评论:Mimo Monitors-iMo Pivot

NOTE: This review was written using the DisplayLink 5.2.20937 Drivers on Windows 7 x64 RTM. Be sure to scroll to the bottom in their forums, as that's where the new stuff is.

注意:此评论是使用Windows 7 x64 RTM上DisplayLink 5.2.20937驱动程序编写的 确保滚动到其论坛的底部,因为这是新内容所在的位置。

I switched to three monitors over two years ago and I can't go back. I replaced those CRTs with LCDs a year later when I rebuilt my home office and added a fourth monitor. I moved that fourth monitor over to my Mame Arcade Cabinet later and have been using a 24" and two 22"s ever since.

两年前我换了三台显示器,我不能回去一年后,当我重建家庭办公室并添加了第四台显示器时,我用LCD取代了这些CRT 。 后来,我将第四台显示器移到了我的Mame Arcade机柜,此后一直使用24英寸和2英寸22英寸显示器

However, then Twitter happened and darnit, I need another monitor. Maybe, hm, a tiny monitor. I could watch videos, Hulu, run Zune and all sorts of things. But is it cheap? Does it work? Can you run a monitor over USB? Let's see. 

但是,然后Twitter发生了,我需要另一个监视器。 嗯,也许是一个很小的显示器。 我可以观看视频, Hulu ,运行Zune以及各种各样的东西。 但是便宜吗? 它行得通吗? 可以通过USB运行显示器吗? 让我们来看看。

大想法 (The Big Idea)


The idea is that the iMo Pivot is a 7" 700x480 portable monitor that uses USB as its buss. It works on XP, Vista and Windows 7, as well as Intel-based Mac OS X. It has drivers for all including 64-bit.

这个想法是,iMo Pivot是使用USB作为总线的7英寸700x480便携式显示器。它可以在XP,Vista和Windows 7以及基于Intel的Mac OS X上运行。它具有适用于所有驱动程序,包括64位。

There's also a touch screen version, but I bought the $129.99 Pivot version without a touch screen. It can stand horizontally or vertically (hence, iMo Pivot) or it can be removed and stand up like a picture frame with a metal support.

还有一个触摸屏版本,但我买了没有触摸屏的129.99美元的Pivot版本。 它可以水平或垂直站立(因此为iMo Pivot),也可以将其卸下并像带有金属支架的相框一样站立。

I put mine underneath my 24" 16:9 monitor and while it's slightly dimmer (it has a 400:1 contrast ratio and 350 cd/m2) it's not a distracting difference against my bright Dell.

我将我的显示器放在24英寸16:9显示器的下面,虽然它有点暗(对比度为400:1,对比度为350 cd / m2),但与明亮的Dell相比并没有分心的区别。

It's a real monitor and shows up as an extra one (number 3 below) in your Control Panel.



Twitter或电子邮件屏幕 (Twitter or Email Screen)


You could take Outlook and fold up the folders/calendars/toolbars and have a nice tidy place for your Email. Again, you've got 800x480 to work within.

您可以使用Outlook并折叠文件夹/日历/工具栏,并为电子邮件提供一个整洁的地方。 同样,您需要使用800x480的分辨率。

Also, you can use this as your Twitter screen, putting your timeline either on the web or using TweetDeck or bDule.


调试Windows (Debug Windows)

Sometimes you just need a place to put your Watch Window. ;) While Visual Studio 2008 doesn't have the explicit support for Multiple Monitors like Visual Studio 2010, you CAN take your toolboxes and toolbars and move them over to your second monitor.

有时,您只需要放置观察窗口的位置即可。 ;)尽管Visual Studio 2008不像Visual Studio 2010那样对多台监视器有明确的支持,但是您可以将工具箱和工具栏移到第二台监视器上。

音乐监听器 (Music Monitor)

An interesting app that this is perfect for, although there were a few visual glitches is the Zune software. This little 800x480 monitor is a great place to park the Zune software and let it entertain you while you work, without using one of your larger monitors. Unfortunately, something about the Zune visualization being so "heavy" it causes the monitor to sometimes switch into a Video Optimized view. I only saw this with the Zune software and only once or twice, but the idea appears that you can set the iMo to favor framerate over clarity, so it'll switch seamlessly to 400x240 (basically big dots) when there's a LOT of fast pixels moving. Again, don't freak out, I don't think this is a big deal and I only saw it a few times. Also, you can CHOOSE to turn this on or off with their software driver.

Zune软件是一个非常有趣的应用程序,尽管存在一些视觉故障,但它非常适合。 这款小巧的800x480显示器是停放Zune软件并使其在工作时为您带来娱乐的绝佳场所,而无需使用任何大型显示器。 不幸的是,有关Zune可视化的内容非常“繁重”,导致监视器有时切换到“视频优化”视图。 我只在Zune软件上看到过一次,只有一次或两次,但是我的想法似乎是可以将iMo设置为偏爱帧速率而不是清晰度,因此当有很多快速像素时,它将无缝切换到400x240(基本上是大圆点)移动。 同样,不要惊慌,我认为这没什么大不了的,而且我只看过几次。 另外,您可以选择使用其软件驱动程序打开或关闭此功能。

视屏 (Video Screen)

It works great for Hulu (sorry folks outside the US) and YouTube videos. There is an "optimized for video" option, but I haven't had to use it. More on that option below.

它非常适合Hulu (对不起美国的人们)和YouTube视频。 有一个“针对视频进行优化”的选项,但我不必使用它。 有关该选项的更多信息,请参见下文。

I had no problem dragging an episode of Family Guy down onto the monitor, even using Hulu Desktop, and it worked seamlessly with minimal problem. It was smooth and watchable to the point where I was genuinely surprised it was all happening over USB.

即使使用Hulu Desktop ,我也可以毫无问题地将Family Guy的一集拖到显示器上,并且无缝运行,问题最小。 这是光滑和可观察的我真的很惊讶,这一切都是通过USB发生的。

I could totally see using this to watch DVDs or little things in the background while writing, well, blog posts like this.


结论 (Conclusion)

Frankly, this is an amazing piece of hardware. It's $130 and it works exactly as advertised. I'm looking forward to taking it with me to conferences an using it as a countdown timer for my laptop while on stage! It'll be perfect as a second monitor in Hotel Rooms when I'm away from my "command center." This is a fantastic little monitor and I'm happy I bought it.

坦白说,这是一个了不起的硬件。 它的价格为130美元,其功能与广告宣传完全相同。 我期待着与会议一起将其用作笔记本电脑在舞台上的倒数计时器! 当我离开“指挥中心”时,它将完美用作酒店客房中的第二个显示器。 这是一个很棒的小显示器,很高兴我买了它。

Related Links


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/review-mimo-monitors-imo-pivot

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