select state from customers group by state; #有顺序
select distinct state from customers; #无顺序
select distinct state from customers order by state;
select distinct state from customers where country='USA';
select count(distinct state) from customers where country='USA';
select state from customers where state is not null limit 6;
select distinct state from customers where state is not null limit 6;
select state from customers where state is not null;
select customernumber,customername,creditlimit from customers order by creditlimit asc limit 0,5; #0是查询起始偏移值,5是查询数目
select productCode,productName,buyprice from products order by buyprice desc limit 1,1;
#找出结果集中价格第二高的产品;第三高的LIMIT 2,1 和第四高的LIMIT 3,1
数值区间条件筛选//IN条件//条件嵌套//having(配合group by进行条件筛选)
select productCode,productName,buyPrice from products where buyPrice between 90 and 100; #左闭右闭
select productCode,productName,buyPrice from products where buyPrice>90 and buyPrice<100;
select productCode,productName,buyPrice from products where buyPrice not between 20 and 100;
select productCode,productName,buyPrice from products where buyPrice<20 or buyPrice>100;
select orderNumber,customerNumber,status,shippedDate from orders
where orderNumber in(select from orderDetails group by orderNumber having sum(quantityOrdered*priceEach)>60000);
select ordernumber,sum(quantityOrdered) as itemsCount,sum(priceeach*quantityOrdered) as total from orderdetails
group by ordernumber having total>5000 and itemsCount>600;
select orderNumber,requiredDate,status from orders
where requireddate between cast('2013-01-01' as date) and cast('2013-01-31' as date);
- 百分比( % )通配符允许匹配任何字符串的零个或多个字符。
- 下划线( _ )通配符允许匹配任何单个字符。
select employeeNumber,lastName,firstName from employees where firstName like 'a%';
select employeeNumber,lastName,firstName from employees where lastName like '%on';
select employeeNumber,lastName,firstName from employees where lastName like '%on%';
select employeeNumber,lastName,firstName from employees where firstName like 'T_m';
select employeeNumber,lastName,firstName from employees where lastName not like 'B%';
##反斜杠字符\是默认转义字符;也可以使用ESCAPE子句指定一个不同的转义字符LIKE '%$_20%' ESCAPE '$';
select productCode,productName from products where productCode like '%\_20%'; #搜索productCode字段值中间包含_20字符串的产品
select concat_ws(',',lastname,firstname) as 'full name' from employees;