


Eight years ago I wrote a post called Opportunity: Windows is completely missing the TextMode boat. The language is dated...

八年前,我写了一篇名为《机会:Windows完全没有TextMode的小船》的文章。 语言过时了...

I assume we all realize that there are literally millions of Windows machines from 95 to XP that exist only to allow more than one Telnet/ProcommPlus/Terminal window at a time, so end-users can interact with remote systems.

我假设我们都意识到,从95到XP确实存在数百万台Windows机器,它们仅一次允许一个以上的Telnet / ProcommPlus / Terminal窗口,因此最终用户可以与远程系统进行交互。

...but the point is there.


I’m just saying that my Tab,Tab,Tab,Enter will beat your Click,Tab,Alt-F,O,Click,Double-Click, more often than not and I will take the Pepsi Challenge otherwise.


Command Lines are faster than Graphical User Interfaces. Command Lines and all the things we string together within them are DSLs (Domain Specific Languages) for Getting Stuff Done™.

命令行比图形用户界面快。 命令行以及我们在其中串在一起的所有东西都是用于实现Stuff Done™的DSL(特定于域的语言)。

How often have you seen (or worse yet, written) a graphical interface to express or build something like that could be more tersely expressed as "/^[a-z0-9_-]{3,16}$/"?

您有多少次看到(或更糟的是,编写)一个图形界面来表示或构建类似的内容,可以更简洁地表示为“ / ^ [a-z0-9 _-] {3,16} $ /”?

Other than the Address Bar, the Command Line isn't something you see a lot on the web...yet. We have been seeing more and more sites embracing hotkeys, though.

除了地址栏以外,命令行在网络上还不是很多东西...但是。 但是,我们已经看到越来越多的网站使用热键。

We've seen Google products embracing Vi's "hjkl" cursor movement and nearly everyone popping up hotkey help by pressing "?". I use the Twitter website and its hotkeys more than a 3rd party Twitter client.

我们已经看到Google产品采用了Vi的“ hjkl”光标移动功能,几乎每个人都可以通过按“?”弹出热键帮助。 我使用Twitter网站及其热键的方式不止是第三方Twitter客户。

Related Reading: The Web is the new Terminal: Are you using the Web's Keyboard Shortcuts and Hotkeys?

相关阅读: Web是新的终端:您是否正在使用Web的键盘快捷键和热键?

While we all love bash, zsh, PowerShell and many other shells, it's interesting to me that the command line is infiltrating the web itself.


Web上的命令行 (Command Lines on the Web)

Search engines have been the obvious place for Web Command Lines to pop up. Google and Bing each allow us to use their search boxes as Calculators. Google even supports Bacon Numbering!

搜索引擎一直是Web命令行弹出的明显位置。 Google和Bing均允许我们将其搜索框用作计算器。 Google甚至支持培根编号

Perhaps the first example I saw of a "Web Command Line" was the Rails Day submission YubNub in 2005 by Jonathan Aquino. Futz.Me is another example that uses URLs as its command line. DuckDuckGo - the little search engine that could - is fast becoming the search engine for the hardcore command liners. DDG supports what they call "Bang Syntax." Make any query and add a !keyword and you're taking to a custom search. There's the obvious ones like !g for Google but also !code, !csharp and hundreds more. You can even extend DuckDuckGo and Submit your own Bang command!

也许我看到的第一个“ Web命令行”示例是Jonathan Aquino在2005年Rails Day提交的YubNubFutz.Me是另一个使用URL作为命令行的示例。 DuckDuckGo-可能的小型搜索引擎-Swift成为铁杆指挥部的搜索引擎。 DDG支持他们所谓的“爆炸语法” 。 进行任何查询并添加!关键字,您就可以进行自定义搜索。 很明显的有!g对于Google,还有!code,!csharp等等。 您甚至可以扩展DuckDuckGo并提交自己的Bang命令

Jeff talked about the Address Bar as Command Line in 2009 but I think the command line is starting to go even father than the address bar. Why not embed the concept of a command line in the website itself?

