


I've been experimenting with my diet a little and considering a Paleo diet. What an amazing and selfish thing, though, for me to even consider or be able to change my diet in a fundamental way. Only someone who isn't worried about their next meal could explore that aspect of their lives without fear or concern.

我一直在试验饮食,并考虑古饮食。 但是,对于我来说,甚至可以根本地考虑或能够改变自己的饮食,这真是一件了不起而又自私的事情。 只有不担心下一顿饭的人才可以毫无恐惧或担忧地探索自己的生活。

One doesn't get to have certain luxuries until other more basic needs are met. Here's an interpretation of Maslow's hierarchy of needs:

在满足其他更基本的需求之前,人们不会奢侈一些。 这是对Maslow需求层次结构的解释:

Maslow's heirarchy of needs, as a pyramid

I was talking to a customer a while back and one gentleman was deeply concerned about coding style, curly brace location, best practices in interface design and a bunch of important but arguably not urgent thing. Their unit testing wasn't well organized, their deployment was manual, their build was only marginally verifiable.

不久前,我正在与客户交谈,一位先生深深地担心编码风格,花括号位置,界面设计最佳实践以及许多重要但可以说不是紧迫的事情。 他们的单元测试没有很好的组织,他们的部署是手动的,他们的构建只能勉强验证。

Stated differently, he was asking questions like "Am I eating enough veggies rich with Vitamin A" without asking the more fundamental "Do I have food for tonight?"


Now, apply the Hierarchy of Needs to Software and Technical Debt. Here's one, with my thanks to Phil Haack, Jon Galloway, Jonathan Wanagel, Paul Stovell for their help in brainstorming.

现在,将需求层次结构应用于软件和技术债务。 在此,我要感谢Phil HaackJon GallowayJonathan WanagelPaul Stovell的集思广益。

A proposed heirarchy of needs of software - Bragging Rights, Refactorable, Maintainable, Buildable, Revisable

吹牛的权利-让您感到骄傲的改变 (Bragging Rights - Change you are proud of)

Paul put it well when he said to me: "The top of Maslow's pyramid is self-actualization...in some ways I think we like to achieve self-actualization through our code, [such that] in years to come, maintenance programmers will stumble upon this architecture and exclaim, 'Wow, Scott was here.'"


Are you writing software or crafting software? When does your craft become art?

您是在编写软件还是在制作软件? 您的手艺何时成为艺术品?

This is a noble and certainly attractive goal, but is one that should be attempted only after the basic needs are met.


重构-改变无惧 (Refactorable - Change without fear)

Is your code/system easy able to be refactored? Can you rearrange it without fear? Does it follow all the conventions and use the appropriate idioms of your chosen language? Do you have automated unit tests?

您的代码/系统容易重构吗? 您可以不用担心重新排列它吗? 它是否遵循所有约定并使用您选择的语言的适当习语? 您有自动化的单元测试吗?

可维护-通过验证进行更改 (Maintainable - Change with verification)

Is it able to change at all? Are bugs fixable? When you make a change is that change verifiably correct? Any tests at all?

它可以改变吗? 错误可以修复吗? 当您进行更改时,该更改是否可以证明是正确的? 有测试吗?

可构建和部署-生产变更 (Buildable & Deployable - Change in production)

Can you deploy your system as easily as you can build it? Continuous Integration is effectively a must in today's software systems, but moving up in importance is Continuous Deployment - with rollback!

您能否像构建它一样轻松地部署系统? 在当今的软件系统中,持续集成实际上是必不可少的,但是不断升级的重要性在于持续部署-带回滚功能!

可修改-更改 (Revisable - Change)

Is your system in source control with a clear workflow that governs contributions? Can you revert changes, stamp official changes, branch and merge? What? You're using zip files? Sorry, friend, you don't get to talk about class design or move around UML diagrams until you're using source control.

您的系统是否在源代码控制中具有清晰的工作流来管理贡献? 您可以还原更改,加盖正式更改,分支并合并吗? 什么? 您使用的是zip文件吗? 抱歉,朋友,在使用源代码管理之前,您不会谈论类设计或在UML图表上四处走动。

领导的重要性 (The importance of leadership)

This underscores the importance of a strong and appropriately self-aware leader. Creating art is the fun stuff but it isn't always what needs to be done to move the project forward. The tech lead needs to recognize the right time to be an artist and the right time to invest in strong foundational processes.

这凸显了强大且具有适当自我意识的领导者的重要性。 创造艺术是一件有趣的事情,但并非总是需要做些什么才能使项目向前发展。 技术负责人需要认识到成为艺术家的正确时机和正确的时间投资于强大的基础流程。

Are we eating enough leafy greens as a team? Let's start with "are we eating tonight?" and work from there.

我们是否有足够的团队吃绿叶蔬菜? 让我们从“今晚吃饭吗?”开始从那里工作。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/maslows-hierarchy-of-needs-of-software-development


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