DSP Tools, System Generator for DSP, AccelDSP - Which versions of System Generator for DSP and Accel



Which versions of the Xilinx DSP, System Generator for DSP, and AccelDSP synthesis tools are compatible with which versions of the ISE design tools and MATLAB?

Which versions of MATLAB and other dependent tools are supported by each release of System Generator for DSP and the AccelDSP synthesis tool?


For System Generator for DSP Release Notes and Known Issues, see  (Xilinx Answer 29595).

For more details on software and hardware requirements, see the  System Generator for DSP Getting Started Guide.

System Generator for DSP 14.3
Operating System Support:
  • Windows 7 Professional
  • Windows XP Professional
  • Red Hat Enterprise 5 Workstation
  • Red Hat Enterprise 4 Workstation
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise
  • * Support for 32-bit and 64-bit on all OS
  • ISE Design Suite 14.3 System Edition
  • MATLAB R2011a, R2011b, 2012a and 2012b from the MathWorks (requires Simulink Fixed-Point Toolbox for bus-widths greater than 53 bits)
  • Synopsys Synplify Pro F-2012.03-SP1
  • Mentor Graphics ModelSim 10.1a

System Generator for DSP 14.2

Operating System Support:
  • Windows 7 Professional
  • Windows XP Professional
  • Red Hat Enterprise 5 Workstation
  • Red Hat Enterprise 4 Workstation
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise
  • * Support for 32-bit and 64-bit on all OS

  • ISE Design Suite 14.2 System Edition
  • MATLAB R2011a, R2011b and 2012a from the MathWorks (requires Simulink Fixed-Point Toolbox for bus-widths greater than 53 bits)

  • Synopsys Synplify Pro E-2010.09-1
  • Mentor Graphics ModelSim 10.1a

System Generator for DSP 14.1

Operating System Support:
  • Windows 7 Professional
  • Windows XP Professional
  • Red Hat Enterprise 5 Workstation
  • Red Hat Enterprise 4 Workstation
  • SUSE Linux Enterprize
  • * Support for 32-bit and 64-bit on all OS

  • ISE Design Suite 14.1 System Edition
  • MATLAB R2011a and R2011bfrom the MathWorks (requires Simulink Fixed-Point Toolbox for bus-widths greater than 53 bits)

  • Synopsys Synplify Pro E-2010.09-1
  • Mentor Graphics ModelSim 10.1a

System Generator for DSP 13.4

Operating System Support:
  • Windows 7 Professional
  • Windows XP Professional
  • Red Hat Enterprise 5 Workstation
  • Red Hat Enterprise 4 Workstation
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise
  • * Support for 32-bit and 64-bit on all OS

  • ISE Design Suite 13.4 Logic Edition
  • MATLAB R2011a and Beta support for R2011b from the MathWorks (requires Simulink Fixed-Point Toolbox for bus-widths greater than 53 bits)

  • ISE Design Suite 13.4 - Embedded/System Editions
  • Synopsys Synplify Pro E-2010.09-1
  • Mentor Graphics ModelSim 6.6d

System Generator for DSP 13.3

Operating System Support:
  • Windows 7 Professional
  • Windows XP Professional
  • Red Hat Enterprise 5 Workstation
  • Red Hat Enterprise 4 Workstation
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise
  • * Support for 32-bit and 64-bit on all OS

  • ISE Design Suite 13.3 Logic Edition
  • MATLAB R2010a, R2010b, or R2010bSP1 and R2011a from the MathWorks (requires Simulink Fixed-Point Toolbox for bus-widths greater than 53 bits)

  • ISE Design Suite 13.3 - Embedded/System Editions
  • Synopsys Synplify Pro E-2010.09-1
  • Mentor Graphics ModelSim 6.6d

System Generator for DSP 13.2

Operating System Support:
  • Windows 7 Professional
  • Windows XP Professional
  • Red Hat Enterprise 5 Workstation
  • Red Hat Enterprise 4 Workstation
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise
  • * Support for 32-bit and 64-bit on all OS

  • ISE Design Suite 13.2 Logic Edition
  • MATLAB R2010a, R2010b, or R2010bSP1 from the MathWorks (requires Simulink Fixed-Point Toolbox for bus-widths greater than 53 bits)

  • ISE Design Suite 13.2 - Embedded/System Editions
  • Synopsys Synplify Pro E-2010.09-1
  • Mentor Graphics ModelSim 6.6d
  • Beta support is provided for MATLAB 2011a

System Generator for DSP 13.1

Operating System Support:
  • Windows 7
  • Windows XP
  • Windows Vista
  • Red Hat Linux 4u7
  • Red Hat Linux 5u2
  • SUSE Linux 10.1
  • * Support for 32-bit and 64-bit on all OS

