vista主机故障_Vista RC1安装日记-将我的主机升级到Windows Vista RC1



BEGIN - 10:50 PM 9/7/2006: Pray for me. I'm upgrading my main machine at home to Windows Vista Ultimate RC1 right now. We'll see if this list of tools is compatible with Vista...starting now.

开始-2006年9月7日10:50 PM:为我祈祷。 我现在正在将我的主机升级到Windows Vista Ultimate RC1。 我们将从现在开始查看该工具列表是否与Vista兼容。

COMPATIBILITY CHECK - 11:04 PM 9/7/2006: Hm...this doesn't bode well. I don't have a QuickCam installed, much less three. Not only that, but the Logitech QuickCam Express always supported in Windows XP with drivers that shipped with the OS; I wonder why that changed?

兼容性检查-2006年9月7日11:04 PM:嗯...这预示着不好。 我没有安装QuickCam,更不用说安装三个了。 不仅如此,Windows XP始终通过OS附带的驱动程序支持Logitech QuickCam Express。 我不知道为什么会改变?

Looks like problems with SQL Server 2005 as well. I think I'll install SQL SP1 first. Weird about Nero, I already uninstalled that.

看起来SQL Server 2005也有问题。 我想我将首先安装SQL SP1 。 对Nero感到很奇怪,我已经卸载了它。

The following applications/drivers are not supported in Windows Vista Windows Vista不支持以下应用程序/驱动程序
  • The following devices will not work until the device driver software is updated. After the installation is complete, run Windows Update and check to see if there are any available updates for your devices. If this does not resolve your problem(s), contact the device manufacturer for updated driver software for these devices. :
  • 在更新设备驱动程序软件之前,以下设备将无法工作。 安装完成后,运行Windows Update并检查您的设备是否有任何可用的更新。 如果这不能解决您的问题,请与设备制造商联系以获取这些设备的更新的驱动程序软件。
      • Imaging devices: Logitech QuickCam Express
      • Imaging devices: Logitech QuickCam Express #3
      • Imaging devices: Logitech QuickCam Express #2
    • 成像设备:Logitech QuickCam Express
    • 成像设备:Logitech QuickCam Express#3
    • 成像设备:Logitech QuickCam Express#2
  • Current versions of the following programs will not work with Windows Vista. After the installation is complete, get updated versions that are compatible with Windows Vista:
  • 以下程序的当前版本不适用于Windows Vista。 安装完成后,获取与Windows Vista兼容的更新版本:
      • IntelliType Pro 5.x
      • Microsoft SQL Server 2005
      • Microsoft Powertoys for XP
      • ATI Control Panel
      • Nero 7 Premium
      • Sun Java Scheduler
    • IntelliType Pro 5.x
    • Microsoft SQL Server 2005
    • 适用于XP的Microsoft Powertoys
    • ATI控制面板
    • Nero 7 Premium
    • Sun Java Scheduler

EXPANDING FILES - 12:50 AM 9/8/2006: Oy. Still going. There's five steps here, Copying, Gathering, Expanding, Installing and Completing. I'm 21% into Expanding. Not sure what we were gathering or from where. The copying from DVD phase took about 15 minutes, but the "gathering" took forever. Now we're expanding. This is a 3GHz P4 on an Intel 925 MB with an SATA 7200 RPM Drive and 2 gigs of the fastest RAM the MB can take. Any one have any ideas why this is taking so long? Even as I type this I can hear the hard drive running like rain on a metal roof. Still 21% into Step 3. Time for bed methinks. This doesn't bode well for Mo's commodity Celeron with 512 MB of RAM. Hm...not at 22% yet...PLEASE WAIT...PREPARING TO START... - 1:11 AM 9/8/2006: I nodded off there for a sec...I see a gray screen that says "Please wait a moment while Windows prepares to start for the first time." Not "while Windows starts for the first time," but "prepares to start." Hurry up and wait. Watching the dots........we are at 2 hours 21 minutes elapsed upgrade time thus far (counting the 6 minutes it took to apply SQL2k5SP1 after that warning above)....BLACK SCREEN - 1:14 AM 9/8/2006: Rebooted automatically...I see a black screen...and a mouse cursor! Now, "completing upgrade"...oh, I thought we were starting. Psyche. Still upgrading...same image duplicated on both monitors, not sure if it's detected that I have two yet...cycling ellipses continue. Little trivia for you, did you know that ellipsis is Greek (e??e??e??) for omission? So far my upgrade is omitted.MONITOR FLASHING - 1:18 AM 9/8/2006: My secondary monitor just flashed off and disappeared, it's black now and the mouse won't move off the edge of the primary. I think we've just reached the event horizon of this upgrade installation. Not sure if it's this event horizon or this Event Horizon. God help me if it's the latter.COMPLETING UPGRADE - 1:21 AM 9/8/2006: Still "Completing Upgrade..."

