
Well that was a blast.


After months of planning, the second ever Breaking Development conference came to an end the other week. To say that it was fun and inspiring would be selling it short. To some extent, I am still recuperating but I thought I should post my thoughts while things are still fresh in my mind.

经过几个月的计划,第二周的“ 突破性发展”会议在上周结束。 要说这很有趣和鼓舞人心,那就卖短了。 在某种程度上,我仍在休养生息,但我认为当我想到新事物时应该发表自己的想法。

讲者 (The Speakers)

The speakers did an absolutely incredible job! There was plenty of pragmatic information to take back and apply right away, but there was also a lot of talk about the future: where we need to be and what we can do to get there. We’ll get video posted of all the talks at some point in the future, but for now, be sure to check out all the decks at Lanyrd. Scott Jenson recorded his presentation off his laptop, so his deck includes accompanying audio. I can’t recommend his presentation enough. It was a call to arms: a forward-thinking and inspiring talk to conclude the first day of the conference.

演讲者做得非常出色! 有很多实用的信息可以立即收回并应用,但是关于未来的讨论也很多:我们需要在哪里以及如何去实现。 我们将在将来某个时间点发布所有谈话的视频,但现在,请务必查看Lanyrd的所有内容 。 斯科特·詹森(Scott Jenson)用笔记本电脑记录了他的演讲,因此他的甲板上还包含了伴随的音频。 我不能推荐他的演讲。 这是一次武装呼吁:结束会议第一天的具有前瞻性和启发性的演讲。

Every once in awhile I hear a question or two about the timing of the release of the conference schedule (not just in regards to our own event, but in regards to web conferences in general). There are two general routes to take for choosing topics for a conference. One is to do it early. That way attendees know what to expect early on and it helps to sell more tickets throughout the registration period. The other is to give the speakers a bit more time and wait until closer to the event to finalize all the topics. It means you have to hope the attendees will have enough trust in the speakers and the conference to spring for registration without knowing all of the topics. It also means, however, that the talks will be timely and something that the speaker is passionate about now—not something they were passionate about 4 months ago. We opted for the latter, and I believe we were a stronger conference for doing so.

我每隔一段时间就会听到一两个关于会议时间表发布时间的问题(不仅涉及我们自己的活动,而且涉及一般的网络会议)。 选择会议主题有两种通用途径。 一种是尽早做。 这样,与会者就可以尽早知道会发生什么,并有助于在整个注册期间出售更多门票。 另一个是给演讲者更多的时间,等到离活动越来越近时才能完成所有主题。 这意味着您必须希望与会者将对演讲者和会议有足够的信任,以便在不了解所有主题的情况下进行注册。 但是,这也意味着会谈是及时的,演讲者现在对此充满热情,而不是他们四个月前的热情。 我们选择了后者,我相信我们是这样做的一个更强大的会议。

参加者 (The Attendees)

As great as the speakers were, what really makes these events fun are the attendees. I wonder if people realize just how great a difference an exceptional group of attendees can make in the quality of the experience at a conference. It simply cannot be underestimated. There was no shortage of excellent discussions taking place in the evenings and during lunch. The quality of the beer conversations were incredible.

与演讲者一样,真正使这些活动变得有趣的是参与者。 我想知道人们是否意识到杰出的与会者可以对会议的体验质量产生巨大的影响。 根本不能低估它。 晚上和午餐期间不乏精彩的讨论会。 啤酒对话的质量令人难以置信。

In fact, I consider those side conversations one of the most important ingredients in a conference experience. The speakers set the stage with inspiring and informative presentations, but the real fun is seeing everyone start to talk about how this information can be applied to create better mobile experiences: both for today and for the future.

实际上,我认为这些对话是会议体验中最重要的内容之一。 演讲者通过鼓舞人心且内容丰富的演讲为舞台搭建了舞台,但真正的乐趣在于,每个人都开始谈论如何利用这些信息来创造更好的移动体验:无论是现在还是将来。

The feedback was incredibly kind. As tiring as it can be to organize an event, the adrenaline rush you see from people enjoying it is mind-blowing. There is nothing that gets you more ramped up than seeing people talk about how inspired they are to go back to their companies and create something amazing. Here are a few of my favorite quotes:

反馈非常好。 举办活动虽然很累人,但您从欣赏活动的人那里看到的肾上腺素激增令人兴奋。 没有什么比看到人们谈论他们如何回到自己的公司并创造出令人惊奇的事物更能使您变得更加精通的了。 以下是一些我最喜欢的报价:

I’ve never felt so much energy and geekery under one roof in all my nerdy life.—Elizeo Benavidez

在我整个书呆子的生活中,我从来没有在一个屋檐下感到如此多的精力和烦恼。— Elizeo Benavidez

This was simply the best conference I have attended. Every session had real-world, immediately applicable techniques and ideas.—Jen

这简直是​​我参加过的最好的会议。 每个会话有现实世界的,立即适用技术和ideas.-

The Breaking Development conference is wrapping up here on spacecraft Opryland One. It’s been a wonderful experience. The conference itself was superbly curated—a single track of top-notch speakers in a line-up that switched back and forth between high-level concepts and deep-dives into case studies.—Jeremy Keith

突破性发展会议将在太空飞船Opryland One上进行总结。 真是太好了。 会议本身得到了很好的策划-阵容一流的演讲者在高层次的概念和深入的案例研究之间来回切换。– Jeremy Keith

“If you’re the most talented person in the room, then you’re in the wrong room” #bdconf is the RIGHT room people.—Luke Wroblewski on Twitter

“如果您是会议室中最有才华的人,那么您就在错误的会议室中。” #bdconf是正确的会议室人员。— Luke Wroblewski在Twitter上

I’m hitting that point in the conference where I just want to lock myself in room and finish hacking on related projects. INSPIRED #bdconf—Lyza Danger Gardner on Twitter

我在会议上碰到了这一点,我只想把自己锁在房间里并完成对相关项目的黑客攻击。 灵感#bdconf -Twitter上的Lyza Danger Gardner

And perhaps my personal favorite:


One thing blowing me away about #bdconf the talks with attendees, let alone speakers! Tough questions being addressed with incredible zeal—Kevin Griffin on Twitter

#bdconf与与会者的谈话让我大吃一惊,更不用说演讲者了! 难以置信的热情正在解决棘手的问题— 凯文·格里芬(Kevin Griffin)在推特上

Kevin’s might just be my favorite because I think he pin-pointed what I felt made the event so special: the absolutely ridiculous amount of smart, passionate and inspired people all coming together to try and make sense out of this rapidly changing and increasingly complex ecosystem of devices we find ourselves working with.


A huge thank you is in order to everyone who made the event so awesome. The speakers for all their hard work, the sponsors for all their help supporting and promoting the event, all the awesome people I get to work with on the Breaking Development team (Jeff Bruss, Erik Wiedeman, Paul Thompson, Derek Pennycuff, Michael Lehman and Matt VanSkyhawk) and in particular, the attendees.

衷心感谢所有使活动如此精彩的人。 辛勤工作的演讲者,赞助商和活动赞助商,与Breaking Development团队一起工作的所有杰出人士(Jeff Bruss,Erik Wiedeman,Paul Thompson,Derek Pennycuff,Michael Lehman和Matt VanSkyhawk),尤其是与会者。

I can’t wait to get to do this again in April!


翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/2011/09/reflecting-on-nashville/





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