
Overview of Interaction Design(ID)


Designing interactive products to support the way people communicate and interact in their everyday and working lives

umbrella term covering all of these aspects:Fundamental to all disciplines, fields, and approaches concerned with researching and designing computerbased systems for people

Core characteristics of interaction design三个主要特征

1. Users should be involved throughout the development of the project

Importance:Understanding of users’ goals leading to better product

Expectation management⇾ Realistic expectations

Ownership⇾ Make the users active stakeholder

2.Specific usability and user experience goals need to be identified, clearly documented, and agreed to at the beginning of the project

Usability is more objective: how useful or productive a system is from its own perspective

例如:1. Effective to use (effectiveness) – how good it is 2. Efficient to use (efficiency) – how easy / fast it is 3. Safe to use (safety) 4. Have good utility (utility) 5. Easy to learn (learnability) 6. Easy to remember how to use (memorability)

User experience is more subjective: how users experience an interactive product from their own perspective

例如:➔ Desirable aspects:Satisfying Enjoyable Engaging Challenging Fun

➔ Undesirable aspects: Boring Annoying Making one feel guilty

3.Iteration is needed through the core activities


1. Discovering requirements for the interactive product.

2. Designing alternatives that meet those requirements.

3. Prototyping the alternative designs so that they can be communicated and assessed.

4. Evaluating the product and the user experience it offers throughout the process.

double diamond 和 lifecycle图:

Practical Issues in Interaction Design实际问题

User-centered approach: 3 principles 3个原则

1. Early focus on users and tasks: directly studying cognitive, behavioral, anthropomorphic, and attitudinal characteristics早期关注用户和任务:直接研究认知、行为、拟人化和态度特征


1. Users’ tasks and goals are the driving force behind the development.

2. Users’ behaviour and context of use are studied, and the system is designed to support them.

3. Users’ characteristics are captured and designed for.

4. Users are consulted throughout development from earliest phases to the latest.

5. All design decisions are taken within the context of the users, their activities, and their environment.

2. Empirical measurement: users’ reactions and performance to scenarios, manuals, simulations, and prototypes are observed, recorded, and analysed经验测量:观察、记录和分析用户对场景、手册、模拟和原型的反应和表现

3. Iterative design: when problems are found in user testing, fix them and carry out more tests

最主要的实际问题:➔ Who are the users? ➔ What are the users’ needs?

Users rarely know what is possible用户很少知道什么是可能实现的,所以应该➔ Focus on peoples’ goals, usability, and user experience goals, rather than expect stakeholders to articulate requirements


目标是Explore the problem space to gain insights to Establish a description of what will be developed

requirement 是a statement about an intended product that specifies what it is expected to do or how it will perform


Atomic requirement shell回去补图片

User stories:As a <role> , I want <behavior> so that <benefit>


Functional requirements

What the system should do系统需要做到什么

Non-Functional requirements

The characteristics (sometimes called constraints) of the product 产品可以有的特性

对应usability和user experience

The seven product dimensions: user, interface, action, data, control, environment, quality attribute


1. Functional requirements ⇾ What the system should do

2. Data requirements ⇾ What kinds of data need to be stored? ⇾ How will they be stored (for example, database)?

3. Environment requirements or context of use: ⇾ Physical: dusty? noisy? vibration? light? heat? humidity? …. (for example, in a hospital) ⇾ Social: collaboration and co-ordination, data sharing, distributed, synchronous or asynchronous, privacy ⇾ Organizational: user support, communications structure and infrastructure, availability of training ⇾ Technical: On what technologies will it run or need to be compatible?

4. Users characteristics ⇾ Nationality, educational background, attitude to computers ⇾ System use: novice, expert, casual, frequent ■ Novice: prompted, constrained, clear ■ Expert: flexibility, access/power ■ Frequent: shortcuts ■ Casual/infrequent: clear menu paths ⇾ User profile

5. Usability goals

6. User experience goals

Data gathering for requirements

三个主要收集方法:Interviews, observations, and questionnaires


➔ Studying documentation

⇾ Procedures and rules are often written down in manuals

⇾ Good source of data about the steps involved in an activity and any regulations governing a task

⇾ Good for understanding legislation and getting background information

⇾ Does not involve stakeholder time

➔ Researching similar products

⇾ Good for prompting requirements


Designed to prompt users into action

Contextual Inquiry

Part of Contextual Design但也能用于收集需求

One-on-one field interviews,1.5到2h,Uses a model of master (participant) and apprentice (researcher)


⇾ Context: Going to the user, wherever they are, and seeing what they do as they do it

