chrome查看实际域名_域名实际要多少钱? (专家回答)


If you have ever tried to register a domain name before, then you have likely seen a wide-variety of prices ranging from $9 to several thousand dollars.

如果您曾经尝试过注册域名 ,那么您可能会发现价格从$ 9到几千美元不等。

The cost of a domain name varies based on the domain extension (such as .com, .org, .net), domain registrar, availability, and few other factors.

域名的成本根据域名扩展名(例如.com,.org,.net), 域名注册商 ,可用性和其他一些因素而有所不同。

Apart from new domain names, you can also buy premium domain names from someone else who has registered it before you. Domain name investors often register premium domain names that are shorter, brandable, and easy to remember for the sole purpose of reselling.

除了新域名之外,您还可以从其他在您之前注册过的人那里购买高级域名。 域名投资者通常会注册更短,更易记名且易于记忆的高级域名,其唯一目的就是转售。

In this article, we’ll explain how much does a domain name really costs. We’ll also show you different ways to buy a domain name including a way to get one for free.

在本文中,我们将解释域名的实际成本。 我们还将向您展示购买域名的不同方法,包括免费获得域名的方法。

How much does a domain name really cost

Since this is a comprehensive guide on domain name costs, we have broken it down into few sections:


一个新域名要多少钱? (How Much Does a New Domain Name Cost?)

Buying a new domain name would typically cost you anywhere between $9 and $14.99 per year. However, these prices may differ based on the domain extension or the domain registrar you choose.

购买新域名的费用每年通常在9美元到14.99美元之间。 但是,这些价格可能会根据您选择的域名扩展名或域名注册商而有所不同。

If you are starting a new website, then we recommend using Bluehost. They are one of the top web hosting companies in the world.

如果您要启动一个新网站 ,则建议使用Bluehost 。 他们是全球顶级的网络托管公司之一。

They are offering WPBeginner users a free domain name + free SSL certificate on top of the 60% discount on their web hosting plans.


→ Claim Your Free Domain Name with Bluehost ←


Since you need both a domain name and web hosting to make a website, this is the most affordable option to get started.


If you just want to purchase a domain name, then we recommend using as your registrar. You can use our coupon code to get 25% off your purchase.

如果您只想购买域名,那么我们建议使用Domain.com作为您的注册商。 您可以使用我们的Domain.com优惠券代码获得25%的购买折扣。

Here is how much a new domain registration costs with different registrars.


  • Bluehost – Free domain with hosting $2.75 / monthBluehost –每月托管$ 2.75的免费域名
  • – $7.45 for .com domain names with our coupon – $ 7.45的.com域名(含我们的优惠券代码)
  • HostGator – Free domain with hosting $2.64 / monthHostGator –免费域名托管,每月$ 2.64
  • GoDaddy – $11.99GoDaddy – $ 11.99
  • DreamHost – Free domain with hosting $2.59 / monthDreamHost –免费域名托管,每月$ 2.59

These prices are for new .com domain names only. The pricing of other extensions such as .net, .org, .info, .blog, etc. will vary based on the domain registrar you use.

这些价格仅适用于新的.com域名。 其他扩展名(如.net,.org,.info,.blog等)的定价将根据您使用的域注册商而有所不同。

When it comes to domain extensions, we always recommend users to use .com because it’s the most popular one.

对于域名扩展 ,我们始终建议用户使用.com,因为它是最受欢迎的域名

域名的隐藏成本 (Hidden Costs of a Domain Name)

Aside from the domain registration cost, there are few hidden domain costs and upsells that you should be aware of, so you can make the most educated decision.


Yearly Renewals


Domain name registration is done on a yearly basis. You can maintain control over your domain name as long as you continue to renew your registration each year.

域名注册每年进行一次。 只要您每年继续续订注册,您就可以保持对域名的控制。

Some domain registrars offer domain name discounts on first year purchase, but their renewal costs are much higher. If you see a promotion where you can pay $0.99 for a domain name, then please know that it’s usually for first year only. Your annual renewals will be at a much higher price.

一些域名注册商在第一年购买时会提供域名折扣,但是其续订成本要高得多。 如果您看到可以以$ 0.99的价格购买域名的促销活动,那么请注意,该促销活动通常仅适用于第一年。 您的年度续订价格会更高。

WHOIS and Domain Privacy


ICANN is the not-for-profit public-benefit corporation that is responsible for coordinating the assignment and maintenance of domain names. They require each domain registrar to collect contact information for the website owner.

ICANN是非营利性的公益组织,负责协调域名的分配和维护。 他们要求每个域名注册商收集网站所有者的联系信息。

This information can be publicly accessed using WHOIS data. Other businesses and companies can use this information to contact you about a potential business partnership.

