
As a Remote Worker I'm always looking for tips and tricks and checklists to make my, ahem, remote working life easier. I've made a cheap Wide Angle Lens so I could better see my co-workers, created a robot cart so they won't forget me, tested 4G cards so I can be online anywhere, switched to Hi-Def Video Cameras for web chat, written articles on how to Collaborate with Remote Employees and Phil Haack and I made the HanselPortal, for virtual camaraderie.

作为一名远程工作者,我一直在寻找提示,技巧和清单,以简化我的远程工作生活。 我已经制造了便宜的广角镜,所以我最好能看一下我的同事,创建一个机器人手推车,使他们不会忘记我,测试4G卡,以便我可以在任何地方上网,并切换到用于Web的高清摄像机聊天,写了有关如何与远程员工和Phil Haack合作的文章,我制作了HanselPortal,用于虚拟友情

Recently I write up my "Good Better Best" webcam equipment list, so you can look amazing with a RingLight and a quality camera.


Show consideration


  • Set up calls at mutually workable hours. Avoid blocking calendars with local meetings during shared hours. Fridays are often a poor choice.

    在互通的时间拨打电话。 避免在共享时间内阻止本地会议的日历。 星期五通常是一个糟糕的选择。

  • Start on time. Leaders should set up the bridge or Zoom/Teams/Meeting before the call starts. Attendees should always show up on time.

    准时开始。 主持人应在通话开始之前设置网桥或缩放/团队/会议。 与会者应始终按时出现。

  • If you can't make it, cancel or decline least 18 hours in advance. Changing your plans to attend a non-existent meeting is very frustrating. Think carefully if the recipient will see your cancellation in time (they may be asleep).

    如果您无法做到,请至少提前18小时取消或拒绝。 更改您的计划以参加不存在的会议非常令人沮丧。 请仔细考虑收件人是否会及时看到您的取消订单(他们可能正在睡觉)。

  • Assume the best. If the other team isn't meeting your expectations, it's probably because of a lack of awareness or a misunderstanding—not incompetence. Clarify and confirm before drawing conclusions or judging.

    假设最好。 如果另一个团队没有达到您的期望,那可能是由于缺乏意识或误解-不是无能。 在得出结论或判断之前,先澄清并确认。

使用正确的工具 (Use the right tools)

  • Choose the right tool. Skype is great for 1-1s and small group meetings. Teams is usually better for large group meetings.

    选择正确的工具。 Skype非常适合1-1和小组会议。 对于大型小组会议,团队通常更好。

  • Use video.  Seeing faces increases the quality of the communication. It also helps create focus, preventing people from getting distracted, having side conversations, checking their email, etc.

    使用视频。 看到面Kong可以提高交流的质量。 它还有助于建立焦点,防止人们分心,进行旁谈,检查其电子邮件等。

  • In a group, use a Camera with a wide angle. Mount it so the ROOM can be seen.  As well as enabling video, the noise-cancelling mics it has are excellent.  Make sure all your meeting rooms have one, including the satellite mics.

    分组使用广角相机。 安装它,以便可以看到ROOM。 除启用视频外,它具有出色的降噪麦克风。 确保您所有的会议室都有一个,包括卫星麦克风。

  • On your own, use a headset.  The sound quality for both parties is far superior.

    自己使用耳机。 双方的音质都非常出色。

  • Don't use your laptop microphone. Laptop microphones are poor quality and pick up noise from your laptop's fan, disk, and keyboard. Use the mic on your webcam or, better yet, an external mic.

    不要使用笔记本电脑的麦克风。 笔记本电脑的麦克风质量较差,会从笔记本电脑的风扇,磁盘和键盘中吸收噪音。 在网络摄像头上使用麦克风,或者最好在外部麦克风上使用。

  • Be a black-belt with the tools. Make sure you can set up and join meetings quickly so that they start on time. Learn all the available features. Set up time to sit with your local team to practice and explore.

    使用工具成为黑带。 确保您可以快速设置和加入会议,以便准时开始会议。 了解所有可用功能。 安排时间与您的本地团队一起练习和探索。

听到并理解 (Be Heard and Understood)

  • Speak clearly and slowly. The connections aren't always clear.

    说话清晰而缓慢。 连接并不总是很清楚。

  • Be precise and concise. Help to keep the meeting short and productive.

    准确而简洁。 帮助使会议简短而富有成效。

  • Speak one at a time, otherwise no-one can be heard.


  • Ask for confirmation that the callers heard everything clearly.