⇾ Partnership: User and interviewer explore user’s life together

⇾ Interpretation: Observations interpreted by user and interviewer together

⇾ Focus: Project focus to understand what should be paid attention


➔ Joy of life concepts (How products make our lives richer and more


⇾ Accomplish (empower users)

⇾ Connection (enhance real relationships)

⇾ Identity (support users’ sense of self)

⇾ Sensation (pleasurable moments)

➔ Joy of use concepts (Describe impact of using the product)

⇾ Direct in action (provide fulfillment of intent)

⇾ The hassle factor (remove all glitches and inconveniences)

⇾ The learning delta (reduce the time to learn)

四个环节:⇾ Overview ⇾ Transition ⇾ Main interview ⇾ Wrap-up(总结)然后是interpretation session总结成模型

Bringing requirements to life

分为persona和scenario,作为以user stories写的基本要求的augmenting增强

persona人格:Capture a set of user characteristics (user profile),Typical, not idealised基于真人调查制作的典型而非理想化的人格,包含名字年龄背景需求等内容。




use case用例:描述使用流程,Focus on functional requirements and capture interaction,是一步步地interaction的描述.


Accessibility and Inclusiveness

➔ Accessibility: the extent to which an interactive product is accessible by as many people as possible专注于残疾人和更多人可用

⇾ Focus is on people with disabilities; for instance, those using android OS or apple voiceover

➔ Inclusiveness: making products and services that accommodate the widest possible number of people专注于为更多人设计

⇾ For example, smartphones designed for all and made available to everyone regardless of their disability, education, age, or income

三种残疾:Sensory impairment感觉残疾如瞎子,Physical impairment物理残疾如中风stroke,Cognitive认知残疾,记忆或学习能力出问题


Design principles设计原则

The do’s and don'ts of interaction design


⇾ Visibility

⇾ Feedback

⇾ Constraints(Restricting the possible actions that can be performed限制)

⇾ Consistency(Internal consistency应用内部操作一致,External consistency不同应用操作一致,Aesthetic consistency美学设计一致,风格外观提升认可度,Functional consistency功能性一致增强learnability and understanding)

⇾ Affordance(allows people to know how to use it.)

Shneiderman's Eight Golden Rules

1. Strive for consistency相似情况一致的操作流程

2. Enable frequent users to use shortcuts允许快捷键加快流程

3. Offer informative feedback反馈提高用户体验

4. Design dialog to yield closure设计⇾ Grouping of actions ⇾ Explicit completion of an action ⇾ Well-defined options for the next step

5. Offer simple error handling简单的错误处理方法

6. Permit easy traversal of actions可以撤回操作

7. Support internal locus of control让用户感觉自己在操控系统而不是系统在指挥用户

8. Reduce short-term memory load降低用户短期需要记忆的内容

Alternative designs

➔ Interaction design focuses on externally-visible and measurable behavior

➔ Evaluation with users and stakeholders

➔ A/B Testing: inform the choice between alternatives

➔ Quality thresholds ⇾ Think of the photo-taking experience

Interaction Types交互类型

1. Instructing(允许用户指导系统)

Where users instruct a system and tell it what to do

The main benefit is that instructing supports quick and efficient interaction

2. Conversing(可交流)

Underlying model of having a conversation with another human

Ranges from simple voice recognition menu-driven systems to more complex ‘natural language’ dialogs



3. Manipulating(操纵

利用用户习惯的move and manipulate in the physical world

Direct Manipulation DM 直接操作,比如拖动文件


➔ Novices can learn the basic functionality quickly ➔ Experienced users can work extremely rapidly to carry out a wide range of tasks − even defining new functions ➔ Intermittent users can retain operational concepts over time ➔ Error messages rarely needed ➔ Users can immediately see if their actions are furthering their goals, and if not, do something else ➔ Users experience less anxiety ➔ Users gain confidence and mastery and feel in control


可能效率低,可能易出错,Repetitive tasks are not well supported.不支持重复任务

4. Exploring


5. Responding

System takes the initiative to alert user to something that it “thinks” is of interest系统提醒用户可能在意的信息

可以使用Hybrid conceptual models混合模型融合多种交互类型

Interaction and interface的区别:interaction是对用户在做什么的描述,interface是The kind of interface used to support the interaction

有很多种interface1. Command 2. Graphical 3. Multimedia 4. Virtual reality 5. Web 6. Mobile 7. Appliance 8. Voice 9. Pen 10. Touch 11. Gesture 12. Haptic 13. Multimodal 14. Shareable 15. Tangible 16. Augmented reality 17. Wearables 18. Robots and drones 19. Brain–computer interaction 20. Smart

Conceptualizing design概念化设计

为什么要概念化设计:To scrutinize vague ideas and assumptions about the benefits of the proposed product in terms of their feasibility

在开始时记录Assumptions and claims,Iteratively work out设计想法怎么改进



在早期设计环节Ask questions, reconsider assumptions, and articulate concerns

分析问题的一个框架:1. Are there problems with an existing product or user experience? If so, what are they? 2. Why do you think there are problems? 3. How do you think your proposed design ideas might overcome these? 4. If you are designing for a new user experience, how do you think your proposed design ideas support, change, or extend current ways of doing things?


