
Facebook is the largest social networking website in the world. This is why many websites integrate with Facebook in various different ways such as by adding a facebook like box, facebook comments, facebook like button, and facebook send button. Many websites claim that by adding these social elements they were able to increase user engagement. In this article, we will show you how to add facebook recommendation bar in WordPress, so you can further increase the engagement on your site. Facebook recommendation bar adds a like button at the bottom of the screen which expands as a user scroll downs and show them articles they might want to read on your website.

Facebook是世界上最大的社交网站。 这就是为什么许多网站以各种不同的方式与Facebook集成的原因,例如通过添加诸如box之类facebookfacebook评论诸如button之类的 Facebook和“ 发送” facebook之类的 按钮 。 许多网站声称,通过添加这些社交元素,它们能够增加用户的参与度。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何在WordPress中添加Facebook推荐栏,以便您进一步提高网站的参与度。 Facebook推荐栏在屏幕底部添加了一个“喜欢”按钮,随着用户向下滚动并向他们显示他们可能希望在您的网站上阅读的文章,该按钮会展开。

First thing you need to do is install and activate the Facebook plugin. After activating the plugin, click on the Facebook menu item in your WordPress admin sidebar. This will take you to plugin settings page.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活Facebook插件 。 激活插件后,单击WordPress管理员侧栏中的Facebook菜单项。 这将带您进入插件设置页面。

创建一个Facebook应用 (Create a Facebook App)

In order for the Facebook Recommendations bar to work, the first thing you need to do is setup a Facebook App. It is very easy and simple to create a Facebook app for your WordPress website. Log in to your Facebook and then go to the Facebook Developers website. This is the place where facebook developers can manage their apps. To get started, click on Create New App button.

为了使Facebook Recommendations栏正常工作,您需要做的第一件事就是设置一个Facebook App。 为您的WordPress网站创建Facebook应用程序非常简单容易。 登录到您的Facebook,然后转到Facebook开发者网站。 这是Facebook开发人员可以管理其应用程序的地方。 首先,单击“ 创建新应用”按钮。

Creating a new Facebook App

This will bring a small pop up on the screen where you need to provide a name for your app. The other two fields in this form are optional, and you can leave them blank.

这将在屏幕上弹出一个小对话框,您需要在其中为应用程序提供名称。 此表单中的其他两个字段是可选的,您可以将其保留为空白。

Create a new Facebook app

Now you will land on developer page for your app, and it will display your application ID and application secret key. You need to copy these keys and enter them into the Facebook plugin page on your WordPress website.

现在,您将进入应用程序的开发人员页面,并显示您的应用程序ID和应用程序密钥。 您需要复制这些密钥并将其输入到WordPress网站上的Facebook插件页面中。

设置Facebook推荐栏 (Setting up Facebook Recommendation Bar)

Once you have provided app ID and secret key, additional modules including the Recommendation bar will appear under the Facebook menu. Go to Facebook » Recommendations Bar to configure the settings.

提供应用程序ID和密钥后,其他功能模块(包括“推荐”栏)将显示在Facebook菜单下。 转到Facebook»建议栏以配置设置。

Facebook Recommendation bar settings

The settings page for Facebook Recommendations bar is fairly simple. First, you need to choose which pages you want the recommendations bar to appear. You can choose from post, page, and attachment. You can select all three of them if you want. The next setting is the direction of the Recommendations bar. By default it appears at the bottom of the page, but you can choose whether you want it on the bottom right or bottom left corner. The next setting item allows you to choose between Recommend or Like action items.

Facebook Recommendations栏的设置页面非常简单。 首先,您需要选择要显示推荐栏的页面。 您可以从帖子,页面和附件中选择。 您可以根据需要选择所有三个。 下一个设置是“建议”栏的方向。 默认情况下,它显示在页面的底部,但是您可以选择在右下角还是左下角。 下一个设置项目使您可以在“推荐”或“喜欢”操作项目之间进行选择。

The most important setting item is trigger which controls when the recommendations bar will appear and expand. You can leave it to default which is on visible and triggered when a user scrolls to the bottom. You can also set a percentage, like when user scrolls 60% of the page trigger the recommendation bar. Lastly, you can manually call the recommendations bar by copy pasting the FBML tag in your templates.

最重要的设置项是触发器,它控制建议栏何时出现和展开。 您可以将其保留为默认值,该默认值在用户滚动到底部时可见并触发。 您还可以设置百分比,例如当用户滚动页面的60%时触发推荐栏。 最后,您可以通过将FBML标签复制粘贴到模板中来手动调用建议栏。

After saving changes, visit your website to see the recommendations bar in action. This is how it looked like on our test site:

保存更改后,访问您的网站以查看建议栏。 这是我们测试站点上的样子:

Facebook recommendations bar

We hope this article helped you add the Facebook Recommendations bar to your WordPress website. For feedback and questions please leave a comment below. By the way don’t forget to follow us on Facebook.

我们希望本文能帮助您将Facebook Recommendations栏添加到WordPress网站。 对于反馈和问题,请在下面发表评论。 顺便说一句,不要忘记在Facebook上关注我们

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-add-facebook-recommendation-bar-in-wordpress/





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