BigCommerce vs WooCommerce –哪个更好? (比较)

Do you want to create an online store? Are you confused about whether to use BigCommerce or WooCommerce?

您要创建在线商店吗? 您是否对使用BigCommerce或WooCommerce感到困惑?

If so, then you’re not alone.


WooCommerce and BigCommerce are two of the most popular eCommerce platforms in the market. The competition is fierce, but both of them have their own pros and cons.

WooCommerce和BigCommerce是市场上两个最受欢迎的电子商务平台。 竞争很激烈,但是他们两个都有各自的优缺点。

In this article, we will compare BigCommerce vs WooCommerce and show the differences between them, so you can choose the best platform for your needs.


BigCommerce vs WooCommerce - Full eCommerce Platform Comparison
在电子商务平台中寻找什么? (What to Look for in Your eCommerce Platform?)

Before we begin our WooCommerce vs BigCommerce comparison, let’s cover some important things to look for when choosing your eCommerce platform.


  • Ease of Use – The platform you choose should be easy to use and beginner-friendly, so you can quickly handle issues at the time of need.易于使用 –您选择的平台应该易于使用并且对初学者友好,因此您可以在需要时快速处理问题。
  • Budget – If you want to start your store on a budget, then you should check the initial cost of starting a website. Also, check the recurring (yearly or monthly) expenses.预算 –如果您想以预算启动您的商店,则应该检查启动网站的初始费用。 另外,请检查经常性费用(每年或每月)。
  • Payment Methods – Check if the platform supports the payment gateways you want to use. It is better to choose a platform that supports multiple gateways.付款方式 –检查平台是否支持您要使用的付款网关。 最好选择一个支持多个网关的平台。
  • Scalability – Make sure that the platform has ability to scale up to meet your needs when your store grows.
  • 可扩展性 –确保商店增长时,该平台具有扩展能力,可以满足您的需求。
  • Support – It should offer reliable support to solve any problem immediately.支持 –应该提供可靠的支持以立即解决任何问题。

These are the fundamental requirements that you need to consider when planning to start your eCommerce business. Besides these, you may need additional features to manage invoices, taxes, inventory management, shipping, SEO etc.

这些是计划开始电子商务业务时需要考虑的基本要求。 除此之外,您可能还需要其他功能来管理发票,税金,库存管理,运输,SEO等。

That being said, let’s compare how WooCommerce and BigCommerce stack up against these requirements.


Table of Contents – BigCommerce vs. WooCommerce

目录– BigCommerce与WooCommerce

概述– WooCommerce与BigCommerce (Overview – WooCommerce vs BigCommerce)

As we mentioned above, WooCommerce and BigCommerce are among the top eCommerce platforms on the market.

如上所述, WooCommerceBigCommerce是市场上顶级的电子商务平台

According to the eCommerce technology stats from BuiltWith, WooCommerce is the most popular eCommerce platform that covers 21% of the entire eCommerce market. The same report shows BigCommerce as the fifth popular platform used by 3% of the total eCommerce sites online.

根据BuiltWith的电子商务技术统计,WooCommerce是最受欢迎的电子商务平台,涵盖了整个电子商务市场的21%。 同一份报告显示,BigCommerce是第五大流行平台,占在线电子商务网站总数的3%。

If you compare the search terms ‘BigCommerce’ and ‘WooCommerce’ with Google Trends, then you can see a similar trend of ‘interest over time.’

如果您将搜索字词“ BigCommerce”和“ WooCommerce”与Google趋势进行比较,则可以看到类似的“随时间变化的兴趣”趋势。

BigCommerce vs WooCommerce - Google Search Trends

WooCommerce saw a rapid growth in search trends, but in recent years BigCommerce is catching up. It still has a lot more catching up to do, but it is surely growing in popularity.

WooCommerce的搜索趋势Swift增长,但近年来BigCommerce正在追赶。 它还有很多工作要做,但是它的受欢迎程度肯定正在增加。

What is BigCommerce?