  • ISE Design Suite 13.1 Logic Edition
  • MATLAB R2010a or R2010b from the MathWorks (requires Simulink Fixed-Point Toolbox for bus-widths greater than 53 bits)

  • ISE Design Suite 13.1 - Embedded/System Editions
  • Beta support is provided for MATLAB 2011a
  • Synopsys Synplify Pro E-2010.09-1
  • Mentor Graphics ModelSim 6.6d

System Generator for DSP 12.4

Operating System Support:
  • Windows XP
  • Windows Vista
  • Red Hat Linux 4u7
  • Red Hat Linux 5u2
  • SUSE Linux 10.1
  • * Support for 32-bit and 64-bit on all OS

  • ISE Design Suite 12.4 Logic Edition
  • MATLAB R2010a or R2010b from the MathWorks (requires Simulink Fixed-Point Toolbox for bus-widths greater than 53 bits)

  • ISE Design Suite 12.4 - Embedded/System Editions
  • Synopsys Synplify Pro E-2010.09-1
  • Mentor Graphics ModelSim 6.5c

System Generator for DSP 12.3

Operating System Support:
  • Windows XP
  • Windows Vista
  • Red Hat Linux 4u7
  • Red Hat Linux 5u2
  • SUSE Linux 10.1
  • * Support for 32-bit and 64-bit on all OS

  • ISE Design Suite 12.3 Logic Edition
  • MATLAB R2009b or R2010a from the MathWorks (requires Simulink Fixed-Point Toolbox for bus-widths greater than 53 bits)
  • Beta support for MATLAB 2010b

  • ISE Design Suite 12.3 - Embedded/System Editions
  • Synopsys Synplify Pro E-2010.09-1
  • Mentor Graphics ModelSim 6.5c

System Generator for DSP 12.2

Operating System Support:
  • Windows XP
  • Windows Vista
  • Red Hat Linux 4u7
  • Red Hat Linux 5u2 \
  • SUSE Linux 10.1
  • * Support for 32-bit and 64-bit on all OS

  • ISE Design Suite 12.2 Logic Edition
  • MATLAB R2009b or R2010a from the MathWorks (requires Simulink Fixed-Point Toolbox for bus-widths greater than 53 bits)

  • ISE Design Suite 12.2 - Embedded/System Editions
  • Synopsys Synplify Pro D-2010.03
  • Mentor Graphics ModelSim 6.5c

System Generator for DSP 12.1 

Operating System Support:
  • Windows XP
  • Windows Vista
  • Red Hat Linux 4u7
  • Red Hat Linux 5u2
  • SUSE Linux 10.1
  • * Support for 32-bit and 64-bit on all OS

  • ISE Design Suite 12.1 Logic Edition
  • MATLAB R2009a or R2009b from the MathWorks

  • ISE Design Suite 12.1 - Embedded/System Editions
  • Synopsys Synplify Pro D-2010.03
  • Mentor Graphics ModelSim 6.5c

System Generator for DSP and AccelDSP 11.4/11.5

Operating System Support:

System Generator and AccelDSP 
  • Windows XP

System Generator only: 
  • Windows Vista
  • Red Hat Linux 4u7
  • Red Hat Linux 5u2
  • SUSE Linux 10.1

  • ISE Design Suite 11.4 Logic Edition
  • MATLAB R2008a R2008b, R2009a or R2009b from The MathWorks

  • ISE Design Suite 11.4 - Embedded/System Editions
  • Synopsys Synplify Pro 8.9
  • Mentor Graphics ModelSim 6.4b

System Generator for DSP and AccelDSP 11.3 

Operating System Support:

System Generator and AccelDSP 
  • Windows XP

System Generator only: 
  • Windows Vista
  • Red Hat Linux 4u7
  • Red Hat Linux 5u2
  • SUSE Linux 10

  • ISE Design Suite 11.3 Logic Edition
  • MATLAB R2008a R2008b, or R2009a from the MathWorks

  • ISE Design Suite 11.3 - Embedded/System Editions
  • Synopsys Synplify Pro 8.9
  • Mentor Graphics ModelSim 6.4b

System Generator for DSP and AccelDSP 11.2 

Operating System Support:
  • Windows XP (32 bit only) - Both System Generator and AccelDSP
  • Red Hat Linux 4u7 (32 and 64 bit) - System Generator only

  • ISE Design Suite 11.2 Logic Edition
  • MATLAB R2008a R2008b, or R2009a from the MathWorks

  • ISE Design Suite 11.2 - Embedded/System Editions
  • Synopsys Synplify Pro 8.9
  • Mentor Graphics ModelSim 6.4b

