释放磁盘空间_Windows 7下释放磁盘空间的指南



This is an "updated for Windows 7" version of my popular original article Guide to Freeing up Disk Space under Windows Vista.

这是我颇受欢迎的原始文章“在Windows Vista下释放磁盘空间的指南”的“ Windows 7更新”版本。

I've got a 256 gig C: drive, but noticed that in the last week or so I'd had only 20 gigs free. Not cool and it was getting tight. A few hours later, I have 91G free. Here's how.

我有一个256 gig C:驱动器,但是注意到在过去的一周左右,我只有20个gigs。 不酷,越来越紧。 几个小时后,我有91G可用。 这是如何做。

Warranty: There is none. Please read carefully and with all things you find on a random blog, be careful because you have no one to blame but yourself. However, if you take a few minutes, read carefully and do even a few of these tips or just run Disk Cleanup, you'll get lots of space back.

保修:没有。 请仔细阅读,并在随机博客中找到所有内容,请小心,因为除了自己,没有人要责备。 但是,如果您花几分钟时间,请仔细阅读并执行其中的一些技巧,或者只运行磁盘清理,您将获得很多空间。

  • Win 7 SP1 Disk Cleanup - removing Service Pack Backup Files
    Clean up after Windows 7 SP1 (Service Pack 1) - After you install Windows 7 SP1, it leaves around the original files so you can uninstall the Service Pack if you want. After a few months with the Service Pack, I've decided for myself that it's a good thing and decided I don't need the option. In Vista there was a command line tool called "vsp1cln.exe" but in Windows 7 you can run Disk Cleanup and check "Service Pack Backup Files" and get back almost a gig of space.

    在Windows 7 SP1(Service Pack 1)之后进行清理-安装Windows 7 SP1后,它会保留原始文件,因此您可以根据需要卸载Service Pack。 使用Service Pack几个月后,我为自己确定这是一件好事,并决定不需要该选项。 在Vista中,有一个名为“ vsp1cln.exe”的命令行工具,但是在Windows 7中,您可以运行“磁盘清理”并检查“ Service Pack备份文件”,并获得几乎一堆的空间。

    The only thing, again is that you can't uninstall SP1. Fine with me.

    同样,唯一的事情是您无法卸载SP1。 我都可以。

  • Disk Cleanup - It's amazing to me the number of people who DON'T run Disk Cleanup. It's even better in Windows 7. Just run it. Often. After you run it, run it again and click Clean Up System Files to get files that you need to be admin to delete.

    磁盘清理-令我惊讶的是,没有运行磁盘清理的人数。 在Windows 7中甚至更好。只需运行它即可。 经常。 运行它之后,再次运行它,然后单击“清理系统文件”以获取需要管理员删除的文件。

  • Disable Hibernate - I have a desktop, and I prefer just three power states, sleeping, on or off. I don't use Hibernate. Plus, I have 12 gigs of RAM, and hibernation uses as much disk space as you have RAM. From an administrative command prompt, type "powercfg -h off" to get that space back. Got me back 12 gigs. It's up to you. Don't turn it off if you use the feature.

    禁用Hibernate-我有一个台式机,我只喜欢三种电源状态,即睡眠,打开或关闭。 我不使用Hibernate。 另外,我有12兆的RAM,Hibernate时使用的磁盘空间与RAM一样多。 在管理命令提示符下,键入“ powercfg -h off”以获取该空间。 让我回来了12场演出。 由你决定。 如果使用此功能,请不要关闭它。

  • %TEMP% Files - Even though Disk Cleanup is great, sometimes for whatever reason it doesn't always get stuff out of the TEMP folder. I recommend you try to delete the TEMP folder. I do this from the command line. Open up an administrative console, type "cd /d %TEMP%" (without the quotes, of course). Then, go up one folder with "cd .." and type "rd /s temp"

    %TEMP%文件-尽管“磁盘清理”功能非常出色,但有时由于某种原因,它并不总是从TEMP文件夹中获取内容。 我建议您尝试删除TEMP文件夹。 我从命令行执行此操作。 打开管理控制台,键入“ cd / d%TEMP%”(当然不带引号)。 然后,使用“ cd ..”进入一个文件夹,然后键入“ rd / s temp

    Do be warned, this command says to TRY to delete the whole folder and everything underneath it.