可以使用WHOIS数据公开访问此信息。 其他企业和公司可以使用此信息与您联系以寻求潜在的业务合作伙伴关系。

Having the WHOIS data publicly available can result in unwanted emails and phone calls. This is why many domain registrars sell an add-on called Domain Privacy.

公开获得WHOIS数据可能会导致不必要的电子邮件和电话呼叫。 这就是为什么许多域注册商都出售名为Domain Privacy的加载项的原因。

This addon typically costs an additional $9.99, and it’s completely optional. The problem is that often registrars automatically add it to the cart, and you have to manually remove it if you don’t want to pay for it.

该附加组件通常需要额外支付9.99美元,并且是完全可选的。 问题在于,注册服务商通常会自动将其添加到购物车中,如果您不想为此付费,则必须手动将其删除。

Some registrars like DreamHost offer free domain privacy with their domains.


Business Email Accounts (Email Domains)


When buying a domain name, you will likely see an addon for email domains for setting up a professional business email address.


You do not need to buy this because you can get a free business email address with most web hosting companies.


If you want a more professional option, then we recommend buying this directly from G Suite or Microsoft Office365, so you’re not locked into a registrar.

如果您想要更专业的选择,那么我们建议您直接从G SuiteMicrosoft Office365购买 ,这样您就不会被注册商所束缚

Pro Tip: Secure Domain Discounts for Multiple Years


Some registrars like allows you to pre-pay for multiple years upfront. This is a great way to get the introductory discount offer for multiple years.

诸如Domain.com之类的某些注册服务商允许您预先支付数年的费用。 这是获得多年折扣优惠的好方法。

Since you have to pay for domain renewals every year, pre-paying for multiple years can be a significant saving. Not to mention, it saves you from future price increases.

由于您必须每年支付域名续订的费用,因此预付多年费用可以节省大量资金。 更不用说,它使您免受将来价格上涨的影响。

But these hidden fees and domain cost explanation is primarily for new domains that are available to register.


What about premium domains or domains that you buy from other people? Let’s take a look at the premium domain costs in details.

那么高级域名或您从他人那里购买的域名呢? 让我们详细了解高级域名成本。

高级域名要多少钱? (How Much Does a Premium Domain Name Cost?)

Premium domain names are pre-registered domain names that are often shorter, brandable, and more memorable. Often domain investors register these premium domain names to sell later at a higher price for profit.

高级域名是预先注册的域名,通常更短,更易记且更易记。 域名投资者通常会注册这些高级域名,然后以更高的价格出售以获取利润。

Cost of premium domain names can range anywhere from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars. It all depends on the uniqueness of the name, domain length, and its overall brand potential.

高级域名的成本范围从几百美元到几千美元不等。 这全都取决于名称的唯一性,域名长度及其整体品牌潜力。

Some premium domains may even cost hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars. Here are some of the most expensive domains sold in history:

一些高级域名甚至可能花费数十万至数百万美元。 以下是历史上出售的一些最昂贵的域名:

  • – $35.6 million – 3560万美元
  • – $30.18 million – 3018万美元
  • – $11 million – 1100万美元
  • – $8.5 million – 850万美元
  • – $7.5 million – 750万美元

You can find premium domain names listed for sale by private sellers on various websites.


We recommend buying domain names from reputable websites to ensure a safe transfer of the domain name. See our guide on the best places to buy a premium domain name.

我们建议从信誉良好的网站购买域名,以确保域名的安全转移。 请参阅有关购买高级域名最佳位置的指南。

如何估算高级域名的价值? (How to Estimate The Value of a Premium Domain Name?)

Many beginners ask us about how to find the right offer to make for a premium domain or a pre-registered domain name?


Domain names that are already taken are often sold at a higher price. However, most of the time the asking price is outrageously high which discourages many inexperienced domain buyers from making an offer.

已经被占用的域名通常以更高的价格出售。 但是,大多数情况下,要价高得离谱,这使许多缺乏经验的域名买家不愿出价。

We recommend users to do some research and make a reasonable counter offer. Remember, the domain investor only makes money when they sell the domain.

我们建议用户进行一些研究并提出合理的还价。 请记住,域名投资者只有在出售域名时才能赚钱。

Like most trades, the value of a premium domain largely depends on the maximum you’re willing to pay and the lowest the seller is willing to accept.


However, you can look at domain marketplaces like BuyDomains, Sedo, or Flippa to better understand the market rates, so you can make a respectable offer for a particular niche.

但是,您可以查看诸如BuyDomains ,Sedo或Flippa之类的域名市场,以更好地了解市场价格,以便为特定的细分市场提供可观的报价。

Flippa domains

If the domain you are looking for already has a listed price, then you can start by offering 50-75% of the listed price.


