Microsoft Web平台,Web应用程序库,Web平台安装程序(和DasBlog)

It's so fun to help "announce" things, especially things that are a long time coming and that a lot of people worked on to make things "just work." (You can follow them on Twitter @mswebplatform.)

帮助“宣布”事情是如此有趣,特别是那些时间长了的事情,而且很多人都在努力使事情“行之有效”。 (您可以在Twitter @mswebplatform上关注他们)

This is one of those fantastic things. Today, you can install free applications direct to IIS using the Web Platform Installer 2.0 and the Web Application Gallery. The WebPI will also check for application dependencies, and if you like, automatically download and install them. It'll install SQL Express, PHP, whatever you need to get your apps running.

这是那些奇妙的事情之一。 今天,您可以使用Web平台安装程序2.0Web应用程序库将免费的应用程序直接安装到IIS。 WebPI还将检查应用程序相关性,如果您愿意,可以自动下载并安装它们。 它将安装SQL Express,PHP,以及使应用程序运行所需的一切。

For example, you can now install DasBlog just by clicking this button:


There's a bunch of cool apps available in the gallery immediately, both ASP.NET and PHP (remember that IIS kicks ass at hosting PHP):


This gallery sits on top of some technologies that have been slowly but surely sneaking out of the most-awesome IIS team lately.


如何运作? (How's it work?)

Here's some technical details. You can install free apps a few ways, and they are all easy.

这里是一些技术细节。 您可以通过几种方式安装免费应用程序,它们都很容易。

  • You can visit the Web App Gallery, find an app and click install. If you've got the Web Platform Installer it'll launch out of the browser. (Don't worry, it's not a browser plugin, it's more like iTunes. It'll "leap out of the browser" from a link.)

    您可以访问Web应用程序库,找到一个应用程序,然后单击安装。 如果您具有Web平台安装程序,它将从浏览器中启动。 (不用担心,它不是浏览器插件,更像是iTunes。它将从链接“跳出浏览器”。)

  • image

    You can open IIS manager on your machine after installing WebPI, and click "Install Application from Gallery." This feature is awesome enough to require a screenshot to drink in:

    安装WebPI后,可以在计算机上打开IIS管理器,然后单击“从库安装应用程序”。 此功能非常强大,需要屏幕截图才能使用:

  • Or, just run the Web Platform Installer and browse around the catalog. The list of apps comes down as an Atom Feed.

    或者,只需运行Web平台安装程序并浏览目录。 应用程序列表作为Atom Feed列出。

Hey, isn't that dasBlog in the list there? Why, yes! ;)

嘿,那dasBlog不在列表中吗? 为什么是! ;)

包装您的应用程序-技术细节-DasBlog (Packaging Your App - Technical Details - DasBlog)

You can upload YOUR free app to the gallery. Start by downloading the Application Developer's Kit. We packaged up DasBlog 2.3 like this. You install DasBlog

您可以将您的免费应用上传到图库。 首先下载Application Developer's Kit 。 我们像这样打包DasBlog 2.3 。 您安装DasBlog

The package is a zip file. Inside at the root are two files, manifest.xml and parameters.xml. You start by "exporting" your app already working in IIS. Then, if your app has specific needs you can edit the files manually.

该软件包是一个zip文件。 在根目录的内部有两个文件manifest.xml和parameters.xml。 首先, “导出”已经在IIS中运行的应用程序。 然后,如果您的应用有特定需求,则可以手动编辑文件。

For example, here's our manifest.xml, which is an MSDeploy file:



<!-- Copies content from path into the destination specified in parameters.xml and marks as an app in IIS 5.1, 6.0 and 7.x -->
<iisapp path="dasblogce" />

<!-- Set NTFS ACLs on the destination specified in parameters.xml -->
<setAcl path="dasblogce/content" setAclAccess="Read,Write,Delete" />
<setAcl path="dasblogce/logs" setAclAccess="Read,Write,Delete" />
<setAcl path="dasblogce/siteconfig" setAclAccess="Read,Write,Delete" />


Remember that DasBlog doesn't use a database, but rather stores all data in XML files in the content folder. Our MSDeploy file sets ACLs on a few directories to allow "Read,Write,Delete." This file encapsulates a potentially tricky setup step for DasBlog.

请记住, DasBlog不使用数据库,而是将所有数据存储在内容文件夹中的XML文件中。 我们的MSDeploy文件在一些目录上设置ACL,以允许“读取,写入,删除”。 该文件封装了DasBlog的潜在棘手设置步骤。

The parameters.xml is a little more sophisticated and drives a dynamic UI form inside of the Web Platform Installer 2.0.

parameters.xml稍微复杂一点,并在Web Platform Installer 2.0中驱动动态UI表单。

For example, the blog owner's email is a parameter, and it's entered in two files. Since DasBlog uses XML files, we can use XPath to describe where to poke the values in.

例如,博客所有者的电子邮件是一个参数,并在两个文件中输入。 由于DasBlog使用XML文件,因此我们可以使用XPath来描述在其中戳值的位置。

<!-- Prompts for admin email -->
<parameter name="Email Address" description="Enter the blog owner's email address." defaultValue="">
<parameterEntry type="XmlFile" scope="dasblogce\\siteconfig\\site.config" match="//MSDeploy:Contact/text()" />
<parameterEntry type="XmlFile" scope="dasblogce\\siteconfig\\siteSecurity.config" match="//EmailAddress/text()" />

Here's what the generated UI looks like:


You can read about this format in the Application Developer's Kit. You can parameterize your SQL files as well, it's a very flexible format.

