
As a remote worker, I really need decent internet when I'm not in my home office. Sometimes I'll be at the local coffee shop, but more and more restaurants with Wi-Fi are kicking folks out who are leaching their bandwidth. I probably, in aggregate, waste an hour or two a month hunting for Wi-Fi.

作为远程工作者,当我不在家庭办公室时,我真的需要像样的互联网。 有时我会在当地的咖啡店里,但是越来越多的具有Wi-Fi功能的餐厅把那些正在释放带宽的人赶出去。 总的来说,我可能每个月浪费一两个小时寻找Wi-Fi。

清晰的无线-好的 (Clear Wireless - The Good)

One of the newest entries into the mobile wireless internet business in the US is ClearWire from clear.com. It's a WiMAX technology and it's got extremely limited coverage at this point. However, it covers where I am 90% of the time:

clear.com的ClearWire是美国移动无线互联网业务的最新成员之一。 这是一种WiMAX技术,目前覆盖范围非常有限。 但是,它覆盖了我90%的时间:

You can go an put your address in, of course. For the Portland/Metro area it's pretty good on paper:

当然,您可以输入您的地址。 对于波特兰/大都会地区,在纸面上非常好:

Clear just started a new promotion where you get 1/2 your service for the first 6 months. That means about US$22.50 a month for unlimited mobile wireless.

克莱尔(Clear)刚刚开始了一项新的促销活动,在最初的6个月内您可以获得1/2的服务。 这意味着每月无限移动无线服务的费用约为22.50美元。

ClearWire Clear Speed Test

They call it "4G WiMAX" and the package I got included:

他们称其为“ 4G WiMAX”,而我得到的包装包括:

  • 3-6mb/s download, 1mb/s upload. I got over 6 in my tests around Portland. It does drop off some inside buildings.

    下载速度为3-6mb / s,上传速度为1mb / s。 我在波特兰市的考试中获得了6分以上。 它确实掉落了一些建筑物内部。
  • I paid $49 for a USB modem

  • They have a 2 year contract, but I reject contracts and instead opted for a month-to-month. I paid $35 for the privilege.

    他们有2年的合同,但我拒绝合同,而是选择每月进行一次。 我为此特权支付了35美元。

So, $100 out of pocket, but $22.50 a month for the next several months. If it's awesome, I'll pay $45 a month. If not, I'll cancel.

因此,您可以自掏腰包100美元,但在接下来的几个月中,每月只需支付22.50美元。 如果真棒,我每月要付45美元。 如果没有,我会取消。

粗鲁的问答 (Rude Q&A)

Some folks might immediately ask these questions. Here's my best answers.

有些人可能会立即问这些问题。 这是我最好的答案。

Q. Why not just tether your phone?


A. AT&T's 3G network is not only crappy, but they are threatening to cap their most leachy users. That will no doubt affect me. Most 3G phones max out their bandwidth at about 3.6mb/s depending on radio. Others can do 7.2mb/s, but seriously,when have you EVER seen that kind of sustained throughput on your 3G phone?

答:AT&T的3G网络不仅糟糕透顶,而且还威胁要限制其最闲散的用户。 这无疑会影响我。 大多数3G手机的最大带宽取决于无线电,其最大带宽约为3.6mb / s。 其他人可以做到7.2mb / s,但是说真的,什么时候您从未在3G手机上看到过这种持续的吞吐量?

Q. Is it faster than 3G?


A. So far it feels faster. I was totally able to hold a two way 640x480 audio/video conference with screensharing and with no lag. I just don't see that happening over a tethered phone connection.

答:到目前为止感觉更快。 我完全能够举行两种方式的640x480音频/视频会议,并且具有屏幕共享功能并且没有延迟。 我只是看不到通过有线电话连接发生这种情况。

Q. But really, the coverage is non-existent.


A. True, and it bothers me, but I realize that I really *am* in the NW 90% of the time and my hope is that this will open up more places for me to work around the region. I'm tired of hunting for a connection, and as this was a near daily irritation, for the price of $22.50 a month (for the first few months) I've removed that irritation. This seems a reasonable trade-off so far.

