

Are you looking for the best Gutenberg friendly WordPress themes?


Gutenberg is the new WordPress block editor introduced in WordPress 5.0. It is incredibly fast, more visual, and offers new ways to create content layouts for your WordPress posts and pages.

Gutenberg是WordPress 5.0中引入的新WordPress块编辑器 。 它以令人难以置信的速度,更直观的方式提供了新的方式来为您的WordPress帖子和页面创建内容布局。

Many WordPress theme designers have updated their themes to take advantage of the new Gutenberg block editor.


In this article, we will share some of the best Gutenberg friendly WordPress themes that you can use.


Best Gutenberg friendly WordPress themes
如何找到古腾堡友好主题? (How to Find the Gutenberg Friendly Themes?)

Many top WordPress theme shops updated their popular themes to become compatible with the new Gutenberg blocks editor. You will find most of the WordPress themes working smoothly with Gutenberg, but there are still many themes that don’t fully support the new editor.

许多顶级WordPress主题商店都更新了流行的主题,以与新的Gutenberg块编辑器兼容。 您会发现大多数WordPress主题都可以与Gutenberg一起顺利使用,但是仍有许多主题不完全支持新编辑器。

After the WordPress 5.0 version released, we have been asked several times from our users to recommend the themes that support the Gutenberg editor. So we decided to make a list of the popular Gutenberg compatible themes.

WordPress 5.0版本发布后,我们的用户多次要求我们推荐支持古腾堡(Gutenberg)编辑器的主题。 因此,我们决定列出流行的古腾堡兼容主题。

Also, check out this article on the difference between Gutenberg vs WordPress page builders.


Let’s take a look at some of the best Gutenberg friendly WordPress themes that you don’t want to miss.


1. Hestia Pro (1. Hestia Pro)

Hestia Pro

Hestia Pro is a multipurpose and premium Gutenberg friendly WordPress theme built specifically for businesses, startups, portfolio, and eCommerce stores. It features a single page layout with parallax scrolling and beautiful sections. Hestia Pro also includes other layout options to create landing pages.

Hestia Pro是专为企业,初创企业,投资组合和电子商务商店打造的多用途和高级Gutenberg友好WordPress主题。 它具有单页布局,具有视差滚动和漂亮的部分。 Hestia Pro还包括其他用于创建登录页面的布局选项。

It’s fully customizable and responsive. This theme supports RTL languages and translation ready to let you create a website in your language.

它是完全可定制和响应的。 该主题支持RTL语言和翻译,可让您使用您的语言创建网站。

2.阿斯特拉主题 (2. Astra Theme)


Astra is a stylish WordPress theme with Gutenberg editor support. It’s packed with beautiful starter sites and demos to quickly launch your website. With page builders support, you can fully customize the template or design your layout.

Astra是带有Gutenberg编辑器支持的时尚WordPress主题。 它包含漂亮的入门网站和演示,可快速启动您的网站。 有了页面构建器的支持,您可以完全自定义模板或设计布局。

It has custom layout settings, header options, colors, crisp typography, blog page template, and more. Astra theme is optimized for speed and performance.

它具有自定义布局设置,标题选项,颜色,清晰的版式,博客页面模板等。 Astra主题针对速度和性能进行了优化。

3. Divi (3. Divi)


Divi is a powerful WordPress theme that fully supports Gutenberg. It features the click and type functionality to add your content anywhere on the website. It offers responsive editing and real-time design options to instantly draw the layout you need.

Divi是一个强大的WordPress主题,完全支持Gutenberg。 它具有点击和键入功能,可将您的内容添加到网站上的任何位置。 它提供了响应式编辑和实时设计选项,可以即时绘制所需的布局。

Other notable features include content modules and elements, pre-built layouts, design toolkit, and more. Divi theme is highly flexible and super easy to customize anything on your website.

其他值得注意的功能包括内容模块和元素,预构建的布局,设计工具包等。 Divi主题具有高度的灵活性,并且超级容易在您的网站上自定义任何内容。

4. OceanWP (4. OceanWP)


OceanWP is a free Gutenberg friendly theme for WordPress. It is bundled with beautiful and creative demo sites for every kind of website or blog. The theme is responsive and eCommerce ready to start an online store. You can use the new Gutenberg editor to customize the layout and design easily.

OceanWP是适用于WordPress的免费古腾堡友好主题。 它与用于各种网站或博客的漂亮且具有创意的演示站点捆绑在一起。 主题是响应式的,电子商务可以开始建立在线商店 。 您可以使用新的Gutenberg编辑器轻松自定义布局和设计。

It has the fastest page load time and support for page builders. OceanWP theme is optimized for SEO to grow your website traffic.

