”之间切换。 只是结合起来。

Hurdle 1: Combine OS interfaces. Solved.
障碍1:组合OS界面。 解决了。
用户体验 (UX)

UX is the whole experience with a product. From seeing a product display in-store, to the packaging you carry home, to the delight of using and interacting with it. Every step of this experience can be broken down into smaller UX areas: ie. product display, packaging construction.

UX是产品的全部体验。 从在商店看到产品展示,到随身携带的包装,再到使用和互动的乐趣。 这种经验的每一步都可以分解为较小的UX区域: 产品展示,包装施工。

User interface design is a subset of UX.


How do you merge the experience of interacting on a tablet — with your finger; and interacting on a laptop — with your trackpad/mouse? They are inherently two different systems.

您如何用手指融合在平板电脑上进行交互的经验? 并在笔记本电脑上与触控板/鼠标交互? 它们本质上是两个不同的系统。

Let’s look at one product on two platforms so you know what I mean.


Example: Microsoft Word on macOS and iOS

示例: macOS和iOS上的Microsoft Word

Having two different versions of the same software in one device is bad UX. The reason we can put more buttons on a laptop is because a mouse can click them, but you need bigger buttons on a tablet for fingers.

在一台设备中使用同一软件的两个不同版本是糟糕的UX。 我们可以在笔记本电脑上放置更多按钮的原因是,鼠标可以单击它们,但是您需要在平板电脑上使用较大的按钮才能用手指。

This is probably the biggest “compromise” that Tim Cook talks about.


MacPad Pro is supposed to combine two different devices. As a consumer and user, I want to be able to use software I paid for from both devices. I also want one device instead of two.

MacPad Pro应该结合两种不同的设备。 作为消费者和用户,我希望能够使用的软件我付了 这两种设备。 我也想要一台设备而不是两台。

Well, not all apps have two versions. The main ones are the Apple and Microsoft Office Suites. For other apps, it’s one version or the other.

好吧, 并非所有应用程序都有两个版本。 主要的是Apple和Microsoft Office Suites。 对于其他应用程序,它是一个版本或另一个版本。

The likely solution is to keep all apps as is. Make it like the Surface: offer one OS, with the apps of both systems.

可能的解决方案是保留所有应用程序。 使其像Surface:提供一个操作系统,同时包含两个系统的应用程序。

Hurdle 2: Keep all current app software as-is.
用户输入 (User Inputs)

We now move on to how a user interacts with the product. On a tablet we use our fingers, on a laptop we use a trackpad. While it would be great to have some all-in-one input solution, we all use our devices differently. Thus, the solution is having options to interact differently.

现在,我们继续介绍用户与产品的交互方式。 在平板电脑上,我们用手指,在笔记本电脑上,使用触控板。 虽然拥有一些多合一的输入解决方案会很棒,但我们对设备的使用方式有所不同。 因此,解决方案具有不同交互方式的选择。

Apple Pencil can be used by artists that draw, Magic Mouse can be used by people who prefer a mouse. You also have a trackpad, and you have your finger. One device, different ways to use it.

Apple Pencil可供绘画的艺术家使用,Magic Mouse可供喜欢鼠标的人使用。 您也有一个触控板,并且有手指。 一种设备,使用方式不同。

Hurdle 3: Multiple inputs for user preferences.

技术指标 (Specifications)

Now the fun part. Let’s examine the technical specifications MacPad Pro is likely to have:

现在有趣的部分。 让我们检查一下MacPad Pro可能具有的技术规格:

显示 (Display)

The most popular MacBook Pro is the 13" model. iPad Pro’s initial display size was 12.9". Logic dictates the first generation screen MacPad Pro is likely to have a diagonal label of 13". It’s a size that would meet expectations from professional users.

