
Time Domain Wave Propagation in Fluid Media

angularSpectrumProject time-domain input plane using the angular spectrum method.
calculateMassSourceCompute k-Wave input plane from measured time-varying data.
kspaceFirstOrder1D1D time-domain simulation of wave propagation
kspaceFirstOrder2D2D time-domain simulation of wave propagation
kspaceFirstOrder2DC2D time-domain simulation of wave propagation using C++ code
kspaceFirstOrder2DG2D time-domain simulation of wave propagation on a GPU using C++ CUDA code
kspaceFirstOrder3D3D time-domain simulation of wave propagation
kspaceFirstOrder3DC3D time-domain simulation of wave propagation using C++ code
kspaceFirstOrder3DG3D time-domain simulation of wave propagation on a GPU using C++ CUDA code
kspaceFirstOrderASAxisymmetric time-domain simulation of wave propagation
kspaceFirstOrderASCAxisymmetric time-domain simulation of wave propagation using C++ code
kspaceSecondOrderFast time-domain simulation of wave propagation for homogeneous media

Single Frequency Wave Propagation in Fluid Media

angularSpectrumCW        - Project CW input plane using the angular spectrum method.
calculateMassSourceCW    - Compute k-Wave input plane from measured CW data.
acousticFieldPropagator  - Calculate acoustic field for CW source.
acousticFieldPropagatorC - Calculate acoustic field for CW source using C++ code.

Time Domain Wave Propagation in Elastic Media

pstdElastic2D            - 2D time-domain simulation of elastic wave propagation
pstdElastic3D            - 3D time-domain simulation of elastic wave propagation

Time Domain Heat Diffusion

bioheatExact             - Compute exact solution to Pennes' bioheat equation in homogeneous media
kWaveDiffusion           - Time-domain simulation of heat diffusion and perfusion

Reference Solutions

focusedAnnulusONeil      - Compute axial pressure for focused annulus transducer using O'Neil's solution
focusedBowlONeil         - Compute O'Neil's solution for focused bowl transducer
mendousse                - Compute Mendousse's solution for nonlinear wave propagation in viscous media

Photoacoustic Image Reconstruction

kspaceLineRecon2D linear FFT reconstruction
kspacePlaneRecon3D planar FFT reconstruction

See also kspaceFirstOrder1D, kspaceFirstOrder2D, and kspaceFirstOrder3D for time-reversal image reconstruction

Geometry and Shape Creation

kWaveArray               - Class definition for k-Wave array
makeArc                  - Create a binary map of an arc within a 2D grid
makeBall                 - Create a binary map of a filled ball within a 3D grid
makeBowl                 - Create a binary map of a bowl within a 3D grid
makeCartArc              - Create evenly distributed Cartesian points covering an arc
makeCartBowl             - Create evenly distributed Cartesian points covering a bowl
makeCartCircle           - Create a 2D Cartesian circle or arc
makeCartDisc             - Create evenly distributed Cartesian points covering a disc
makeCartRect             - Create evenly distributed Cartesian points covering a rectangle
makeCartSphere           - Create a 3D Cartesian sphere
makeCartSphericalSegment - Create evenly distributed Cartesian points covering a spherical segment
makeCircle               - Create a binary map of a circle within a 2D grid
makeDisc                 - Create a binary map of a filled disc within a 2D grid
makeLine                 - Create a binary map of a straight line within a 2D grid
makeMultiArc             - Create a binary map of multiple arcs within a 2D grid
makeMultiBowl            - Create a binary map of multiple bowls within a 3D grid
makeSphere               - Create a binary map of a sphere within a 3D grid
makeSphericalSection     - Create a binary map of a sphere segment within a 3D grid

Acoustic Absorption Coefficient Calculation and Conversion

attenComp                - Attenuation compensation using time-variant filtering
db2neper                 - Convert decibels to nepers
fitPowerLawParams        - Fit power law absorption parameters for highly absorbing media
neper2db                 - Convert nepers to decibels
powerLawKramersKronig    - Calculate dispersion for power law absorption
waterAbsorption          - Calculate ultrasound absorption in distilled water

Material Properties

waterAbsorption          - Calculate ultrasound absorption in distilled water
waterDensity             - Calculate density of air-saturated water with temperature
waterNonlinearity        - Calculate B/A of water with temperature
waterSoundSpeed          - Calculate the sound speed in distilled water with temperature

