paperwhite3翻页_亚马逊Kindle Paperwhite 3G / Wi-Fi评论



Ok, let's just get this out of the way. Of all the gadgets I've purchased, I love my Kindle. I have, in fact, owned every Kindle at every step of the way. I've also owned every iPad, but there's been more Kindles.

好吧,让我们解决这个问题。 在我购买的所有小工具中,我喜欢我的Kindle 。 实际上,我在每一个步骤中都拥有所有Kindle 。 我也拥有每台iPad,但还有更多的Kindle。

相关阅读 (Related Reading)

It could be said that my love of e-reading started with my ill-fated purchase of an Apple Newton in 1993 and then my even more ill-fated second purchase of an Apple Newton MessagePad 2000 in 2007. Let's just say I'm a sucker for small devices with gray screens.

可以说,我对电子阅读的热爱始于1993年我失败地购买了Apple Newton,然后在2007年再次失败了第二次购买了Apple Newton MessagePad 2000 。 假设我是带有灰屏的小型设备的吸盘。

I've talked about the Sony Reader as well in Sony Reader and Amazon Kindle - Will eBooks happen this time? but ended up going all Kindle and I haven't regretted it yet.

我在Sony Reader和Amazon Kindle中也谈到了Sony Reader-这次会不会出现电子书? 但是最终使用了所有Kindle,我还没有后悔。

My mom got a Kindle Fire and is generally thrilled with this, although she thinks it's getting slower. I suspect that she's getting faster.

我妈妈买了Kindle Fire ,尽管对此感到很慢,但她对此感到非常兴奋。 我怀疑她越来越快。

I recently "upgraded" my gray Kindle 3G to the new Kindle Paperwhite.

我最近将灰色的Kindle 3G “升级”到了新的Kindle Paperwhite

没关系 (It's Fine)

It's fine. OK, it's "fine." But let's be serious for a second. Every technology site is gushing about this device. They're saying this is the e-reader to end all e-readers. It's glorious, it's perfect. Friends, it's not. And this is from a Kindle Fan. A Kindle Stan, even. But I can't gush about this new device. If you want gushing, go read Gizvergmashgadget.

没关系。 好,很好。 但是,让我们认真一点。 每个技术站点都在涌入该设备。 他们说这是终止所有电子阅读器的电子阅读器。 辉煌,完美。 朋友,不是。 这是来自Kindle Fan。 甚至是Kindle Stan 。 但是我不能为这个新设备而奔波。 如果您想喷涌,请阅读Gizvergmashgadget

I regret my purchase of a Kindle Paperwhite and I will mourn the death (when it happens...has it happened?) of the superior Kindle 3G. There, I said it. I'm confused why others haven't said as much.

我为购买Kindle Paperwhite感到遗憾,我将为卓越的Kindle 3G的死亡(何时发生……发生了吗?)表示哀悼 在那里,我说了。 我很困惑为什么其他人没有这么多说。

I miss my Kindle 3G. It's better device. It's larger, it's easier to hold, it has a physical keyboard, it has an audio jack for headphones, it has text-to-speech, it supports MP3s and audiobooks. It has physical buttons for turning pages.

我想念我的Kindle 3G 。 这是更好的设备。 它更大,更容易握住,具有物理键盘,具有耳机的音频插Kong,文本到语音转换,支持MP3和有声读物。 它具有用于翻页的物理按钮。

I gave up all these features for a backlit screen. The thing is, there's lights everywhere. I have no problem reading under one. The whole reading-on-a-totally-dark-plane thing just doesn't do it for me. Same with reading in a bed. I have a small lamp and the wife isn't bothered by the nightstand's 7W LED light.

我为背光屏幕放弃了所有这些功能。 关键是,到处都是灯。 我一本没问题。 整个完全是在黑暗中阅读的东西对我来说是行不通的。 与躺在床上阅读相同。 我有一盏小灯,妻子不被床头柜的7W LED灯困扰。

善良 (The Good)

It's small, it's light, it's pretty, it's sturdy, it's got a good screen. They say that they've increased contrast. I don't really see it but I believe them. It's supposed to be 25% better but that's hard to see. It's a lovely e-ink screen.