➔ Orientation ⇾ Enables design teams to ask specific questions about how the conceptual model will be understood

➔ Open-minded ⇾ Prevents design teams from becoming narrowly focused early on

➔ Common ground ⇾ Allows design teams to establish a set of commonly agreed terms

开发概念模型可以有利于把problem space 转化为 design space

Interface Metaphors界面隐喻

设计的和物理实体相近,Exploit user’s familiar knowledge, helping them to understand ‘the unfamiliar’利用用户知道的去让他们理解不熟悉的

优点:学习新系统更简单,容易理解底层概念模型underlying conceptual model,可以很创新innovative并且让更多人使用。

缺点:Break conventional and cultural rules,Conflicts with design principles,Forces users to understand only the system in terms of the metaphor,Limits designers’ imagination in coming up with new conceptual models


General approach adopted by a community for carrying out research


想象未来进行设计,即future scenario


对现象的解释Explanation of a phenomenon


A simplification of an HCI phenomenon


Set of interrelated concepts and-or specific questions for ‘what to look for’

20种interface types

1. Command 2. Graphical 3. Multimedia 4. Virtual reality 5. Web 6. Mobile 7. Appliance 8. Voice 9. Pen 10. Touch 11. Gesture 12. Haptic 13. Multimodal 14. Shareable 15. Tangible 16. Augmented reality 17. Wearables 18. Robots and drones 19. Brain–computer interaction 20. Smart



Cheaper & Faster!

Easier to communicate!

Direct feel!

Instead of an object, it is more a way of thinking. design cant be done at once⇾ Be brave to show the work in progress,Listen to feedbacks,Be practical

它可以是一个3d场景,一个ppt show,一个模拟使用的视屏,一个功能有限的软件


有利于Evaluation and feedback,同时Stakeholders can see, hold, interact

Prototypes answer questions, and support designers in choosing between alternatives


用原型的三个理由:Understanding, Communication, test and reflection

原型有利于understanding从而avoid false assumptions

它把无形的概念化为有形的Intangible -> tangible

原型促进communication,同时Communication increase the efficiency in making decision

原型的主要目标为examine and improve the current design,所以对原型进行test and reflection on Hypotheses and assumptions or Other’s comments 可以改进设计方案

Fidelity in prototyping保真度

The fidelity of a prototype refers to how it conveys the look-and-feel of the final product保真度高浪费时间金钱,保真度低可能useless

低保真度可以用不同材质Uses a medium which is unlike the final medium,这样快捷便宜易更换


Storyboards故事板:在一个scenarios场景中由一系列草图a series of sketches描述用户怎么使用的过程,Used early in design(比如小人漫画)

‘Wizard-of-Oz’ prototyping,developer对用户输入的信息进行反馈,但是用户以为在和电脑进行,这样测试用户需求。

Using index cards 在纸板里放上卡片,每个卡片代表一个页面,模拟应用进行

高保真度是expect to be in the final product,more like the final system



分为两种妥协:⇾ ‘horizontal’: provide a wide range of functions, but with little detail功能多细节少

⇾ ‘vertical’: provide a lot of detail for only a few functions功能少细节多

过度纠结高保真度还是低保真度是wasting time and sanity


➔ Visual: How real does it look?用户最直接感受的维度

问题在于容易jumping to high visual fidelity too early,有时需要特别控制在低保真度

➔ Interaction: How real does it feel?

Refers to the objective degree of exactness with which real-world interactions can be reproduced

➔ Breadth: To what degree is this the whole or just a part?

the number of features covered包含多少功能

➔ Depth: At a given level of breadth, to what degree is the user constrained?

一个功能的深度(如可看所有城市天气比部分地区天气深)the degree of functionality.

➔ Content: How real is the stuff and is it contextual to the user?

the degree of realism for the content.