Grid and Matrix Utilities

cart2grid                - Interpolate a set of Cartesian points onto a binary grid
computeLinearTransform   - Compute a linear transformation matrix from two points
expandMatrix             - Enlarge a matrix by extending the edge values
findClosest              - Return the closest value in a matrix
fourierShift             - Resample data using a Fourier interpolant
getAffineMatrix          - Return matrix for affine transform in 3D
getSpacedPoints          - Create vector of log or linear spaced points
getOptimalPMLSize        - Find PML size to give the smallest prime factors
grid2cart                - Return the Cartesian coordinates of the non-zero points of a binary grid
interpCartData           - Interpolate data from a Cartesian to a binary sensor mask
interpftn                - Resample data using Fourier interpolation
kWaveArray               - Class definition for k-Wave array
kWaveGrid                - Class definition for k-Wave grid
loadImage                - Load an image file
offGridPoints            - Create a non-binary source mask from Cartesian points
maxND                    - Return the value and indices of the largest value in an N-D array
minND                    - Return the value and indices of the smallest value in an N-D array
numDim                   - Return the number of matrix dimensions
resize                   - Resize a matrix
reorderBinarySensorData  - Reorder data from a binary sensor mask
reorderSensorData        - Reorder sensor data from kspaceFirstOrder2D based on angle
revolve2D                - Form 3D matrix from revolution of 2D matrix
roundEven                - Round towards the nearest even number
roundOdd                 - Round towards the nearest odd number
trimCartPoints           - Remove Cartesian points that are not within a kgrid
trimZeros                - Create a tight bounding box by removing zeros
unmaskSensorData         - Reorder data recorded using a binary sensor mask

Filtering and Spectral Utilities

applyFilter              - Filter input with low, high, or band pass filter
envelopeDetection        - Extract signal envelope using the Hilbert Transform
filterTimeSeries         - Filter signal using the Kaiser windowing method
gaussianFilter           - Filter signals using a frequency domain Gaussian filter
getAlphaFilter           - Create filter for medium.alpha_filter
getBLI                   - Compute underlying Fourier band-limited interpolant (BLI)
getFDMatrix              - Create a matrix of finite-difference coefficients
getWin                   - Return a frequency domain windowing function
gradientFD               - Calculate the gradient using a finite-difference method
gradientSpect            - Calculate the gradient using a Fourier spectral method
sharpness                - Calculate image sharpness metric
spect                    - Compute the single sided amplitude and phase spectrums
smooth                   - Smooth a matrix
vesselFilter             - Frangi's 3D vessel filter

Display and Visualisation

beamPlot                 - Plot volumetric data using intersecting planes
flyThrough               - Display a three-dimensional matrix slice by slice
getColorMap              - Return default k-Wave color map
overlayPlot              - Overlay two images
saveTiffStack            - Save volume data as a tiff stack
scaleFig                 - Resize current figure window
stackedPlot              - Stacked linear plot
voxelPlot                - 3D plot of voxels in a binary matrix

Signal Creation and Processing

addNoise                 - Add Gaussian noise to a signal for a given SNR
createCWSignals          - Generate array of CW signals from amplitude and phase
envelopeDetection        - Extract signal envelope using the Hilbert Transform
extractAmpPhase          - Extract amplitude and phase from CW signals
focus                    - Create input signal based on source mask and focus position
fwhm                     - Compute the full width at half maximum
gaussian                 - Create a Gaussian distribution
gaussianFilter           - Filter signals using a frequency domain Gaussian filter
hounsfield2density       - Convert Hounsfield units to density
kWaveTransducer          - Class definition for k-Wave linear array transducer
logCompression           - Log compress an input signal
scanConversion           - Convert scan-lines in polar coordinates to a B-mode ultrasound image
toneBurst                - Create an enveloped single frequency tone burst

HDF5 Utilities

h5compare                - Compare the contents of two HDF5 files
writeAttributes          - Write attributes to a k-Wave HDF5 file
writeFlags               - Write input flags to a k-Wave HDF5 file
writeGrid                - Write grid and PML properties to a k-Wave HDF5 file
writeMatrix              - Write MATLAB matrix to a k-Wave HDF5 file

System Parameters and Utilities

benchmark                - Run performance benchmark
checkFactors             - Return the maximum prime factor for a range of numbers
checkStability           - Return maximum stable time step for k-space fluid models
getDateString            - Create a string of the current date and time
getComputerInfo          - Return information about computer and k-Wave version
getkWavePath             - Return pathname to the k-Wave Toolbox
scaleSI                  - Scale a number to nearest SI unit prefix
scaleTime                - Convert seconds to hours, minutes, and seconds
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