  • Sit near the microphone, especially if your voice is soft.


  • Ask for comments. It's hard to break into the conversation over the phone.

    征求意见。 很难通过电话进行对话。

  • Avoid jargon and culture-specific phrases. English is not the first language of many people on our teams, and can also vary greatly across cultures.

    避免使用行话和特定文化的短语。 英语不是我们团队中许多人的第一语言,并且在不同的文化中英语也可能有很大差异。

  • Meet face to face from time to time.  Meeting in person builds your knowledge of each other's mannerisms and communication style.  Subsequent remote communications are much richer and misunderstandings rarer as a result.

    不时见面。 面对面的交流可以增进您对彼此的举止和沟通方式的了解。 随后的远程通信更加丰富,因此产生的误解也越来越少。

使会议有效 (Make meetings effective)

  • Pick the right forum. Use meetings rather than long email threads to discuss complex issues. For small meetings, it is often better if everyone is in their own office rather than using a meeting room—this promotes equality between local and remote team members.

    选择合适的论坛。 使用会议而不是冗长的电子邮件来讨论复杂的问题。 对于小型会议,最好每个人都在自己的办公室中而不是使用会议室,这会促进本地团队和远程团队成员之间的平等。

  • Share the context and goals. Shared context is critical to clear communication. There are often a lot of assumptions you know in a particular location based on side-conversations, etc.

    分享背景和目标 共享的上下文对于清楚地交流至关重要。 您通常会根据旁白对话等情况,在特定位置了解许多假设。

  • Share a deck. It ' s much easier to follow the conversation if everyone is looking at the same thing. Even if you are sharing via Zoom or Teams, send the deck or a link to the deck by email well in advance (home connections can be slow) and call out each slide.

    共享套牌。更容易跟踪会话,如果每个人都在寻找同样的事情。 即使您是通过Zoom或Teams共享的,也要提前通过电子邮件发送套牌或指向套牌的链接(家庭连接速度可能很慢),然后调出每张幻灯片。

  • Send minutes promptly. After every meeting, send minutes documenting all decisions and including clear actions and owners. Avoid cryptic or overly-concise notes—imagine them being read or reported out by someone who wasn't there, six months later.

    及时发送会议记录。 在每次会议之后,发送记录所有决定的记录,包括明确的操作和所有者。 避免使用含糊不清或过于简洁的笔记-想象六个月后,那些不在场的人正在阅读或报告这些笔记。

  • Record and share brown bags. Brown bags are often at unsociable hours. Recording and sharing helps partner teams as well as your own.

    记录并共享棕色袋子。 棕色的袋子经常不合时宜。 记录和共享有助于合作伙伴团队以及您自己的团队。

使电子邮件正常工作 (Make Email Work)

  • Be clear and precise. It's very easy to misinterpret email, especially across cultures and languages. Re-read your emails before sending.

    清楚准确。 误解电子邮件非常容易,尤其是跨文化​​和语言的误解。 发送前重新阅读您的电子邮件。

  • Document everything. Document all decisions - if it's not recorded in email, it didn't happen.

    记录一切。 记录所有决策-如果未记录在电子邮件中,则不会发生。

  • Share everything. Use email to share face-to-face hallway, office, lunchtime or post-meeting conversations.

    分享一切。 使用电子邮件共享面对面的走廊,办公室,午餐时间或会后对话。

  • Be inclusive. Leave time for other sites to read and reply before closing the issue (as appropriate).

    具有包容性。 在解决问题之前,请留出时间让其他站点阅读和回复(视情况而定)。

  • Set up inclusive DLs. Having all stakeholders on the appropriate distribution lists is the easiest way to keep from forgetting other sites. Don't hide DL membership.

    设置包含的DL。 将所有利益相关者放在适当的分发列表中是避免遗忘其他站点的最简单方法。 不要隐藏DL成员资格。

  • Answer all questions asked. Incomplete answers lead to frustration and wasted time.

    回答所有提出的问题。 不完整的答案会导致沮丧和浪费时间。

  • Avoid unnecessary questions. Ask yourself ‘is it really worth a 24-hour turn-around to answer this question? Can I answer it myself, or ask someone local?' Don't block an important thread with a trivial question.

    避免不必要的问题。 问问自己“回答这个问题真的值得24小时周转吗? 我可以自己回答,还是可以问当地人? 不要用一个琐碎的问题来阻塞重要的话题。

Related Links


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/30-tips-for-successful-communication-as-a-remote-worker

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