Note: Most domain value estimation tools are completely useless, so it’s best to avoid using them as a reference.


We recommend caution when buying a registered domain name. If you are unsure about the domain’s potential worth to your business, then simply walk away.

我们建议您在购买注册域名时多加注意。 如果您不确定该域名对您的业务的潜在价值,那么就走开。

过期的域名要多少钱? (How Much Does an Expired Domain Names Cost?)

Each day thousands of domain names expire. These are the domain names where the owner decided not to renew their registration, or they simply forgot about these domain names.

每天都有数千个域名过期。 这些是所有者决定不续签注册的域名,或者他们只是忘记了这些域名。

Expired domains provide an excellent opportunity to find great brandable domain name. The following are a few places where you can look for recently expired domain names.

过期的域名提供了一个绝佳的机会来找到优质的品牌域名。 以下是一些您可以在其中查找最近过期的域名的地方。

1. FreshDrop

1. FreshDrop


FreshDrop is a domain marketplace that allows you to follow expired and soon to be expired domain names. It comes with an advanced search tool that you can use to narrow down your search.

FreshDrop是一个域名市场,可让您关注过期的和即将过期的域名。 它带有一个高级搜索工具,可用于缩小搜索范围。

2. ExpiredDomains

2. ExpiredDomains


ExpiredDomains is a search engine dedicated to expired domain names. It may not look as easy to use as other domain search tools but it has a large and constantly updated index of domain names.

ExpiredDomains是专用于过期域名的搜索引擎。 它看起来不像其他域搜索工具那样易于使用,但是它具有庞大且不断更新的域名索引。

Note: You need to check for domain abuse and other problems before buying a used, pre-registered, or expired domain names (more on this later).


Cost of Expired Domain Names


Normally, you can register an expired domain name at the usual yearly rates of your domain registrar company.


However if a domain name is soon to be expired, then you can use a domain backorder service. This allows you to place an advance order for the domain name.

但是,如果域名即将过期,则可以使用域名预购服务。 这使您可以为域名下订单。

If there is no other advance order for that domain name, then your order will become successful. Most domain name companies charge a small one-time fee ($25 – $99) to provide this service.

如果该域名没有其他预购订单,那么您的订购将成功。 大多数域名公司会收取一小笔一次性费用($ 25 – $ 99)来提供这项服务。

如何购买未列出要出售的域名? (How to Buy a Domain Name Not Listed for Sale?)

So far we have talked about the cost of domain names that are available for registration or sold by third-parties. What if you have your eye on a domain name that is already taken but not listed for sale?

到目前为止,我们已经讨论了可供注册或第三方出售的域名的成本。 如果您关注已经被使用但未列出要出售的域名怎么办?

There is a good chance that you can still get your hands on that particular domain name.


You see, many users register domain names to start a new online business idea. A lot of them end up never using that domain name or abandon the idea.

您会看到,许多用户注册了域名以启动新的在线业务构想 。 他们中的许多人最终都从未使用过该域名或放弃了这个想法。

Since they’re not using the domain name, you can directly contact the domain owner to make an offer.


If the domain name has a website, then you can use the contact form on their website to reach out.


Alternatively, you can use the Whois search to find contact information of the domain owner and send them a message to show your interest.


Sometimes people register domain names for future ideas, so even if they’re not using it, they still wouldn’t want to sell it. Some folks get greedy and will ask for a premium to part ways with their domain.

有时人们会为将来的想法注册域名,因此即使他们不使用它,他们仍然不想出售它。 有些人会变得贪婪,他们会要求溢价以与自己的领域分道扬ways。

Remember, you’re buying someone’s “dream idea”, so you need to be respectful but also realistic about the value.


Pro tip: If you have a business idea, then it’s better to register a domain name even if you’re not 100% sure. You don’t want to risk someone else registering it before you get around to it. We think of it as an insurance policy because a domain costs only $9.99.

专家提示:如果您有主意,那么即使不确定100%,最好注册一个域名 。 您不想冒险尝试其他人进行注册。 我们将其视为一种保险政策,因为域名仅需9.99美元。

购买域名之前做功课 (Doing Your Homework Before Buying a Domain Name)

If you are buying a domain name that has never been used before, then you are good to go.


However, if you are buying a domain name that was previously owned by someone else, then you need to do some basic due diligence.


These domain names could be violating copyright or trademark, used to distribute malware or spam, or misused in other malicious activities.


Don’t worry, there are plenty of tools that you can use to do your homework.


1. Check For Trademark


First, you would want to make sure that the domain name is not a registered trademark of an existing business.


