WordPress 4.8的新功能(功能和屏幕截图)

The schedule for WordPress 4.8 is released. It will be the first major WordPress release of 2017. We have been following the development closely, and we are excited to report that the final version is expected to be released around June 8, 2017. In this article, we will show you what’s coming in WordPress 4.8 with features and screenshots.

WordPress 4.8的时间表已发布。 这将是2017年的第一个主要WordPress版本。我们一直在密切关注开发情况,我们很高兴地报告最终版本有望在2017年6月8日左右发布。在本文中,我们将向您展示即将发生的事情WordPress 4.8中的功能和屏幕截图。

What's coming in WordPress 4.8

Note: You can try out the beta version on your computer or on a staging environment by using the WordPress Beta Tester plugin.

注意:您可以使用WordPress Beta Tester插件在计算机暂存环境中试用Beta版本。

The official beta release will happen on May 12th, which means no more new features will be added until the final release of WordPress 4.8. However, some of the features in beta may not make it into the final release.

正式的Beta版将于5月12日发布,这意味着直到WordPress 4.8的最终版本才会添加更多新功能。 但是,Beta版中的某些功能可能无法纳入最终版本。

文本小部件中的可视编辑器 (Visual Editor in The Text Widget)

By default WordPress comes with a plain text widget. This widget contains a simple text box where you can add text and HTML code.

默认情况下,WordPress带有纯文本小部件。 此小部件包含一个简单的文本框,您可以在其中添加文本和HTML代码。

Beginners who are not familiar with HTML were unable to add links or use basic formatting in the text widget. This will change in WordPress 4.8.

不熟悉HTML的初学者无法在文本小部件中添加链接或使用基本格式。 这将在WordPress 4.8中更改。

The new text widget comes with a simple visual and text editor. Similar to the one you see on the post edit screen.

新的文本小部件带有一个简单的视觉文本编辑器 。 与您在帖子编辑屏幕上看到的类似。

New text widget in upcoming WordPress 4.8 with visual and text editor

This will allow beginner users to easily add links, create lists, or make text bold / italic without writing any HTML code.


新图像小部件 (The New Image Widget)

Right now, if you want to display an image in WordPress sidebar, you will have to write HTML or use a plugin.

现在,如果要在WordPress边栏中显示图像 ,则必须编写HTML或使用插件。

WordPress 4.8 will introduce an image widget which will allow users to easily add images into the sidebar. You will be able to upload an image right from the widget or select any image from the WordPress media library.

WordPress 4.8将引入一个图像小部件,使用户可以轻松地将图像添加到侧栏中。 您将可以直接从小部件上载图像,或从WordPress媒体库中选择任何图像。

Image widget in upcoming WordPress 4.8

Clicking on the select image will open the WordPress media uploader popup where users can upload or select an image. After inserting the image, users will be able to see a preview of the image in the widget area.

单击选择的图像将打开WordPress媒体上传器弹出窗口,用户可以在其中上传或选择图像。 插入图像后,用户将可以在小部件区域中看到图像的预览。

Image widget preview
新的视频小部件 (The New Video Widget)

Similar to the image widget, WordPress 4.8 will also introduce the Video widget. It will allow users to easily upload videos to their sidebar or display any video from YouTube, Vimeo, or any other oEmbed provider.

与图像小部件类似,WordPress 4.8也将引入视频小部件。 它将使用户可以轻松地将视频上传到其侧边栏中,或显示来自YouTube,Vimeo或任何其他oEmbed提供商的任何视频。

New video widget in upcoming WordPress 4.8

Note: we recommend that you should never upload videos to your WordPress site. Instead, you should use a video hosting provider like YouTube or Vimeo. Simply click on the ‘Select Video’ button in the widget, and then click on ‘Insert from URL’ link.

注意:我们建议您永远不要将视频上传到WordPress网站 。 相反,您应该使用YouTube或Vimeo之类的视频托管服务提供商。 只需单击小部件中的“选择视频”按钮,然后单击“从URL插入”链接。

Insert video URL inside Video widget

Add the URL of the video you want to embed and then click on the ‘Add to widget’ button. The media uploader popup will disappear, and you will see a thumbnail preview of your video inside the widget.

添加您要嵌入的视频的URL,然后单击“添加到小部件”按钮。 媒体上传器弹出窗口将消失,您将在小部件内看到视频的缩略图预览。

WordPress新闻和事件仪表板小部件 (WordPress News and Events Dashboard Widget)

WordPress 4.8 will also introduce the WordPress Events and News dashboard widget. It will appear on your WordPress dashboard page and will contain information about WordPress news as well as WordPress events near your location. It will replace the older WordPress news widget which only showed WordPress news.

WordPress 4.8还将引入WordPress事件和新闻仪表板小部件。 它会出现在您的WordPress仪表板页面上,并将包含有关WordPress新闻以及您所在位置附近的WordPress事件的信息。 它将取代仅显示WordPress新闻的旧版WordPress新闻小部件。

WordPress news and events widget

If you have multiple users on your website, then the widget will show them events based on their location. It will automatically try to detect a user’s location by sending their timezone, locale, and IP address to api.wordpress.org.

如果您的网站上有多个用户,则该小部件将根据他们的位置向他们显示事件。 它将通过将用户的时区,语言环境和IP地址发送到api.wordpress.org来自动尝试检测用户的位置。

Users can also edit the location to manually enter their location or view events from any other location.


引擎盖下的改进 (Under The Hood Improvements)

These updates improve significant parts of the WordPress core but are mainly intended for developers.


The customizer pane will now be proportionally sized on larger screens. #32296

现在,自定义程序窗格将在较大的屏幕上按比例调整大小。 #32296

User’s name prominently displayed on edit user screen. #28182

用户名突出显示在编辑用户屏幕上。 #28182

New function get_term_parents_list() will be introduced as taxonomy agnostic version of get_category_parents(). #17069

新功能get_term_parents_list()将作为get_category_parents()分类法版本引入。 #17069

We hope this article helped you learn what’s coming in WordPress 4.8. Let us know which features you find exciting and what you would like to see in future releases of WordPress?

我们希望本文能帮助您了解WordPress 4.8的功能。 让我们知道您发现哪些功能令人兴奋,以及您希望在未来的WordPress版本中看到什么?

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/news/whats-coming-in-wordpress-4-8-features-and-screenshots/





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