支持-帮助我们在Windows Update(WU)上测试.NET 4 Beta 2

The folks in the .NET Framework Setup team have a favor to ask, and it's pretty cool info so I offered to help. Here's the deal. When .NET 4 releases, the .NET 4 Client Profile will be released as a recommended update on Windows Update (WU) for Vista and Windows 7. It'll be listed as optional on Windows XP. They need help testing the WU parts.

.NET Framework安装团队中的人员有一个要问的问题,这是非常酷的信息,因此我愿意提供帮助。 这是交易。 当发布.NET 4时,.NET 4客户端配置文件将作为Vista和Windows 7的Windows Update(WU)上的建议更新发布。在Windows XP中,它将列为可选。 他们需要测试WU部件的帮助。

You may have heard, but the .NET 4 Client Profile size is WAY smaller than before. There's been lots of cool improvements since the .NET 3.5 Client Profile. For example, on Window XP the download for .NET 4 Client is just ~28Mb for machines with no framework.

您可能已经听说过,但是.NET 4客户端配置文件的大小比以前小。 自.NET 3.5客户端配置文件以来,有很多很不错的改进例如,在Window XP上,对于没有框架的计算机,.NET 4客户端的下载仅为〜28Mb。

.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 Client Profile

.NET Framework 4 Client Profile

Web install onlyLocal package and Web install.
Only Windows XP SP2 or SP3 and x86 architecture.All platforms and CPU architectures supported by the full .NET Framework 4 Beta 2 except IA64.
Separate from the framework.Part of the full .NET Framework. The .NET Framework is made up of the Client Profile and Extended components that exist separately in Add or Remove Programs.
Windows Update will upgrade it to the full .NET Framework.Independent component.
  • Can be serviced separated.

  • Does not need the full framework.

.NET Framework 3.5 SP1客户端配置文件

.NET Framework 4客户端配置文件

仅Windows XP SP2或SP3和x86体系结构。 完整的.NET Framework 4 Beta 2支持的所有平台和CPU架构(IA64除外)。
与框架分开。 完整.NET Framework的一部分。 .NET Framework由添加或删除程序中分别存在的客户端配置文件和扩展组件组成。
Windows Update会将其升级到完整的.NET Framework。 独立组件。
  • 可以分开维修。

  • 不需要完整的框架。

You may have noticed on Soma's blog that .NET Framework 4 launch was moved back a few weeks. About 6-8 weeks after the .NET Framework 4 launches, the .NET 4 Client Profile will show up on Windows Update (WU) and Windows Server Update Service (WSUS) as it's considered part of the serviceable operating system. It'll start deploying the .NET 4 Client Profile as either optional or recommended, depending on some rules. More technical details are here on Rabi Satter's blog post on .NET Framework 4 Beta 2 on WU. Of course, corporate customers can block or delay updates also.

您可能已经在Soma的博客上注意到,.NET Framework 4的发布已经推迟了几周。 .NET Framework 4启动后大约6-8周,.NET 4客户端配置文件将显示在Windows Update(WU)和Windows Server Update Service(WSUS)上,因为它被认为是可服务操作系统的一部分。 根据某些规则,它将开始以可选或推荐的方式部署.NET 4客户端配置文件。 有关更多技术细节,请参见Rabi Satter在WU上的.NET Framework 4 Beta 2博客文章。 当然,企业客户也可以阻止或延迟更新。

Before all this happens though, we'd like to test the Windows Update part of things even more.

但是,在所有这些事情发生之前,我们想对Windows Update进行更多的测试。

仔细阅读-这是最喜欢的。 (Read Carefully - Here's the Favor. )

The .NET Framework 4 Beta 2 is up on Windows Update for a while for testing, IF you set this special registry key to "opt-in" for the test. Otherwise it won't get offered to you.

如果将特殊注册表项设置为“选择加入”以进行测试,则Windows Update上的.NET Framework 4 Beta 2会运行一段时间 否则,它将不会提供给您。

If you have a machine that doesn't have any .NET 4 bits on it, make a text file on your system with a name like "NETFX4.reg" and put this text in it:

如果您的计算机上没有任何.NET 4位,请在系统上创建一个名称为“ NETFX4.reg”的文本文件,并将此文本放入其中:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Then double-click this new registry file to create the key. Then check Windows Update and install the .NET 4 Beta 2 Client Profile. You can also do this key manually if you like.

然后双击该新注册表文件以创建密钥。 然后检查Windows Update并安装.NET 4 Beta 2客户端配置文件。 您也可以根据需要手动执行此键。

Alternatively, you can open an Administrator Command Prompt and paste this command in. It'll have the same effect:


reg.exe add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4B2WU" /v OptIn /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f

Don't worry, later in the year when .NET 4 is released, it'll install over the top of your installation and upgrade it. We'd like to get several thousand more WU-based installations in the next few days, so please try this out on any machines, VMs, or other machines you have lying around.

不用担心,在今年晚些时候发布.NET 4时,它将安装在您的安装之上并对其进行升级。 我们希望在未来几天内获得数千个基于WU的安装,因此请在您周围的任何计算机,VM或其他计算机上进行尝试。

It's a very safe install. Remember it's a small download. It can be uninstalled, and it's installed side-by-side and it will NOT break any existing .NET 1.1, 2.0 or 3.5 installations. It will NOT make any of your existing .NET apps run under .NET 4.

这是一个非常安全的安装。 请记住,这是一个小下载。 它可以卸载,并且可以并排安装,并且不会破坏任何现有的.NET 1.1、2.0或3.5安装。 它不会使您现有的任何.NET应用程序都在.NET 4下运行。

Here's a screenshot of the package being offered on Windows 7 in Windows Update. I put in a Registry screenshot also.

这是Windows Update中Windows 7上提供的软件包的屏幕快照。 我也放入了注册表截图。

And here's the same package being offered on Windows XP in Windows Update.

这是Windows Update中Windows XP提供的相同软件包。

The .NET Framework 4 Client Profile Beta 2 being offered in Windows Update

If you do run into any rare problems then visit the .NET Framework 4 Setup & Deployment Support Forum as they really want to hear from you. They are actively manning the forum every day. I've installed this on all my VMs and six machines around the house with no problems.

如果您确实遇到任何罕见的问题,请访问.NET Framework 4安装和部署支持论坛,他们确实希望收到您的来信。 他们每天都在积极配置论坛。 我已经在所有VM和房屋周围的六台计算机上安装了此软件,没有任何问题。

Do me a favor and spread the word (blog, tweet, etc) about this test to your Alpha Geek friends. ;)

请帮我一个忙,并将有关此测试的信息(博客,推文等)传播给您的Alpha Geek朋友。 ;)

Related Links


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/favor-help-us-test-net-4-beta-2-on-windows-update-wu





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