

Looking for some Facebook tips and tutorials for your WordPress site? With more than a billion active users, Facebook is the largest social media website in the world. No website owner can afford to ignore the potential of Facebook for the success of their business. In this article, we will show you some of the best Facebook tips and tutorials for WordPress users to help you maximize your reach.

在为您的WordPress网站寻找一些Facebook提示和教程吗? Facebook拥有超过十亿的活跃用户,是世界上最大的社交媒体网站。 任何网站所有者都不能忽视Facebook为其业务成功所带来的潜力。 在本文中,我们将为您展示一些针对WordPress用户的最佳Facebook技巧和教程,以帮助您最大程度地扩大覆盖面。

Best Facebook tips and tutorials for WordPress users
1.在WordPress中添加Facebook页面插件 (1. Add Facebook Page Plugin in WordPress)

Facebook Pages allow you to engage with your audience on Facebook. You can use your Facebook page to promote your WordPress site. However, you will also need to let your users know that they can find you on Facebook.

Facebook Pages允许您在Facebook上与观众互动。 您可以使用Facebook页面来推广WordPress网站。 但是,您还需要让用户知道他们可以在Facebook上找到您。

Facebook Page plugin

Facebook Page plugin allows you to add a Like box to your website. Your users can then like your Facebook page without leaving your website. For detailed instructions, see our step by step tutorial on how to add the Facebook page plugin in WordPress site.

Facebook Page插件可让您向网站添加“赞”框。 然后,您的用户可以在不离开您的网站的情况下喜欢您的Facebook页面。 有关详细说明,请参阅有关如何在WordPress网站中添加Facebook页面插件的分步教程。

2.为WordPress添加Facebook即时文章 (2. Add Facebook Instant Articles for WordPress)

Facebook Instant Articles is a Facebook feature which allows your content to load upto 10x faster on mobile devices. It uses the same technology used in Facebook mobile apps.

Facebook Instant Articles是一项Facebook功能,它使您的内容在移动设备上的加载速度提高10倍。 它使用与Facebook移动应用程序相同的技术。

Facebook Instant Articles

Faster speed tremendously improves the user experience on mobile devices. Users will see a lightening bolt icon on articles available in Instant Articles format. This encourages more users to click on your content in their Facebook news feed.

更快的速度极大地改善了移动设备上的用户体验。 用户将在即时文章格式的文章上看到闪电图标。 这样可以鼓励更多用户点击其Facebook新闻Feed中的内容。

Here is our complete step by step tutorial on how to setup Facebook Instant Articles for WordPress

这是我们关于如何为WordPress设置Facebook Instant Articles的完整分步教程

3.在WordPress中添加Facebook再营销/重定向像素 (3. Add Facebook Remarketing/Retargeting Pixel in WordPress)

Facebook retargeting pixel

Ever wondered how you start seeing Facebook ads for websites you visit outside Facebook? This is called retargeting also known as remarketing.

有没有想过您如何开始看到在Facebook以外访问的网站的Facebook广告? 这称为重新定位,也称为再营销。

Those websites use Facebook retargeting pixel. This pixel does not add anything visible to your site. It only sends a browser cookie to your users which allows Facebook to track them on Facebook.

这些网站使用Facebook重新定位像素。 此像素不添加任何对您的网站可见的内容。 它只会向您的用户发送浏览器cookie,从而允许Facebook在Facebook上跟踪他们。

People who are already interested in your website are more likely to click on your ads on Facebook. It also helps you develop brand recognition among your users.

已经对您的网站感兴趣的人更有可能点击Facebook上的广告。 它还可以帮助您在用户中建立品牌知名度。

For complete instructions, see our guide on how to install Facebook Remarketing/Retargeting pixel in WordPress.


4.添加Facebook开放图元数据 (4. Add Facebook Open Graph Meta Data)

Facebook automatically displays your article’s title, description, and an image when someone shares it on Facebook. However, sometimes Facebook is unable to show the right image or correct description.

当有人在Facebook上分享文章时,Facebook会自动显示您文章的标题,描述和图像。 但是,有时Facebook无法显示正确的图像或正确的描述。

Facebook Open Graph metadata allows you to tell Facebook which image and description you want them to show.

Facebook Open Graph元数据可让您告诉Facebook您希望它们显示哪些图像和描述。

The easiest way to add Facebook open graph meta data is by using the Yoast SEO plugin. Simply install and activate the plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

添加Facebook开放图元数据的最简单方法是使用Yoast SEO插件。 只需安装并激活插件即可。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅有关如何安装WordPress插件的分步指南。

Upon activation, you need to visit SEO » Social page and click on the Facebook tab.


Yoast SEO Facebook open graph meta data

After that, you need to click Enabled under ‘Add Open Graph Meta Data’ option. Don’t forget to click on the save changes button to store your settings.

之后,您需要在“添加打开图元数据”选项下单击启用。 不要忘记单击“保存更改”按钮来存储您的设置。

Yoast SEO will now automatically add Facebook open graph meta data for all posts and pages on your WordPress site.

Yoast SEO现在将自动为WordPress网站上的所有帖子和页面添加Facebook开放图元数据。

For more detailed instructions, see our guide on how to add Facebook open graph meta data in WordPress.


5.在WordPress中添加Facebook评论 (5. Add Facebook Comments in WordPress)

Facebook Comments for WordPress

If you get a lot of comments on your articles, then they can slow down your website. By using Facebook comments, you can ease that load from your website and make it faster.

如果您对文章有很多评论,那么它们会使您的网站变慢。 通过使用Facebook评论,您可以减轻网站负载并使其更快。

Another benefit of using Facebook comments is that it helps you get more likes and traffic from Facebook to your articles. Users commenting on your posts can instantly share their comment with their friends.