    It's very unambiguous. If you don't feel comfortable, don't do it. If you feel in over your head, don't do it. If it screws up your computer, don't email me. Next, I do a "dir temp" to see if the folder really got deleted. It usually doesn't because almost always some other program has a temp file open and the command can't get remove everything. If it DOES remove the folder, just "md temp" to get it back fresh and empty. This got me back 12 gigs. I'm sure you'll be surprised and get lots back.

    这是非常明确的。 如果您不舒服,请不要这样做。 如果您感到头顶不适,请不要这样做。 如果它弄坏了您的计算机,请不要给我发送电子邮件。 接下来,我执行“ dir temp”以查看文件夹是否确实被删除。 通常不是,因为几乎其他一些程序总是打开了一个临时文件,并且该命令无法删除所有内容。 如果确实删除了该文件夹,则只需“ md temp”即可将其恢复为空。 这让我回来了12场演出。 我敢肯定,您会感到惊讶并得到很多回报。

  • Delete your Browser Cache - Whether you use Chrome, IE9 or Firefox, your browser is saving probably a gig or more of temporary files. Consider clearing it out manually (or use the CCleaner mentioned below) occasionally or move the cache from your browser's settings to another drive with more space.

    删除浏览器缓存-不管您使用的是Chrome,IE9还是Firefox,浏览器都可能会保存一份或更多的临时文件。 考虑偶尔手动清除它(或使用下面提到的CCleaner),或将缓存从浏览器的设置移至具有更多空间的另一个驱动器。

  • System Protection for Local Disk
    Clean up System Restore - Windows 7 keeps backups of lots of system files every time something major (driver installation, some software installations, etc) happens, and after a while this can take up lots of space. It uses a service/subsystem called ShadowCopies and can be administered with a tool called vssadmin.

    清理系统还原-每次发生重大事件(驱动程序安装,某些软件安装等)时,Windows 7都会保留许多系统文件的备份,一段时间后这会占用大量空间。 它使用称为ShadowCopies的服务/子系统,并且可以使用名为vssadmin的工具进行管理。

    Now, the EASIEST way to handle this is just to


    run Disk Cleanup, then click More Options and "Clean up…" which will delete all but the most recent System Restore data. That's what I did. That got me back lots of space back on my C: drive.

    运行“磁盘清理” ,然后单击“更多选项”和“清理...”,这将删除除最近的系统还原数据以外的所有数据。 那就是我所做的。 这使我在C:驱动器上获得了很多空间。

    run Disk Cleanup, then click More Options and "Clean up…" which will delete all but the most recent System Restore data. That's what I did. That got me back lots of space back on my C: drive. You can also go to System Properties, then System Protection, then Configure and not only control how much space to allow for System Protection but also delete preview restore points as seen in the screenshot at left.

    运行“磁盘清理” ,然后单击“更多选项”和“清理...”,这将删除除最近的系统还原数据以外的所有数据。 那就是我所做的。 这使我在C:驱动器上获得了很多空间。 您也可以依次转到“系统属性”,“系统保护”,“配置”,不仅可以控制允许系统保护的空间,还可以删除预览还原点,如左侧的屏幕快照所示。

    Alternatively, you can use the vssadmin tool from an admin command prompt to to do important things. One, you can set a max size for the System Restore to get. Two, you can set an alternative drive. For example, you could have the D: drive be responsible for System Restore for the C: drive.

    另外,您可以从admin命令提示符下使用vssadmin工具执行重要操作。 一,您可以设置系统还原的最大大小。 二,您可以设置备用驱动器。 例如,您可以让D:驱动器负责C:驱动器的系统还原。

    You can use the commands like this. Note that you can put whatever drive letters you have in there. I ran it for each of my three drives. Note that this isn't just used for System Restore, it's also used for the "Previous Versions" feature of Windows that keeps some number of Shadow Backups in case you delete something and didn't mean it. Kind of a mini, local time machine. Point is, this isn't a feature you probably want off, just one you want kept to a max.

    您可以使用这样的命令。 请注意,您可以在其中放入任何驱动器号。 我为三个驱动器中的每一个运行了它。 请注意,这不仅用于系统还原,还用于Windows的“以前的版本”功能,该功能可以保留一定数量的Shadow Backup,以防您删除某些内容而并非故意。 一种迷你的本地时间机器。 重点是,这不是您可能想要禁用的功能,只是您想要保持最大功能。

    Here's the command line I used. Your mileage may vary.