BigCommerce eCommerce Platform

BigCommerce is a fully hosted eCommerce platform. It means that BigCommerce gives you a whole package of services including hosting, design, content, SEO, payments, and marketing features needed to create an eCommerce store.

BigCommerce是一个完全托管的电子商务平台。 这意味着BigCommerce为您提供了一整套服务,包括创建电子商务商店所需的托管,设计,内容,SEO,付款和营销功能。

It is therefore called software as a solution (SaaS) or all-in-one platform. You can create a BigCommerce store easily and quickly by purchasing a subscription plan.

因此,它称为软件即解决方案(SaaS)或多合一平台。 您可以通过购买订阅计划轻松,快速地创建BigCommerce商店。

The downside of using BigCommerce is lack of customization abilities because you will be limited to the tools available in the BigCommerce platform.


The biggest advantage comes with BigCommerce WordPress plugin which allows you to run a fully functional BigCommerce store along with your existing WordPress site.

最大的优势来自BigCommerce WordPress插件,该插件使您可以与现有WordPress网站一起运行功能齐全的BigCommerce商店。

What is WooCommerce?



WooCommerce is the most popular eCommerce plugin for WordPress. It helps you easily transform any WordPress blog or website into an eCommerce store easily.

WooCommerce是WordPress最受欢迎的电子商务插件。 它可以帮助您轻松地将任何WordPress博客或网站轻松地转换为电子商务商店。

To start a WooCommerce store, you need to buy and set up web hosting, install WordPress, WooCommerce, and different marketing tools yourself. The process may look somewhat complicated at first; however, it is not as complex as it sounds.

要开设WooCommerce商店,您需要购买并设置网络托管,亲自安装WordPress ,WooCommerce和其他营销工具。 首先,该过程可能看起来有些复杂; 但是,它并不像听起来那样复杂。

We will explain more about the user-friendliness of the two platforms in the next section below.


易用性– BigCommerce与WooCommerce (Ease of Use – BigCommerce vs WooCommerce)

Choosing an easy to use platform has many benefits. For example, you can quickly make changes or fix issues, so you have plenty of time to spend on growing your business.

选择一个易于使用的平台有很多好处。 例如,您可以快速进行更改或解决问题,因此您有足够的时间花在发展业务上。

If you’re a non-techy user, then you want a solution that allows you to easily manage and run your online store without hiring developers.


Let’s compare BigCommerce vs WooCommerce to see which is easier to use.


BigCommerce – Ease of Use

BigCommerce –易于使用

With BigCommerce, starting and maintaining an eCommerce store is easy. Since it is a fully hosted platform, you don’t need to set up hosting or install any software. You also don’t need to think about security, backups, and performance issues.

使用BigCommerce ,可以轻松启动和维护电子商务商店。 由于它是一个完全托管的平台,因此您无需设置托管或安装任何软件。 您也不需要考虑安全性,备份和性能问题。

To get started, you can simply sign up with their trial plan and set up your store in 3 easy steps. All you need to do is enter your email, contact address, your store’s name, and a few details about your store.

首先,您只需注册他们的试用计划并通过3个简单的步骤即可设置您的商店。 您所需要做的就是输入电子邮件,联系地址,商店名称以及有关商店的一些详细信息。

BigCommerce Setup Steps

It takes a few minutes to setup a store on BigCommerce. Once done, you can see your BigCommerce dashboard with quick options to preview your store, add products, and customize.

在BigCommerce上建立商店需要几分钟。 完成后,您可以在BigCommerce仪表板中看到快速选项,以预览商店,添加产品和自定义。

BigCommerce Dashboard

You can start by previewing how it looks on the frontend. If you want to change its design, then you can change the theme or customize your existing theme with the available design options. After that, you can add products to it.

您可以先预览前端的外观。 如果要更改其设计,则可以更改主题或使用可用的设计选项自定义现有主题。 之后,您可以向其中添加产品。

You can find all other settings and options in the admin panel on the right-hand side. It includes options to manage orders, products, customers, marketing, analytics, apps, and more.