还有两个额外方面可看:➔ Autonomy➔ Platform

同时制作多维度的原型是COMPLICATED (slow, expensive)的,所以不要这么做(或多模块)

Physical Design


⇾ menu design

⇾ icon design图标含义是cultural and context sensitive

⇾ screen design 两个要点:How to split across screens和Individual screen design

⇾ information display 相关信息要一直展示Relevant information available at all times

Type of Prototyping

➔ throw-away ⇾ prototype only serves to elicit user reaction ⇾ creating prototype must be rapid, otherwise too expensive 仅作为测试

➔ incremental ⇾ product built as separate components (modules) ⇾ each component prototyped and tested, then added to the final system 多个组件最后加到最终系统中

➔ evolutionary ⇾ prototype altered to incorporate design changes ⇾ eventually becomes the final product 原型逐渐改进成最后产品

注意点:Rationalize cost-value tradeoffs,Do not oversell/overbuild

怎么制作原型A general framework:

制作方法不唯一,基于purpose, audience, and assumptions作最后决定


Don’t know where to start? -> The minimum viable product

是有enough features to attract earlyadopter customers and validate a product idea early

四个步骤:⇾ Understand your users and identify the problem找问题和解决方法 ⇾ Write down the user flow ⇾ Use the prototype to optimize the user flow ⇾ Test, refine, iterate

Generate lots of different solutions for a problem? -> Focusing on exploration

更多专注于思考⇾ Find the right issue to solve ⇾ Find solutions ⇾ Identify where we are now

Communicate or advocate for a certain direction?倡导特定方向 -> Focusing on specific audience

三步:⇾ Identify your audience, purpose, and fidelity ⇾ Tools ⇾ Present

Have a question or assumption to test? -> Focusing on assumptions

四部⇾ Understand your audience, issues, and assumptions ⇾ Fidelity ⇾ Purpose of the testing ⇾ Make and test

Digital prototyping和physical prototyping

digital prototyping大多围绕屏幕展开

➔ Screen ➔ Responsive design ➔ Interaction types交互 ➔ Accessibility ➔ Animation

Physical prototyping设计更专注于

➔ Electronic technology ➔ Compatibility兼容性 ➔ Material and tactility触感



Questions can be closed-ended or open-ended可以是开放问题,封闭问题更容易分析


question order可能影响回答

different populations需要不同的问卷版本

需要提供clear instructions并Avoid very long questions

问题可以是all be positive, all negative, or mixed.

Strike a balance between using white space and keeping the questionnaire compact.


➔ Make sure that the purpose of study is clear ➔ Promise anonymity ➔ Ensure that questionnaire is well designed ➔ Offer a short version for those who do not have time to complete a long questionnaire ➔ Follow-up with emails, phone calls, or letters ➔ Provide an incentive ➔ If mailed, include a stamped, addressed envelope


缺点:不擅长获取深层deep数据,经常是self-administered所以不好调查follow-up questions,容易产生误差biased data。



➔ Unstructured: Not directed by a script. Rich but not replicable.非结构型内容丰富但是不可重复

➔ Structured: Tightly scripted, often like a questionnaire. Replicable but may lack richness.相反

➔ Semi-structured: Guided by a script, but interesting issues can be explored in more depth. Can provide a good balance between richness and replicability.结合两者优势

➔ Focus groups: A group interview多人采访

问题分为Closed questions和Open questions,封闭问题只用回答yes no



1. Introduction: Introduce yourself, explain the goals of the interview, reassure about the ethical issues, ask to record, and present the informed consent form. 2. Warm-up: Make first questions easy and non-threatening. ⇾ Build rapport (a close and harmonious relationship) 3. Main body: Present questions in a logical order 4. A cool-off period: Include a few easy questions to defuse tension at the end 5. Closure: Thank interviewee, signal the end, for example, switch recorder off.

优点:Go deep,Flexible

缺点:⇾ Skill to manage ⇾ Time and resource intensive ⇾ Data analysis ⇾ Recall problems


⇾ Focus of the study

⇾ Participants involved

⇾ Nature of the technique(s)

⇾ Resources available

⇾ Time available

Five key issues

1. Setting goals

⇾ What information to collect

⇾ How to analyze data once collected

2. Identifying participants

⇾ Decide from whom to gather data and how many

3. Relationship with participants ⇾ Clear and professional ⇾ Informed consent when appropriate 4. Triangulation ⇾ Look at data from more than one perspective ⇾ Collect more than one type of data, for instance, quantitative data from experiments and qualitative data from interviews