它具有最快的页面加载时间,并支持页面构建器。 OceanWP主题针对SEO进行了优化,以增加您的网站访问量

5.突破专业版 (5. Breakthrough Pro)

Breakthrough Pro

Breakthrough Pro is a minimal WordPress Gutenberg friendly theme designed specifically for marketing, advertising, and creative agencies. It has features and sections to display your services, portfolio, etc beautifully. The theme is built on top of the Genesis framework which makes it robust and unbeatable.

Breakthrough Pro是最小的WordPress Gutenberg友好主题,专门为市场营销,广告和创意代理商设计。 它具有功能和部分,可以精美地显示您的服务,产品组合等。 该主题建立在Genesis框架的基础之上,使其坚固而无与伦比。

It has a custom logo, navigation menu, featured content area, and theme options panel. Breakthrough Pro can be customized using the live WordPress customizer.

它具有自定义徽标,导航菜单,特色内容区域和主题选项面板。 Breakthrough Pro可以使用实时WordPress定制程序进行定制。

StudioPress is now part of WP Engine, the most popular managed WordPress hosting company. You can get this theme and all 35+ other StudioPress themes if you sign up for WP Engine hosting to build your website.

StudioPress现在是最流行的托管WordPress托管公司WP Engine的一部分。 如果您注册WP Engine托管以构建您的网站,则可以获取此主题以及所有其他35+个StudioPress主题。

Bonus: WPBeginner users also get an additional 20% off. Get started with WP Engine.

奖励:WPBeginner用户还可以获得额外20%的折扣。 开始使用WP Engine

6.古腾主题 (6. Guten Theme)

Guten Theme

Guten Theme is a modern WordPress Gutenberg friendly theme. It comes with multiple built-in layouts for header, footer, and blog. The theme is compatible with all popular drag and drop page builders including Elementor, Beaver Builder, etc.

Guten Theme是现代WordPress Gutenberg友好主题。 它具有用于标题,页脚和博客的多个内置布局。 该主题与所有流行的拖放页面生成器兼容,包括ElementorBeaver Builder等。

It has custom colors and fonts settings. Guten Theme ships with strong documentation, WooCommerce support, and can be fully customized with the WordPress live customizer.

它具有自定义的颜色和字体设置。 Guten Theme附带了强大的文档,WooCommerce支持,并且可以使用WordPress实时定制器进行完全定制。

7.超 (7. Ultra)


Ultra is the most powerful and highly flexible WordPress theme with Gutenberg support. It gives you full control on theme features to design your header, footer, and landing pages. It is packed with multiple theme skins to select the best template for your website.

Ultra是具有Gutenberg支持的最强大,最灵活的WordPress主题。 它使您可以完全控制主题功能,以设计页眉,页脚和登录页面。 它包含多个主题皮肤,可以为您的网站选择最佳模板。

The theme includes many built-in add-ons to add more features and functionality. It has smart layout options to modify colors, fonts, and background.

该主题包括许多内置插件,以添加更多功能。 它具有智能的布局选项,可以修改颜色,字体和背景。

8.尼芙 (8. Neve)


Neve is a new and lightweight WordPress theme built for Gutenberg editor. It has a simple and sleek design with custom header options, background choices, page builders support, and more. Neve is flexible to create all types of websites.

Neve是专为古腾堡(Gutenberg)编辑器构建的一种新的轻量级WordPress主题。 它的设计简洁明了,带有自定义标题选项,背景选择,页面构建器支持等。 Neve可以灵活地创建所有类型的网站。

It also includes mega menus, translations, RTL support, and SEO optimization. It is also eCommerce ready and can be used as a WooCommerce theme.

它还包括大型菜单 ,翻译,RTL支持和SEO优化。 它还支持电子商务,可以用作WooCommerce主题

9.单色 (9. Monochrome)


Monochrome is a sophisticated WordPress Gutenberg theme powered by the Genesis theme framework. It has a clean and neat layout with lots of white space to make your content look great. It ships with powerful WordPress plugins like WP Forms to let you create a contact form on your website.

Monochrome是由Genesis主题框架提供支持的复杂WordPress Gutenberg主题。 它的布局干净整洁,带有大量空白,使您的内容看起来很棒。 它附带了功能强大的WordPress插件(例如WP Forms) ,可让您在网站上创建联系表单

This theme includes page templates for full-width and sidebar layouts. It has a custom header, theme options panel, responsive design, and eCommerce support.

