


The toughest thing for me when travelling long distances is crossing more than two or more time zones. I'm a Type 1 Diabetic and I wear both an insulin pump and a CGM (Continuous Glucose Meter) 24 hours a day.

对我来说,长途旅行时最困难的事情是穿越两个以上的时区。 我是1型糖尿病患者,我一天24小时都戴着胰岛素泵和CGM(连续血糖仪)。

时区和血糖 (Time Zones and Blood Sugar)

The body has a number of times in the day when blood sugar rises and falls naturally. For example, glucose is release into your system before dawn to encourage your body to wake up. For normal folks, this is no big deal, as you've got the insulin to keep things in check. For a diabetic, this means that my blood sugar will rise starting around 5am, and run relatively unchecked until at least 9am. I need to program my pump to deliver a compensating dose of insulin.

一天中,人体有很多次血糖自然上升和下降。 例如,黎明前葡萄糖会释放到您的系统中,以鼓励您的身体醒来。 对于普通人来说,这没什么大不了的,因为您已经掌握了胰岛素来控制一切。 对于糖尿病患者来说,这意味着我的血糖会在凌晨5点左右开始上升,并且直到晚上9点才相对不受控制地运行。 我需要对泵进行编程以提供补偿剂量的胰岛素。

Stated differently, my blood sugar has a natural daily, cyclic curve. I need to match that curve (ignoring meals at this point) with insulin, basically using "curve math" to subtract one from the other and end up with smooth blood sugars all day. The first curve is the body's natural intent, or natural direction. The other is the compensating insulin needed. (This is all simplified, but it'll do for this post):

换句话说,我的血糖具有自然的每日循环曲线。 我需要将该曲线与胰岛素相匹配(此时不考虑进餐),基本上是使用“曲线数学”从另一个中减去一个,最后整天都得到平滑的血糖。 第一条曲线是人体的自然意图或自然方向。 另一个是所需的补偿胰岛素。 (这一切都简化了,但是在这篇文章中会做):

However, if I change time zones, like in this case where I moved 10 time zones East, the body doesn't get the message for a week or two. You, Dear Reader, as a non-diabetic usually don't notice this, from a blood sugar perspective. You might have a light night craving as your system knows it's dinner time when it's really 3am, but for the most part, you've got it made. 

但是,如果更改时区,例如在这种情况下,我向东移动了10个时区,则尸体会在一两个星期内没有收到该消息。 亲爱的读者,从血糖的角度来看,作为非糖尿病患者,您通常不会注意到这一点。 您可能希望度过一个轻松的夜晚,因为您的系统知道晚餐时间是真正的凌晨3点,但是在大多数情况下,您已经做好了。

For Type 1 Diabetics (who don't produce any of their own insulin) it's a hassle, as we'll have (seemingly) random spikes in blood sugar in the first week or more of a trip, as the body releases glucose into the system attempting to wake me up.


For example, at 4pm here in South Africa, I'll start seeing my blood sugar rise as it'll be 6am on the West Coast of the US. I'll have the Pre-Dawn effect in the middle of the day.

例如,在南非这里的下午4点,我将开始看到血糖上升,因为在美国西海岸的凌晨6点。 我将在一天中的半夜出现黎明前的效果。

If I'm not careful and program my pump (or take shots) correctly, I can end up like this with everything shifted by many hours:


This can make for a roller coaster. It gets worse because the graph shifts an hour or so every day as I get oriented to local time. I can almost feel my "body" floating, moving slowly east over the Atlantic for the first week as I expose myself to as much light as possible in order to reset my circadian rhythms.

这可以使过山车。 变得更糟的是,因为当我适应本地时间时,图形每天都会移动一个小时左右。 我几乎可以感觉到我的“身体”漂浮着,在第一周内,我在大西洋上向东缓慢移动,因为我将自己暴露在尽可能多的光线下,以恢复我的昼夜节律。

If you're a Type 1, possibly on a pump, I'd suggest that changing your pump to local destination time as soon as you get on the plane can help. I'd also try to eat as if you're on local time. For us, it took a little under 2 days to get here, and that time spent in the plane can be orientation time.

如果您是1型,可能是在泵上,我建议您一上飞机就将泵更改为本地目的地时间会有所帮助。 我也会尽量像当地时间一样吃饭。 对我们来说,到达这里只花了不到2天的时间,而在飞机上度过的时间可能就是定向时间。

减少使用 (Reduced Usage)

One other thing to watch for is daily insulin usage. I use about 30-40U (Units) of insulin, total, per day. Some use more, some use less. This a typical number for a reasonably fit guy my size. If I gain weight or lose muscle mass I'll use more insulin to accomplish the same goal of stable blood sugar.

要注意的另一件事是每天的胰岛素使用量。 我每天总共使用大约30-40U(单位)的胰岛素。 有些使用更多,有些使用更少。 对于我这个尺寸的合适人来说,这是一个典型的数字。 如果我体重增加或失去肌肉,我将使用更多的胰岛素来达到稳定血糖的目标。

Every time I go overseas my daily need for insulin goes down. So far, while I've been here, I've used daily amounts like 19U, 21U. That's a 33-50% improvement!  And, each time I come here I try to reproduce my results back home. So far I figure it's a (obvious) combination of:

每次出国,我每天对胰岛素的需求就会减少。 到目前为止,当我到这里时,我每天使用的金额为19U,21U。 这是33-50%的改善! 而且,每次我来这里时,我都会尝试将自己的结果复制回国内。 到目前为止,我认为这是以下各项的(明显)组合:

  • Eat less

  • Walk more

  • Be less stress


For the life of me, I have never been able to get numbers in the US like I get in Africa. A friend of my has a theory that it has something to do with allergies. The area in the Northwest of the US that I'm from is legendary for really bad allergies. Some people check the pollen index like others check the weather. HIs theory is that the allergens are so great that they divert the attention of immune system and/or cause systemic stress, causing the body to use insulin less effectively.

在我的一生中,我从未像在非洲那样能在美国获得数字。 我的一个朋友有一种理论,认为它与过敏有关。 我从我在美国西北地区是传说中非常糟糕的过敏。 有些人检查花粉指数,就像其他人检查天气一样。 HIs理论认为,过敏原是如此之大,以至于它们转移了免疫系统的注意力和/或引起了全身性压力,从而导致人体使用胰岛素的效率降低。

I'm not sure what it is, but it'd be interesting to do some more organized experiments. I suspect it's 90% less stress, or at least, different stress than work stress. I'm hoping when I retire I'll have blood sugar like I have out here.

我不确定这是什么,但是进行一些更有条理的实验会很有趣。 我怀疑这比工作压力少90%,或者至少是压力不同。 我希望退休后能像在这里一样血糖。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/south-africa-2008-diabetic-time-zones






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