    这是我使用的命令行。 你的旅费可能会改变。

    vssadmin Resize ShadowStorage /On=C: /For=C: /MaxSize=15GB

    vssadmin调整ShadowStorage的大小/ On = C:/ For = C:/ MaxSize = 15GB

  • SpaceSniffer - www.uderzo.it
    Understand what's taking up all that space with SpaceSniffer or WinDirStat - I've used a large number of Windows Folder Size checkers, and the one I keep coming back to is WinDirStat. WinDirStat is actively developed, it's Open Source, and it works great in Windows. It's wonderfully multi-threaded and is generally fabulous. It'll help you find those crazy large log files you've forgotten about deep in %APPDATA%. It saved me 10 gigs of random goo. SpaceSniffer is also amazing and really lets you drill into what's going on space-wise in your disk.

    通过SpaceSnifferWinDirStat了解正在占用所有空间的东西 -我使用了大量Windows文件夹大小检查器,而我一直回到的那个WinDirStat 。 WinDirStat是积极开发的,它是开源的,并且在Windows中运行良好。 它具有出色的多线程功能,并且通常很棒。 它会帮助您在%APPDATA%中找到您已忘记的那些疯狂的大型日志文件。 它为我节省了10个随机的演出。 SpaceSniffer也很棒,它确实可以让您深入研究磁盘中空间方面的变化。

  • Remove Old Stuff - Just go into Add/Remove Programs or Programs and Features and tidy up. There's likely a pile of old crap in there that's taking up space. I removed some Games and Game Demos and got back 5 gigs.

    删除旧资料-只需进入“添加/删除程序”或“程序和功能”并整理即可。 那里可能有一堆旧东西在浪费空间。 我删除了一些游戏和游戏演示,并获得了5场演出。

  • Uninstall anything evil - If you want to get a quick look at what's on a machine and uninstall LOTS of stuff quickly, look no further than NirSoft's My Uninstaller (download). Remove Toolbars (they think they need them and they never do and won't miss them), and anything that looks like it might destabilize their system. I check out toolbars, add-ins, etc

    卸载任何有害的东西-如果您想快速了解一台计算机上的内容并快速卸载很多东西,那么, NirSoft的My Uninstaller (下载)就是您的最佳选择。 删除工具栏(他们认为他们需要它们,并且永远不会,也不会错过它们),任何看起来像是的东西都可能破坏其系统的稳定性。 我签出工具栏,加载项等

  • Wasteful TempFiles/ScratchFiles Settings in Popular Programs - Most programs that need scratch space have a way to set a ceiling on that Max Space. Go into Internet Explorer or Firefox, into the options and delete the Temporary Internet Files. Set a reasonable size like 250 megs or 500 megs. I've seen those cache sizes set to gigs. If you've got a speedy connection to the internet, that's just overkill. Check other programs like Adobe Photoshop and other editors and see where they store their temporary files and how large they've become. I used SpaceSniffer (mentioned above) and was shocked to find 5 gigs of old temp files from a year ago in little used programs.

    流行程序中的浪费性TempFiles / ScratchFiles设置-大多数需要暂存空间的程序都可以在最大空间上设置上限。 进入Internet Explorer或Firefox,进入选项并删除Internet临时文件。 设置合理的大小,例如250兆或500兆。 我已经看到那些缓存大小设置为演出。 如果您可以快速连接到互联网,那简直太过分了。 检查其他程序,例如Adobe Photoshop和其他编辑器,查看它们在哪里存储临时文件,以及它们的大小。 我使用了SpaceSniffer(如上所述),震惊于一年前在很少使用的程序中找到5个旧的临时文件。

  • A nicely compressed directory
    NTFS Compression - That's right, baby, Stacker (kidding). This is a great feature of NTFS that more people should use. If you've got a bunch of folders with old crap in them, but you don't want to delete them, compress. If you've got a folder that fills up with text files or other easily compressed and frequently access stuff, compress 'em. I typically compress any and all folders that are infrequently accessed, but I'm not ready to toss. That is about 30-40% of my hard drive. Why bother to compress when Disk Space is so cheap? Well, C: drive space usually isn't. I've got an SSD, and it's small. I'd like to get as much out of it as I can without the hassle of moving my Program Files to D:. More importantly, Why the heck not? Why shouldn't I compress? It's utterly painless. Just right click a folder, hit Properties, then Advanced, then Compress. Then forget about it. As long as you're not compressing a bunch of ZIP files (won't do much) then you're all set. You might consider defragging when you're done, just to tidy up if you don't have an SSD.