您可以在右侧的管理面板中找到所有其他设置和选项。 它包括管理订单,产品,客户,市场营销,分析,应用程序等的选项。

If you are starting a completely new business, BigCommerce will provide you a subdomain for free. A BigCommerce subdomain name looks something like this:

如果您要开展全新的业务,BigCommerce将免费为您提供一个子域。 BigCommerce子域名看起来像这样:。

If you want a custom domain name, then you can buy it directly from BigCommerce or any other domain name registrar.


If you run an existing WordPress site, then you use the BigCommerce WordPress plugin which allows you to run an eCommerce store along with WordPress.

如果您运行现有的WordPress网站,则可以使用BigCommerce WordPress插件,该插件可让您与WordPress一起运行电子商务商店。

You will be able to use BigCommerce to manage eCommerce while still using WordPress to manage your content.


WooCommerce – Ease of Use

WooCommerce –易于使用

WooCommerce is not a hosted platform like BigCommerce. It is a WordPress eCommerce plugin which you need to install in your WordPress website to work.

WooCommerce不是BigCommerce这样的托管平台。 这是一个WordPress电子商务插件,您需要将其安装在WordPress网站中才能正常工作。

If you are starting a new store, then you need to buy a domain name and hosting account. After that you need to install WordPress and the WooCommerce plugin.

如果您要开设新商店,则需要购买域名和托管帐户 。 之后,您需要安装WordPress和WooCommerce插件。

If you choose a WooCommerce hosting provider, then you will not need to install them manually because hosting services like Bluehost eCommerce hosting come pre-installed with WooCommerce.

如果选择WooCommerce托管服务提供商,则无需手动安装它们,因为WooCommerce预先安装了诸如Bluehost eCommerce托管之类的托管服务。

For step by step instructions, see our guide on how to start an online store with WooCommerce.

有关逐步说明,请参阅我们的指南, 了解如何使用WooCommerce 开设在线商店

Once WooCommerce is installed, you can get started by running the setup wizard. It helps you to quickly setup your WooCommerce store with basic things like creating pages, payments, currency, shipping, taxes, and more in a few minutes.

一旦安装了WooCommerce,就可以通过运行安装向导来开始使用。 它可以帮助您在几分钟之内通过基本的内容快速设置WooCommerce商店,例如创建页面,付款,货币,运费,税金等等。

WooCommerce setup wizard

Once the setup is complete, you can start adding products to your store.


While that’s all you need to make an online store with WooCommerce, you will need to do more work to make your store powerful and useful.


You can change a theme to improve design and use WooCommerce plugins and extensions to add more eCommerce features.


Also, you need to take care of the security, backups, caching, and performance aspects yourself.


WooCommerce platform has a bit of learning curve in comparison to BigCommerce. Hence, BigCommerce is easier of the two platforms in comparison.

与BigCommerce相比,WooCommerce平台具有一些学习曲线。 因此,相比于这两个平台,BigCommerce更容易实现。

Winner: BigCommerce


成本比较:BigCommerce与WooCommerce (Cost Comparison: BigCommerce vs WooCommerce)

Another critical factor you need to consider while choosing your eCommerce platform is the cost of starting and maintaining your store. Let’s compare the cost differences between WooCommerce and BigCommerce.

选择电子商务平台时,您需要考虑的另一个关键因素是启动和维护商店的成本。 让我们比较一下WooCommerce和BigCommerce之间的成本差异。

What Is the True Cost of Using BigCommerce?


BigCommerce is a subscription-based eCommerce platform which comes with different pricing plans. There are mainly four pricing plans; 3 Essential plans for small businesses and Enterprise plan for large agencies.

BigCommerce是一个基于订阅的电子商务平台,具有不同的定价计划。 主要有四个定价计划。 3小型企业的基本计划和大型机构的企业计划。

BigCommerce Pricing Plans

The most basic plan is ‘Standard’, which is available for $29.95 per month. This price offers everything you need to launch your online store with a BigCommerce subdomain.