该主题包括用于全角和边栏布局的页面模板。 它具有自定义标题,主题选项面板,响应式设计和电子商务支持。

10.视差 (10. Parallax)


Parallax is a single page WordPress Gutenberg theme. It is packed with a fullscreen background image with a custom logo, social icons, search bar, and navigation menu. The theme has parallax scrolling feature making it unique and accessible to users.

视差是一个单页面的WordPress Gutenberg主题。 它带有全屏背景图像,并带有自定义徽标,社交图标,搜索栏和导航菜单。 该主题具有视差滚动功能,使其具有独特性并可供用户访问。

The most significant features include pre-built layouts, animated progress bars, homepage sections, custom post types, and list/grid templates. You can also use this theme to create a multi-page website.

最重要的功能包括预构建的布局,动画进度条,主页部分,自定义帖子类型以及列表/网格模板。 您也可以使用此主题创建多页网站。

11.大象 (11. Elephant)


Elephant is a beautifully crafted WordPress theme for charities and non-profits. It features a modern homepage layout with a clear call to action button at the top and on the main screen.

Elephant是慈善机构和非营利组织精心制作的WordPress主题。 它具有现代的首页布局,顶部和主屏幕上都有清晰的号召性用语按钮。

It uses a clean design which is easy on eyes while making your content look better. You can set up your theme with minimal efforts using live customizer. It is also compatible with all page builders, eCommerce addons, and email marketing services.

它采用简洁的设计,易于看中,同时使您的内容看起来更好。 您可以使用实时定制器以最小的努力来设置主题。 它还与所有页面构建器,电子商务插件和电子邮件营销服务兼容。

12.原子块 (12. Atomic Blocks)

Atomic Blocks

If you’re looking for a free theme with custom Gutenberg blocks, then Atomic Blocks is the perfect option. It has a ready-made collection of blocks for Gutenberg editor that you can use to launch a website instantly. It’s also available as a plugin to work with other popular WordPress themes.

如果您正在寻找带有自定义古腾堡块的免费主题,那么原子块是一个理想的选择。 它为古腾堡(Gutenberg)编辑器提供了一个现成的模块集合,您可以使用它们立即启动网站。 它也可以作为插件与其他流行的WordPress主题一起使用

The most common blocks include a newsletter block, post grid layout, call-to-action, testimonials, pricing table, and more. It has custom theme options for colors, fonts, and layout.

最常见的块包括新闻稿块,网格后布局,号召性用语, 推荐书 ,定价表等。 它具有用于颜色,字体和布局的自定义主题选项。

13.额外 (13. Extra)


Extra is a Gutenberg friendly WordPress magazine theme from the creators of the Divi theme. It has a drag and drop design, category builder, reviews and ratings, modules, elements, and custom layouts.

Extra是Divi主题的创建者编写的Gutenberg友好WordPress杂志主题。 它具有拖放设计,类别生成器,评论和评分,模块,元素和自定义布局。

Extra theme is eCommerce ready and can be used to make a membership website or online store.


It features advanced design settings and stories format on the homepage. The theme includes multiple header layouts and templates, navigation menus, smooth scrolling, and back to top button.

它具有主页上的高级设计设置和故事格式。 主题包括多个标题布局和模板,导航菜单,平滑滚动以及“返回顶部”按钮。

14.杂志专业版 (14. Magazine Pro)

Magazine Pro

Magazine Pro is a WordPress online publishing theme by StudioPress. It is optimized for Gutenberg and allows you to customize modules, fonts, colors, backgrounds, etc. It has a visually attracting layout for magazines and portfolios. The theme offers great flexibility to publish as many articles as you like.

Magazine Pro是StudioPress的WordPress在线发布主题。 它针对古腾堡(Gutenberg)进行了优化,可让您自定义模块,字体,颜色,背景等。它具有杂志和作品集的视觉吸引力布局。 该主题提供了极大的灵活性,可以根据需要发布任意多的文章。

Other essential features include multiple navigation menus, category menus, footer widgets, and landing page templates. You can easily customize the theme with live WordPress customizer.

其他基本功能包括多个导航菜单,类别菜单,页脚小部件和登录页面模板。 您可以使用实时WordPress定制器轻松定制主题。

15.维姆斯 (15. Vimes)


Vimes is a versatile WordPress theme built specifically for design agencies, photographers, and artists. It is compatible with the new Gutenberg block editor. The theme has an image slider on the homepage to showcase your featured photos. Vimes is built on ZOOM framework making it strong and flexible.