扩充档案-2006年9月8日上午12:50: Oy。 仍在继续。 这里有五个步骤,即复制,收集,扩展,安装和完成。 我对扩展有21%的兴趣。 不知道我们在收集什么或从哪里收集。 从DVD阶段复制大约需要15分钟,但是“聚会”却花了很长时间。 现在我们正在扩展。 这是Intel 925 MB硬盘上的3GHz P4,具有SATA 7200 RPM驱动器和2 GB的MB可以占用的最快RAM。 有谁知道为什么要花这么长时间? 即使我键入此命令,我也能听到硬盘在金属屋顶上像雨一样运转。 仍然有21%进入了步骤3。 对于拥有512 MB RAM的Mo的商品Celeron来说,这并不是一个好兆头。 嗯...还没有达到22%...请等待...准备开始...-2006年9月8日上午1:11:我在那儿点了点头...我看到一个灰屏,说:“请等待一会儿,Windows将准备首次启动。” 不是“ Windows第一次启动时”,而是“准备启动”。 快点等注意点……..到目前为止,我们已经过了2个小时21分钟的升级时间(算上上面警告之后应用SQL2k5SP1花费的6分钟)....黑屏-上午1:14 9 2006年8月8日:自动重新启动...我看到黑屏...和鼠标光标! 现在,“正在完成升级” ...哦,我以为我们已经开始了。 精神。 仍在升级...在两台显示器上复制相同的图像,不确定是否检测到我有两个...循环椭圆继续。 为您准备的琐事,您是否知道省略号是希腊文(e ?? e ?? e ?? )的省略? 到目前为止,省略了我的升级。 显示器闪烁-2006年9月8日上午1:18:我的辅助显示器刚刚闪烁并消失了,现在它是黑​​色的,鼠标也不会从主显示器的边缘移开。 我认为我们刚刚达到了此升级安装的目标。 不确定是此事件范围还是此事件范围。 如果是后者,上帝会帮助我。 完成升级-2006年9月8日1:21:仍在“正在完成升级...”

--- The Next Day ---

- - 第二天 - -

CHECKING YOUR SYSTEM'S PERFORMANCE - 8:05 AM 9/8/2006: Ah! I awoke today to find a sea-green  screen asking me to press OK and confirm the time, time-zone and location. Not sure why it couldn't have gleaned all that information over th' intraweb, but que sera sera. I pressed OK, waiting for my Vista Desktop to appear in all its glory...and...Progress Bar! "Checking Your System's Performance..." Poop. I'm going to work.

检查系统的性能-2006年9月8日上午8:05:啊! 我今天醒来,发现一个绿色的屏幕,要求我按OK并确认时间,时区和位置。 不知道为什么它不能通过内部网络收集所有这些信息,而是查询sera sera。 我按OK,等待我的Vista桌面出现在它的所有荣耀中……然后……进度条! “检查系统的性能...”大便。 我去上班。

PREPARING YOUR DESKTOP... - 8:15 PM 9/8/2006: The end is near! I see the fifth visual indicator to "hang on, we're really doing something, your computer ISN'T locked up!" This one is a spinning circle.

正在准备桌面...-2006年9月8日晚上8:15 :末日临近! 我看到第五个可视指示符“保持不变,我们正在做某事,您的计算机未锁定!” 这是一个旋转的圈子。

SUCCESS! - 8:27 PM 9/8/2006: I can see my stuff! Took a while, but pretty much all is well.

