
Sliders are commonly used on the front page of business or portfolio websites. There are hundreds of WordPress slider plugins out there, each one with its own features. However, we have heard from our users that most slider plugins are just too complicated for them. In this article we will show you how to easily add a WordPress slider on your site with Soliloquy. The goal here is to find the best WordPress slider plugin that is easy to use, works with all themes, and is responsive meaning it fits all screens (smartphones, desktop, and tablets).

滑块通常在企业或投资组合网站的首页上使用。 有数百个WordPress滑块插件,每个插件都有自己的功能。 但是,我们从用户那里得知,大多数滑块插件对他们来说太复杂了。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何使用Soliloquy在站点上轻松添加WordPress滑块。 这里的目标是找到最好的WordPress滑块插件,该插件易于使用,适用于所有主题并且响应Swift,意味着它适合所有屏幕(智能手机,台式机和平板电脑)。

为什么要使用Soliloquy作为WordPress滑块? (Why Use Soliloquy as Your WordPress Slider?)

Soliloquy is a robust responsive WordPress slider plugin rich in features, and it is fairly easy to manage. Here are some of the things that we like about Soliloquy over other plugins:

Soliloquy是一个功能强大的响应式WordPress滑块插件,具有丰富的功能,并且非常易于管理。 与其他插件相比,这是我们喜欢Soliloquy的一些东西:

  • Soliloquy adheres to WordPress coding standards and best practices.

  • WordPress Backup solution. WordPress备份解决方案更轻松地导入/导出滑块。
  • It is 100% translation ready which is great for international audiences.

  • It is SEO friendly. You can add meta data, titles, alt text and captions to each slide.

    这是SEO友好的。 您可以向每张幻灯片添加元数据,标题,替代文本和标题。
  • Ajax powered drag-drop slide sorting makes it very easy to use.

  • Responsive WordPress slider with touch swipe support for touch-enabled devices such as smartphones and tablets.

  • Developer friendly with great documentation and 50+ hooks and filters. You can easily white-label it if needed.

    开发人员友好,提供了丰富的文档以及50多个钩子和过滤器。 如果需要,您可以轻松地将其贴上白色标签。

Aside from all the features, Soliloquy is pretty affordable compared to other slider plugins. Base option is only $19. WPBeginner users get an exclusive 25% discount by using the Soliloquy coupon which makes the deal even better. Use code: WPBEGINNER.

除了所有功能之外,与其他滑块插件相比,Soloiloquy的价格还算便宜。 基本选项仅售$ 19。 WPBeginner用户通过使用Soliloquy优惠券可获得25%的独家折扣,这使交易变得更好。 使用代码: WPBEGINNER

影片教学 (Video Tutorial)


If you don’t like the video or need more instructions, then continue reading.


使用Soliloquy创建WordPress滑块 (Creating a WordPress Slider with Soliloquy)

First thing you need to do is purchase Soliloquy. Once you have Soliloquy, you need to install and activate it (see how to install a WordPress plugin). Upon activation, the plugin will add a new Soliloquy menu in your WordPress admin. Clicking on it will take you to the sliders list page which will be empty because you haven’t created any sliders yet. To add a new slider, click on the Soliloquy » Add New.

您需要做的第一件事是购买Soliloquy 。 拥有Soliloquy之后,您需要安装并激活它(请参阅如何安装WordPress插件 )。 激活后,该插件将在您的WordPress管理员中添加一个新的Soliloquy菜单。 单击它会将您带到滑块列表页面,该页面将为空,因为您尚未创建任何滑块。 要添加新的滑块,请单击“ 独白»»添加新滑块。

Adding a new WordPress slider with Soliloquy

You want to start out by adding your slider title. Next click on Upload slides button. A popup, much like the default WordPress media uploader will appear. You can upload images for your slide, choose images from media library, add video slides by adding URLs of YouTube or Vimeo videos, or create an HTML slide.