最基本的计划是“标准”,每月收费29.95美元。 此价格提供了使用BigCommerce子域启动在线商店所需的一切。

If you want to use a custom domain name, then you need to buy a domain name. You can buy a domain name directly from BigCommerce for around $12 per year or from any domain registrar.

如果要使用自定义域名,则需要购买域名。 您可以直接从BigCommerce或每年从任何域名注册商处购买域名,价格约为$ 12。

All plans include no transaction fees, unlimited products, unlimited file storage, unlimited bandwidth, and unlimited staff accounts. However BigCommerce does have thresholds for your total sales. For example, the total sales limit for the ‘Standard’ plan is $50k per year.

所有计划均不包括交易费用,无限的产品,无限的文件存储,无限的带宽和无限的员工帐户。 但是,BigCommerce确实有您的总销售额阈值。 例如,“标准”计划的总销售限额为每年$ 50k。

If you’re making more sales, then BigCommerce will automatically upgrade your store to a bigger plan. In case you are already using their biggest Essential plan ‘Pro,’ they will charge you an additional $150 per month for each additional $200k in online sales.

如果您的销售量更大,那么BigCommerce将自动将您的商店升级为更大的计划。 如果您已经在使用他们最大的Essential计划“ Pro”,则每增加20万美元的在线销售,他们将每月向您收取150美元的额外费用。

In addition to these costs, you may need to spend more money if you want to use a premium theme and app. The paid BigCommerce themes cost a minimum of $170.

除了这些费用,如果您想使用高级主题和应用程序,则可能需要花费更多的钱。 付费的BigCommerce主题费用至少为$ 170。

What Is the True Cost of Using WooCommerce?


WooCommerce is an open-source WordPress plugin which you can download and use on unlimited sites free of cost. However, you’ll need other paid services to set up a WooCommerce store.

WooCommerce是一个开源WordPress插件,您可以免费在不限数量的网站上下载和使用。 但是,您将需要其他付费服务来建立WooCommerce商店。

First of all, you’ll need a domain name, a website hosting account, and an SSL certificate. Typically, a domain name costs $14.99 / year, web hosting around $7.99 / month, and SSL Certificate around $69.99 / year.

首先,您需要一个域名,一个网站托管帐户和一个SSL证书。 通常,域名的费用为每年$ 14.99,网络托管的费用为每月$ 7.99,SSL证书的费用为每年$ 69.99。

When these costs sum up, the total amount seems very expensive for small-budget startups. But thankfully, there are some hosting companies providing specialized WooCommerce hosting services at an affordable price.

当这些费用加起来时,对于小型预算初创公司来说,总金额似乎非常昂贵。 但值得庆幸的是,有些托管公司以实惠的价格提供专业的WooCommerce托管服务。

Among them, Bluehost WooCommerce hosting is a remarkable option. Bluehost is an officially recommended WooCommerce hosting provider.

其中, Bluehost WooCommerce托管是一个了不起的选择。 Bluehost是官方推荐的WooCommerce托管提供商。

They are offering WPBeginner users discount on hosting + free domain name and SSL certificate. Basically, you can get started for just $6.95 per month.

他们为WPBeginner用户提供托管+免费域名和SSL证书的折扣。 基本上,您每月只需支付6.95美元即可上手。

→ Click Here to Claim This Exclusive Bluehost Offer ←


With a Bluehost eCommerce plan, the cost of starting an online store is a lot lower than any of the BigCommerce plans.


If you want to use a premium WooCommerce theme or paid extensions, your expenses will go up. But luckily, there are plenty of free WooCommerce plugins and free WooCommerce themes that you can use instead.

如果您想使用高级WooCommerce主题或付费扩展,则费用将增加。 但幸运的是,有很多免费的WooCommerce插件免费的WooCommerce主题可供您使用。

In conclusion, the WooCommerce platform is clearly a more cost-effective platform than BigCommerce when you’re first starting out.


Winner: WooCommerce


付款方式:BigCommerce vs WooCommerce (Payment Options: BigCommerce vs WooCommerce)

There are many different payment providers companies in the market. Sometimes, the payment gateway may not be available in your region or your customers’ regions.