答:是的,这让我感到困扰,但我意识到我确实在90%的时间在西北地区*工作*,我希望这将为我在该地区的工作提供更多的机会。 我已经厌倦了寻找连接,并且由于这几乎是每天的刺激,因此以每月22.50美元(前几个月)的价格,我已经消除了这种刺激。 到目前为止,这似乎是一个合理的权衡。

Q. What about caps?


A. So, I know that most 3G providers with "unlimited" bandwidth cap at 5gigs. I could barely sync my email with 5 gig. ;) I could use that in a few days of video calls, so I really need more like 30-40 gigs a month...so, I prefer the comfort of an "unlimited" package. It remains to be seen if Clear really means unlimited when they say it, but I certainly don't think they mean 5gigs a month.

答:因此,我知道大多数3G提供商的带宽上限均为“ 5gigs”(无限)。 我几乎无法将我的电子邮件与5演出同步。 ;)我可以在几天的视频通话中使用它,所以我真的真的需要每月增加30-40个演出……因此,我更喜欢“无限”套餐的舒适性。 当他们说Clear时,它是否真的意味着无限,还有待观察,但是我当然不认为他们每月5gig。

Q. Their site seems amateurish.


A. Agreed. Something doesn't "smell" right about ClearWire, and it's likely the lack of good design on their website. Their previous one was WAY better. It's amazing how these kinds of things can really color your impressions of a company. As a company precense, they just don't seem "polished." Their Services Overview page is unnecessarily complex

答:同意。 有关ClearWire的某些信息“不正确”,可能是他们网站上缺乏好的设计。 他们的前一个更好。 令人惊讶的是,这些事情如何真正给您的公司印象增色添彩。 作为公司的特权,它们似乎并没有“抛光”。 他们的“服务概述”页面不必要地复杂

坏人(The Bad)

There is no formal support for Windows 7 and their "highly trained support professionals" have no idea what they're talking about.

Windows 7没有正式的支持,他们的“训练有素的支持专业人员”也不知道他们在说什么。

The installation drivers the Clear-branded Motorola USB WiMax Beweem model that the service came with totally didn't know what to do with Windows 7 x64. Additionally, the online August 2009 drivers for Vista failed to install. What I ended up doing was opening Device Manager in Windows and doing a manual "Update Drivers" and pointing it to the drivers folder on the October 2008 CD that the device came with. So, basically, old drivers and new software. They promised it'll work someday with Windows 7. Maybe it will, but until then, I'm MacGyver.

该服务附带的Clear品牌的Motorola USB WiMax Beweem模型的安装驱动程序完全不知道如何使用Windows 7 x64。 此外,用于Vista的2009年8月在线驱动程序无法安装。 我最终要做的是在Windows中打开设备管理器,然后手动进行“更新驱动程序”,并将其指向该设备随附的2008年10月CD上的drivers文件夹。 因此,基本上是旧驱动程序和新软件。 他们承诺它有一天可以在Windows 7上运行。也许可以,但是直到那时,我是MacGyver。

结论 (Conclusion)

Too soon to tell. Is it a great idea? Sure. Wireless that works over miles? I'm all over it. However, they've got Comcast, Verizon, Sprint, AT&T and everyone else to compete with. If AT&T really gets their tethering act together and starts really pushing it, that could be a problem for Clear. We will see. Until now, I'm going to give it a go.

言之尚早。 这是个好主意吗? 当然。 可以运行数英里的无线? 我都结束了但是,他们已经与Comcast,Verizon,Sprint,AT&T和其他所有人竞争。 如果AT&T真的将他们的网络共享行为放在一起,并开始真正地推动它,那对于Clear来说可能是个问题。 我们会看到。 到目前为止,我将继续尝试。

Dear Reader, post your ClearWire experiences in the comments! I'll update this post as mine observations change.

尊敬的读者,在评论中发布您的ClearWire体验! 随着我的观察发生变化,我将更新这篇文章。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/review-trying-clear-from-clearwire-mobile-broadband-service





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