Jeff在2009年谈到地址栏作为命令行时,但我认为命令行比地址栏开始流行。 为什么不将命令行的概念嵌入网站本身?

Moving from simple search to more complex navigational schemes, GitHub recently announced their Command Bar, which is a fantastic example of a Web Command Line. It supports an easily learned series of chained commands so I can quickly jump to any user, any project, any issue and more.

从简单的搜索到更复杂的导航方案, GitHub最近宣布了它们的Command Bar ,这是Web命令行的绝佳示例。 它支持一系列易于学习的链接命令,因此我可以快速跳转到任何用户,任何项目,任何问题等等。

It's funny how we, the makers of the web, prefer to spend time managing the Web from the command line. The Windows Azure Team spent a lot of time recently updating the Management Portal with amazing new features and a nice new HTML5 website, but I've ended up managing my Cloud applications with the Azure Command Line in cmd.exe or PowerShell.

有趣的是,我们这些Web的创建者喜欢花时间从命令行管理Web。 Windows Azure团队最近花了很多时间来更新管理门户,提供了令人惊奇的新功能和一个不错HTML5网站,但是我最终还是使用cmd.exe或PowerShell中的Azure命令行来管理我的云应用程序。

For me, it's simply faster, clearer and more obvious.


scott@hanselmac:~$ npm install azure
npm http GET https://registry.npmjs.org/azure
...bunch of GETS...
scott@hanselmac:~$ azure
info: _ _____ _ ___ ___
info: /_\ |_ / | | | _ \ __|
info: _ ___/ _ \__/ /| |_| | / _|___ _ _
info: (___ /_/ \_\/___|\___/|_|_\___| _____)
info: (_______ _ _) _ ______ _)_ _
info: (______________ _ ) (___ _ _)
info: Windows Azure: Microsoft's Cloud Platform
info: Tool version 0.6.0
...bunch of help stuff...

HTTP itself becomes friendly and fun at the command line with tools like HTTPie that allow me to almost write HTTP on the command line!


Firefox 16's Beta Channel recently added a Firefox Command Line. You can explore your DOM, HTTP response, cookies, elements, everything all from a simple command line. Why click an element when you know you want to "inspect #mainbar"?

Firefox 16的Beta通道最近添加了Firefox命令行。 您可以通过简单的命令行浏览DOM,HTTP响应,Cookie,元素以及所有内容。 当您知道要“检查#mainbar”时,为什么单击元素?

Command Line for Firefox

Learning sites like TryRuby, TryF#, Codecademy, PexForFun, and dozens more embed textboxes as command lines, and surprisingly users don't freak out when they see them. I must say I still remember the first day I saw TryRuby in a browser. I was blown away.

学习网站如TryRubyTryF#CodecademyPexForFun以及数十个嵌入式文本框作为命令行,令人惊讶的是,用户在看到它们时并不会感到惊讶。 我必须说,我仍然记得在浏览器中看到TryRuby的第一天。 我被吹走了。

Luke Lowrey went so far as to make "NetBash" a command line for admins to manage websites! It's all web-based but pops up almost Quake-style as an overlay within your browser. Brilliant. NetBash is on GitHub.

卢克·洛瑞(Luke Lowrey)甚至使“ NetBash ”成为管理员管理网站命令行! 这些都是基于Web的,但是几乎以Quake样式弹出,作为浏览器中的覆盖图。 辉煌。 NetBash在GitHub上

What sites have you seen with embedded Command Lines? What web-based tools or sites have used a Command Line and DSL in a way that surprised you?

您在嵌入式命令行中看到了哪些站点? 哪些基于Web的工具或站点以令人惊讶的方式使用了命令行和DSL?

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/web-sites-with-embedded-command-lines-you-got-your-command-line-in-my-internet


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