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“The best way out is always through.” — Robert Frost

“最好的出路是始终贯穿。” — 罗伯特·弗罗斯特

You don’t have to be a genius to achieve success. Sometimes, you just have to want it so badly that you cannot live without it.

您不必成为天才就可以取得成功。 有时候,您只需要如此迫切地想要它,以致无法生存 没有 它。

I was just someone who wished to have a better life. Then I became someone who dreamed to be a developer. Fast-forward four years, and I am now working alongside other senior developers. Who would have thought?

我只是一个希望过上更好生活的人。 然后我成为了梦想成为开发人员的人。 快进了四年,现在我正在与其他高级开发人员一起工作。 谁曾想到?

Dreams do come true if you are brave enough to chase them.


However, there are always obstacles. The following tips will help you navigate them and survive as a self-taught developer.

但是,总会有障碍。 以下技巧将帮助您进行导航并以自学成才的方式生存。

了解基础 (Know the Basics)

“With good basics, you’ll have endless options.”


Focus on building a solid foundation — even if it means repeating the basics over and over until that discipline sets in.


Think of it as an investment wherein the power of compounding takes place. You cannot see it at first, but through all those late nights and repetitive projects, you’ll soon be able to develop a sort of programming muscle memory.

可以认为这是发生复利的一项投资。 起初您看不到它,但是通过所有深夜和重复性项目,您很快就能开发出一种编程性的肌肉记忆。

Until it becomes part of your normal, there is no better way to master programming than to keep programming. No shortcuts, no sweet talk. Just pure hard work and determination will fuel your everyday developer life.

直到成为普通的一部分,再没有其他比保留编程更好的方法来掌握编程了。 没有捷径,没有甜言蜜语。 单纯的努力和决心将助您一臂之力。

The smartest thing you can do when you are starting is to choose a solid programming language. It could be Java, C#, Python, JavaScript, PHP, or Ruby on Rails. Just choose one and focus on it until you see that pattern. Everyone calls it the “Think like a programmer” mindset.

开始时最聪明的事情是选择一种可靠的编程语言。 它可以是Java,C#,Python,JavaScript,PHP或Ruby on Rails。 只需选择一个并专注于它,直到看到该模式即可。 每个人都称其为“像程序员一样思考”的心态。

Once you can adapt to how that mindset works, you can take the next step and start searching for the next programming language to tackle. The truth is that you don’t need to spend that much time choosing your first language. The longer you wait, the harder it is to take that very first step.

一旦适应了这种思维方式,就可以进行下一步并开始寻找要解决的下一种编程语言。 事实是,您不需要花费太多时间来选择母语。 您等待的时间越长,第一步就越困难。

So choose one, commit to it, and give it everything you’ve got. If you do this repeatedly, one day you’ll be surprised by how much you’ve grown. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Just take it one step at a time, one day at a time.

因此,选择一个,致力于它,并提供您所拥有的一切。 如果您反复进行此操作,则有一天您会惊讶于您的成长。 不要对自己施加太大压力。 一次只一次,一天一次。

Focus on yourself. It doesn’t matter how long it takes. This is a marathon — not a sprint.

专注于自己。 花费多长时间都没关系。 这是一场马拉松,而不是短跑。

聆听多于说话 (Listen More Than You Talk)

The world is already noisy. People talk all the time — mostly about their wishful thinking or things that they didn’t do, and that is why they are all the same.

世界已经嘈杂。 人们一直在谈论-主要是关于一厢情愿的想法或他们没有做的事情,这就是为什么他们都一样的原因。

Try the opposite approach.


Listen more than you talk, live more than you dream, take risks instead of playing it safe. Life is supposed to be lived on your terms.

倾听多于谈话,生活多于梦想,冒险而不是谨慎行事。 生活应该按照你的条件生活。

So dare to fly as high as you can — not to impress anyone but to satisfy your desire to live life to the fullest.


When you start to really listen, you will learn a lot. You will comprehend a lot because you will start to use your brain more than your mouth.

当您开始真正倾听时,您会学到很多东西。 您将获得很多理解,因为您将比大脑更多地使用大脑。

I’ve worked at my first job for three years. I listened, I observed, and I watched my coworkers while trying to take in as much as I could. At first, it wasn’t my intention. They were all just intimidating. They were dancing with the rhythm, and I was struck. It made me love this job more. I decided to embrace it.