According to ICANN rules, if a domain name violates a company’s registered trademark, then that company can claim the domain name or ask you to take it down.


You can check the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s database to do a quick trademark search. Simply enter your domain name in the search box to see if it returns any matches.

您可以检查美国专利商标局的数据库以快速进行商标搜索 。 只需在搜索框中输入您的域名即可查看是否返回任何匹配项。

Trademark search

2. Check Past Domain Name Usage


Next, you would want to see how the domain name has been used in the past. What kind of websites were made using that particular domain name?

接下来,您想查看过去如何使用域名。 使用该特定域名创建了哪种网站?

The easiest way to do this is by using the Wayback Machine. It is a massive historical archive of the internet with snapshots of websites archived on a regular basis.

最简单的方法是使用Wayback Machine 。 这是一个庞大的互联网历史档案,其中包含定期存档的网站快照。

Wayback Machine

3. Check Historical Whois Records


Whois tools provides you historical whois records for a domain name. This helps you see when a domain name was created, last renewed, DNS changes, and other historical data.

Whois工具为您提供域名的历史Whois记录。 这可以帮助您查看域名的创建时间,上次更新时间,DNS更改以及其他历史数据。


4. Run a Domain Health Check Test


Finally, you need to make sure that the domain is not used to send spam, launch DDoS attacks, or spread malware. You can use MxToolBox’s domain health tool to see if raises any red flags.

最后,您需要确保该域不用于发送垃圾邮件,发起DDoS攻击或传播恶意软件。 您可以使用MxToolBox的域运行状况工具来查看是否引发任何危险信号。

Check domain health check
有关域名费用的常见问题 (Frequently Asked Questions About Domain Name Costs)

Having helped thousands of users start a blog and website, we have answered a lot of questions related to domain names. Below are some of the most common ones:

在帮助成千上万的用户创建博客和网站后,我们回答了许多与域名有关的问题。 以下是一些最常见的方法:

Can I get a domain name for free?


While domain name typically costs $14.99 / year, you can get a domain name for free as a bundled offer with various web hosting companies.

域名的价格通常为$ 14.99 /年,但您可以免费与多家虚拟主机公司捆绑购买域名

Hosting companies like Bluehost, HostGator, Dreamhost, GreenGeeks, and others offer free domains with their web hosting packages.


Which is the best domain name registrar?


We believe that is the best registrar right now because they have the features you need, and they’re offering a 25% off discount.


However it’s a smarter money decision to get a free domain with web hosting like Bluehost because it saves you time and money.


You can always transfer your domain name to another popular domain name registrar if you’re not happy with your existing provider.


Do I need both domain name and web hosting to build a website?


Yes, you need both the domain name and web hosting to build a website. Domain name is your website’s address on the internet whereas web hosting is where your website files are stored. For more details, see our guide on difference between domain name vs web hosting (explained).

是的,您需要域名和虚拟主机来构建网站。 域名是您网站在Internet上的地址,而Web托管是网站文件的存储位置。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅我们的域名与虚拟主机之间的区别指南(解释)

Can I buy a domain name forever (permanently)?


No, you cannot buy a domain name permanently. Domain name registration is done on a yearly basis. However, you can pre-pay for up to 10 years which guarantees that you will have a domain name for 10 years.

不可以,您不能永久购买域名。 域名注册每年进行一次。 但是,您最多可以预缴10年的费用,这可以保证您拥有10年的域名。

How much does a domain name cost on Wix vs WordPress?


When using a hosted website builder platform, the cost of your domain name will vary. It’s important to remember that website builder platforms offer a combination of hosting + domain.

使用托管的网站构建器平台时,域名费用会有所不同。 请务必记住,网站构建器平台提供了托管+域的组合。

For example, Wix domains cost $14.95 / year, but they are free if you choose the annual plan which costs $13 / month.

例如,Wix域名的价格为每年$ 14.95,但如果您选择每月费用为$ 13的年度套餐,则它们是免费的。 domains cost $18 / year, but they are included for free with the annual Personal plan which costs $8 / month.


But if you use a self-hosted WordPress platform, then you can start a website with Bluehost for $2.75 per month, and it comes with a free domain name. For more details, see the difference between vs self-hosted

但是,如果您使用自托管的WordPress平台,则可以使用Bluehost以每月2.75美元的价格启动网站,并提供一个免费域名。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅WordPress.com与自托管WordPress.org之间的区别。

We hope this article helped you learn how much does a domain name really cost. You may also want to see our guide on how much does it really cost to build a WordPress website.

我们希望本文能帮助您了解域名的实际成本。 您可能还希望查看我们的指南, 了解建立一个WordPress网站实际需要多少费用

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。



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