halo_Halo 3评论




That's pretty cool, Bill Gates sold the first copy of Halo 3 to a 17-year-old in Bellevue at the Best Buy. Why did I think of that - standing in line for 10 hours to meet Bill. Darn. I'll need to be more creative.

真是太酷了,比尔·盖茨以百思买的价格将《光晕3》的第一版卖给了贝尔维尤的17岁男孩。 我为什么这么想-排队10个小时与Bill见面。 真是我需要更具创造力。

Fortunately, as you know, I went to work for Microsoft for one reason. Was it to "influence millions of developers?" Please. It was to get a cheap copy of Halo 3. Home delivered. Yesterday. To my home. Thank you Company Store. I can quit now.

幸运的是,您知道,我去微软工作是有一个原因的。 是“影响数百万开发人员”吗? 请。 这是为了获得《光晕3》的廉价副本。 昨天。 到我家谢谢公司商店。 我现在可以退出。

Seriously, the wife was kind enough to let me encourage me to play "that damn game" last night from about 10pm to 3am. I don't play a lot of games, so this was a rare thing. I started on the Solo Campaign - I never start with Multiplayer, I want to get my bearings first - I did that for about four hours. I then did the Multiplayer Matches for the last two.

认真的说,妻子很友好, 让我 鼓励我昨晚从晚上10点到凌晨3点玩“该死的游戏”。 我不玩很多游戏,所以这很罕见。 我从“独奏竞选”开始-从不从多人游戏开始,我想首先掌握方向-我做了大约四个小时。 然后,我为最后两个进行了多人比赛。

Here's my impressions.


第一印象 (First Impressions)

It looks like Halo. Maybe I've forgotten what Halo 1 and Halo 2 look like, but Halo 3 looks like those, except bigger and sharper. The graphics aren't face-meltingly awesome like BioShock or Gears of War. I didn't go "holy crap, look at that water" or utter any "wow's" that I can think of.

看起来像晕。 也许我忘记了Halo 1和Halo 2的外观,但是Halo 3看起来像那些,除了更大,更清晰。 这些图形并不像《生化奇兵》或《战争机器》那样令人赞叹不已。 我没有去“废话,看看那水”,也没有说出我能想到的任何“哇”。

However, it's smooth. It's calm. The framerate is clearly the number one priority of their graphics engine. You can feel it as you walk around. There's no tearing, no drops, no slowdown. It's just buttery smooth. I'm not saying that they've sacrificed visual quality for framerate, I'm not qualified nor do I have an eye for such things. I am saying that you WILL notice the smoothness. I did like the Spartan (no pun intended) opening menu. No nonsense. Gets you right into the game.

但是,这很顺利。 冷静帧速率显然是其图形引擎的第一要务。 当您四处走动时,您会感觉到它。 没有流泪,没有下落,没有减速。 只是黄油般光滑。 我并不是说他们为帧率而牺牲了视觉质量,我没有资格,也没有为这些事情着眼。 我说你会注意到它的流畅性。 我确实喜欢Spartan(无双关语)开放菜单。 废话让您直接进入游戏。

单人玩家 (Single Player)

The story picks up literally minutes after Halo 2 ends. This of course means that you should familiarize yourself with the story if you want the cutscenes to make sense. I had to read Wikipedia on Halo 2 before I went "oh! THAT was who that dude was." Then again, I have a memory like a sieve. Frankly, now that there are THREE I want to go play Halo 1 and 2 through on Single Player again for some reason more than I want to play #3.

在Halo 2结束后的几分钟内,故事逐渐浮现。 当然,这意味着如果希望过场动画有意义,您应该熟悉该故事。 我必须先阅读Halo 2上的Wikipedia,然后再去“哦!那个家伙是谁”。 再说一次,我有一个像筛子的记忆。 坦白说,现在由于某些原因,我想再次在Single Player上玩Halo 1和Halo 2,而不是我想玩#3。

So far the same has been very easy on Normal mode, so I think I'm going to pump up the difficulty as soon as I can. I would probably think that "Heroic" difficult would be a good default for folks who made it through the first two games.