最受欢迎的MacBook Pro是13英寸机型。iPadPro的初始显示尺寸为12.9英寸。 逻辑要求第一代屏幕MacPad Pro的对角线标签可能为13英寸 。该尺寸符合专业用户的期望。

What about resolution? Current specs are:

分辨率呢? 当前规格为:

  • MacBook Pro 13", 2560-by-1600 at 227 pixels per inch

    MacBook Pro 13英寸,2560 x 1600,每英寸227像素
  • iPad Pro 12.9", 2732-by-2048 at 264 pixels per inch

    iPad Pro 12.9英寸,2732×2048,每英寸264像素

iPad’s aspect ratio has remained consistent no matter the size of the iPad. Laptop aspect ratios constantly change. My best guess here is MacPad Pro will keep the iPad ratio and resolution, as macOS is adaptable to screen ratios.

无论iPad大小如何,iPad的纵横比都保持一致。 笔记本电脑的纵横比不断变化。 我最好的猜测是,由于macOS可以适应屏幕比例,因此MacPad Pro将保持iPad的比例和分辨率。

A Retina (high pixel density) display is to be expected from a Pro label.


处理器 (Processor)

Current MacBook Pros have a dual-core Intel Core i5/i7, which runs on x86 architecture (with 64-bit abilities). The current iPad Pro has an Apple A9X chip, which runs on ARM architecture (with 64-bit abilities). What does that mean? To put simply: you can’t just combine them; a ton of coding is required to have one run on the other.

当前的MacBook Pro具有双核Intel Core i5 / i7 ,该处理器x86架构(具有64位功能)上运行 。 当前的iPad Pro具有Apple A9X芯片,该芯片在ARM体系结构(具有64位功能)上运行 。 那是什么意思? 简而言之:您不能仅仅将它们组合在一起; 一个运行在另一个上需要大量的编码。

Let’s talk about the thin MacBook, which has an Intel Core M processor. Anandtech did a comparison of the iPad Pro’s A9X and the Intel Core M, and they have basically converged as equals for processing power. Unfortunately, the Core M chip isn’t sufficient enough for a Pro label.

让我们来谈谈具有Intel Core M处理器的MacBook 。 Anandtech 对iPad Pro的A9X和Intel Core M进行了比较 ,它们的处理能力基本上已经趋于一致。 不幸的是,Core M芯片不足以支持Pro标签。

Apple makes their own processors for iPad, but relies on Intel for their laptops. Should Apple launch MacPad Pro anytime soon, it would have to be an Intel processor.

苹果公司为iPad生产自己的处理器,但笔记本电脑则依靠英特尔。 如果Apple 尽快推出MacPad Pro,则它必须是 Intel处理器。

If I were Apple, I would want to use my own chip. This is the last hurdle: the processor is a compromise. They are waiting for their A chip to catch up or completely surpass the Intel Core i5/i7 in terms of processing power. Also, Apple pays a licensing fee to use Intel’s chips. Severing this relationship at some point will reduce this extra cost.

如果我是Apple,我想使用自己的芯片。 这是最后一个障碍: 处理器是一个折衷方案 。 他们正在等待自己的A芯片在处理能力方面赶超或完全超过Intel Core i5 / i7。 此外,苹果公司需要支付使用英特尔芯片的许可费。 在某些时候切断这种关系将减少这种额外的费用。

The endgame is Apple wants their own A-label processor.


Hurdle 4: Processor technology has to catch up.
存储 (Storage)

This is a Pro model, so a minimum amount of storage is necessary. Space will be required for installing laptop applications and mobile apps, along with photos and videos, and the operating system itself.

这是Pro机型,因此需要最少的存储量。 安装笔记本电脑应用程序移动应用程序以及照片和视频以及操作系统本身将需要空间。

256GB would likely be the base model, with options for 512GB and 1TB.

基本型号可能为256GB ,并可选择512GB和1TB。

记忆 (Memory)

8GB of memory is the standard on MacBook Pro, and is enough for most consumers. 8GB meets the memory requirements for current laptop applications, and surpasses the memory capacity of iPad Pro. There will likely be an option to upgrade to 16GB.

