WordPress 3.6新增功能

Good news, WordPress 3.6 have finally landed. It is named Oscar after the jazz pianist Oscar Peterson. At WPBeginner we monitored the development very closely and published an article about the features coming in WordPress 3.6. A lot has changed since then, some of the features were dropped and some new features were added. In this article we will show you what’s new in WordPress 3.6.

好消息,WordPress 3.6终于登陆了。 它以爵士钢琴家奥斯卡·彼得森(Oscar Peterson)的名字命名。 在WPBeginner,我们非常密切地监视了开发情况,并发表了有关WordPress 3.6中功能的文章。 从那以后发生了很大的变化,一些功能被删除,一些新功能被添加。 在本文中,我们将向您展示WordPress 3.6的新功能。

Don’t want to read? Watch the video:

不想读书吗? 观看视频:

用于创建菜单的新用户界面 (A New User Interface to Create Menus)

Many of our users often found Menus confusing. WordPress 3.6 comes with a new and simpler user interface to create and edit menus for your website. It has two tabs, one for editing menus and another to manage locations. This new interface is easy to use, and we think many users would find it refreshing too.

我们的许多用户经常发现菜单令人困惑。 WordPress 3.6附带了一个新的,更简单的用户界面,可以为您的网站创建和编辑菜单。 它有两个选项卡,一个用于编辑菜单,另一个用于管理位置。 这个新界面易于使用,我们认为许多用户也会发现它令人耳目一新。

New UI for Menu System in WordPress 3.6
改进的自动保存功能 (Improved Autosave Feature)

You will not have to worry about loosing content when working on a post. WordPress 3.6 comes with improved autosave functionality. The most notable improvement to autosave feature is that WordPress now utilizes your browser’s storage as well as WordPress database to save revisions. WordPress tries to match the current revision with the backup stored in your browser storage and notifies you if it finds any difference.

处理帖子时,您不必担心丢失内容。 WordPress 3.6带有改进的自动保存功能。 自动保存功能最显着的改进是,WordPress现在利用浏览器的存储空间以及WordPress数据库来保存修订。 WordPress会尝试将当前修订版本与浏览器存储中存储的备份进行匹配,如果发现任何差异,则会通知您。

WordPress 3.6 Autosave feature utilizes browser storage to autosave posts
新的改进版本比较 (New Improved Revision Comparison)

With WordPress 3.6 comes another great feature, the ability to compare post revisions. As you know that WordPress automatically saves post revisions. You can disable post revisions but over the years we have found this to be a very useful feature. One thing that we didn’t like was that it was difficult to quickly find differences between two revisions. With 3.6, WordPress displays post revisions and highlights the changes between two versions of an article. There is also a slider bar at top so you can easily switch between revisions.

WordPress 3.6带来了另一个很棒的功能,即比较帖子修订的功能。 如您所知,WordPress自动保存帖子修订。 您可以禁用发布修订,但是多年来,我们发现这是一个非常有用的功能。 我们不喜欢的一件事是,很难快速找到两个修订版之间的差异。 WordPress使用3.6来显示帖子修订,并突出显示文章的两个版本之间的更改。 顶部还有一个滑块,因此您可以轻松地在修订之间切换。

Improved post revisions in WordPress 3.6
登录通知 (Log in Notifications)

Sometimes your WordPress session may expire while you are working on the site. This could happen due to several reasons, an expired or deleted session cookie, administrator changing security keys, etc. With earlier versions of WordPress this meant that you will have to go back and log in again. This resulted into loss of important and unsaved changes. WordPress 3.6 resolves this issue by displaying log in notification when a user’s session expires. It opens the notification in a pop-window darkens the screen you were working at.

有时,当您在站点上工作时,您的WordPress会话可能会过期。 发生这种情况的原因可能有多种,例如会话cookie过期或已删除,管理员更改了安全密钥等。对于WordPress的早期版本,这意味着您将不得不再次登录。 这导致丢失重要且未保存的更改。 WordPress 3.6通过在用户会话期满时显示登录通知来解决此问题。 它会在弹出窗口中打开通知,使您正在使用的屏幕变暗。

Improved session handling with log in notifications in WordPress 3.6
二十十三–新的默认主题 (Twenty Thirteen – The New Default Theme)

WordPress 3.6 also comes with a new default theme Twenty Thirteen which is unlike any other default theme before. Unlike its predecessors, Twenty Thirteen is a little bold and more colorful. It is developed to showcase the power of post formats and all new features of WordPress 3.6. It is a responsive theme and designed to be fully accessible so that it can also be used by people with special needs.

WordPress 3.6还带有一个新的默认主题二十一十三,这不同于以前的任何其他默认主题。 与之前的作品不同,《二十十三岁》有点大胆,色彩更加丰富。 开发它是为了展示POST格式的强大功能和WordPress 3.6的所有新功能。 这是一个响应式主题,旨在完全可访问,因此有特殊需要的人也可以使用它。

Twenty Thirteen - The New Default Theme in WordPress 3.6
WordPres 3.6中没有的功能 (Features That Didn’t Make into WordPres 3.6)

Initially it was discussed that there will be improved editorial workflow management features in WordPress 3.6. However, this feature was dropped during the development. The idea of editorial work flow management was based on Edit Flow plugin. We are using it on WPBeginner, check out our guide on how to improve editorial workflow in multi-author WordPress websites. Similarly, a user interface for Post Formats was initially developed and tested. But the core development team decided not to include it in the final release. The idea for Post Format UI was also based on a plugin, check out how to add a user interface for post formats in WordPress.

最初讨论的是WordPress 3.6中将改进的编辑工作流管理功能。 但是,此功能在开发过程中已被删除。 编辑工作流程管理的思想是基于Edit Flow插件的。 我们正在WPBeginner上使用它,请查看有关如何改善多作者WordPress网站中的编辑工作流程的指南。 类似地,最初开发和测试了邮政格式的用户界面。 但是核心开发团队决定不将其包含在最终版本中。 Post Format UI的想法也基于插件,请查看如何在WordPress中为Post Format添加用户界面

This was just the summary of the new features coming in WordPress 3.6. There are many other changes, bug fixes and other updates. It is a major release so we would like to remind our users to upgrade as soon as possible. Make sure you backup your site before upgrading, and follow our WordPress upgrade guide.

这只是WordPress 3.6中新功能的摘要。 还有许多其他更改,错误修复和其他更新。 这是一个主要版本,因此我们想提醒我们的用户尽快升级。 确保在升级之前备份您的网站 ,然后按照WordPress升级指南进行操作

Let us know what you think of new features and UI changes in WordPress by leaving a comment below.


翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/news/whats-new-in-wordpress-3-6/

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