到目前为止,在“普通”模式下,这同样非常容易,所以我想我会尽快提高难度。 我可能会认为,“英雄”难度对于在前两个游戏中都做到了的人来说是一个很好的默认设置。

 The dual wielding (two guns) option, combined with the addition of a pile of new weapons makes the mind work much more than with Halos 1 and 2. You're constantly asking in the back of your mind, "is this the right combo for what might be coming." Also, you'll need to watch the reaction of the enemies, as they are distinct. I never thought I'd choose a Shotgun to go after a Brute, but frankly, not only is anything better than the standard gun, the Shotgun just works. It becomes clear which weapons work against which guys and each weapon has it's reason for being.

双持(两把枪)选项,再加上一堆新武器,使头脑比Halos 1和Halos 2发挥更大的作用。您不断地问:“这是正确的组合吗?对于可能发生的事情。” 另外,您还需要观察敌人的React,因为它们是截然不同的。 我从没想过我会选择a弹枪来追击蛮族,但是坦率地说,anything弹枪不仅比标准枪更好,而且还能起作用。 很明显,哪些武器与哪些人作战,每种武器都有其存在的理由。

The story really has you on rails. After playing BioShock, another FPS that is slightly less structured (but still on rails), I had forgotten how I didn't like games that walk you from level to level. Don't get me wrong, the level design is lovely, but there seems to be a pattern just in the first few hours of walk, walk, walk, fight, fight, go back to the main area urgently!, run run run, fight fight, new door opens up, walk walk walk. We'll see if there are surprises coming that will blow my mind like the the introduction of The Flood did.

这个故事真的使您陷入困境。 在玩了《生化奇兵》(BioShock)之后,我又忘记了我不喜欢那种让你在各个层次之间步履蹒跚的游戏,《生化奇兵》是另一个结构性稍差(但仍然处于正常状态)的FPS。 不要误会我的意思,关卡设计很可爱,但是似乎在刚开始的几个小时内就有一种模式,走路,走路,走路,打架,打架,紧急返回主要区域!打架打架,新门打开,走走走走。 我们将看看是否有惊喜如《洪水》的推出那样使我大吃一惊。

My ONLY complaint (and it's a lame one) is that the dude is just so jumpy. After playing Gears of War and being stuck to the ground with no jumping at all, the Master Chief in Halo 3 seems like he's running on the Moon an can leap really high and really slow. It's a little confusing for me, but I'm getting used to it. Pretty lame that's my worst complaint. ;) It's a really solid game.

我唯一的抱怨(那是la脚的)是那家伙真是太跳动了。 在玩了《战争机器》并且完全没有跳动的情况下被困在地上之后,《光晕3》的首席酋长似乎在月球上奔跑,可以飞得很高而又很慢。 这对我来说有点令人困惑,但是我已经习惯了。 la脚,这是我最糟糕的抱怨。 ;)这是一个非常可靠的游戏。

Oh, one other thing you can do Single Player is you can play cooperatively single player online. If anyone sees me online in Xbox Live I'm "glucose" and I'm happy to play if the family is asleep. If you haven't played a single-player game as a team with someone in another timezone, do, it's a treat.

哦,您可以做的另一件事是,单人播放器可以在线合作播放单人播放器。 如果有人在Xbox Live中看到我在线,我会很“葡萄糖”,如果一家人都睡着了,我很高兴玩。 如果您尚未与其他时区的某人一起玩过单人游戏,那就请客。

多人 (Multi-Player)

So balanced. I just hate getting beat on in Multi-player games. Seriously. It's depressing. I suck and I know it, so I want to be paired with others who suck equally. How hard is that? Well, apparently it's so hard that it takes three versions - but they nailed it. You really do get matched to folks that are challenging, but not punishingly so.