您可以在Application Developer's Kit中阅读有关此格式的信息。 您也可以参数化SQL文件,这是一种非常灵活的格式。

Then we zipped up the deployment and uploaded it to CodePlex. The CodePlex site is smart enough to notice when the Platform Installer is requesting a release (it sniffs the User-Agent) and serves up the file rather than the web site, so I can use CodePlex to host the zip. (It would have sucked to have to host somewhere else.)

然后,我们压缩了部署并将其上传到CodePlex 。 CodePlex站点足够聪明,可以在平台安装程序请求发布时发出通知(它嗅探User-Agent)并提供文件而不是网站,因此我可以使用CodePlex托管zip。 (不得不在其他地方托管会很糟糕。)

MSDeploy-> WebDeploy-> Web平台安装程序2.0-> Web App Gallery (MSDeploy -> WebDeploy -> Web Platform Installer 2.0 -> Web App Gallery)

Just to take a second, and make sure this is clear.


There's the command-line MSDeploy engine, there's WebDeploy that integrates with IIS and has a nice UI, and there's the Web Application Gallery where you can get a bunch of free applications. When you're in the App Gallery, the Web Platform Installer will do the installation.

有命令行MSDeploy引擎,有与IIS集成并且具有漂亮UI的WebDeploy,还有Web Application Gallery,您可以从中获得许多免费应用程序。 当您位于App Gallery中时,Web Platform Installer将进行安装。

Here's how I see it. Of course, you just have to click a button, but I always like to see what's underneath.

这是我的看法。 当然,您只需要单击一个按钮,但是我总是喜欢看下面的内容。


What's cool about this is that even if you don't want to put your app up on the Web Application Gallery, you can still use MSDeploy/WebDeploy to deploy your apps. They are REALLY powerful tools that can help you deploy, migrate between IIS6 and IIS7, and synchronize content and apps between machines in a web farm. If you deal with IIS apps all day, host them, develop them, etc, take some time and spend it over at

这样做的好处是,即使您不想将应用程序放在Web应用程序库中,也可以使用MSDeploy / WebDeploy来部署应用程序。 它们是真正强大的工具,可以帮助您在IIS6和IIS7之间进行部署,迁移以及在Web场中的计算机之间同步内容和应用程序。 如果您整天都在处理IIS应用程序,托管它们,开发它们等等,请花一些时间并在http://www.iis.net上花费大量时间。

Now, if you want to have your app included in the gallery, here's the principles your app should follow:


Web应用程序库开发原则 (Web Application Gallery Development Principles)

1. Be Current: The application you provide a link to must be the latest, stable final release version available, hosted on a publically available Web URL

1.是最新的:您提供链接的应用程序必须是可用的最新的,稳定的最终发行版本,并托管在公共可用的Web URL上

2. Be Free of Charge: The application for which you submit a link to the Microsoft Web App Gallery must be provided free of charge and fully functional without time restrictions. You are welcome to charge for professional support or consulting services and/or provide an enhanced, enterprise version of the application for purchase on your site.  We will be happy to provide a link to your commercial products and services from your page in the Microsoft Web Application Gallery.

2.免费:您向其提交到Microsoft Web App Gallery的链接的应用程序必须免费提供,并且功能齐全,没有时间限制。 欢迎您向专业支持或咨询服务收费,和/或在您的站点上提供要购买的增强型企业版应用程序。 我们很乐意从Microsoft Web应用程序库中的页面提供指向您的商业产品和服务的链接。

3. Be Compatible: The application to which you provide a link must run on Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows XP & Windows Vista using best practices on running ASP.NET applications and PHP applications on IIS.

3.兼容:您提供链接的应用程序必须在Windows Server 2003,Windows Server 2008,Windows XP和Windows Vista上运行,并且使用在IIS上运行ASP.NET应用程序和PHP应用程序的最佳实践。

4. Be Deployable: The application to which you provide a link must integrate with Microsoft Web Deploy as described in the Microsoft Web Application Packaging Guide, and run with the Microsoft Web Platform Installer v2.

4.可部署:您提供链接的应用程序必须按照《 Microsoft Web应用程序打包指南》中的说明与Microsoft Web Deploy集成,并与Microsoft Web Platform Installer v2一起运行。

5. Be Supported: You must provide a publicly available Web site where end users can download your application, find documentation and/or get free on a best effort basis support through a forum.


6. Be Hostable: The application to which you provide a link must run well in a shared hosted environment as well as when the user has administrative rights for the computer.


7. Be Inclusive: If your link is included in the Gallery, you should include a link on your application community’s Web site to your Application entry on the Microsoft Web Application Gallery.

7.具有包容性:如果您的链接包含在库中,则应在应用程序社区的网站上包含指向Microsoft Web应用程序库中的“应用程序”条目的链接。

8. Be Safe: The application to which you provide a link must not harm customers or be malicious, dishonest, destructive, invasive, or act in any manner restricted by the Web Gallery Application Submission agreement.

8.安全:您提供链接的应用程序不得伤害客户,也不得恶意,不诚实,破坏性,入侵或以“ Web Gallery应用程序提交协议”所限制的任何方式行事。

Congrats to the IIS and /Web teams for this release, and thanks for all the guys on dasBlog for helping. Big thanks to Bill Staples for letting dasBlog 2.3 in on the launch.

祝贺IIS/ Web团队发布了该版本,并感谢dasBlog上的所有人员 为帮助。 非常感谢Bill Staples 让dasBlog 2.3启动。



Related Links


  1. Create a Package (creating a package including content, databases and more)


  2. Install a Package (deploying the package to a local or remote machine)


  3. Configure the Web Deployment Handler (enable deployment to an IIS 7.0 server)

    配置Web部署处理程序(启用到IIS 7.0服务器的部署)

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