

This past week Syed was given an opportunity to attend Yanik Silver’s Underground Online Seminar 6 as one of the Young Moguls. This event brings together the top online marketers in the industry. The event was held at Gaylord Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland. The speakers shared a lot of valuable information, but unfortunately we cannot share it on the site. Every attendee had to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). Some speakers got the cameras to be turned off, that is how important some of the strategies were.

在过去的一周中,Syed有机会作为Young Moguls之一参加Yanik Silver的地下在线研讨会6。 该活动汇集了业内顶尖的在线营销人员。 该活动在马里兰州国家港口的盖洛德会议中心举行。 演讲者分享了很多有价值的信息,但是很遗憾,我们无法在网站上分享这些信息。 每个与会者都必须签署保密协议(NDA)。 一些扬声器使相机关闭,这就是某些策略的重要性。

Yanik is all about fun and entertainment. His childish tricks gives the conference a new life. This year’s theme at the conference was Get Smart. There were Agent 99 and many other agents walking around. The stage was awesome. Each speaker had one of a kind entrance. Yanik organized a casino for us the first night where we gambled with (fake money). The person who made the most profit got prizes. There was a big scavenger hunt the next day, and a lot of opportunities to network. This event was not one of the conferences that you attend in the day, and then leave to come to the hotel room. Everything was very hands on and it was a great experience over all.

Yanik与娱乐和娱乐有关。 他幼稚的技巧使会议焕然一新。 今年会议的主题是“变得聪明”。 有特工99和许多其他特工走来走去。 舞台很棒。 每个演讲者都有一个类似的入口。 Yanik第一个晚上为我们组织了一家赌场,我们在这里赌博(假钱)。 获利最多的人获得了奖品。 第二天有大量的寻宝游戏,并且有很多交流的机会。 该事件不是您当天参加的会议之一,然后离开去酒店房间。 一切都非常动手,这是一次很棒的体验。

Check out some of Syed’s pictures with the people he met.


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A lot of these people are young moguls as well who got selected to be the scholarship winners. Each young entrepreneur was behind a project that has made an impact in the industry. The age limit to qualify was between 13 – 23. The youngest attendee was 17 years old. It was a great feeling seeing so many smart minds at one place.

这些人中有很多都是年轻人,他们也被选为奖学金获得者。 每个年轻的企业家都参与了一个对该行业产生影响的项目。 有资格参加的年龄限制在13至23岁之间。最小的参加者为17岁。 在一个地方看到这么多聪明人的感觉真是太好了。

There were some very famous names that attended this conference. Some of these celebrities can be seen in the pictures. Gary Vaynerchuk, Neil Patel, Jeremy (Shoemoney) Schoemaker, Matt Mickiewicz (Founder of Sitepoint, 99designs, and Flippa Marketplace), and many others.

有一些非常著名的名字参加了这次会议。 在图片中可以看到其中一些名人。 Gary VaynerchukNeil PatelJeremy(Shoemoney)SchoemakerMatt Mickiewicz (Sitepoint, 99designs和Flippa Marketplace的创始人)等等。

First of all, we would like to thank Yanik Silver and Michael Dunlop for selecting Syed as one of the Young Mogul. Next we want to send a shout out for Todd from BuySellAds and Peter from Romow Web Directory for stepping up and sponsoring this trip for Syed.

首先,我们要感谢Yanik Silver和Michael Dunlop选择Syed作为Young Mogul之一。 接下来,我们要向BuySellAds的 Todd和Romow Web Directory的 Peter 致意,以加紧并赞助Syed的这次旅行。

If you notice in the pictures, Syed was wearing the shirts for BuySellAds and Romow. He also gave out shirts for each of these companies. This was a great branding opportunity that you can take advantage of also. We will be attending various conferences through out the year. If you are interested in sponsoring our trips, use our Contact form and we can work out the details.

如果您在图片中注意到,Syed穿着BuySellAds和Romow的衬衫。 他还为每个公司分发了衬衫。 这是一个绝佳的品牌推广机会,您也可以利用。 我们将全年参加各种会议。 如果您有兴趣赞助我们的旅行,请使用我们的联系表 ,我们可以制定出详细信息。

有关此行的赞助商的更多信息: (More about This Trip’s Sponsors:)

Buy Sell Ads



BuySellAds is a huge marketplace to buy/sell advertising spots on your site. Over 750 successful bloggers use them to power their online ad sales. WPBeginner is also using BSA to maintain our ads. It is also a great place for advertisers. Over 1,000 quality advertisers use BSA to target the audiences that are right for their brand. If you are interested, apply to be in their marketplace now.

BuySellAds是买卖您网站上的广告位的巨大市场。 超过750个成功的博客作者使用它们来推动在线广告销售。 WPBeginner还使用BSA来维护我们的广告。 这也是广告客户的好地方。 超过1000个高质量的广告客户使用BSA定位适合其品牌的受众。 如果您有兴趣,请立即申请进入他们的市场。

Romow Web Directory

Romow Web Directory

Romow Web目录

Romow is one of the popular web directories that have been around since 2006. Romow gets over 650,000 page views per month, and it has over 570,000+ inlinks according to Yahoo site explorer. Syed has known Peter since 2006, and we have done business with them on numerous occasions. Make sure you go submit your site to this web directory.

Romow是自2006年以来一直流行的Web目录之一。根据Yahoo网站浏览器,Romow每月可获得超过650,000的页面浏览量,并且拥有超过570,000多个链接。 赛德(Syed)自2006年以来就认识彼得(Peter),我们已经与他们进行过多次合作。 确保将网站提交到此Web目录。







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