市场上有许多不同的支付提供商公司。 有时,您所在的地区或客户所在的地区可能无法使用支付网关。

This is why it is crucial to choose a platform that offers the payment gateways you need. Let’s take a look at how BigCommerce and WooCommerece compare when it comes to payment integrations.

这就是为什么选择提供您所需的支付网关的平台至关重要的原因。 让我们看一下BigCommerce和WooCommerece在支付集成方面的比较。

Payment Options in BigCommerce


BigCommerce offers plenty of payment options to let you accept payments. It has built-in native integrations with the best payment platforms in the industry, including PayPal powered by Braintree, Square, Adyen, Stripe,, and CyberSource.

BigCommerce提供了大量付款选项,可让您接受付款。 它具有与业界最佳支付平台的内置本机集成,包括由Braintree,Square,Adyen,Stripe,Authorize.net和Cyber​​Source支持的PayPal。

BigCommerce Payments

The processing fee for debit and credit cards starts at 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction, but it decreases as your BigCommerce store grows.

借记卡和信用卡的手续费为每笔交易2.9%+ $ 0.30,但随着BigCommerce商店的增长而减少。

Also, it has built-in integrations with popular digital wallets including PayPal, Amazon Pay, Masterpass and Apple Pay. Adding these trusted digital wallets to your store helps to significantly improve your mobile conversion.

此外,它还与流行的数字钱包(包括PayPal,Amazon Pay,Masterpass和Apple Pay)进行了内置集成。 将这些受信任的数字钱包添加到您的商店有助于显着改善您的移动转化。

Payment Options in WooCommerce


WooCommerce offers PayPal and Stripe payments by default. It also supports all major payment gateways through extensions and addons.

WooCommerce默认提供PayPal和Stripe付款 。 它还通过扩展和插件支持所有主要的支付网关。

WooCommerce payment methods

Because WooCommerce is an open-source platform, many regional and less popular payment services have also built an integration for WooCommerce. Therefore, you can find an integration for almost any payment gateway you want to use.

由于WooCommerce是一个开源平台,因此许多区域性和较不受欢迎的支付服务也已为WooCommerce建立了集成。 因此,您几乎可以找到要使用的所有付款网关的集成。

Winner: Tie


集成和附加组件:BigCommerce与WooCommerce (Integrations and Addons: BigCommerce vs WooCommerce)

No matter how powerful an eCommerce platform is, the core software will always have a limited set of features.


That is when the integrations and addons come in handy. The most sought integrations for eCommerce websites are email marketing tools, lead generation, analytics, and outreach services.

那时集成和插件就派上用场了。 电子商务网站最需要的集成是电子邮件营销工具销售 线索生成分析和外展服务。

Now, let’s take a look at where BigCommerce and WooCommerce stand in terms of available third-party integrations for each.


BigCommerce Addons and Integrations


BigCommerce comes with hundreds of third-party apps and integrations to help you add powerful features to your BigCommerce store. There are both free and paid addons available in the BigCommerce app marketplace.

BigCommerce随附了数百个第三方应用程序和集成,可帮助您向BigCommerce商店添加强大的功能。 BigCommerce应用程序市场中有免费和付费插件。

BigCommerce Apps

It has six featured app collections categorized as must-haves, shipping essentials, design, marketing, and payments. You can quickly choose apps from these collections for your store.

它有六个功能强大的应用程序集合,分为必备品,运输必需品,设计,营销和付款。 您可以从这些收藏集中为您的商店快速选择应用程序。

Furthermore, there are dozens of apps in categories like accounting and tax, analytics and reporting, CRM and customer service, product sourcing, and more.

此外,在会计和税务,分析和报告, CRM和客户服务,产品采购等类别中有数十种应用程序。

WooCommerce Addons and Integrations


WooCommerce is an open-source plugin built on top of the most popular content management system (CMS) software, WordPress. This gives you access to more than 55,000 free WordPress plugins and thousands of premium plugins.