8GB内存是MacBook Pro的标准配置,足以满足大多数消费者的需求。 8GB可以满足当前笔记本电脑应用程序的内存要求,并超过了iPad Pro的内存容量。 可能会有一个选项升级到16GB

图形 (Graphics)
  • If Apple chooses an Intel processor, this will be an upgraded version of Intel Iris Graphics.

    如果Apple选择Intel处理器,则它将是Intel Iris Graphics的升级版本。
  • If Apple creates their own processor, graphics ability will be implemented directly into the chip.

充电与扩充 (Charging and Expansion)

How will it be charged? One Thunderbolt 3 (USB-C) port, which can be used for charging, outputting to a display, or for USB 3.1 expansion.

如何收取费用? 一个Thunderbolt 3(USB-C)端口,可用于充电,输出到显示器或用于USB 3.1扩展。

音讯 (Audio)

There will likely be a Lightning port for headphones, and charging. No 3.5mm jack. Sorry. To keep a thin device profile, the 3.5mm jack has to be removed from all future devices. A 3.5mm to Lightning adapter will be included (like the iPhone 7/7 Plus).

可能会有一个Lightning端口用于耳机和充电。 没有3.5mm插Kong 。 抱歉。 为了保持薄型设备外形,必须从所有将来的设备中卸下3.5mm插Kong。 随附3.5毫米转Lightning适配器(如iPhone 7/7 Plus)。

讲者 (Speakers)

Stereo sound is expected. Two audio grills will be located on the left and right side (in landscape position).

期望立体声。 左右两侧将有两个音频格栅(横向放置)。

接触ID (Touch ID)

Touch ID will be a big factor in determining the form factor. We have two likely scenarios:

触摸ID将是确定尺寸的重要因素。 我们有两种可能的情况:

  • If Touch ID is kept where it currently is, it will look like an iPad.

    如果Touch ID保留在当前位置,它将看起来像iPad。
  • If Touch ID moves to the keyboard (like the newest MacBook Pro), the bezel can be thinner. You can still unlock your device with a passcode.

    如果将Touch ID移到键盘上(例如最新的MacBook Pro),则边框可以更薄。 您仍然可以使用密码解锁设备。
智能键盘 (Smart Keyboard)

Ever since Microsoft released their Touch/Type Covers for the Surface Pro, it was clear the future of portable keyboards would be a thin keyboard that doubles as a protective screen cover.

自从Microsoft为Surface Pro发布其Touch / Type Covers以来,很明显便携式键盘的未来将是薄薄的键盘,可以兼作屏幕保护盖。

The Apple Smart Keyboard for the iPad Pro follows a similar design to the Microsoft Touch Keyboard, but implements a kickstand into the keyboard. Because of this, when viewed from the side, there is this uneven gap. With the addition of a trackpad, the Smart Keyboard can be stretched, and the gap fixes itself without further modification:

iPad Pro的Apple Smart Keyboard采用与Microsoft Touch Keyboard类似的设计,但在键盘中采用了支架。 因此, 从侧面看时,会有不均匀的间隙。 通过添加触控板,可以扩展智能键盘,并且无需进一步修改即可自动修复间隙:

As for the keys, backlighting is already available on second generation Microsoft Type Covers, so it’s not a stretch to expect backlit keys. Darker keys could also be implemented to indicate the Pro nature of the keyboard and to visually differentiate from a regular Smart Keyboard.

至于按键,背光已在第二代Microsoft Type Covers上提供 ,因此期待背光按键并不是一件容易的事。 还可以使用较暗的键来指示键盘的Pro性质,并在视觉上与常规智能键盘区分开。

What about implementing Force Touch in the trackpad? Depends on how flat that can be flattened down.

如何在触控板上实施Force Touch? 取决于可以展平的平面。

其他特性 (Other Features)

I don’t want to touch on every other feature, so expect typical Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g/n/ac) specs with Cellular options and Nano-SIM support, a 12-megapixel camera, 4K video recording, dual-microphones, 720p Facetime HD camera, a possibly snarkier Siri, and a battery life in line with current products.