您想通过添加滑块标题开始。 接下来点击“ 上传幻灯片”按钮。 将显示一个弹出窗口,类似于默认的WordPress媒体上传器。 您可以上传幻灯片的图像,从媒体库中选择图像,通过添加YouTube或Vimeo视频的URL添加视频幻灯片,或创建HTML幻灯片。

To add a video as a slide, you need to upload your video to either YouTube or Vimeo (read why you should never upload a video to WordPress). Once you have the video URL, simply paste it and Soliloquy will take care of the rest.

要将视频添加为幻灯片,您需要将视频上传到YouTube或Vimeo( 了解为什么永远不要将视频上传到WordPress )。 拥有视频URL后,只需将其粘贴即可,其余的将由Soliloquy负责。

As for HTML slides, you need to paste the HTML code. This html could be anything that you want. One example would be to add an email opt-in form for your newsletter or a call to action button.

对于HTML幻灯片,您需要粘贴HTML代码。 该html可以是您想要的任何东西。 一个示例是为您的时事通讯或号召性用语按钮添加电子邮件接收表单

In this article, we will show you how to create an image slider in WordPress. Click on the Select Files to upload slide images from your computer.

在本文中,我们将向您展示如何在WordPress中创建图像滑块。 单击“ 选择文件”以从计算机上载幻灯片图像。

Uploading image slides in Soliloquy to create your WordPress slider

Once you have selected the image slides, they will be uploaded to your media library. Click on Insert Slides button to add these slides into your slider. After inserting your slides, you can configure other options on the add new slider page. While you can adjust the default slider size, the responsive ability allows it to automatically adjust for smaller screens. The default sizes is the relative point as your slider adjusts itself on different devices.

选择图像幻灯片后,它们将被上传到您的媒体库。 单击“ 插入幻灯片”按钮,将这些幻灯片添加到您的滑块中。 插入幻灯片后,您可以在“添加新的滑块”页面上配置其他选项。 虽然您可以调整默认的滑块大小,但响应能力使它可以针对较小的屏幕自动进行调整。 默认大小是相对位置,因为滑块会在不同设备上自行调整。

Soliloquy Slider Settings

Among other options you can choose the slider speed, slide animation effect, transition effect, etc. Once you are satisfied with the settings click on publish button to save your slider and make it publicly available.


在帖子/页面中添加WordPress滑块 (Adding a WordPress Slider in Posts/Page)

Now that you have created your slider, the next step is to insert that slider in a post or a page. Open the post editor, select the location where you want to add the slider, and click on the Add Slider button next to the media uploader.

现在,您已经创建了滑块,下一步是将该滑块插入到帖子或页面中。 打开帖子编辑器,选择要添加滑块的位置,然后单击媒体上传器旁边的“ 添加滑块”按钮。

Insert slider into a WordPress post or page

You will see boxes for each slider you have created. Choose the slider you want to insert and then click Insert Slider button.

您将看到所创建的每个滑块的框。 选择要插入的滑块 ,然后单击“ 插入滑块”按钮。

Choose a slider to insert

This will add a slider shortcode into your post. You can now save or preview your post and see the slider in action.

这会将滑块简码添加到您的帖子中。 现在,您可以保存或预览您的帖子,并看到正在使用的滑块。

使用Soliloquy编辑和更新WordPress滑块 (Editing and Updating a WordPress Slider with Soliloquy)

The great thing about creating a WordPress slider with Soliloquy is that you can edit your slider any time you want without editing the post or page where you have inserted the slider. Simply click on Soliloquy icon in your admin sidebar and then click Edit link below the slider you want to update.

使用Soliloquy创建WordPress滑块的妙处在于,您可以随时编辑滑块,而无需编辑插入滑块的帖子或页面。 只需单击管理侧边栏中的Soliloquy图标,然后单击要更新的滑块下方的“编辑”链接。

Editing a Slider with Soliloquy

Now lets edit the slider we created above. Remember we told you that sliders created with Soliloquy are SEO friendly. You can add meta descriptions, title, URL, and captions to your individual slides. Click on the edit button next to an individual slide in your slider.

