自学成才翁_我如何找到自己的自学成才的第一份工作? 我准备疯了。


by Jonathan Puc

乔纳森·普克(Jonathan Puc)

我如何找到自己的自学成才的第一份工作? 我准备疯了。 (How did I land my first job as a self-taught developer? I prepared like crazy.)

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” — Abraham Lincoln.
“给我六个小时砍下一棵树,我将用头四个时间来削斧头。” - 亚伯拉罕·林肯。

This quote is pretty much the embodiment of the advice I’m going to give. So if there was one thing you had to take away from this article, I would encourage you to remember that quote. If you aren’t quite sure about the meaning behind those famous words, you will in due time.

这句话几乎是我要提供的建议的体现。 所以如果有一件事 您必须从本文中删除,我鼓励您记住该报价。 如果您不太确定这些著名词背后的含义,那么您将在适当的时候进行。

I believe it is necessary to provide a little backstory about myself. I don’t want you to see me as a stranger giving advice. I want you to see me as an individual like you, who has gone through the similar experiences.

我认为有必要提供一些关于我自己的背景故事。 我不希望您将我视为提供建议的陌生人。 我希望您看到我像您一样经历过类似经历的个人。

I’m a 22 year old self-taught developer. I started learning 9 months ago.

我是22岁的自学成才的开发人员。 我9个月前开始学习。

Before my coding journey, I was the typical teen who was influenced by society and the education system.


In my final year of high school I was given several months and told I needed to make one of the most important decisions of my life, what I wanted to study in higher education.


I thought I would go for a field that was stable and secure, so I chose supply chain and logistics.


During the two years I spent at university, I was uneasy, and I wasn’t sure why. I believed the unhappiness and taste of dissatisfaction was something normal as a young adult in university. I thought: “all this will change once I’ve graduated and got a job out of my degree!”

在我上大学的两年中,我感到不安,也不确定为什么。 我相信,不满和不满的滋味是大学时代的年轻人的正常现象。 我以为:“一旦我毕业并获得学位,这一切都会改变!”

I now know that would have been far from the truth.


The real problem was that I hadn’t found something to truly be passionate about — something I would be able to spend my time and effort in doing and not labeling it as “work”. Just before the start of my third year, I discovered the world of self-development, and programming shortly after that.

真正的问题是,我没有找到真正值得激发的东西–我可以花时间和精力去做,而不将其标记为“工作”。 就在我三年级开始之前,我发现了自我发展的世界,并在那之后不久进行了编程。

I recently landed a job as a developer at a young and growing startup.


This was my first and only sit-down with an actual company, and I was successful.


Note that before this, I did meet with two recruitment agencies. But that was with the intent to brush up on my interview skills and to gauge the industry in preparation for future interviews.

请注意,在此之前,我确实与两家招聘机构会面。 但这是为了提高我的面试技巧并了解整个行业,为将来的面试做准备。

All in all, I’d say being successful on the first go is a pretty big achievement. Though I had projects and code to show for it, I’m confident that it was my past experiences, traits, mindset, and the position I put myself in as a candidate that led to my success.

总而言之,我想说的是,在第一步上取得成功是一项巨大的成就。 尽管我有一些项目和代码可以证明这一点,但我有信心,正是我过去的经验,特质,思维定势以及我作为应聘者所处的位置才能取得成功。

这就是我成为候选人的方式。 (Here’s how I became that candidate.)

Lets get the most important (and quite obvious) one out of the way first.


每天编码。 (Code everyday.)

If you are serious about this whole developer thing, you should be mastering and enhancing your skill set whenever possible. Coding should be an extension of yourself.

如果您对整个开发人员都很认真,那么您应该尽可能地掌握和增强技能。 编码应该是你自己的延伸。

You should get to the point where you wake up and naturally feel inclined to sit down and practice code.


It’s not life or death if you miss a day, but it is important you always try to fit a session in each day.


设立目标。 (Set goals.)

You have probably heard this a dozen times, and hopefully this time round it is something that sticks and you’ll start doing.


There’s a reason why setting goals is preached.


Without a target you’ll never reach your full potential. Without a target you’ll continually be chasing something and never getting anywhere.

没有目标,您将永远无法发挥全部潜能。 没有目标,您将不断追寻某些东西,而且永远也无处可寻。

“I want to be successful!” or “I want to be rich!” These are not goals, these are wishes.

“我想成功!” 或“我想致富!” 这些不是目标,这些是愿望。

You must be specific. You must know exactly what it is you want and how you are going to get it. You must work until you get it.

您必须是具体的。 您必须确切地知道您想要什么以及如何获得它。 您必须努力直到得到它。

Define what you want, write it down, and read it everyday.


