如何为WordPress安装和设置简单的Facebook Connect

One of our users over at our Facebook community page asked us to cover the installation and setup of Simple Facebook Connect plugin for WordPress. For those who do not know, Simple Facebook Connect is a plugin created by Otto (@otto42) to make it easy for your site to use Facebook social plugins. This plugin works in a series of sub-systems that lets you add any sort of Facebook functionality (facebook logins, comments etc) you like to your WordPress blog. By far this is the most complete WordPress plugin for facebook features however the installation process may seem a bit difficult for beginners. In this article, we will show you how to install and setup Simple Facebook Connect for WordPress.

我们Facebook社区页面上的一位用户要求我们介绍适用于WordPress的Simple Facebook Connect插件的安装和设置。 对于那些不知道的人,简单Facebook Connect是由Otto(@ otto42)创建的插件,可让您的站​​点轻松使用Facebook社交插件。 该插件在一系列子系统中工作,可让您向WordPress博客添加喜欢的任何Facebook功能(Facebook登录名,评论等)。 到目前为止,这是针对Facebook功能的最完整的WordPress插件,但是对于初学者而言,安装过程似乎有点困难。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何为WordPress安装和设置Simple Facebook Connect。

特征 (Features)

Before we go ahead with the setup instructions, lets take a look at full features that Simple Facebook Connect offers.

在继续进行设置说明之前,让我们看一下Simple Facebook Connect提供的全部功能。

  • Enables your site to connect to Facebook with JS SDK

    使您的网站可以使用JS SDK连接到Facebook
  • Implements OpenGraph tags, entirely automatically

  • Comment using Facebook credentials (with Facebook avatar support)

  • Automatically Publish new posts to Facebook Profile or Application or Fan Page

  • Manually Publish posts to FB Profile or Application or Fan Page

  • Integrate comments made on Facebook back into your own site

  • Login with your Facebook credentials, optionally using Facebook avatars instead of Gravatars

  • New user registration with Facebook credentials (using the Facebook Registration Authentication system)

  • Facebook Photo Album integration in the Media uploader

  • Like Button and shortcode

  • User Status Widget and shortcode

  • Live Stream Widget and shortcode

  • Fan Box Widget and shortcode

  • Fan Count Chicklet and Widget

  • Activity Feed Widget

  • “Share” button and Shortcode (reworked version of Like button, as Share button is no longer supported by Facebook)


That’s quite a lot for one plugin. But remember, you don’t have to use all the features it offers. You can still use the plugin and enable only what you need.

对于一个插件来说,这很多。 但是请记住,您不必使用其提供的所有功能。 您仍然可以使用该插件并仅启用所需的功能。

安装与设定 (Installation and Setup)

First thing you need to do is install and activate Simple Facebook Connect plugin. Upon activation, a new option will be added under your Settings Menu called Simple Facebook Connect. Once you click on that, it will ask you to enter your application secret, application ID, and facebook fan page.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活Simple Facebook Connect插件 。 激活后,将在“设置”菜单下添加一个名为“简单Facebook Connect”的新选项。 单击该按钮后,它将要求您输入应用程序密码,应用程序ID和Facebook粉丝页面。

Simple Facebook Connect Main Settings

Now most of you probably have no clue what the heck the first two are, and you are probably wondering why you need these. You need these for this plugin to work properly (Auto-publish to Facebook, Facebook login, registration etc). Unfortunately, at this point in time, you cannot move forward without having those elements filled in. So we will show you how to get your own application ID and application secret key.

现在大多数人可能都不知道前两个到底是什么,并且您可能想知道为什么需要这些。 您需要这些才能使此插件正常工作(自动发布到Facebook,Facebook登录,注册等)。 不幸的是,此时此刻,如果不填写这些元素,您将无法前进。因此,我们将向您展示如何获取自己的应用程序ID和应用程序密钥。

First you need to visit Facebook Developers Page. After you login, click on Apps link in the navigation bar. Then click on Create a new App icon (top left).

首先,您需要访问Facebook开发人员页面 。 登录后,单击导航栏中的“应用程序”链接。 然后单击“创建新的应用程序”图标(左上方)。

Create New App Facebook

Obviously, change the application name to your own, and then click ok. It will prompt you to fill out the captcha. Once you have done that, you will be taken to a screen that will give you the basic information for your application.

显然,将应用程序名称更改为您自己的名称,然后单击“确定”。 它将提示您填写验证码。 完成此操作后,您将进入一个屏幕,该屏幕将为您提供应用程序的基本信息。

Facebook App Settings

Now do everything we demonstrate in the image above. Edit the icon to match your site’s logo, so your users know what they are connecting to. Keep your contact email updated. Select your category. Check the box for Website and then enter your url. Your application ID and app secret are listed at the top. You can copy and paste them in your Simple Facebook Connect plugin settings.

