坐标转换 计算机图形学_扫描计算机图形学中的转换定义

坐标转换 计算机图形学

扫描转换定义 (Scan Conversion Definition)

The process of representing continuous graphics object as a collection of discrete pixels is known as scan conversion.


This can be demonstrated by a line that is defined by its two endpoints and the equation of that line. Also, by a circle that is represented by its mid-point and the radius.

这可以通过一条由其两个端点定义的线以及该线的方程式来证明。 同样,用一个以其中点和半径表示的圆。

The job of conversion of every primitive object represented on the graphics screen into a set of pixels that is its basic form is termed as scan conversion or rasterization. The conversion of the graphic screen lines and objects depicted in pixels is scan conversion.
Thus, the process of scan conversion requires some basic rules and guidelines to be followed,

将图形屏幕上表示的每个基本对象转换为像素的基本形式的工作称为扫描转换光栅化 。 图形屏幕线条和以像素表示的对象的转换是扫描转换。

  • All the objects drawn on the graphics screen should be of uniform brightness. The brightness content must be the same for every point so that the conversion is made easy.

    图形屏幕上绘制的所有对象应具有均匀的亮度。 每个点的亮度含量必须相同,以便转换容易。

  • The objects drawn on the graphics screen should be free from any orientation and independent of length and size.


Scan Conversion Definition in Computer Graphics

Image source: https://www.docsity.com/en/scan-conversion-introduction-to-computer-graphics-lecture-slides/313686/


像素 (Pixels)

A pixel is the smallest unit of a graphics image or referred to as a physical point in a raster. This is the component of the original graphics image which provides even more clear representation than the original image.

像素是图形图像的最小单位,或称为栅格中的物理点。 这是原始图形图像的组成部分,它提供了比原始图像更清晰的表示。

The intensity of each pixel may vary as it depends on the image represented in the graphics image and the color combination is represented by the three basic colors that are red, green and blue.


Scan conversion is done using two methods or techniques,


  1. Analog methods: This conversion is done for large numbers of delay cells and is appropriate for an analog video. It may be performed also using a particular specialized scan converter vacuum tube. In this case, all polar coordinates i.e. (Angle and distance) data from a source such as a radar receiver, so that it can be displayed on any raster scan display.

    模拟方法 :此转换对大量延迟单元进行,适用于模拟视频。 也可以使用特定的专用扫描转换器真空管来执行。 在这种情况下,所有极坐标,即来自雷达接收器等来源的数据(角度和距离),因此可以将其显示在任何光栅扫描显示器上。

  2. Digital methods: In this particular method, any picture is stored in a line or frame buffer with n1 speed (data rate) and is read with n2 speed, several picture processing techniques are applicable when the picture is stored in buffer memory including kinds of interpolation from simple to smart high order comparisons, motion detection and to improve the picture quality and prevent the conversion complications.

    数字方法 :在这种特定方法中,任何图片都以n1速度(数据速率)存储在行或帧缓冲区中,并以n2速度读取,当图片存储在缓冲存储器中时,可以使用几种图片处理技术,包括各种插值从简单到智能的高阶比较,运动检测并提高了图像质量并防止了转换的复杂性。

需要扫描转换算法 (Need of scan conversion algorithms)

This helps in accelerating the process of scan conversion and can generate graphic objects at a faster rate comparatively. Using these algorithms memory is also used efficiently and the production quality of the objects on the screen is also improved.

这有助于加速扫描转换过程,并且可以相对更快地生成图形对象。 使用这些算法,还可以有效地使用内存,并且还可以提高屏幕上对象的生产质量。

We can use a random scan system for this process. It uses a beam of electrons that are accelerated through the potential difference and operates like a pencil on the screen of the cathode ray tube thus producing objects on the screen. These are constructed through a particular sequence of lines drawn.

我们可以为此过程使用随机扫描系统。 它使用电子束,该电子束通过电势差加速,并像铅笔一样在阴极射线管的屏幕上工作,从而在屏幕上产生物体。 这些是通过绘制特定的线条顺序构造而成的。

The Scan Converting rate is a technique that is used in video processing. In this technique, we can change the horizontal and vertical frequencies for different purposes.

扫描转换率是视频处理中使用的一种技术。 在此技术中,我们可以出于不同目的更改水平和垂直频率。

We can apply the scan conversion algorithm for various objects that are,


  • Point

  • Line


  • Polygon example rectangle, triangle and many more


  • Circle

  • Arc

  • Sector


  • Any filled region


扫描转换的优点 (Advantages of Scan Conversion)

  • This scan conversion methodology is used for many purposes including TV, the card used to capture a video, LCD monitor, projectors used for video display any more.


  • This conversion technique has large and many applications in daily life.


  • One can efficiently perform this scan conversion using high and good speed circuits that are integrated.


扫描转换的缺点 (Disadvantages of Scan Conversion)

  • While digital scan conversion, the analog video signal gets converted into digital signals of data.


  • We can apply scan conversion with only LSI (Large Scale Integration) and VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) integrated circuits.


翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/computer-graphics/scan-conversion-definition.aspx

坐标转换 计算机图形学





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