System Generator for DSP and AccelDSP 11.1 

Operating System Support:
  • Windows XP (32 bit only) - Both System Generator and AccelDSP
  • Red Hat Linux 4u7 (32 and 64 bit) - System Generator only

  • ISE Design Suite 11.1 Logic Edition
  • MATLAB R2008a or R2008b from the MathWorks

  • ISE Design Suite 11.1 - Embedded/System Editions
  • Synopsys Synplify Pro 8.9
  • Mentor Graphics ModelSim 6.4b

System Generator for DSP and AccelDSP 10.1.03 

  • Windows XP (32 bit only)
  • ISE 10.1.03
  • ISE 10.1 IP Update 3
  • MATLAB R2007a, R2007b or R2008a from the MathWorks

  • EDK 10.1.03
  • ChipScope 10.1.03
  • Synplicity Synplify Pro
  • Model Technology ModelSim 6.3c

System Generator for DSP and AccelDSP 10.1.02 

  • Windows XP (32 bit only)
  • ISE 10.1.02
  • ISE 10.1 IP Update 2
  • MATLAB R2007a, R2007b or R2008a from the MathWorks

  • EDK 10.1.02
  • ChipScope 10.1.02
  • Synplicity Synplify Pro
  • Model Technology ModelSim 6.3c

System Generator for DSP and AccelDSP 10.1.01 

  • Windows XP (32 bit only)
  • ISE 10.1.01
  • ISE 10.1 IP Update 1
  • MATLAB R2007a or R2007b from the MathWorks

  • EDK 10.1.01
  • ChipScope 10.1.01
  • Synplicity Synplify Pro
  • Model Technology ModelSim 6.3c

System Generator for DSP and AccelDSP 

  • Windows XP (32 bit only)
  • ISE 10.1
  • ISE 10.1 IP Update 0
  • MATLAB R2007a or R2007b from MathWorks

  • EDK 10.1
  • ChipScope 10.1
  • Synplicity Synplify Pro
  • Model Technology ModelSim 6.3c

System Generator for DSP 

  • Windows XP
  • ISE 9.2i Service Pack 3 or later
  • ISE 9.2i IP Update 2 or later
  • MATLAB R2006b or R2007a from MathWorks

  • AccelDSP 9.2i
  • ISE 9.2i Service Pack 3 Virtex-5 LX220T/SXT Installer
  • EDK 9.2i
  • ChipScope 9.2i
  • Synplicity Synplify Pro
  • Model Technology ModelSim 6.1f

System Generator for DSP 

  • Windows XP
  • ISE 9.2i Service Pack 2 or later
  • ISE 9.2i IP Update 1 or later
  • MATLAB R2006b or R2007a from MathWorks

  • ISE 9.2i Service Pack 2 Virtex-5 LX220T/SXT Installer
  • ChipScope 9.2i
  • Synplicity Synplify Pro
  • Model Technology ModelSim 6.1f

System Generator for DSP 9.1.01 

  • Windows XP
  • ISE 9.1i Service Pack 3 or later
  • ISE 9.1i IP Update 2 or later
  • MATLAB R2006a or R2006b from MathWorks; see (Xilinx Answer 23145) for the required MATLAB 2006a patch.

  • ISE 9.1i Service Pack 3 Virtex-5 LX220T/SXT Installer
  • ChipScope 9.1i
  • EDK 9.1i
  • Synplicity Synplify Pro 8.6.2
  • Model Technology ModelSim 6.1f

System Generator for DSP 9.1 

  • Windows XP (Windows XP 64 bit is not currently supported)
  • ISE 9.1i Service Pack 2 or later
  • ISE 9.1i IP Update 1 or later
  • MATLAB R2006a or R2006b from MathWorks; see (Xilinx Answer 23145) for the required MATLAB 2006a patch.

  • ISE 9.1i Service Pack 2 Virtex-5 LX220T/SXT Installer
  • ChipScope 9.1i
  • EDK 9.1i
  • Synplicity Synplify Pro 8.6.2
  • Model Technology ModelSim 6.1f

System Generator for DSP 8.2.x 
  • PC Only ISE 8.2i Service Pack 3 or later
  • ISE 8.2i IP Update 2
  • ChipScope 8.2i
  • EDK 8.2i
  • R14 SP3 and R2006a from MathWorks; see (Xilinx Answer 23145) for the required MATLAB 2006a patch.
  • Synplicity Synplify Pro 8.4
  • Model Technology ModelSim 6.1b
  • Windows XP

System Generator for DSP 8.2 
  • PC Only ISE 8.2i Service Pack 1 or later
  • ISE 8.2i IP Update 1
  • ChipScope 8.2i
  • EDK 8.2i
  • R14 SP3 and R2006a from MathWorks; see (Xilinx Answer 23145) for the required MATLAB 2006a patch.
  • Synplicity Synplify Pro 8.4
  • Model Technology ModelSim 6.1b
  • Windows XP