成功! -2006年9月8日晚上8:27:我可以看到我的东西! 花了一段时间,但几乎一切都很好。

All the devices work save a generic random USB Camera with no Manufacturer. Not sure why the original driver didn't it wants the disk that I don't have. I didn't like this camera anyway. Pretty good.

所有设备均可正常工作,无需制造商即可保存通用的随机USB摄像头。 不知道为什么原来的驱动程序不够用。现在它想要的是我没有的磁盘。 反正我也不喜欢这台相机。 非常好。

Now...what's this about be being a 4.2? Is that out of 5? 10? 100?

现在... 4.2意味着什么? 是五分之一吗? 10点100?

UPDATE/CONCLUSION: For the most part everything works. Like 95% of things I use. Here's the jist:

更新/结论:在大多数情况下,一切正常。 就像我用的95%的东西一样。 这是吉斯特:

  • The default Windows video drivers for my ATI Radeon 9800 Pro were poo. I got the Beta ATI Catalyst Drivers and the video is working OK.

    我的ATI Radeon 9800 Pro的默认Windows视频驱动程序是poo。 我获得了Beta ATI Catalyst驱动程序,并且视频运行正常。

    • Video Playback on the secondary monitor is unusable, as is Media Center. The Primary Monitor is fine.

      辅助显示器上的视频播放以及Media Center都无法使用。 主监视器很好。

  • Having Media Center (via having upgraded from XP Pro to Vista Ultimate) makes it almost worth the hassle for the whole thing. I just need to figure out a remote control situation. Still, the new Media Center is pretty cool, even if it (currently) is a Frankenstein's Monster of the new and old. If you're familiar with Media Center you'll find old looking sections that are jarring after you play with the new stuff.

    拥有Media Center(通过将其从XP Pro升级到Vista Ultimate)使整件事几乎值得一去。 我只需要弄清楚一个远程控制情况。 即使新媒体中心(当前)是新旧科学怪人的怪兽,它仍然非常酷。 如果您熟悉Media Center,则会发现使用新内容后看起来有些陈旧的部分。

  • I can't get Virtual PC's Network Drivers to work, so my VPCs have no networking...not sure what's up with that.

    我无法使Virtual PC的网络驱动程序正常工作,所以我的VPC没有网络连接...不确定这是怎么回事。

  • FinePrint doesn't work, it seems to have been quaranteened (incorrectly) by Windows Defender.

    FinePrint不起作用,似乎已被Windows Defender隔离(不正确)。

    • I can't figure out the interface to Defender...some items are disabled, but it's not allowing me to enable them.


  • TrueCrypt works, thank gosh, but you have to Shift-Right-Click and Run As Administrator to get it's drivers loaded.


    • Interestingly you can't make a shortcut and Shift-Right-Click the link. An irritating shell bug.

      有趣的是,您无法创建快捷方式,而按住Shift并右键单击该链接。 令人烦恼的Shell错误。

  • Opening new Tabs in IE7 is unacceptably slow.


  • There's some problems with Acronis True Image, but I'm hoping that'll get fixed soon.

    Acronis True Image有一些问题,但是我希望很快能解决。

  • Performance is a little slow, maybe 15% slower than it should be, but I think if I turned of the Flashy UI it'd be snapper. We'll see when I run it on Mo's little machine.

    性能有些慢,也许比应该的慢了15%,但是我认为,如果我打开了Flashy UI,它将变得更加敏捷。 当我在Mo的小型计算机上运行它时,我们将看到它。

  • Windows Defender has a cheesy UI in that it's not integrated with the whole "Suite" of Security Stuff. There's Anti-Virus, Firewall, Phishing, Defender - you'll find yourself running around trying to find out where things are.

    Windows Defender具有低俗的UI,因为它未与Security Stuff的整个“套件”集成。 有防病毒,防火墙,网络钓鱼,防御者-您会发现自己四处奔波,试图找出问题所在。

All in all, I'm happy I did it and I'm upgrading Mo's machine and my Media Center server as well. This will be the first time since 1995 that the whole family was running Beta software. I'm impressed so far.

总而言之,我很高兴自己做到了,同时也正在升级Mo的计算机和Media Center服务器。 自1995年以来,这将是整个家族第一次运行Beta软件。 到目前为止,我印象深刻。



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