如此平衡。 我只是讨厌在多人游戏中被击败。 说真的令人沮丧。 我很吮吸,我知道,所以我想和其他同样吮吸的人配对。 那有多难? 好吧,显然它是如此之难,需要三个版本-但他们钉牢了它。 您确实会与具有挑战性的人相匹配,但并不会因此受到惩罚。

There's a ridiculous number of options and choices in multi-player and if Bungie continues to offer maps (which I'm sure they will) then it will continue to stay fresh. They've even included an object placement/map editor called the Forge. You can't change terrain, but you can move stuff around and buy and place weapons.

多人游戏中有很多荒谬的选择,如果邦吉继续提供地图(我敢肯定他们会提供地图),它将继续保持新鲜感。 他们甚至包括一个名为Forge的对象放置/地图编辑器。 您无法更改地形,但是可以四处移动东西并购买和放置武器。

Last night when I was playing there were about 90,000 people online. Right now there are:

昨晚我玩游戏时,网上有大约90,000人。 现在有:

  • Halo 3 Players Online: 151,309

    Halo 3位玩家在线:151,309
  • Unique Players (Last 24 Hours): 529,510

  • Matches Logged (Last 24 Hours): 1,649,790


It looks like there are at least a half-million folks for us to play with. :)

看来至少有五十万人与我们一起玩。 :)

结论 (Conclusion)

Is it the greatest game ever? Probably not, but I'm only 4 hours into the single player mission. It might turn out that way. It's clearly different from Bioshock (which may well be the greatest game ever) and Gears of War, but if you like the FPS (First Person Shooter) genre, then all three are distinct flavors worth tasting.

这是有史以来最伟大的游戏吗? 可能不是,但是我只有4小时才能完成单人任务。 事实可能就是这样。 它与《生化奇兵》(可能有史以来最伟大的游戏)和《战争机器》明显不同,但是如果您喜欢第一人称射击游戏类型,那么这三种都是值得品尝的独特口味。

It's really fun to play, though, no question. As I see it:

毫无疑问,玩起来真的很有趣。 照我看来:

  • BioShock - Prettiest Game To Date. Full Stop. Amazingly deep story that's not too hard to follow. Unbelievable sound engineering - you must play it with headphones or a nice 5.1 surround sound.

    生化奇兵-迄今为止最漂亮的游戏。 句号。 难以理解的深刻故事。 令人难以置信的声音工程-您必须使用耳机或出色的5.1环绕声播放。

  • Gears of War - Most "immersively urgent" Game to Date. I'm literally on the edge of my seat with this game. The camera work is fantastic and the human models are the best I've seen in any game, including Halo 3

    战争机器-迄今为止最“沉浸式”的游戏。 在这场比赛中,我确实处于席位边缘。 相机的工作很棒,人体模型是我在任何游戏中都看过的最好的,包括《光晕3》

  • Halo 3 - Most Balanced Game. There's something about Halo's Multiplayer Matching. I noticed it in the Halo 3 Beta, and it's even better in the Final Release. I had the most satisfying multiplayer matches last night. I suppose it could have been a fluke, but it happened time and time again. The folks I was matched against were not kicking my ass as completely as they usually do. I attribute this to being matched to folks within my skill range. It's very nice. The whole game feels very balanced.

    光晕3-平衡的游戏。 关于Halo的多人游戏匹配。 我在Halo 3 Beta中注意到了它,在最终版本中甚至更好。 昨晚我进行了最令人满意的多人比赛。 我想这可能是a幸,但这一次又一次发生。 与我相遇的人没有像平常一样完全踢我的屁股。 我将其归因于与我技能范围内的人相匹配。 这是很不错的。 整个游戏感觉非常平衡。

Should you buy Halo 3? If it make you happy, yes. It is a very pretty, very balanced game. I expect I'll have a lot of fun with it.

您应该购买Halo 3吗? 如果让你开心,是的。 这是一个非常漂亮,非常平衡的游戏。 我希望我会很开心。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/halo-3-review






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