它很小,很轻,很漂亮,坚固,屏幕好。 他们说他们增加了对比。 我没有真正看到它,但我相信他们。 它应该好25%,但这很难看到。 这是一个可爱的电子墨水屏幕。

The name Paperwhite kind of bothers me. For some reason I assumed (and it's my fault) that the screen was whiter, like paper. I wonder how I got that idea. Turns out, if you're in the dark and the backlight (actually a side-light) is on, then the screen looks whiter. Unfortunately it only looks whiter the darker the room is. In regular light it's the same newsprint gray that we've seen before.

Paperwhite这个名字有点困扰我。 由于某种原因,我以为(这是我的错)屏幕变白了,就像纸一样。 我不知道我是怎么得到这个主意的。 事实证明,如果您在黑暗中并且背光(实际上是侧灯)亮着,则屏幕看起来更白。 不幸的是,房间越暗,看起来越白。 在常规情况下,它是与我们以前看到的相同的新闻纸灰色。

更新 -10月18日:Paperwhite封面 (UPDATE - Oct 18th: The Paperwhite Cover)

I bought the Kindle Paperwhite Leather Cover in Black and I have to say that it changes my opinion of this whole experience in a significant way. It doesn't fix everything, but I like the Paperwhite a LOT more now and it's specifically the cover that improves it.

我购买了黑色Kindle Paperwhite皮革保护套,不得不说,它极大地改变了我对整个体验的看法。 它并不能解决所有问题,但是我现在更喜欢Paperwhite了,特别是它的外壳得到了改善。

First, the grip. The Paperwhite is small and the bezels on the side are thin. The cover adds just the right amount of bulk to the device to make it feel more substantial while still being easy to hold in one hand. More importantly this specific cover adds width to the bezel which gives my thumbs a place to be.

首先,抓地力。 Paperwhite很小,侧面的边框很薄。 盖子仅向设备增加了适量的体积,使其感觉更坚固,同时仍易于用一只手握住。 更重要的是,这种特殊的盖子增加了边框的宽度,这给了我的拇指留有余地。

The cover also has a magnet clasp. This is an improvement over the rubber band cover I used with the Kindle 3G. The magnet clasp also turns device on and off which is brilliant. Open it, it turns on and lights up. Close it and it's off. It feels more "book-like" with this small feature.

盖子也有一个磁铁扣。 这是对我与Kindle 3G一起使用的橡皮筋保护套的改进。 磁铁扣也可以打开和关闭设备,非常棒。 打开它,它会打开并亮起。 关闭它,它关闭了。 通过此小功能,感觉更像“书本”。

The Paperwhite has its sides, corners and black completely covered, protected and  snug in this cover. It's not something you'll want to take really becomes part of the device. I highly recommend this cover and if you get a Paperwhite you should absolutely pick up a cover as well.

Paperwhite的侧面,角落和黑色已完全覆盖,保护并紧贴在此封面中。 这不是您要起飞的东西……它实际上已成为设备的一部分。 强烈推荐这种封面,如果您得到了Paperwhite,则也绝对应该选择封面。

光明 (The Light)

Blame the name, perhaps. When you hear gushing about "Paperwhite" and "our best screen ever" your expectation is high. However, the light is uneven as you can see in the un-doctored photo below. I count four small white LEDs at the very bottom shining light up the face of the screen. You can see the dark shadows between the lights about 20% of the way up the screen. It's distracting, and it's even more distracting the darker the room gets.

