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原创 write a tf listener

写tf listener时遇到的问题:参考网页:http://wiki.ros.org/tf/Tutorials/Writing%20a%20tf%20listener%20%28C%2B%2B%291.  How to publish the pose (position) of the robot after having the tf listener to "listener.

2015-07-03 19:06:51 1558

原创 hokuyo rviz配置

Install $ sudo apt-get install ros-%DISTro%-hokuyo-nodeConfiguring the Hokuyo$ ls -l /dev/ttyACM0$ sudo chmod a+rw /dev/ttyACM0Starting a roscore$ roscoreRunning the hoku

2015-06-09 22:44:06 1332

翻译 在Ubuntu 14.04上装teamviewer

问题: Installed Teamviewer using a 64-bits system, but I get a dependency error解决方法:首先, 下载:wget http://www.teamviewer.com/download/teamviewer_linux.deb用Gdebi安装:sudo dpkg --add-ar

2015-04-29 14:10:59 1711

原创 Latex错误: Undefined control sequence. \override margin

这个package 是由IEEE conf, trans定义的,所以首先要选择正确的document class,比如:\documentclass[journal]{IEEEtran}, 然后在同一目录添加文件IEEEtran.bst, IEEEtran.cls.

2015-04-24 14:21:40 4988 1

翻译 Dell m4800 装Ubuntu 14.04 无线网卡驱动的问题

由于系统驱动问题,DELL M4800安装Ubuntu 14.04找不到wifi模块,需要更新驱动。步骤如下:Update of the driver : sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get --reinstall install bcmwl-kernel-source如果还没找到wifi,在官网下载最新的驱动,编译。按照

2015-04-21 19:49:12 2418

翻译 To restore Nautilus' split screen (F3) feature (找回F3分隔文件夹窗口) in Ubuntu 14.04

The simplest option is to change file managers. Nemo is quite similar to what Nautilus used to be.sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/nemosudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install nemo nem

2015-04-20 16:23:27 827

转载 dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of initramfs-tools

Try using dpkg directly:dpkg --configure -aIf this still complains about dependencies, trydpkg --configure -a --force-depends

2014-12-19 14:59:47 663

转载 Working copy XXX locked and cleanup failed in SVN

One approach would be to:Copy edited items to another location.Delete the folder containing the problem path.Update the containing folder through Subversion.Copy your files back or merge changes a

2014-12-10 15:48:10 532

转载 SVN remains in conflict?

svn resolved

2014-12-10 15:47:11 479

原创 Oracle VM Virtualbox使用总结

1. 网络设置NAT, NAT network, bridge 等网络连接方式可通过主机上网。Host-only 不能接外网,但是可以组建一个局域网在192.168.56.x. 如果 Clone virtual node,默认的MAC地址可能是一样的,可以通过在Network->Advance->Adapter处刷新,从而更新ip

2014-09-12 17:31:16 577

原创 remove unwanted space line


2014-09-10 22:14:59 387

原创 多个log文件合并到一个文件

awk 'FNR==1{print ""}{print $4}' qos_logger_one-map-msg_2014_9_9_5_* > map2014090905.log

2014-09-10 22:05:38 3411

原创 Install Matlab in Ubuntu 12.04

First make a mount point, which is just a folder. For example:mkdir /media/mathworksThen mount the downloaded ISO to that directory. For this example, the ISO is in the home folder under the downl

2014-07-18 20:02:31 496

原创 建立一个rospkg

$ roscreate-pkg lqm_priority_setter rospy ros_rt_wmp

2014-06-17 11:13:26 870

原创 wmp Sniffer

Under Statistics: Flows->Global Flow you have the fields1. "Message delivery delay + PAP" that indicates the delay of delivery including the corresponding PAP2. "By priority (Ages)" that indic

2014-05-22 13:30:11 435

原创 mathlab saveas figures into a pdf, eps

saveas(1, 'abc.eps', 'psc2')saveas(1, 'abc.pdf', 'pdf')

2014-05-10 17:46:40 480

原创 cpu load measurement

参考:http://askubuntu.com/questions/22021/how-to-log-cpu-load里面还介绍了怎么log特定进程的cpu占用率。对你的问题更加实用一些。要修改里面比较长的那一条命令。我试了半天,下面这条应该可以搞定了:假设在client上运行的命令行命令为python testcpu.py, 你现在要log那个程序的CPU占用

2014-04-30 23:07:58 518

原创 Bandwidth Measurement

========here first ===========By iftop, I found another tool: $ sudo apt-get install bwm-ngby which, you can save the log into a file! it is more helpful.I did not check in detail the usag

2014-04-30 23:00:20 571

原创 bandwidth in rt-wmp

Regarding the fact that not all the flows are working, I thinks the problem is that thebandwidth is not enough.Looking at the config.h I can see that you've three video flows sources and 3 desti

