WordPress 3.6新增了哪些功能

It was just a few months ago when WordPress 3.5 was released (December 11, 2012 to be exact). Well, the next major release, WordPress 3.6, is already underway. WordPress 3.6 is expected to be released in late April 2013. We have been following the developments of WordPress 3.6 and decided to share with you what features to look forward to. In this article, we will discuss what features are coming in WordPress 3.6.

就在几个月前, WordPress 3.5发布了(确切地说是2012年12月11日)。 好吧,下一个主要版本WordPress 3.6已经在进行中。 WordPress 3.6预计将于2013年4月下旬发布。我们一直在关注WordPress 3.6的发展,并决定与您分享期待哪些功能。 在本文中,我们将讨论WordPress 3.6中的新增功能。

更好的编辑控制 (Better Editorial Controls)

WordPress 3.6 will be a great update particularly for bloggers and content publishers. It is focused on post edit area, providing better tools and support to improve the editorial process of creating content with WordPress.

WordPress 3.6将是一个很棒的更新,特别是对于博客作者和内容发布者而言。 它专注于后期编辑区域,提供更好的工具和支持,以改善使用WordPress创建内容的编辑过程。

Post Lock


WordPress 3.6 will have an editorial control feature, called post lock. This will allow website administrators and authors to lock a post so that other users can not work on the same post until it is unlocked. If the other user has the rights to edit a post, then they will be prompted to either go back or take over. This is a very neat feature for blogs with multiple authors.

WordPress 3.6将具有编辑控制功能,称为后锁。 这将使网站管理员和作者可以锁定帖子,以便其他用户在解锁同一帖子之前无法处理该帖子。 如果其他用户有权编辑帖子,则将提示他们返回或接任。 对于具有多个作者的博客而言,这是一个非常简洁的功能。

Post Lock in WordPress 3.6

Improved Autosave


WordPress 3.6 will be focused on content editing, so the auto-save feature will see some great improvements. There are talks about saving unsaved changes in browser’s local storage. This will be very helpful because it will prevent you from losing posts due to expired cookies, loss of internet connection, inadvertent navigation, plugin or core errors on save, browser crashes, OS crashes, cats walking on keyboard, etc. If any of those happen, you would be able to resume editing exactly where you left it.

WordPress 3.6将专注于内容编辑,因此自动保存功能将获得一些重大改进。 有人谈论将未保存的更改保存在浏览器的本地存储中。 这将非常有帮助,因为它将防止您由于Cookie过期,互联网连接中断,无意的导航,保存时出现插件或核心错误,浏览器崩溃,操作系统崩溃,键盘走路的猫等原因而导致帖子丢失。发生这种情况,您将能够继续精确地编辑离开的位置。

Local Backups for Revisions

The goal is to get people to trust WordPress with their posts. The autosave feature was introduced for this vary reason because people were afraid of losing their work. This is the reason why many use third-party applications like Windows Live Writer to write their WordPress posts. The hope is that by enhancing the auto-save feature, many users will begin to trust the WordPress autosave capabilities.

目的是使人们相信WordPress的帖子。 出于多种原因引入了自动保存功能,因为人们害怕失去工作。 这就是为什么许多人使用Windows Live Writer等第三方应用程序编写其WordPress帖子的原因。 希望通过增强自动保存功能,许多用户将开始信任WordPress自动保存功能。

Better Handling of Post Revisions


Post Revisions will now reflect the changes between different versions. Changes will be highlighted with colors and visual elements, so you will be able to quickly notice the difference between them.

现在,修订版将反映不同版本之间的更改。 更改将以颜色和视觉元素突出显示,因此您将能够快速注意到它们之间的差异。

Compare Post Revisions UI

Editorial Workflow


There were talks of integrating one of the best editorial workflow plugin into core. However due to time constraints, this feature will not be added in WordPress 3.6. The efforts weren’t wasted because it brought to surface many challenges involved in the process. This will allow the core team to prepare in advance for next release. (See Mark Jaquith’s Explanation). Well nothing to worry about. You can still use Edit Flow plugin (we’re using it).