    NTFS压缩-是的,宝贝,堆纸器(起绒)。 这是NTFS的一个重要功能,应该让更多人使用。 如果您有一堆带有旧废话的文件夹,但是您不想删除它们,请压缩。 如果您有一个充满文本文件或其他易于压缩且经常访问的文件的文件夹,请压缩它们。 我通常压缩不经常访问的所有文件夹,但是我还没准备好。 那大约是我硬盘的30-40%。 当磁盘空间如此便宜时,为什么还要费心压缩呢? 好吧,C:驱动器空间通常不是。 我有一个SSD,它很小。 我想尽可能多地利用它,而无需将程序文件移至D:。 更重要的是,为什么不呢? 我为什么不压缩? 完全没有痛苦。 只需右键单击一个文件夹,依次单击“属性”,“高级”和“压缩”。 那算了只要您不压缩一堆ZIP文件(不会做太多事情),便一切就绪。 您可能会在完成后考虑进行碎片整理,只是为了整理一下如果没有SSD。

  • Find Fat Temp File Apps and squash them - Google Earth and Microsoft Virtual Earth 3D are really fast and loose with the disk space. You can poke around for a while and next thing you know you're down 2 gigs or more. If you don't use the app a lot, delete the caches when you exit, or better yet, make the cache size for each app small.

    查找Fat Temp File Apps并将其压缩-Google Earth和Microsoft Virtual Earth 3D的磁盘空间确实非常快速且松散。 您可以闲逛一会儿,接下来您会发现自己跌倒了2场或更多。 如果您不经常使用该应用程序,请在退出时删除缓存,或者更好的方法是减小每个应用程序的缓存大小。

  • Remove Crap with CrapCleaner (CLeaner) - This is a brilliant utility that removes crapware, unneeded programs, toolbars and other things that might litter up your machine.


  • works-on-my-machine-starburst
    ADVANCED: Use Junction Points/Hard Links/Reparse Points to move temp file folders - This is an advanced technique. If this technique kills your beloved pet cat, don't email me. You have been warned. Also, note that I'm only saying it works for me.

    先进:使用连接点/硬链接/重新解析点移动临时文件夹-这是一项高级技术。 如果此技术杀死了您心爱的宠物猫,请不要给我发送电子邮件。 你被警告了。 另外,请注意,我只是说它对我有用。

    I reclaimed


    25 gigs just today by moving the MobileSync Backup folder from iTunes to a spinning rust disk off my SSD.

    直到今天,通过将iTunes的MobileSync Backup文件夹从我的SSD移到旋转的生锈磁盘上,进行了25次演出

    Here's the idea. You'll move it to a drive with more space, but you'll LIE to iTunes using a little-used Windows Utility that will make a LINK between the folder iTunes expects to find and the folder you want your backups in. See? It's advanced but VERY powerful, especially when you

    这是主意。 您将其移动到具有更多空间的驱动器上,但是您将使用很少使用的Windows实用程序在iTunes上说谎,该实用程序将在iTunes期望找到的文件夹与您要备份的文件夹之间建立链接。 它先进但功能强大,特别是当您

    C:\Users\Scott\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync>dir

    Directory of C:\Users\Scott\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync

    11/25/2011 10:10 PM <DIR> .
    11/25/2011 10:10 PM <DIR> ..
    11/25/2011 10:10 PM <JUNCTION> Backup [f:\iTunesMobileSync\Backup]
    0 File(s) 0 bytes
    3 Dir(s) 97,594,851,328 bytes free

While your are in there, why not do some more maintenance on your machine, blow out that dust and install some updates? Check out the The Technical Friend's Essential Maintenance Checklist for Non-Technical Friend's Windows Computer.

当您在那里时,为什么不对机器进行更多维护,吹走灰尘并安装一些更新呢? 查看非技术朋友的Windows计算机“技术朋友的基本维护清单”

Hope this helps!


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/guide-to-freeing-up-disk-space-under-windows-7






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