WooCommerce是一个开源插件,基于最流行的内容管理系统(CMS)软件WordPress构建。 这使您可以访问超过55,000个免费WordPress插件和数千个高级插件。

You can find these plugins at the official plugin repository, official WooCommerce website, and plugin websites. The official WooCommerce extensions store contains over 250 free and premium extensions to extend your eCommerce features.

您可以在官方WordPress.org插件存储库,官方WooCommerce网站和插件网站上找到这些插件。 官方的WooCommerce扩展商店包含250多个免费和高级扩展,以扩展您的电子商务功能。

WooCommerce Extensions

With such an extensive collection of plugins, you can get a plugin for almost any feature imaginable. There are plenty of choices for adding contact forms, lead generation forms, analytics, SEO, performance optimization, and more.

拥有如此丰富的插件集,您可以获得几乎可以想象到的所有功能的插件。 添加联系表格 ,销售线索生成表格,分析, SEO ,性能优化等还有很多选择。

Most of the popular third-party services have built their own plugins to integrate with your WooCommerce store. Also, you can create a WooCommerce addon just for your store if you have coding skills or by hiring a developer.

大多数流行的第三方服务都构建了自己的插件来与您的WooCommerce商店集成。 此外,如果您具有编码技能,也可以聘请开发人员来为商店创建WooCommerce插件。

Winner: WooCommerce


可扩展性:WooCommerce与BigCommerce (Scalability: WooCommerce vs BigCommerce)

Scalability features are essential because you need more resources when your website grows. Let’s see how scalable WooCommerce and BigCommerce platforms are.

可伸缩性功能至关重要,因为随着网站的发展,您需要更多的资源。 让我们看看WooCommerce和BigCommerce平台的可扩展性。

Scalability on BigCommerce


Since BigCommerce is a fully hosted solution, you don’t need to worry about any of the technical things like storage, backups, downtimes, updates, or security. As your business grows, you’ll need to upgrade your plan, and BigCommerce will handle the rest.

由于BigCommerce是完全托管的解决方案,因此您无需担心任何技术问题,例如存储,备份,停机时间,更新或安全性。 随着业务的增长,您需要升级计划,BigCommerce将处理其余的工作。

BigCommerce gives you a hassle-free solution to scale up your business.


Scalability on WooCommerce


WooCommerce is a self-hosted platform that makes you entirely responsible for managing resources, backups, updates, and security of your website.


Most of the top WordPress hosting companies allow you to upgrade your hosting plan to meet the needs of your growing website. However, the upgrading process can involve some confusing steps with some companies.

大多数顶级WordPress托管公司都允许您升级托管计划,以满足不断增长的网站的需求。 但是,升级过程可能涉及一些与某些公司混淆的步骤。

You can use a managed WordPress hosting provider like WP Engine that does make hosting WooCommerce easier.

您可以使用WP Engine之类的托管WordPress托管服务提供商,这确实使托管WooCommerce更容易。

In conclusion, both BigCommerce and WooCommerce have plenty of scalability options; however, BigCommerce may be a better choice for businesses looking for a hassle-free solution.

总而言之,BigCommerce和WooCommerce都有大量的可扩展性选项。 但是,对于寻求无忧解决方案的企业而言,BigCommerce可能是更好的选择。

Winner: BigCommerce


支持:BigCommerce vs WooCommerce (Support: BigCommerce vs WooCommerce)

Support is another critical factor you need to check out while selecting your eCommerce platform. You need instant and quality support.

支持是选择电子商务平台时需要检查的另一个关键因素。 您需要即时和高质量的支持。

Let’s see how you can get support on BigCommerce and WooCommerce platforms.


Support Options for BigCommerce


As a fully hosted platform, BigCommerce comes with excellent support options. You can access multiple support options right from your BigCommerce dashboard which includes phone support, email support, live chat support, community support, and more.

作为一个完全托管的平台,BigCommerce提供了出色的支持选项。 您可以直接从BigCommerce仪表板访问多个支持选项,包括电话支持,电子邮件支持,实时聊天支持,社区支持等等。

When you get into an issue, you can simply click on any of these options and request support. The BigCommerce support is available 24/7.