有人在谈论将最好的编辑工作流程插件之一集成到核心中。 但是由于时间限制,此功能不会在WordPress 3.6中添加。 这项工作没有浪费,因为它暴露了该过程涉及的许多挑战。 这将使核心团队能够为下一个版本提前做好准备。 (请参阅Mark Jaquith的解释 )。 没什么好担心的。 您仍然可以使用Edit Flow插件(我们正在使用它)。

帖子格式的新版和改进版UI (New and Improved UI for Post Formats)

As you know that WordPress has support for Post Formats and custom post formats. However, the old interface was not very noticeable. In WordPress 3.6, there will be a new user interface for post formats. Users will be able to choose and switch between post formats, and the edit area will change based on the post format. Inspiration for these changes comes from Alex King’s post format UI plugin, we showed you earlier how to install Post Format UI Plugin in WordPress 3.5. Folks are submitting ideas and wireframes as to what Post Formats UI should look like. Below is a mockup submitted by Mel Choyce:

如您所知,WordPress支持帖子格式和自定义帖子格式。 但是,旧界面不是很明显。 在WordPress 3.6中,将有一个用于帖子格式的新用户界面。 用户将能够选择并在帖子格式之间切换,并且编辑区域将根据帖子格式而改变。 这些更改的灵感来自亚历克斯·金(Alex King)的post format UI插件,我们前面已经向您展示了如何在WordPress 3.5中安装Post Format UI插件 。 人们正在提交有关Post Formats UI外观的想法和线框。 以下是Mel Choyce提交的模型:

Post Formats UI Mockup
20 13 (Twenty Thirteen)

WordPress 3.6 will also come with Twenty Thirteen, the new default WordPress theme. Twenty Thirteen will have great support for post formats. Unlike previous WordPress default themes, Twenty Thirteen will be using lots of bold colors. It will use different background color for each post which looks great when a user scroll downs the page. Twenty Thirteen will be fully responsive and will look equally great on different screen sizes, resolutions, and devices. See the live demo.

WordPress 3.6还将随附二十三个十三,这是新的默认WordPress主题。 二十十三岁将对帖子格式提供大力支持。 与以前的WordPress默认主题不同,“二十十三”将使用许多粗体颜色。 它将为每个帖子使用不同的背景颜色,当用户向下滚动页面时,它看起来很棒。 二十十三号将完全响应,并且在不同的屏幕尺寸,分辨率和设备上看起来同样出色。 观看现场演示

Twenty Thirteen Demo Screenshot
WordPress菜单的新GUI (A New GUI for WordPress Menus)

The WordPress Menu editor will also get a new and more intuitive user interface. At WPBeginner, we noticed that a lot of WordPress beginners don’t understand the menu system. The tabs, menu drop down, choosing multiple menus and switching between them is trivial to most new users. Hopefully this will change in WordPress 3.6, and it will become easier to create and manage Menus in WordPress.

WordPress菜单编辑器还将获得一个新的更直观的用户界面。 在WPBeginner,我们注意到许多WordPress初学者不了解菜单系统。 选项卡,菜单下拉菜单,选择多个菜单以及在它们之间切换对于大多数新用户而言都是微不足道的。 希望这会在WordPress 3.6中有所改变,并且在WordPress中创建和管理菜单会变得更加容易。

改进的登录通知 (Improved Login Notifications)

Sometimes a user session expires right in the middle of something important. The new login notification system will ask a user to login without leaving the page they were working on.

有时,用户会话会在重要事件的中间到期。 新的登录通知系统将要求用户登录而不离开他们正在处理的页面。

Improved Login Notifications - WordPress 3.6

There is still some time left in the release of WordPress 3.6. This is a major release so apart from these new features, there will be several improvements to the core code, bug fixes, security updates, etc. Remember you can always submit your ideas for WordPress, the highest voted ideas will be included in upcoming versions of WordPress. What new features you would like to see in WordPress? What’s your favorite feature of this WordPress 3.6 release? Let us know in the comments below.

WordPress 3.6发行版还剩下一些时间。 这是一个主要版本,因此除了这些新功能之外,还将对核心代码,错误修复,安全更新等进行一些改进。请记住,您始终可以提交有关WordPress的想法,在即将发布的版本中,投票率最高的想法将包括在内。 WordPress。 您想在WordPress中看到哪些新功能? 此WordPress 3.6版本最喜欢的功能是什么? 在下面的评论中让我们知道。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/news/what-features-are-coming-in-wordpress-3-6/

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