我的第一份工作已经三年了。 我听着,观察着,看着我的同事,同时努力吸收尽可能多的东西。 起初,这不是我的意图。 他们都只是吓人。 他们随着节奏跳舞,令我震惊。 这让我更加喜欢这份工作。 我决定拥抱它。

I’ve learned a lot because I became a good listener. I also started to speak less. I became good at observing not just how people move but mostly how they think.

我学到了很多东西,因为我成为了一名优秀的听众。 我也开始少说话。 我不仅擅长观察人们的举动,而且主要观察人们的想法。

I became a successful self-taught developer living a life that I had thought wasn’t possible.


留桑 (Stay Sane)

To succeed, you need to work hard. But just like in every sport, you can’t just play forward. You also have to build a solid defense to make sure that you keep moving forward.

为了成功,您需要努力工作。 但是就像在每项运动中一样,您不能只是向前发展。 您还必须建立坚实的防御,以确保您继续前进。

The road is tough, so you have to learn how to balance things. Make sure you stay sane no matter how much you love your job.

道路艰难,因此您必须学习如何平衡事物。 确保你 无论您多么热爱自己的工作,都要保持理智。

I learned this the hard way. Trust me, the learning and work are already difficult. You don’t want to worsen your mental state on top of that. So even if it is just exercising for 30 minutes or a walk in the park — or even just pulling yourself out of that workstation — it makes a huge difference.

我经过惨痛的教训才学到这个。 相信我,学习和工作已经很困难。 最重要的是,您不想让自己的精神状态恶化。 因此,即使只是运动30分钟或在公园里散步-甚至只是将自己拉出那个工作站,它都将产生巨大的变化。

The worst thing that could happen is sacrificing months or a year of hard work only to realize that this is too much to handle and you cannot do it anymore.


Studying 12 hours a day for a year doesn’t guarantee that you can get the job.


It is not healthy or sustainable. If you want to pursue this career, then take the long view. It is a process. Nothing made any sense until I reached the second year at my job. This is not a matter of overnight success. If that is what you are looking for, then don’t waste your time.

它既不健康也不可持续。 如果您想从事这个职业,那就放眼长远。 这是一个过程。 直到我第二年上班,一切都没有意义。 这不是一朝一夕就能成功的问题。 如果那是您想要的,那就不要浪费时间。

This career is life-changing, though. I was at the lowest point in my life a few years ago, and becoming a self-taught developer gave me my life back. You just have to go about it the right way and take care of yourself.

但是,这个职业改变了生活。 几年前,我处于生命中的最低点,成为一名自学成才的开发人员使我的生活回到了过去。 您只需要以正确的方式进行操作并照顾好自己即可。

建立连接 (Make Connections)

The trick is to make connections with fellow developers.


When I started, I didn’t know any other self-taught developers. I isolated myself and tried to stay focused, but it was a lonely road.

当我开始的时候,我不认识其他自学成才的开发人员。 我孤立了自己,试图保持专注,但这是一条孤独的

As human beings, it is in our nature to crave company. We want to belong — no matter how much we may deny it.

作为人类,渴望公司是我们的天性。 我们想属于自己-无论我们会否认多少。

But trying to build relationships just for the sake of having them is not healthy either. So where is the line between right and wrong? I am still in the process of learning that, but from experience, the people who are on the same path as you will often surprisingly root for you too.

但是,仅仅为了拥有关系而试图建立关系也不是健康的。 那么对与错之间的界线在哪里? 我仍在学习过程中,但是根据经验,与您走在同一条道路上的人们也会经常出人意料地为您扎根。

To survive, you need to find your people, your pack, those peers who understand code. Your family might find you strange when you try to explain the things that you do, but those strangers will see you as a star — someone who is also trying to make sense of this world through programming.

为了生存,您需要找到您的人,您的团队以及了解代码的同行。 当您尝试解释自己所做的事情时,您的家人可能会发现您很陌生,但这些陌生人会将您视为明星,而他们也正试图通过编程来理解这个世界。

Make friends, make connections, connect to other developers you admire. Find your pack.

结交朋友,建立联系,并与您欣赏的其他开发人员建立联系。 找到你的背包。

结论 (Conclusion)

Thank you very much for reading!


翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/the-self-taught-developer-survival-kit-9206bd6cdd69






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