


There are so many really innovative products online right now. A good friend was showing me amazing product called Intercom that lets you see who of your users are online, their social profiles, even direct message/chat them live on your site.

现在有这么多真正创新的产品在线。 一个好朋友向我展示了名为Intercom的出色产品,它使您可以查看谁是在线用户,他们的社交资料,甚至是直接在您的网站上聊天/聊天。

You just add this JavaScript to your site. Here's the snippet from their home page:

您只需将此JavaScript添加到您的站点。 这是他们主页上的摘录:

<script id="IntercomSettingsScriptTag">
var intercomSettings = {
app_id: 'tx2p1ufd7g30c',
email: 'john@example.com',
created_at: 1234567890
(function() {
function async_load() { var s = document.createElement('script'); s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.async = true; s.src = 'https://api.intercom.io/api/js/library.js'; var x = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; x.parentNode.insertBefore(s, x); }
if (window.attachEvent) {
window.attachEvent('onload', async_load);
} else {
window.addEventListener('load', async_load, false);

My buddy was thrilled and thought this was an amazing product. It totally is. With modern browsers and modern JavaScript we can more quickly integrate applications like Intercom, Google Analytics, UserVoice, JanRain and a thousand others into our websites. It's a LEGO web, indeed. Just add some JavaScript like above and you're off.

我的伙伴很高兴,认为这是一个了不起的产品。 完全是。 使用现代的浏览器和现代JavaScript,我们可以更快地将对讲机,Google Analytics(分析),UserVoice,JanRain等应用程序集成到我们的网站中。 确实,这是一个乐高网。 像上面那样添加一些JavaScript,就可以了。

However, after looking at this for about 5 minutes, I rained on my friends parade.


"Hey, is that the user's email address there?


"Yes! The 3rd party needs that so they can populate their dashboard and keep track of who's who."


"Ah, OK, but you're sending that email to them, right?"




"And they're storing that, right?"




"So, what's their privacy policy and how will it be added into yours? There's a chain of privacy policies that needs to happen here. What 3rd parties does this company use? And theirs?"


"You're totally raining on my parade. But you're right."


We emailed the folks at Intercom and they knew immediately what we were talking about and answered exactly as they should. Here's their email:

我们在对讲机上给人们发了电子邮件,他们立即知道我们在说什么,并完全按照他们的要求回答。 这是他们的电子邮件:

Sure thing, firstly our official terms & privacy policy are here:




The short summary is...


1. You own your data, when you kill your account we don't keep it. We never sell it. We never contact your users. We will never do anything with your data that we wouldn't be proud to tell the world about.

1.您拥有自己的数据,当您杀死帐户时,我们不会保留它。 我们从不出售。 我们从不联系您的用户。 我们永远不会对您的数据做任何让我们为之自豪的事情。

2. We have a feature where we use a 3rd party service called FullContact, to augment your data, for example find an twitter/linkedin/facebook/github account that matches an email address. This can give you extra insight into the types of users  you have. You can easily disable this in your app settings.

2.我们具有一项功能,其中我们使用名为FullContact的第三方服务来扩充您的数据,例如,找到与电子邮件地址匹配的twitter / linkedin / facebook / github帐户。 这可以使您对拥有的用户类型有更多的了解。 您可以在应用设置中轻松禁用此功能。

Regarding updating your privacy policy, you obviously should note that you send data to Intercom for the purposes of providing support and extended communication with your customers. You might already have this covered under other areas (for example if you use helpdesk software, certain analytics packages, etc then you're already doing precisely this)

关于更新您的隐私政策,您显然应该注意,您将数据发送到对讲机是为了提供支持和与客户的扩展通信。 您可能已经将其涵盖在其他领域中(例如,如果您使用帮助台软件,某些分析程序包等,则说明您已经在这样做了)

Ultimately you should check with your lawyer who created your privacy policy to ensure that using Intercom doesn't violate your existing privacy and find out precisely what changes are necessary.


Exactly. Knowing is half the battle. Are you using a number of 3rd party services? Are you integrating "on the glass" with JavaScript? Step 0 is making sure your Privacy Policy reflects the chain of Privacy Policies for all the products you use.

究竟。 知道是成功的一半。 您是否正在使用许多第三方服务? 您是否正在将JavaScript与玻璃整合? 步骤0确保您的隐私权政策反映了您使用的所有产品的隐私权政策链。

Sponsor: Again, I want to thank my friends DevExpress for sponsoring this week's feed. There is no better time to discover DevExpress. Visual Studio 11 beta is here and DevExpress tools are ready! Experience next generation tools, today.

赞助商:同样,我要感谢我的朋友DevExpress赞助了本周的提要。 没有更好的时间来发现DevExpress。 Visual Studio 11 beta已发布,DevExpress工具已准备就绪! 立即体验下一代工具。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/the-privacy-chain-your-sites-privacy-policy-as-the-3rd-party-services-pile-up






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