也许应该怪这个名字。 当您听到有关“ Paperwhite”和“我们有史以来最好的屏幕”的消息时,您的期望很高。 但是,光线不均匀,如下图所示。 我在屏幕的最底部数了四个小的白色LED,它们照亮了屏幕表面。 您可以在屏幕上方大约20%的距离看到灯光之间的Undertow。 它使人分心,而房间越暗,就越分心。

You can adjust the light but I haven't found any use for this adjustment. I either have it completely on or completely off. Anything in between just makes the splotchy light intolerable.

您可以调整光线,但此调整没有任何用处。 我要么完全打开,要么完全关闭。 两者之间的任何东西都只会使斑点的光线无法忍受。

屏幕速度和清晰度 (Screen Speed and Clarity)

They say improvements  have been made in the speed of the device and how it refreshes the screen. Early versions of the Kindle would turn the whole screen black as the e-ink balls would flip over to black en masse then flip back individually to display a page. It's unclear to me if these "improvements" are actual hardware improvements or software ones. I suspect a little of both.

他们说,该设备的速度以及刷新屏幕的方式已经有所改善。 早期版本的Kindle会将整个屏幕变黑,因为电子墨水球会整体翻转为黑色,然后分别向后翻转以显示页面。 我不清楚这些“改进”是实际的硬件改进还是软件的改进。 我怀疑两者都有。

By default the Kindle Paperwhite will only do a full refresh of the e-ink every 3 or 4 page turns. You can change this setting if you want to force a full page refresh on each turn. Why would you want to do that? Well, take a look at these two pictures. The first is of a page turned to with the default setting. The second is the same page with a full page refresh. Look closely at the first picture. That's not a camera blur or visual aberration. That's the ghosted letters of the previous three pages. It almost looks like a poorly erased Etch-A-Sketch (which makes sense, since that's what e-ink is at it's most basic.)

默认情况下,Kindle Paperwhite仅每3或4页翻转一次即可完全刷新电子墨水。 如果要在每转强制刷新整页,则可以更改此设置。 你为什么想这么做? 好吧,看看这两张照片。 第一个是使用默认设置转到的页面。 第二个是刷新整个页面的同一页面。 仔细观察第一张图片。 这不是相机模糊或视觉像差。 那是前三页的虚幻字母。 它几乎看起来像是擦除效果很差的蚀刻蚀刻(这很有意义,因为这是最基本的电子墨水)。

Once you've seen this ghosting you can't easily unsee it. It's pretty disappointing and I've turned this setting off. I encourage you to make your own judgment. It's a tradeoff between fast page turns without the black "flash" and clear text.

一旦您看到了此鬼影,您就不会轻易看不到它。 非常令人失望,我已经关闭了此设置。 我鼓励您做出自己的判断。 这是在没有黑色“闪光”的快速翻页与纯文本之间进行权衡的问题。

I've also found the font choice to be very limited. I wish the Kindle folks had the attention to detail of a Marco Arment when it comes to choosing a typeface. There's only two serifs and a weird hybrid called Caecilia. Only the classic Palatino is even close to readable in my view.

我还发现字体选择非常有限。 我希望Kindle的人们在选择字体时能注意Marco Arment的细节。 只有两个衬线和一个叫做Caecilia的怪异杂种。 在我看来,只有经典的Palatino才接近可读性。

X射线 (X-Ray)

There's a new feature called "X-Ray" that is enabled in some books. I've found it to be a cute gimmick but it's provided zero value in my reading over the last week. I don't see any reason for it so far. Perhaps new visualizations are coming. For now, meh is the unfortunate word.

有些书中启用了一项名为“ X-Ray”的新功能。 我发现它是一个可爱的头,但在上周的阅读中提供了零值。 到目前为止,我看不出任何原因。 也许新的可视化即将到来。 就目前而言,meh是不幸的词。

One new feature I think I like is the "Time to read" where the Kindle keeps track of your reading speed and optionally estimates the number of hours or minutes until the end of the chapter or book. I've found this useful when deciding when to go to bed. ;) If it's just 15 more minutes to finish the book I'll just finish it!