At the start of September, I wrote in my journal “I’m going to have a job as a developer for a company I believe in by February 2018.”


From then on, everything I did, I did with the intent and purpose of meeting that one goal.


I only started looking at job postings about 5 weeks ago. I achieved my goal within 3 months, as opposed to the initially set 5 months.

我只是在大约5周前才开始查看职位发布。 与最初设定的5个月相比,我在3个月内实现了目标。

That’s the beauty of goals. Having direction and purpose can mean all the difference.

这就是目标的美。 有方向和目的可以意味着所有的差异。

跳到任何学习的机会。 (Jump towards any opportunity to learn.)

This year I was able to attend the European Innovation Academy, the World’s Largest Extreme Entrepreneurship program.


I came across this opportunity thanks to the fact that I put myself out there and raised awareness towards my personal brand, which will be the next topic.


The academy was a once in a lifetime opportunity for me. I was able to collaborate with students from around the world, as well as be mentored and taught by experts from companies such as Google.

该学院对我来说是千载难逢的机会。 我能够与来自世界各地的学生合作,并得到了Google等公司专家的指导和指导。

I came home with insight and knowledge that definitely allowed me to grow and distinguish myself from my competition.


The best thing you can do when meeting with potential employers is to showcase how dedicated you are to learning and growing through new opportunities. Why would they hire somebody knowingly well that there is a high chance that the candidate could become complacent now that they’ve secured a position within the company?

与潜在雇主会面时,您能做的最好的事情就是向您展示您在学习和发展新机会方面的投入。 他们为什么会很好地聘请某人,因为他们已经在公司中获得了职位,因此候选人很有可能变得自满?

Furthermore, the mentors at the academy would continually stress that the most important thing about a startup isn’t the idea, but the culture and people behind it — the collective mind.


It is in the best interest of companies to hire personnel who are self-motivated and driven. Be that person.

雇用有上进心和动力的人员符合公司的最大利益。 成为那个人。

建立您的个人品牌。 (Build your personal brand.)

If you want to stand out, you’ve gotta show some authority in the industry you wish to be a part of. Start putting yourself and your content out there.

如果您想脱颖而出,则必须在您希望加入的行业中展现一些权威。 开始将您自己和您的内容放在那里。

The reason I was able to land the opportunity to join the entrepreneurship program was due to the fact that a friend had seen what I was doing and made a referral. I didn’t know the program existed and would’ve missed out if I had kept to myself about my goals and what I was aspiring to be.

之所以能够获得加入创业计划的机会,是因为一个朋友看到了我在做什么,并提出了自己的建议。 我不知道该程序的存在,如果我对自己的目标和自己的志向保持不变,就会错过该程序。

Good at writing? Start blogging.

擅长写作? 开始写博客。

Good at being on camera? Start a YouTube channel.

善于拍照? 启动一个YouTube频道。

Enjoy audio? Start your own podcast.

享受音频吗? 开始自己的播客。

You don’t have to be an expert, you just need to start documenting your journey. Everybody loves a story.

您不必成为专家,只需要开始记录您的旅程即可。 每个人都喜欢一个故事。

Be willing to put yourself out there, be vulnerable and show you’re serious. By doing so, you’ve already established yourself ahead than most of your competition.

愿意把自己摆在那儿,变得脆弱,表明你是认真的。 这样一来,您已经在大多数竞争对手中确立了自己的领先地位。

结论 (Conclusion)

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”

Remember our old friend from before?


People are so caught up in trying to learn certain coding frameworks or languages to try to appease job postings. Those are just tools. It’s who’s using the tools that matter the most.

人们陷入了试图学习某些编码框架或语言以安抚工作岗位的困境。 这些只是工具。 谁在使用最重要的工具。

If you can get a meeting with employers and really showcase yourself as a candidate who would fit well with their team and culture, you’re going to have a high chance of getting the job — self taught or not.


If your goal is to chop down a tree, instead of hacking away at it without any preparation, why not master the axe and sharpen it? Now you can chop down that tree in a few short-but-true swings. Or maybe, if you’re lucky, one fell swoop!

如果您的目标是砍倒一棵树,而不是不做任何准备就砍掉它,那为什么不掌握斧头并削尖它呢? 现在,您可以将几棵短而真实的Swing砍掉。 或者,也许您幸运的话,一举成败!

Here’s wishing you luck on your journey. As always, my inbox is open to anybody in need of further advice or have questions.

祝您旅途顺利。 与往常一样,我的收件箱向所有需要进一步建议或有疑问的人开放。

Feel free to connect with me on any of the platforms below!


Instagram | LinkedIn | Twitter

Instagram | 领英 推特

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-i-set-myself-up-to-land-my-first-job-as-a-self-taught-developer-43d326ea6b67/


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