现在,让我们编辑上面创建的滑块。 记住,我们告诉过您,用Soliloquy创建的滑块对SEO友好。 您可以将元描述,标题,URL和标题添加到各个幻灯片。 单击滑块中单个幻灯片旁边的编辑按钮。

Modify a slide in the slider

This will open a pop-up where you can enter image title, alt text, link your slide to a URL and enter a caption. You can also use HTML in your caption in case you want to add a newsletter opt-in form. Once you have entered the meta information for the slide click on the Save slide button.

这将打开一个弹出窗口,您可以在其中输入图像标题,替代文本,将幻灯片链接到URL并输入标题。 如果您想添加新闻简报加入表单,也可以在标题中使用HTML。 输入幻灯片的元信息后,单击“保存幻灯片”按钮。

Entering meta-data for slides in a WordPress slider created with Soliloquy

Your changes will automatically reflect in the slider wherever it is embedded on your site.


在模板和小部件中添加Soliloquy WordPress滑块 (Adding Soliloquy WordPress Slider in Templates and Widgets)

Soliloquy comes with a widget which you can use to add a slider into any widgetized area on your website. Go to Appearance » Widgets and drag-drop Soliloquy widget to your sidebar. You will see the list of slides you have created. Choose the one you want to insert and save the widget. Since sliders created with Soliloquy are responsive, they will automatically adjust to fit your sidebar’s width.

Soliloquy附带有一个小部件,您可以使用该小部件将滑块添加到网站上任何小部件化的区域。 转到外观»小部件,然后将Soliloquy小部件拖放到侧边栏中。 您将看到已创建的幻灯片列表。 选择您要插入并保存小部件的部件。 由于使用Soliloquy创建的滑块具有响应性,因此它们将自动调整以适合侧边栏的宽度。

Soliloquy widget allows you to add sliders in sidebar

Each Soliloquy slider has its own unique shortcode and a function. You can use this function to add the slider anywhere in your theme template files. To obtain the function code, click on Soliloquy icon in your WordPress admin. This will display the list of sliders you have created along with the shortcode and function next to the slider title. Copy and paste the function code accordingly.

每个Soliloquy滑条都有其唯一的短代码和功能。 您可以使用此功能在主题模板文件中的任何位置添加滑块。 要获取功能代码,请在WordPress管理员中单击Soliloquy图标。 这将在滑块标题旁边显示您创建的滑块列表以及短代码和功能。 相应地复制并粘贴功能代码。

Adding a slider into Theme templates using a function
最后的想法 (Final Thoughts)

Soliloquy is one of the better WordPress slider plugins that we have seen in the market. Trust us, we have tested many of them. After extensively using Soliloquy, we are truly impressed by its speed and power.

Soliloquy是我们在市场上看到的更好的WordPress滑块插件之一。 相信我们,我们已经测试了许多。 在广泛使用Soliloquy之后 ,其速度和功能给我们留下了深刻的印象。

Most slider plugins are bloated with code and are poorly documented. Soliloquy is light-weight and fast. It is built for both users and developers. They have done a great job to follow all WordPress standards while making the slider extremely easy to use for beginners. Their code documentation makes it easy for other developers to customize and extend the functionality as needed.

大多数滑块插件都充斥着大量代码,并且文档记录很少。 自言自语的是重量轻,速度快。 它是为用户和开发人员构建的。 他们在遵循所有WordPress标准方面做得很出色,同时使滑块对于初学者而言非常容易使用。 他们的代码文档使其他开发人员可以轻松地根据需要自定义和扩展功能。

We can easily say that Soliloquy has now moved up as our #1 choice for a WordPress slider plugin.


We hope that this article helped you add a slider in your WordPress site. For feedback and questions please leave a comment below. Also don’t forget to follow us on Twitter @wpbeginner.

我们希望本文能帮助您在WordPress网站中添加一个滑块。 对于反馈和问题,请在下面发表评论。 另外,不要忘记在Twitter @wpbeginner上关注我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/how-to-easily-create-a-responsive-wordpress-slider-with-soliloquy/





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