Vimes是一个通用的WordPress主题,专门为设计机构,摄影师和艺术家而构建。 它与新的Gutenberg块编辑器兼容。 主题的主页上有一个图像滑块,用于展示您的特色照片。 Vimes建立在ZOOM框架上,使其强大而灵活。

Other features include custom widgets, portfolio template, custom posts, and an easy to use theme options panel. It is optimized for SEO and speed performance.

其他功能包括自定义小部件,投资组合模板,自定义帖子以及易于使用的主题选项面板。 它针对SEO和速度性能进行了优化

16.野间 (16. Nozama)


Nozama is an Amazon-inspired eCommerce friendly WordPress theme. It’s updated recently to become compatible with the Gutenberg editor. The theme has full-width and sidebar layouts with bold colors to impress the audience. It ships with custom Elementor modules to build your own layout.

Nozama是受亚马逊启发的电子商务友好WordPress主题。 它最近进行了更新,以与Gutenberg编辑器兼容。 主题具有全角和侧边栏布局,并带有醒目的颜色,以打动观众。 它带有自定义的Elementor模块,以构建您自己的布局。

It has a customizable storefront with multiple options to display your products. Nozama is perfect for your online shops and affiliate marketing stores.

它具有可定制的店面,其中有多个显示商品的选项。 Nozama非常适合您的在线商店和会员营销商店

17.海拔专业版 (17. Altitude Pro)

Altitude Pro

Altitude Pro is a Genesis-powered WordPress theme with Gutenberg supportive features. It draws the attention of your users with parallax effects and beautiful layout. This theme has a full-width and responsive design, landing page templates, and more.

Altitude Pro是基于Genesis的WordPress主题,具有Gutenberg支持功能。 它以视差效果和精美的外观吸引了用户的注意。 此主题具有全角和响应式设计,着陆页模板等。

It features custom backgrounds, color styles, and can be customized using the WordPress customizer with live preview. Altitude Pro has powerful eCommerce integration.

它具有自定义背景,颜色样式,并且可以使用WordPress定制程序进行实时预览进行定制。 Altitude Pro具有强大的电子商务集成。

18.布列塔尼 (18. Brittany)


Brittany is a premium WordPress Gutenberg friendly fashion and lifestyle theme. It has a modern layout with multiple homepage sections for featured blog posts, Instagram photos, newsletter, and more. It has a simple navigation menu on top with social icons and cart options.

布列塔尼(Brittany)是一款优质的WordPress古登堡WordPress友好时尚和生活方式主题。 它具有现代布局,具有多个主页部分,用于特色博客文章,Instagram照片,新闻通讯等。 它的顶部有一个简单的导航菜单,带有社交图标和购物车选项。

This theme is customizable for background colors, fonts, color schemes, and animations. It fully supports WooCommerce and translation ready to let you create a website in any language.

该主题可自定义背景颜色,字体,配色方案和动画。 它完全支持WooCommerce和翻译,可让您以任何语言创建网站。

19. Flevr (19. Flevr)


Flevr is an eCommerce friendly, and Gutenberg powered WordPress theme. It ships with a fullscreen background image, multiple content types, flexible design options, and drag and drop homepage layout. The theme includes custom widgets for social networking, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Flevr是一个电子商务友好型网站,由Gutenberg支持的WordPress主题。 它附带全屏背景图像,多种内容类型,灵活的设计选项以及拖放首页布局。 主题包括用于社交网络,Twitter,Instagram等的自定义小部件。

It comes with 1-click demo import, so you can quickly launch the website and replace content. Flevr is optimized for SEO and compatible with the popular WordPress plugins.

它具有一键式演示导入功能,因此您可以快速启动网站并替换内容。 Flevr针对SEO进行了优化,并与流行的WordPress插件兼容。

20.浮动 (20. Float)


Float is a beautiful WordPress Gutenberg theme. It features parallax floating and overlapping effects to take your website design to the next level. The theme is packed with Themify drag and drop builder to let you design your own layouts and landing pages.

Float是一个美丽的WordPress Gutenberg主题。 它具有视差浮动和重叠效果,使您的网站设计更上一层楼。 主题包含Themify拖放构建器 ,可让您设计自己的布局和登录页面。

It has easy customization options, pre-designed demo sites, portfolio post type, social media integrations, and support for WooCommerce.


21. Essence Pro (21. Essence Pro)

Essence Pro

Essence Pro is a beautiful and lively WordPress Gutenberg theme designed specifically for lifestyle, health, wellness, and fitness related businesses. It has a fullscreen header background and story-based homepage layout to feature your top articles professionally.