使用Facebook评论的另一个好处是,它可以帮助您从Facebook获得更多的喜欢和点击量。 对您的信息发表评论的用户可以立即与朋友分享他们的评论。

For complete installation and setup instructions, visit our guide on how to install and setup Facebook comments in WordPress.


6.在WordPress中添加Facebook登录 (6. Add Login with Facebook in WordPress)

Login with Facebook button in WordPress

Social login buttons allow your users to log in to your website using their existing social media accounts. This helps them login quickly and saves them from remembering another password.

社交登录按钮允许您的用户使用其现有的社交媒体帐户登录到您的网站。 这有助于他们快速登录,并避免他们记住其他密码。

To add Facebook login on your site, the first thing you will need to do is install and activate the Nextend Facebook Connect plugin. Upon activation, go to Settings » Nextend FB Connect to configure the plugin.

要在您的站点上添加Facebook登录,您需要做的第一件事是安装并激活Nextend Facebook Connect插件。 激活后,转到设置»Nextend FB Connect以配置插件。

Facebook Connect settings

The plugin requires you to provide a Facebook app ID and secret keys. You can create an app by visiting Facebook Developers website.

该插件要求您提供一个Facebook应用ID和密钥。 您可以通过访问Facebook开发者网站来创建应用。

For step by step instructions, follow our tutorial on how to add login with Facebook in WordPress.


7.为您的WordPress网站获取Facebook见解 (7. Get Facebook Insights for Your WordPress Site)

Facebook Insights allows you to see how your content is doing on Facebook. It shows which of your posts or pages are most liked and shared. If you are using Facebook comments, then you can also see which posts get more comments.

Facebook Insights可让您查看您的内容在Facebook上的表现。 它显示了您最喜欢和共享的帖子或页面。 如果您使用的是Facebook评论,那么您还可以查看哪些帖子获得了更多评论。

The easiest way to get Facebook Insights is by using the Yoast SEO plugin. After installing and activating the plugin, head over to SEO » Social page and click on Facebook tab.

获得Facebook见解的最简单方法是使用Yoast SEO插件。 安装并激活插件后,转到SEO»社交页面,然后单击Facebook选项卡。

You need to scroll down to ‘Facebook Insights and Admins’ section. Here you can click on ‘Add Facebook Admin’ button and provide admin’s name and Facebook user ID.

您需要向下滚动到“ Facebook见解和管理员”部分。 在这里,您可以单击“添加Facebook管理员”按钮,并提供管理员名称和Facebook用户ID。

Yoast SEO Facebook Insights

If you have already created a Facebook app for your page, then you can provide an App ID instead of a user’s ID.

如果您已经为页面创建了Facebook应用,则可以提供App ID代替用户ID。

Don’t forget to click on the save changes button to store your settings.


That’s all you can now visit Facebook Insights page and you will see your website listed there. Click on your website to see your Insight reports.

这就是您现在可以访问Facebook Insights页面的全部内容,您将在其中看到您的网站。 单击您的网站以查看您的Insight报告。

For more on this topic, you may want to look at our detailed guide on how to get Facebook Insights for your WordPress site.

有关此主题的更多信息,您可能需要查看有关如何为WordPress网站获取Facebook Insights的详细指南。

8.在WordPress帖子中添加Facebook作者标签 (8. Add Facebook Author Tag in WordPress Posts)

Facebook author tag allows you to display author name with your articles when they are shared on Facebook. The author name is linked to author’s Facebook profile, allowing you to get more users engaged with authors on your site.

Facebook author标签可让您在Facebook上共享文章时显示作者姓名。 作者名称链接到作者的Facebook个人资料,使您可以吸引更多用户与您网站上的作者互动。


Once again, you will need the Yoast SEO plugin. First you will need to enable Open Graph meta data (see above).

再一次,您将需要Yoast SEO插件。 首先,您将需要启用Open Graph元数据(请参见上文)。

Enter your Facebook profile URL

After that, you need to go to your profile Users » Profile page. Scroll down to Facebook Profile URL option and enter your Facebook profile URL.

之后,您需要转到您的个人资料用户»个人资料页面。 向下滚动到Facebook个人资料URL选项,然后输入您的Facebook个人资料URL。

Don’t forget to click on the Save Changes button to store your settings.


That’s all, you will now start seeing an author name when your posts are shared on Facebook.


9.在WordPress中创建自定义Facebook提要 (9. Create Custom Facebook Feeds in WordPress)

Displaying your Facebook posts on your WordPress site can help you boost engagement and convince more users to like your Facebook page.


The Custom Facebook Feed plugin helps you display your Facebook status while making it match your website design.

自定义Facebook Feed插件可帮助您显示Facebook状态,同时使其与您的网站设计相匹配。

We have created a detailed step by step guide on how to create custom Facebook feed in WordPress.


10.在WordPress中嵌入Facebook视频 (10. Embed Facebook Video in WordPress)

Adding Facebook Videos in WordPress

Facebook videos are hot. If you’re sharing a lot of unique video content with your Facebook audience, and want to embed them on your WordPress site, then it is definitely possible.

Facebook视频很热。 如果您要与Facebook观众共享很多独特的视频内容,并希望将它们嵌入WordPress网站,那么绝对有可能。

This process is not as streamlined as one would hope, but our hope is that Facebook will make it easier in the future.


We have created a detailed step by step guide on how to embed a Facebook video in WordPress.


We hope this article helped you find the best Facebook tips and tutorials for WordPress. You may also want to see our list of 19+ free Google tools every WordPress blogger should use.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到WordPress的最佳Facebook提示和教程。 您可能还希望查看我们的列表, 每个WordPress博客作者都应使用19种免费Google工具

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-facebook-tutorials-for-wordpress-users/






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