System Generator for DSP 8.1.01 
  • PC Only ISE 8.1i Service Pack 2 or later
  • ISE 8.1i IP Update 1
  • ChipScope 8.1i
  • EDK 8.1i
  • R14 SP1, R14 SP2, R14 SP3, and R2006a from MathWorks; see (Xilinx Answer 23145) for the required MATLAB 2006a patch.
  • Synplicity Synplify Pro 8.4
  • Model Technology ModelSim 6.1b
  • Windows XP

System Generator for DSP 8.1 
  • PC Only ISE 8.1i Service Pack 1 or later
  • PC Only ISE 7.1i Service Pack 4 or later
  • ChipScope 8.1i
  • ChipScope 7.1i
  • EDK 7.1i
  • R14 SP1, R14 SP2 and R14 SP3 from MathWorks
  • Windows XP

System Generator for DSP 7.1 
  • PC Only ISE 7.1i Service Pack 1 or later
  • ChipScope 7.1i
  • EDK 7.1i SP2
  • R14, R14 SP1, R14 SP2 from MathWorks
  • Windows XP

System Generator for DSP 6.1 
  • PC Only ISE 6.3i Service Pack 1 or later
  • IP Update 4
  • ChipScope 6.3i
  • EDK 6.3i
  • R13 SP1 or R14 from MathWorks
  • For information on installing System Generator for DSP 6.1.1 with ISE 6.2i, see (Xilinx Answer 18964)
  • Windows XP

System Generator for DSP 3.1 
  • PC Only ISE 5.2i Service Pack 1 or later
  • R13 from MathWorks
  • Synplify 7.2
  • Leonardo Spectrum 2002e
  • Windows 2000 and Windows XP

System Generator for DSP 2.3 
  • PC Only ISE 5.1i
  • IP Update 1
  • R12 SP1 or R13 from MathWorks
  • Synplify 7.2
  • Leonardo Spectrum 2002d
  • Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6, Windows 2000, and Windows XP

System Generator for DSP 2.2 
  • PC Only ISE 4.2i
  • IP Update 2
  • R12 SP1 from MathWorks
  • Synplify 7.1
  • Leonardo Spectrum 2002a
  • Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6 or greater, Windows 2000, and Windows ME

System Generator for DSP 2.1 
  • PC Only ISE 4.1i Service Pack 1 or later
  • IP Update 1
  • R12 or R12 SP1 from MathWorks
  • Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6 or greater, Windows 2000, and Windows 98

System Generator for DSP 1.1 
  • PC Only ISE 3.xi Service Pack 7 or later
  • IP Update 3
  • R11 SP1 or R12 from MathWorks
  • Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 98

System Generator for DSP 1.0 
  • PC Only ISE 3.1i Service Pack 1 or later
  • IP Update 1 (d_ip1)
  • R11 SP1 from MathWorks
  • Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 98
Applies To

Design Tools

  • System Generator for DSP - 10.1
  • System Generator for DSP - 10.1 sp1
  • System Generator for DSP - 10.1 sp2
  • System Generator for DSP - 10.1 sp3
  • System Generator for DSP - 11.1
  • System Generator for DSP - 11.2
  • System Generator for DSP - 11.3
  • System Generator for DSP - 11.4
  • System Generator for DSP - 12.1
  • System Generator for DSP - 12.2
  • System Generator for DSP - 12.3
  • System Generator for DSP - 8.1i
  • System Generator for DSP - 8.1i sp1
  • System Generator for DSP - 8.1i sp2
  • System Generator for DSP - 8.1i sp3
  • System Generator for DSP - 8.2i
  • System Generator for DSP - 8.2i sp1
  • System Generator for DSP - 8.2i sp2
  • System Generator for DSP - 8.2i sp3
  • System Generator for DSP - 9.1i
  • System Generator for DSP - 9.1i sp1
  • System Generator for DSP - 9.1i sp2
  • System Generator for DSP - 9.1i sp3
  • System Generator for DSP - 9.2i
  • System Generator for DSP - 9.2i sp1
  • System Generator for DSP - 9.2i sp2
  • System Generator for DSP - 9.2i sp3
  • System Generator for DSP - 9.2i sp4
  • AccelDSP - 10.1
  • AccelDSP - 10.1 sp1
  • AccelDSP - 10.1 sp2
  • AccelDSP - 10.1 sp3
  • AccelDSP - 11.1
  • AccelDSP - 11.2
  • System Generator for DSP - 12.4
  • System Generator for DSP - 13.1
  • System Generator for DSP - 13.2
  • System Generator for DSP - 13.3
  • System Generator for DSP - 14.1
  • System Generator for DSP - 14.2

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