cmmi 生产率和质量模型_多台显示器和生产率

cmmi 生产率和质量模型

cmmi 生产率和质量模型

Preach on brother.  I started using multiple monitors a few years back when the ATI video card on my Compaq Laptop supported using both the LCD Panel and the external monitor together.  I blogged on a bit on it earlier this year as did John Lam

向兄弟宣讲。 几年前,当康柏笔记本电脑上的ATI视频卡同时支持LCD面板和外接显示器时,我就开始使用多台显示器。 John Lam一样在今年早些时候在博客上发表了文章

I spent some time looking for the perfect dual-head video card.  Although you can certainly line up PCI Video Cards from more than one manufacturer, you’re better of with IMHO with a dual-head card.  Personally, the best drivers for multiple monitors are NVidia’s, and a MUST HAVE piece of software for anyone with >1 monitor is UltraMon, if only for it’s second “Smart Taskbar.”  It sports tools for systems with even as many as 10 or more monitors and supports stuff as advanced (and useful) as scripting your many monitors

我花了一些时间寻找完美的双头显卡。 尽管您当然可以将多家制造商的PCI视频卡排成一列,但最好还是将IMHO与双头卡一起使用。 就个人而言,适用于多台显示器的最佳驱动程序是NVidia,对于拥有超过1台显示器的任何人,必须安装的软件是UltraMon ,如果仅是第二个“智能任务栏”。 它为甚至具有多达10台或更多显示器的系统提供了运动工具,并支持编写许多显示器的脚本那样高级(有用)的功能。

I’m currently running an NVidia Dual Head Card with a ViewSonic 17” LCD at 1280x1024 and a 17” Joe-Monitor at 1152x864 and believe me, I will take the Pepsi Challenge against anyone with a single monitor at 1024x768 is more productive. :) I really would LOVE to have more monitors although I’d suspect 3 is the ideal number.  

我目前正在运行NVidia双头卡,其1280x1024的ViewSonic 17英寸LCD和1152x864的17英寸Joe-Monitor,相信我,我将与百事可乐一起挑战1024x768的单显示器。 :)我真的希望有更多的显示器,尽管我怀疑3是理想的数字。

I first saw this on Rory’s blog and had to check into it.  Rory points to a news item on Slashdot which has the following entry:

我首先在Rory的博客上看到了这一点,不得不对其进行检查。 罗里(Rory)指向Slashdot上的新闻条目,该条目具有以下条目:

"A systematic study conducted by NEC-Mitsubishi, ATI Technologies and the University of Utah has concluded that the use of multiple monitors in the workplace increases productivity. The study is discussed on Tom's Hardware, EE Times, and there's a detailed press release on NEC-Mitsubishi. For those of us who use multi-monitors, this is not shocking. But maybe now that it's official, IT managers will view it as a good investment and not just for gamers."

“由NEC-MitsubishiATI Technologies犹他大学进行的一项系统研究得出结论,在工作场所使用多台显示器可以提高生产率。该研究在Tom's Hardware ,《 EE Times》上进行了讨论,有关NEC的详细新闻稿-三菱。对于我们这些使用多显示器的人来说,这并不令人震惊。但是也许现在它已经是正式的,IT经理将把它看作是一笔不错的投资,而不仅仅是游戏玩家。”

These articles all showed and discussed productivity while using flat-screen panels.  It makes sense that NEC and ATI would.  With a setup like the picture below, couldn’t you be more productive?  At the client site that I’m currently working, the customer provided a monitor for my usage.  So, combined with my DELL notebook which has multi-monitor support, I’m doing multi-monitor development.  I can run my mail client or Query Analyzer on one screen and VS.NET on the other doing debugging.  So, there is a benefit without dual flat displays.  But don’t they look good?  So, forward the article to your management and get more work done while your surfing.

这些文章都显示并讨论了使用平板显示器时的生产率。 NEC和ATI会这样做。 使用如下图所示的设置,您能否提高生产力? 在我当前正在工作的客户站点上,客户提供了我使用情况的监视器。 因此,结合我的具有多显示器支持的DELL笔记本,我正在进行多显示器开发。 我可以在一个屏幕上运行我的邮件客户端或查询分析器,而在另一个屏幕上运行VS.NET进行调试。 因此,没有双平板显示器会有好处。 但是,它们看起来不好吗? 因此,将文章转发给您的管理人员,然后在浏览时完成更多工作。


[Jon Box's Weblog]

[ Jon Box的博客]


cmmi 生产率和质量模型





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