crfpp.tagger_如何使用WordPress Media Tagger在WordPress中标记图像


WordPress has a great media uploader and image handling features. However, if you are running a photography blog or your primary content is in image format, then you would notice that WordPress does not have a proper system of sorting images and other media files. It also lacks a nice search feature that could allow users to search for images on a website. In this article we will show you how to tag images in WordPress with WordPress Media Tagger. Using this with one of the best WordPress photography themes of 2012, you can create wonderful photography websites.

WordPress具有出色的媒体上传器和图像处理功能。 但是,如果您正在运行摄影博客或您的主要内容是图像格式,则您会注意到WordPress没有适当的图像和其他媒体文件排序系统。 它还缺少一个很好的搜索功能,该功能可能会让用户在网站上搜索图像。 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何使用WordPress Media Tagger在WordPress中标记图像。 结合使用2012年最佳WordPress摄影主题之一 ,您可以创建精彩的摄影网站。

影片教学 (Video Tutorial)


If you don’t like the video or need more instructions, then continue reading.


First thing you need to do is install and activate WP MediaTagger plugin. After activating the plugin, go to Settings » Media Tagger to sort your images and configure plugin options.

您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活WP MediaTagger插件。 激活插件后,转到设置»Media Tagger对图像进行排序并配置插件选项。

WP Media Tagger is the successor of the WordPress Image Tagger plugin. It works with your existing post tags, so if you have not yet created any tags then the plugin will ask you to first create a list of tags. Go to Posts » Tags to add tags that you want to use for images in your media library. If you already use tags for your posts, then WP Media Tagger settings page will show tags below each image file. Select the tags you want to use and press the Set and Next button.

WP Media Tagger是WordPress Image Tagger插件的后继产品。 它可以与您现有的帖子标签一起使用,因此,如果您尚未创建任何标签,则插件将要求您首先创建标签列表。 转到帖子»标签以添加要用于媒体库中图像的标签。 如果您已在帖子中使用标签,则WP Media Tagger设置页面将在每个图像文件下方显示标签。 选择要使用的标签,然后按设置和下一步按钮。

Tagging Images in WordPress Media Tagger

After taging your images, you need to prepare a search page. Create a new page in WordPress (you can give it whatever title you see fit). All you have to do is simply paste this shortcode in the page and publish it.

标记图像后,您需要准备一个搜索页面。 在WordPress中创建一个新页面(您可以给它合适的标题)。 您所要做的只是简单地将此简码粘贴在页面中并发布。



This is how your search page would look like:


Image search page with tag cloud

There are a number of options available for you to configure to control the behavior of Media Tagger Search. To configure these options, go to the plugins settings page and look for Search Formats under Media Tagger Options. You can choose whether you want a tag cloud, a search form, or a tag list with checkbox. You can also allow or disallow users to switch between search formats. You can also choose image frame color, tag cloud text color and other style settings here.

您可以配置许多选项来控制Media Tagger Search的行为。 要配置这些选项,请转到插件设置页面,然后在“媒体标记器选项”下查找“ 搜索格式 ”。 您可以选择是否需要标签云,搜索表单或带有复选框的标签列表。 您还可以允许或禁止用户在搜索格式之间切换。 您还可以在此处选择图像框架颜色,标签云文本颜色和其他样式设置。

Configuring WP Media Tagger Search Formats

On the same settings page, you can also allow WP Media Tagger to use categories instead of tags, or use both.

在同一设置页面上,您还可以允许WP Media Tagger使用类别而不是标签 ,或同时使用两者。

WP Media Tagger plugin also comes with a media tag cloud widget. If you go to Appearance » Widgets, then you will see the Media Tagger widget. Drag and drop the widget to your sidebar. You will have to provide the link to the page you have created for image search results. This is the page we created earlier using the shortcode [mediatagger].

WP Media Tagger插件还附带了一个媒体标签云小部件。 如果转到外观»小部件 ,那么您将看到Media Tagger小部件。 将小部件拖放到侧边栏。 您将必须提供指向为图像搜索结果创建的页面的链接。 这是我们先前使用简码[mediatagger]创建的页面。

Media tag cloud widget

We hope that this article helps you sort photographs and images on your WordPress website. We would love to know how you are sorting and tagging images on your photoblogs, or primary image content WordPress websites. Let us know in the comments below.

我们希望本文能帮助您对WordPress网站上的照片和图像进行排序。 我们很想知道您如何在照片博客或主要图像内容WordPress网站上对图像进行分类和标记。 在下面的评论中让我们知道。







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