现在,请执行上图中显示的所有操作。 编辑图标以匹配您站点的徽标,以便您的用户知道他们要连接的内容。 保持您的联系电子邮件更新。 选择您的类别。 选中网站框,然后输入您的网址。 您的应用程序ID和应用程序密钥在顶部列出。 您可以将它们复制并粘贴到Simple Facebook Connect插件设置中。

Now this only leaves us with the Facebook Fan Page ID. If you are using a fan page for your site (which most of us do), then you need to enter it in the field there. You can find the ID of the page by simply bringing your mouse over to your fan page edit link (the ID is listed there).

现在,这只剩下Facebook粉丝页面ID。 如果您在网站上使用粉丝页面(我们大多数人都这样做),则需要在该字段中输入该页面。 您只需将鼠标移到粉丝页面编辑链接上即可找到页面的ID(ID在此处列出)。

Facebook Fan Page ID

Once you click Save changes, a whole bunch of new options should be available to you now under SFC Plugins.


SFC Plugins

Check the ones that you plan on using, and leave the others blank. In our example, we will leave all boxes checked, so we can cover everything.

检查您计划使用的那些,将其他留空。 在我们的示例中,我们将所有复选框保留为选中状态,因此我们可以覆盖所有内容。

Below the Facebook Plugins, you will have an option for Facebook Metadata. By default Simple Facebook Connect plugin pulls Facebook Meta Data information from your posts. But if for some reason, you didn’t have an image for the post, or an error occurs, there is an option to enter default values.

在Facebook插件下方,您将有一个Facebook Metadata选项。 默认情况下,简单Facebook Connect插件从您的帖子中提取Facebook元数据信息。 但是,如果由于某种原因,您没有帖子的图片,或者发生错误,则可以输入默认值。

SFC Metadata

Enter the path of your default image (which most likely should be your logo), and the description of the site. Below this you will see the option for Login Settings.

输入默认图像的路径(最有可能是您的徽标),以及站点的描述。 在此下方,您将看到“登录设置”选项。

SFC Login Settings

You can check to have Facebook Avatars override Gravatars when available. This is entirely a personal preference. Next you will have the Like Button settings.

您可以检查让Facebook头像在可用时覆盖Gravatar。 这完全是个人喜好。 接下来,您将具有“喜欢”按钮设置。

SFC Like Button Settings

If you don’t know what the like buttons look like, then scroll up on this page, and you will see the example of the facebook like button. You have the option to enter it either before your post content, after your post content, both before and after, or manually. You can select from the like button layouts, the action name, and send button.

如果您不知道类似按钮的外观,请在此页面上向上滚动,然后您将看到facebook类似按钮的示例。 您可以选择在帖子内容之前,之后,之后或之后或手动输入。 您可以从类似的按钮布局,操作名称和发送按钮中进行选择。

We have checked the settings that tends to work the best among our clients.


There is also share button settings (which essentially has been replaced by the like button). So honestly this part is useless if you are using the like button. But lets say, if you wanted to use this one instead of the like button, then you can select the options from adding it before the content, after the content, before and after the content, or manual insertion. You can also select from Box count or button count.

还有共享按钮设置(基本上已由“赞”按钮代替)。 因此,老实说,如果您使用“喜欢”按钮,那么这部分是没有用的。 但是可以说,如果您想使用此按钮代替“ like”按钮,则可以选择在内容之前,之后,之后和之后添加或手动插入的选项。 您还可以从“盒数”或“按钮数”中选择。

SFC Share Button Settings

We left the settings to be default. You can pick for yourself where you want these.

我们将设置保留为默认设置。 您可以自己选择想要的位置。

Next option available is the auto-publish settings.


SFC Publish Settings

You can choose to auto-publish to your facebook profile and/or facebook application page. If you have the Facebook Fan Page ID inserted, then it will publish to your fan page. You will have to grant SFC permission by clicking on the button and authorizing through facebook. This is safe authorization because you are authorizing your own application.

您可以选择自动发布到您的Facebook个人资料和/或Facebook应用程序页面。 如果您插入了Facebook粉丝页面ID,则它将发布到您的粉丝页面。 您必须通过单击按钮并通过Facebook授权来授予SFC权限。 这是安全的授权,因为您正在授权自己的应用程序。

Next is Fan Box settings which is for folks who are CSS rockstars and want to customize the look of their facebook fan page. You have to know how to use Firebug in order to really use this custom CSS box because SFC provides no documentation of each class. So use firebug to detect what you want to modify, and then place the custom styling in this area.

接下来是Fan Box设置,该设置适用于CSS摇滚明星并且想要自定义其Facebook粉丝页面的外观。 您必须知道如何使用Firebug才能真正使用此自定义CSS框,因为SFC不提供每个类的文档。 因此,请使用firebug检测您要修改的内容,然后将自定义样式放置在该区域中。

So are you wondering how would these settings look like on your site? Well check out the screenshots for the plugin.

因此,您是否想知道这些设置在您网站上的外观如何? 好看看插件屏幕截图

We hope this article helped you do a basic setup for Simple Facebook Connect.

我们希望本文能帮助您对Simple Facebook Connect进行基本设置。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-install-and-setup-simple-facebook-connect-for-wordpress/





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