我认为我喜欢的一项新功能是“阅读时间”,其中Kindle会跟踪您的阅读速度,并可以选择估算到本章或书籍结束之前的小时数或分钟数。 当决定上床睡觉时,我发现这很有用。 ;)如果只需要15分钟就能完成这本书,那我就结束吧!

缺少了什么? (What's missing?)

Perhaps I have large hands, but the Kindle Paperwhite is SMALL. It's so small it's little hard to comfortably hold in one had. The bezel on the sides is small enough that I can't easily hold the thing with my thumb pressure as my thumb is wider than the side bezel. I end up holding it at the bottom. Perhaps this is another reason I like the Kindle 3G since it has a large keyboard at the bottom. That's more stuff to hold on to.

也许我的手很大,但是Kindle Paperwhite很小。 它是如此之小,以至于很难舒适地容纳在其中。 侧面的边框足够小,以至于我的拇指比侧面的边框宽,我无法用拇指的压力轻松握住东西。 我最终将其固定在底部。 也许这是我喜欢Kindle 3G的另一个原因,因为它的底部有一个大键盘。 还有更多要坚持的东西。

I really miss the physical buttons. You HAVE to touch the screen to turn the page on the Paperwhite. They've organized screen regions so you just tap the right 85% of the screen to go to the next page and the left 15% to go to the previous. The top 10% gets you the menu. But you have to touch the SCREEN. It feels papery but it can also get dirty. I never, ever touched the screen of my 3G with keyboard. I never needed to because it had physical buttons for turning the page. They were brilliant because they were just under your thumb and just required a twitch to move forward.

我真的很想念物理按钮。 您必须触摸屏幕才能在Paperwhite上翻页。 他们已经整理好了屏幕区域,因此您只需点击屏幕右侧的85%即可转到下一页,而单击左侧的15%即可转到上一页。 收入最高的10%会显示菜单。 但是您必须触摸屏幕。 感觉是纸质的,但也可能变脏。 我从来没有用键盘触摸过3G屏幕。 我从来不需要,因为它具有用于翻页的物理按钮。 它们很出色,因为它们就在您的指尖之下,只需要抽动一下即可前进。

I am also a huge Audible audiobook fan but those days are over. The Kindle Paperwhite has no headphone jack or speaker. This MUST be a cost-cutting decision, likely based on some study or survey that showed a single digit percentage of folks using the Kindle for audiobooks. But I did, and I miss it more now that it's gone.

我也是Audible有声读物的忠实粉丝,但是那段日子已经过去了。 Kindle Paperwhite没有耳机插Kong或扬声器。 这必须是一项削减成本的决定,可能基于某些研究或调查,该研究表明,使用Kindle作为有声读物的人只有百分之几。 但是我做到了,现在它已经消失了,我更加想念它。

There's the same anemic web browser as before. It's enough to get the job done but it's also slow enough to remind you that they'd rather you buy a Kindle Fire HD. It's a book, not a tablet.

与以前有相同的贫乏网络浏览器。 它足以完成工作,但它也足够缓慢,提醒您他们宁愿您购买Kindle Fire HD 。 这是一本书,而不是平板电脑。

As I said, it's fine. It's a lovely miracle, even. I read more now than I did pre-Kindle, truly. I have purchased over a hundred books from Amazon since my first Kindle (139, in fact) and that was the goal. There's a single click between my Wallet and Jeff Bezo's Wallet. However, there's still work to be done on the Kindle. The Kindle Paperwhite isn't the ultimate e-reader. But it's fine.

如我所说,很好。 甚至是一个可爱的奇迹。 现在,我的阅读比真正的Kindle阅读要多。 自从我使用第一台Kindle(实际上是139台)以来,我已经从亚马逊购买了一百多本书,这就是目标。 在我的电子钱包和Jeff Bezo的电子钱包之间单击即可。 但是,在Kindle上仍有工作要做。 Kindle Paperwhite并不是最终的电子阅读器。 但这很好。



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