5. Pilot studies!!!!!!试点研究

Heuristic Evaluation启发式评估

Nielsen’s heuristics

1. Visibility of system status用户随时可见系统状态

2. Match between system and real world设计利用现实存在的而不是术语

3. User control and freedom允许用户随时退出错误操作(撤回

4. Consistency and standards

5. Error prevention

6. Recognition rather than recall减少用户需要记忆的东西

7. Flexibility and efficiency of use可更改的快捷键

8. Aesthetic and minimalist design减少不需要的元素irrelevant or rarely needed.

9. Help users recognize, diagnose, recover from errors错误帮助

10. Help and documentation额外说明文档

Shneiderman’s Eight Golden Rules

1. Strive for consistency. 2. Seek universal usability. 3. Offer informative feedback. 4. Design dialogs to yield closure. 5. Prevent errors. 6. Permit easy reversal of actions. 7. Keep users in control. 8. Reduce short-term memory load


Briefing session告诉专家做什么,专家分别单独pass两次产品,第一次get feel 第二次 focus on specific features,然后Debriefing session决定问题

优点:Few ethical and practical issues因为用户不参与,Best experts have knowledge of application domain and users

缺点➔ Can be difficult and expensive to find experts,Important problems may get missed,Experts have biases,Many trivial problems are often identified, such as false alarms


模拟用户使用,Focus on ease of learning

需要确定三个点:Users know what to do,Users know how to do it,Users understand the feedback


➔ Why: To check users’ requirements and confirm that users can utilize the product and that they like it

➔ What: A conceptual model, early and subsequent prototypes of a new system, more complete prototypes, and a prototype to compare with competitors’ products

➔ Where: In natural, in-the-wild, and laboratory settings

➔ When: Throughout design; finished products can be evaluated to collect information to inform new products

Different types of evaluation methods

1. Controlled settings that directly involve users ⇾ For example, usability and research labs

例如Usability testing 和 Experimental design

2. Natural settings involving users ⇾ For instance, online communities and products that are used in public places ⇾ Often there is little or no control over what users do, especially in in-the-wild settings

例如 Field study

3. Any setting that doesn’t directly involve users ⇾ For example, consultants and researchers critique the prototypes, and may predict and model how successful they will be when used by users

例如✓ Heuristic evaluation ✓ Analytics ✓ A/B testing ✓ Predictive models

Practical challenges of evaluation:

Participants’ consent参与者的同意

Interpreting data解释数据:

➔ Reliability: Does the method produce the same results on separate occasions?

➔ Validity: Does the method measure what it is intended to measure?

➔ Ecological validity: Does the environment of the evaluation distort the results?

➔ Biases: Are there biases that distort the results?

➔ Scope: How generalizable are the results?

Usability testing

Involves recording performance of typical users doing typical tasks

可使用量化分析Quantitative performance measures

➔ Number of users successfully completing the task

➔ Time to complete task

➔ Number and type of errors per task

选择5-10个有代表性的representative users进行有代表性的task

Experimental design

Test hypothesis测试假说,预测变量间的关系

Null hypothesis:自变量independent variable和因变量dependent variable没关系

Alternative hypothesis:与null相反,测试主要为了证明alter对null错

Between subjects design是分好组,每组随机对应一个情况,Within subjects design是不分组,所有人同时参与所有情况


1. Identify a research hypothesis 2. Specify the design of the study 3. Run a pilot study to test the design, the system, and the study instruments 4. Recruit participants 5. Run the actual data collection sessions 6. Analyze the data 7. Report the results


分为两种:Direct observation(In the field/controlled environments)和Indirect observation(tracking users’ activities)


➔ Space➔ Actors➔ Activities ➔ Objects ➔ Actions ➔ Events ➔ Time➔ Goals➔ Feelings

同时要注意How to handle sensitive topics和How to gain acceptance

Ethnography 民族志(不太懂干啥的)

Ethnography is a philosophy with a set of techniques that include participant observation and interviews ➔ Ethnographers immerse themselves in the culture that they study

controlled environment可以用 think aloud方法(把想法说出来并记录)

Field study

done in natural settings

without direct involvement of users.

会用上Experts knowledge codified in heuristics,Data collected remotely,Models that predict users’ performance


A variety of users’ actions can be recorded by software automatically自动记录数据

优点:unobtrusive不显眼的,可以得到Large volumes of data

缺点:It raises ethical concerns about observing participants if this is done without their knowledge用户不知情可能有道德问题

A/B Testing

A large-scale experiment 大规模测试,人数在千人以上

分成两组体验两个不同版本设计,同样会May create ethical dilemmas如果用户不知情

Predictive Modeling预测模型

without directly involving users,不需要用户直接参与,成本低


应该用不到的例子:Fitts’ Law,计算指向物体时间和物体大小,距离的关系

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