我不想触及其他所有功能,因此可以期望带有蜂窝选项和Nano-SIM支持,12百万像素摄像头,4K视频录制的典型Wi-Fi(802.11a / b / g / n / ac)规格。双麦克风,720p Facetime高清摄像头,可能更时髦的Siri以及与当前产品一致的电池寿命。

价钱 (Pricing)

What will MacPad Pro be priced at? A lot. Yes, there will be a regular MacPad for the masses, but MacPad Pro will be for the Professional Supreme. And Professional Supremes will have the money for it.

MacPad Pro的定价是多少? 很多。 是的,将有适合大众的普通MacPad,但MacPad Pro将面向Professional Supreme 。 专业至尊人士将为此而赚钱。

Take into consideration you are getting what used to be two devices, but now uses one hardware set; you can’t exactly add the prices of both. I’m no analyst, so my best guess begins at $1,799, plus extra for additional features.

考虑到您现在使用的是两台设备,但是现在使用一套硬件。 您无法完全将两者的价格相加。 我不是分析师,所以我最好的猜测是从1,799美元开始,外加其他功能。

Pricing could start at $1,799.


An iPhone 7 Plus is $899 and people didn’t bat an eye (only winced). $1,799–$2,399 is a nice range and is reasonable for a true Apple laptop/tablet, but even this is a conservative estimate. The pricing is also a premium over similar competitor models because of the Apple Tax.

iPhone 7 Plus的售价为899美元,人们并没有睁大眼睛(只是畏缩了一下)。 $ 1,799– $ 2,399是一个不错的价格范围,对于一台真正的苹果笔记本电脑/平板电脑来说是合理的,但是即使这样,这也是一个保守的估计。 由于苹果税,该价格也比同类竞争产品高。

Accessories include Apple Pencil ($99), Magic Mouse ($79), and Smart Keyboard ($169).

配件包括Apple Pencil($ 99),Magic Mouse($ 79)和Smart Keyboard($ 169)。

摘要 (Summary)

Do you know what would happen if Apple released MacPad Pro, this year? (It’s not going to happen.) Apple’s stock would initially drop because of fears of cannibalization, and eventually go back up once sales numbers are normalized. There would likely be a mass unloading of iPads and MacBooks on auction sites (I would sell my MacBook Pro, iPad mini, and Surface Pro). It will be the new IT product. It will be sold out for months. You know, the usual.

您知道今年苹果发布MacPad Pro会发生什么吗? (这不会发生。)苹果的股票起初会因为担心蚕食而下跌,最终在销售数字恢复正常后回升。 在拍卖网站上可能会大量卸载iPad和MacBook(我将出售MacBook Pro,iPad mini和Surface Pro)。 这将是新的IT产品。 它将售罄几个月。 你知道,通常。

The hybrid computing industry would finally have decent competition. Consumers would have a device made for media consumption and full-on productivity! In one lightweight piece of magical hardware!

混合计算行业最终将有不错的竞争。 消费者将拥有用于媒体消费和全面生产的设备! 在一件轻巧的神奇硬件中!

Snap out of it. Don’t expect the MacPad Pro for at least 2–3 more years. The technology required has to catch up with Apple’s vision. But my money’s ready if it comes out sooner.

振作起来。 不要期望MacPad Pro至少保留2至3年。 所需的技术必须赶上苹果的愿景。 但是我的钱已经准备好了,如果能早一点出来。

What do you think? Do you see this product happening anytime soon and why? What would you want in your MacPad Pro? Let me hear your comments below.

你怎么看? 您看到这种产品很快就会发生吗,为什么? 您想要MacPad Pro中的什么? 让我在下面听听您的评论。

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Also by benjamin bannister:

另外,本杰明·班尼斯特(benjamin bannister):


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