当您遇到问题时,您可以简单地单击以下任一选项并请求支持。 BigCommerce支持24/7可用。

The BigCommerce help center is very helpful for finding answers to your questions. It has a rich knowledge base to help you properly use BigCommerce, Question and Answer community, and blog for the latest news on BigCommerce.

BigCommerce帮助中心对于查找问题的答案非常有帮助。 它具有丰富的知识库,可帮助您正确使用BigCommerce,问答社区以及有关BigCommerce的最新新闻的博客。

BigCommerce Help Center for Support

Support Options for WooCommerce


WooCommerce is a self-hosted platform, and there are several platforms where you can seek support for your store.


For WooCommerce core plugin related issues, you can visit the WooCommerce support forum on or the official WooCommerce website. In these support forums, you can see already solved problems and also post new issues.

对于WooCommerce核心插件相关问题,您可以访问WordPress.org上的WooCommerce支持论坛或WooCommerce官方网站。 在这些支持论坛中,您可以看到已经解决的问题,也可以发布新问题。

WooCommerce website has a support page including highly extensive documentation, tutorials, and guides to let you find solutions by yourself.


WooCommerce Docs for Support

If you have issues related to your WooCommerce theme and extensions, then you can get support from their respective developers. Your web hosting company will be responsible for helping with any server related issues.

如果您有与WooCommerce主题和扩展相关的问题,则可以从他们各自的开发人员那里获得支持。 您的网络托管公司将负责与服务器相关的任何问题。

Also, you can find plenty of WooCommerce related tutorials on WordPress blogs like WPBeginner. Due to its popularity, there are plenty of support options for WooCommerce.

此外,您可以在WordPress博客(如WPBeginner)上找到大量与WooCommerce相关的教程。 由于其受欢迎程度,WooCommerce有很多支持选项。

Winner: BigCommerce


结论:BigCommerce vs WooCommerce –哪个是更好的电子商务平台? (Conclusion: BigCommerce vs WooCommerce – Which is the better eCommerce platform?)

BigCommerce and WooCommerce are both powerful platforms that you can use to start your eCommerce store. Since you have to choose one, it comes down to your technical skills, estimated budget, and personal preferences.

BigCommerce和WooCommerce都是强大的平台,您可以使用它们来启动电子商务商店。 由于您必须选择一个,所以这取决于您的技术技能,估算预算和个人喜好。

BigCommerce platform is a lot easier because it is an all-in-one solution. You don’t need to set up anything, and you can get started quickly.

BigCommerce平台更容易得多,因为它是一种多合一的解决方案。 您无需进行任何设置,就可以快速入门。

They also manage everything from backups, security, and scalability, so it’s a true hassle-free solution.


The best part is that it works seamlessly with WordPress.


The downside of using BigCommerce is that you have limited control over your store. There are fixed pricing plans, limited themes and integration apps, and certain ways to scale up your business. You cannot use any tool outside the BigCommerce.

使用BigCommerce的缺点是您对商店的控制有限。 有固定的定价计划,有限的主题和集成应用程序以及某些扩大业务规模的方法。 您不能使用BigCommerce以外的任何工具。

WooCommerce is a self-hosted platform that gives you full control over your website. You are free to compare pricing for different services and start with the best-priced plan. That is why you can start a WooCommerce store at a lot lower investment than on BigCommerce.

WooCommerce是一个自托管平台,可让您完全控制自己的网站。 您可以自由比较不同服务的价格,并从最优惠的价格开始。 这就是为什么您可以以比BigCommerce更低的投资来开设WooCommerce商店的原因。

The disadvantage of using WooCommerce is the learning curve for beginners, and the scalability challenges that you face as you grow.


We hope this article helped you to compare the pros and cons of BigCommerce vs WooCommerce. You may also want to see our side-by-side comparison of Shopify vs WooCommerce.

我们希望本文能帮助您比较BigCommerce与WooCommerce的优缺点。 您可能还希望看到Shopify与WooCommerce的并排比较。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。






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