
This is a great post folks are talking about on Matt Warren's blog (a C# design engineer at MSFT, and one of the guys designing Xen, a language whose name is clearly stolen from me, as I have patented and trademarked all things Zen.  Send me a check next time you meditate. :) )

这是人们在Matt Warren的博客(MSFT的C#设计工程师,也是设计Xen的人之一)上谈论的一篇很棒的帖子,Xen是我的名字显然被盗了,因为我已经Zen的所有东西都申请了专利并注册了商标。下次您打坐时给我一张支票。:))

At my company, we all are deep, deep in the development of the 2nd revision of our .NET eFinance SDK (which I had the pleasure of demoing via WebCast today) and I think it's fair to say we're consumed.  We're refactoring and generating code and improving and building and abstracting and dancing and generally killing ourselves.  (Apparently Patrick is feeling the pressure and went to McDonalds.  If I remember correctly, he was a vegetarian once, so this is a concerning turn of events.

在我的公司,我们所有的很深很深的在我们的.NET SDK eFinance的第二个版本(这是我必须通过网络发布今天demoing的乐趣)的开发,我认为这是公平地说,我们正在消耗。 我们正在重构和生成代码,并在改进和构建,抽象和跳舞,并普遍自杀。 (显然,帕特里克( Patrick)感到压力,就去了麦当劳(McDonalds) 。如果我没记错的话,他曾经是素食主义者,所以这是一个令人担忧的事件。

I'm trying to work out more, watch movies, read/listen (Audible.com+iPod...use it, live it) but I'm still up late running through designs in my mind.  It's the kind of consumption you've only read about.  And it's usually in the context of tortured artists that cut their ears off experience.  My wife, however, is an MBA.  The operative letters being "Master" and "Business" while I am a "Master of None."  I came home today and told her about our new plan to introduce a new interface - blah blah - .NET solution - blah blah - reduce compile time dependencies - blah blah - revolutionize the company - blah blah - TLBs and Interop assemblies.  I painted a picture for her complete with charts and graphs and jazz hands.  All it elicited was "that's nice dear."  Talk about an artist not being appreciated for his work!  :) Now it's 12:34am, she's asleep on the couch and I'm coding away!  Must...create...must...dance...jazz hands!

我正在尝试做更多的事情,看电影,阅读/收听( Audible.com + iPod ...使用它,现场直播),但在我脑海中进行设计时仍然很晚。 这是您仅了解的一种消费。 而且通常是在遭受折磨的艺术家的背景下,他们的经验才得以消除。 但是我的妻子是MBA。 我是“无师傅”时,执行字母为“ Master”和“ Business”。 我今天回到家,告诉她我们计划引入新接口的新计划-等等-.NET解决方案-等等-减少编译时间依赖性-等等-使公司发生革命性变化-等等-TLB和Interop程序集。 我为她画了一幅图表,图表和爵士手。 它引起的全部是“那太好了,亲爱的”。 谈论一个艺术家因他的作品而未被欣赏! :)现在是12:34 am,她在沙发上睡着了,我正在编码! 必须...创造...必须...舞蹈...爵士手!

Perhaps it's time for me to get my Master's.  But not in CS.  I think someone as tortured as I should be a starving artist and get an MFA in Software.

也许现在是我获得硕士学位的时候了。 但是在CS中却没有。 我认为,像我这样遭受折磨的人应该是一个挨饿的艺术家,并获得软件专业的硕士学位

Some highlights of Matt's post:


Like an artist I must channel this energy through my being and out my fingers, onto a digital canvas, because that is what the expression of my ideas become to me, my art.  I paint with the keyboard, patterns in symbols, lines and logical structure.  It's more than the simple words, the names and statements, the loops and threads. 
像艺术家一样,我必须通过自己的存在和手指将这种能量传递到数字画布上,因为这就是我的想法表达给我,我的艺术的意思。 我用键盘,符号,线条和逻辑结构中的图案进行绘制。 它不仅仅是简单的单词,名称和语句,循环和线程。

It speaks of motion, a liquid flow, a living breathing thing, and you can feel it when you read it, drinking it in. 


Real coders know this.  They know their programs are alive, somewhere there in the machine, even if only caught in time. 

真正的程序员知道这一点。 他们知道自己的程序在机器中的某个位置仍然有效,即使只是及时捕获。

The best comment on the post was this:


Oh yes, I knew this already! I pray for the day my husband comes up from the cold, dark, stinky basement and asks for a beer and plops down in front of the TV to watch the Packers play. Heck I'd settle for a white wine spritzer and figure skating at this point! I sit with a smile on my face nodding as I listen to him excitedly rant about .Net and how he got a (whatever you call it) down to .003 seconds from its previous 3.8! I hug him and tell him I'm proud of him and he can do anything because I know that one day, that idea that's clawing and chewing its way out of his brain will make it out!

哦,是的,我已经知道了! 我为丈夫从寒冷,黑暗,臭气熏天的地下室出来的那天祈祷,并要求在电视前喝啤酒和轻拍,以观看包装工的比赛。 哎呀,我现在会选择白葡萄酒喷酒器和花样滑冰! 当我听他兴奋地对.Net以及他(无论如何称呼)从.3.8秒降到.003秒时,我满脸笑容地坐着。 我拥抱他,并告诉他,我为他感到骄傲,他可以做任何事情,因为我知道有一天,那种从大脑中窃取和咀嚼的想法一定会实现!

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/geeks-and-the-womenmen-who-love-them-or-normal-people-are-from-earth-coders-are-from-sedna





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