Essence Pro是一个美丽而生动的WordPress Gutenberg主题,专为与生活方式,健康,保健和健身相关的业务而设计。 它具有全屏标题背景和基于故事的主页布局,可专业显示您的热门文章。

It gives an attractive first impression to users with a simple and minimal layout. Essence Pro is built on top of the Genesis theme framework with eCommerce support and multiple widget-ready areas.

它以简单,最小的布局为用户带来了诱人的第一印象。 Essence Pro建立在Genesis主题框架之上,具有电子商务支持和多个可用于小部件的区域。

22.丝绸 (22. Silk)


Silk is a stylish WordPress theme optimized for Gutenberg. Just like its name, it has a simple design with white background and elegant typography. This theme is bundled up with a style manager to balance the colors and fonts on your website. It comes with strong documentation and support.

Silk是针对Gutenberg优化的时尚WordPress主题。 就像它的名字一样,它具有白色背景和典雅版式的简单设计。 该主题与样式管理器捆绑在一起,可以平衡您网站上的颜色和字体。 它带有强大的文档和支持。

The features you don’t wish to miss in this theme include a section for popular posts and smooth scrolling. It is optimized for speed and SEO.

您不希望在此主题中错过的功能包括用于热门帖子和平滑滚动的部分。 它针对速度和SEO进行了优化。

23.布兰堡 (23. Bramble)


Bramble is an all-purpose WordPress theme with a modern layout and Gutenberg editor support. It ships with a built-in page builder to let you design pages and layouts of your own. It comes with pre-built homepage layouts, image slider plugin, and parallax video background support.

Bramble是具有现代布局和Gutenberg编辑器支持的通用WordPress主题。 它带有内置的页面构建器,可让您设计自己的页面和布局。 它带有预建的首页布局,图像滑块插件和视差视频背景支持。

This theme is compatible with Google Fonts, WooCommerce, and WPML to create a multilingual website. You can integrate multiple custom features like Google Maps, menu icons, and more.

该主题与Google字体,WooCommerce和WPML兼容,可以创建多语言网站 。 您可以集成多个自定义功能,例如Google Maps, 菜单图标等。

24.本森 (24. Benson)


Benson is a Gutenberg friendly WordPress photography theme. It can be used to build your online portfolio or creative artistry websites. It comes with video and slideshow support on the homepage. This theme has multiple image layouts with columns, grids, filters, and more settings.

Benson是Gutenberg友好的WordPress摄影主题。 它可以用来建立您的在线作品集或创意艺术网站。 它在主页上提供了视频和幻灯片支持。 该主题具有带有列,网格,过滤器和更多设置的多种图像布局。

It gives you complete control of design and layout without changing any code. Benson has custom widgets and drag and drop page builder for easy customization.

它使您可以完全控制设计和布局,而无需更改任何代码。 Benson具有自定义小部件和拖放页面生成器 ,可轻松自定义。

25. Medicus (25. Medicus)


As the name suggests, Medicus is a WordPress medical theme for hospitals, pharmacies, and health-related businesses. It has a responsive and minimal layout that is compatible with the Gutenberg block editor. The theme features the widgetized homepage and a directory template.

顾名思义,Medcus是医院,药房和健康相关企业的WordPress医学主题 。 它具有与Gutenberg块编辑器兼容的响应式,最小化布局。 该主题具有窗口小部件化的主页和目录模板。

Other notable features include a top bar for appointment and bookings, featured slider, sidebar video widget, and visual customizer to edit anything in the theme.


26.无限Pro (26. Infinity Pro)

Infinity Pro

Infinity Pro is a flexible WordPress theme for Gutenberg. This theme is built on top of the Genesis framework and supports WooCommerce to create an online store. It has a full-width header background with a custom logo, navigation menu, and CTA button.

Infinity Pro是适用于Gutenberg的灵活WordPress主题。 该主题建立在Genesis框架之上,并支持WooCommerce创建在线商店。 它的全角标题背景带有自定义徽标, 导航菜单和CTA按钮。

It features multiple widget areas on the homepage to make it easier for you to design your website. Infinity Pro is customizable with theme options and WordPress live customizer.

它在主页上具有多个小部件区域,使您可以更轻松地设计网站。 Infinity Pro可通过主题选项和WordPress实时定制器进行自定义。

We hope this article helped you pick the best Gutenberg friendly WordPress themes. You may also want to see our step by step WordPress security guide.

我们希望本文能帮助您选择最佳的古腾堡友好WordPress主题。 您可能还希望查看我们的WordPress安全分步指南

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/gutenberg-friendly-wordpress-themes/






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