


I've been a little heads down lately. Sorry about that. I've been slow to blog. However, here's a short list of the things that have been on my mind lately. (Also, I WILL be updating the Ultimate Tools List, but I want to do it justice, so bear with me.)

最近我有点沮丧。 对于那个很抱歉。 我写博客很慢。 但是,这是我最近想到的一小部分清单。 (此外,我将更新“终极工具列表”,但我想这样做是公正的,所以请耐心等待。)

What has been on my mind this last week, in no particular order:


  • I updated my Linksys Router from Sveasoft Alchemy to the new Sveasoft Talisman Firmware.

    我将Linksys路由器Sveasoft Alchemy更新为新的Sveasoft Talisman固件

    • Man, it is freaking shiny. It's Alchemy++, indeed. This new update includes a roughly 3meg read-write area of flash for external programs to be downloaded. Remember, the Linksys router is just a tiny Linux box. You can PuTTY into it and everything.

      天哪,那真是令人眼花shiny乱。 确实是Alchemy ++。 此新更新包括大约3兆闪存的闪存读写区域,可供下载外部程序。 记住,Linksys路由器只是一个很小Linux盒子。 您可以将腻子加入其中以及所有内容。

    • Things that kick ass about this firmware. You can VPN into your home. You can setup Quality of Service (QoS) to make sure that the wife's Vonage call to Zimbabwe doesn't get kicked because of your massive pr0n downloads. You can easily assign specific IPs to specific MACs. Way easier than static IP addressing. There are a pile more. It's truly changed my whole home network and made it WAY easier to manage. Yum.

      有关此固件的事情。 您可以将VPN接入家中。 您可以设置服务质量(QoS),以确保由于下载大量PR0n而不会打扰妻子拨打津巴布韦的Vonage电话。 您可以轻松地将特定IP分配给特定MAC。 比静态IP寻址更容易。 还有更多。 它确实改变了我的整个家庭网络,并使其更易于管理。 好吃
  • GuildWars is truly the most amazing RPG I've ever played. Ya ya, EverQuest, ya ya, Diablo, whatever. This is the total package. From purchase to download to play to continued play, it's perfect. Why?

    激战 确实是我玩过的最神奇的RPG。 是的,EverQuest,是的,暗黑破坏神,等等。 这是总包。 从购买到下载到播放再到继续播放,这都是完美的。 为什么?

    • Steam, that streams just the levels and content you need now. No waiting for 40 Gigs to download. It's fast and it's brilliant. Steam ,它仅流式传输您现在需要的级别和内容。 无需等待40 Gigs下载。 快速,出色。
    • Graphics. This thing scales like nobody's business. I mean, it's good on my Dx9 ATI 9600, but it's even good on my craptastic laptop.
      图形。 这东西像没有人的事一样扩展。 我的意思是,这在我的Dx9 ATI 9600上很好,但是在我的疯狂笔记本电脑上甚至还不错。
    • Blue Toast popped up or you accidentally Alt-Entered. GuildWars will scale as you resize it. Stunning. 蓝色吐司”弹出或您不小心Alt-Enter时,您生气DirectX应用多少次。 调整大小时,GuildWars会缩放。 令人惊叹。
    • No local storage of your folks. That means I can pop the small client on my wife's system and fire it up. My character (Abeba Oluchi, a Warrior/Elementalist, thank you very much) is right where I left 'em.
      您的乡亲没有本地存储。 这意味着我可以在妻子的系统上弹出小客户端并将其启动。 我的角色(战士/元素家Abeba Oluchi,非常感谢你)正好在我离开他们的地方。
    • Graphics. Did I mention wheat that sways in the wind?
      图形。 我是否提到过在风中摇曳的小麦?
    • http://plaync.com/store/gw_purchase.html and I was off. Seemless. Smoother than Steam and Half-Life 2. http://plaync.com/store/gw_purchase.html上给了他们50美元,我就离开了。 没什么比蒸汽和半衰期更光滑2。
  • Coding4Fun. RSS Coding4Fun 。 RSS here. 在这里
    • Some Assembly Required column. I still love that title. Coming soon? I've got NMEA 2.0 GPS code in .NET 2.0, Media Center fun, more Phidgets, a 需要一些组装”列上做我的事情。 我仍然喜欢那个头衔。 快来了? 我已经在.NET 2.0中获得了NMEA 2.0 GPS代码,Media Center很有趣,还有更多Phidg​​ets,带有输入按钮的 CrystalFontz display with input buttons, possibly some Legos, possibly some Robots, some iPodity perhaps, and something with Windows Image Acquisition. CrystalFontz显示器,可能还有一些乐高玩具,也许有些机器人,有些iPodity,以及带有Windows Image Acquisition的软件。
  • Professional ASP.NET 2.0. We're still cranking away on the book. We're making sure everything is technically accurate and insightful and ready for the final builds when they come. 专业的ASP.NET 2.0 。 我们仍在努力编写这本书。 我们确保所有技术在技术上都是准确且有见地的,并准备在最终构建时准备就绪。
    • I'm pretty happy with the Caching chapter, the chapter on State Management and the chapter on XML in the context of ASP.NET 2.0. I've also got some good information while reading Oleg's blog. Seriously, if you care about XML, you need to know this guy. Unsubscribed, then RSS subscribed again, just to reinforce it. :)
      我对“缓存”一章,“状态管理”一章和“ ASP.NET 2.0上下文中的XML”一章非常满意。 阅读 Oleg的博客时,我也获得了一些很好的信息。 认真地说,如果您关心XML,则需要认识这个人。 取消订阅,然后 RSS 再次 订阅,以加强它。 :)
  • Jamaica. We just got back from a Cruise from Miami to Jamaica. 牙买加。 我们刚从迈阿密乘火车回到牙买加。
    • Turns out I'm not a cruise person. We don't smoke. We don't drink. We don't eat in excess. Seems that is what you're paying for, so perhaps we didn't get our money's worth.
      原来我不是一个游轮人。 我们不抽烟。 我们不喝酒。 我们不吃过量。 看来这就是您要付出的,所以也许我们没有得到我们的钱。
    • I was more interested in talking about how the World Bank and the Chiquita Banana lobby has destroyed the Jamaican economy, but other cruisers were more interested in bidding on velvet paintings of dolphins.
    • SO, I might have been a bit of a drag. That said, I got tan-esque, learned about this new kind of shoe that people who relax call a "flip-flop" and read Angels and Demons by Dan Brown.
      所以,我可能有点拖累。 就是说,我很棕褐色,了解了这种新型的鞋子,那些放松的人称之为“人字拖鞋”,并读了Dan Brown的《天使与魔鬼》。
      • It was so much better than the crap Da Vinci code. Really, if you liked Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons (the prequel) will cause you to implode.
        它比废话达芬奇代码好得多。 的确,如果您喜欢《达芬奇密码》,《天使与魔鬼》(前传)将使您内爆。

I will leave you, Dear Reader (both of you) with this. I've got potentially big news coming. I shall leave you to speculate wildly. Discuss.

亲爱的读者,我将与您一同离开。 我有潜在的新闻来了。 我将离开你去疯狂地猜测。 讨论。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/may-2005-what-is-scott-up-to






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