
谁写的? (Who Wrote It?)

Object-Oriented Javascript is written by Stoyan Stefanov, a web developer at Yahoo. Stoyan’s thoughts on all things web can be found at phpied.com. He also runs a blog on iPhone development, and a site dedicated to Javascript design patterns at JSPatterns.com (it’s been quiet for quite awhile now, but I’m hoping to see it brought out of retirement).

面向对象的Javascript由Yahoo的Web开发人员Stoyan Stefanov编写。 可以在phpied.com上找到Stoyan关于万物的想法。 他还经营一个有关iPhone开发的博客,以及一个位于JSPatterns.com的致力于Java语言设计模式的网站 (现在已经安静了一段时间,但我希望它能退休)。

涵盖了什么? (What’s Covered?)

Exactly what you’d expect given the title….object-oriented Javascript! Actually, the book covers a lot of information, starting with the basics (variables, loops, functions, etc.) all the way through to a few basic, albeit useful, design patterns.

正是标题所期望的……面向对象的Javascript! 实际上,这本书涵盖了很多信息,从基础知识(变量,循环,函数等)一直到一些基本的尽管有用的设计模式。

The book is very well written and its discussions precise. Stoyan doesn’t take a lot of time going through complex examples. Instead, he gives bite-size chunks for you to play with and expand upon. If you’re someone who prefers playing with concepts yourself over going through expanded examples in books, this book is right up your alley.

这本书写得很好,讨论也很精确。 Stoyan不需要花费很多时间来处理复杂的示例。 相反,他会提供一口大小的块供您玩耍并扩展。 如果您是喜欢自己玩概念而不是阅读书中扩展示例的人,那么这本书就在您的胡同中。

While the book has chapters on the DOM and primitive data types, it is in the discussions of topics like closures and inheritance where the book really stands out. These sometimes confusing topics are presented in a very clear and concise way, helping to break down the learning barrier that so often stands in the way of truly understanding those subjects.

尽管本书中有关于DOM和原始数据类型的章节,但真正使本书脱颖而出的却是诸如闭包和继承之类的话题。 这些有时令人困惑的主题以非常清晰和简洁的方式呈现,有助于打破学习障碍,而这些障碍常常妨碍真正理解这些主题。

我应该读吗? (Should I Read It?)

The book is intended to be accessible to even developers with no prior Javascript experience, and it does a reasonable job of doing so. Thankfully, the information is covered very well, making it likely that even the introductory chapters will be worth the read for more experienced Javascript developers.

该书旨在供没有任何Java经验的开发人员使用,并且做到了这一点。 值得庆幸的是,该信息覆盖得很好,对于那些经验丰富的Javascript开发人员来说,即使是入门章节也很值得阅读。

I’m sure the refinement and overall quality of the information presented is in no small part due to the plethora of quality technical reviewers. It’s clear Stoyan took the task of accurately presenting this information very seriously, as his list of technical reviewers sounds a bit like a who’s who of web development.

我确信,所提供信息的完善和整​​体质量在很大程度上要归功于高质量的技术评审员。 显然,Stoyan认真地认真地呈现了这些信息,因为他的技术审核人员名单听起来有点像Web开发名人录。

最终裁决 (Final Verdict)

I really enjoyed Object Oriented Javascript and highly recommend it. For beginners, its not as soft an introduction as DOM Scripting, nor is it as exhaustive in detail as PPK on Javascript. That being said, its content is perhaps the most complete of any Javascript book accessible to beginners that I’ve read thus far, and it’s certainly one of the best written books I’ve read. Even more experienced developers will find very useful information in some great coverage of more advanced object-oriented techniques and very useful appendices.

我真的很喜欢面向对象的Javascript,并强烈推荐它。 对于初学者来说,它的介绍不像DOM脚本那么软,也不像Javascript上的PPK那样详尽。 话虽这么说,它的内容可能是迄今为止我已经阅读的初学者可以访问的所有Java语言书籍中最完整的一本书,并且肯定是我阅读过的最好的书面书籍之一。 甚至更多有经验的开发人员也会在一些更高级的面向对象技术和非常有用的附录中找到非常有用的信息。

太好了……我在哪里可以得到副本? (Great…Where Do I Get a Copy?)

翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/2009/04/book-review-object-oriented-javascript/





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