2014-04-26 21:00:07 405

原创 dynamicly change priority on rt-wmp

To change the priority of someR1 topic FROM R1, you have to call the service:/R1/wmp_controlwhile if you have to change the priority of some R0 topicagain FROM R1 you have to call the serv

2014-04-23 11:27:28 502

原创 rt-wmp, bandwidth

Regarding the fact that not all the flows are working, I thinks the problem is that the bandwidth is not enough.Looking at the config.h I can see that you've three video flows sources and 3 destin

2014-04-22 20:07:30 741

原创 加载laptop Aspire one (acer) 的wifi内核模块

查找laptop的wifi内核模块:$ modprobe

2014-04-15 16:54:03 526

原创 svn: warning: '.' is not a working copy

- Delete all local contentsrm -rf content

2014-04-13 11:57:02 2434

原创 Try to use "twisted.enterprise.adbapi" accessing database nonblockingly in Twisted (failed)

Download and Install pyPgSQL

2014-04-07 11:11:23 766

原创 Postgresql 学习笔记 (还在对postgresql迷茫的xdjm有福啦~~)

1. In a terminal:$ psql2. Get into a postgresql with role "postgres", then create a user "db"postgres-# create role dbcreator with password 'nifti';3.search commands:postgres-# \?4.the

2013-12-21 21:43:18 612

原创 matlab plot

% plot bw infofigureset(gca, 'FontName', 'Times New Roman', 'Fontsize', 14, 'FontWeight', 'bold'); plot(bw1(:,1), bw1(:,2), 'bo-', 'LineWidth', 3)hold onplot(bw2(:,1), bw2(:,2), 'rx-', 'LineWidth

2013-12-11 12:21:03 579

转载 Python: Sort a dictionary by value

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/613183/python-sort-a-dictionary-by-valueimport operatorx = {1: 2, 3: 4, 4:3, 2:1, 0:0}sorted_x = sorted(x.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))

2013-12-10 23:00:06 1185

翻译 Python: .encode方法

官方教程: http://docs.python.org/2/howto/unicode.html方法.encode([encoding], [errors='strict']), 返回一个 8-bit string version of the Unicode string, encoded in the requested encoding.The errors p

2013-11-29 16:53:55 605

转载 sql查询语句select 应用举例

数据表的查询(select)  select 字段列表 [as 别名], * from 数据表名  [where 条件语句]  [group by 分组字段]  [order by 排序字段列表 desc]  [LIMIT startrow,rownumber]  1、Select 字段列表 From 数据表  例:①、select id,gsmc,add,tel fr

2013-11-29 11:51:55 1026

原创 NetString in Twisted

1. 在 $vi /usr/share/pyshared/twisted/protocols/basic.py,那里是具体各个协议的定义2. 52行起是Netstring的定义,可以看到里面每个方法都是怎么定义的。3. 167行,就是netstring定义的datarecieved是需要用的。4. 189行,说了只要call这个方法,就是个exception, 是not impleme

2013-11-29 11:25:03 550

原创 一个很好的Python library reference


2013-11-28 22:53:59 808

原创 关于Ph.D的那些事

1. 3 qualities of successful Ph.D. students: Perseverance, tenacity and cogencyhttp://matt.might.net/articles/successful-phd-students/2. Academic job search advicehttp://matt.might.net/articles/

2013-11-28 19:38:57 530

原创 pickle 用法 reference

http://oldj.net/article/python-pickle/写的比较清楚, 而且有例子.http://docs.python.org/2/library/pickle.html#module-cPicklePython官方的介绍

2013-11-28 12:27:34 335

原创 safedata在socket程序中的使用

client不用twisted的协议和factory方式发送数据,而采用普通的socket程序,这也更加灵活,也可以按需要增加自己的scheduler.其中,发送的数据是safedata, afedata是internet standard定义的,safedata就是字节长度+字符串+","之前很久不能用就是因为没注意最后还要有个逗号.这个一定要记清楚用这个safedata是因为t

2013-11-27 17:47:50 620

原创 删除(解除)当前目录的svn记录

$rm -rf `find . -name .svn`

2013-11-20 22:02:47 760

原创 PSQL快速入门(二)

1. 数据库的读取用户必须和建立用户是用一个,才能够正常检索到数据.2. PSQL是可以通过large objects的方式存储大数据在表中. (相关介绍如下:)http://michael.otacoo.com/postgresql-2/playing-with-large-objects-in-postgres/其中, large objects是原始数据, table

2013-11-19 20:11:46 794

原创 PgAdmin3访问远程server database


2013-11-18 23:24:57 1828

原创 远程访问postgresql数据库

1: ssh 登录远程的PostgreSQL database server:ssh username@ipaddress2: Enable client authentication:编辑 /etc/postgresql/9.1/main目录下的文件:postgresql.conf:将 listen_addresses= 'localhost' 换成 list

2013-11-18 22:59:12 1318

原创 解决: could not write bytes broken pipe ubuntu

在window, ubuntu的双系统中,grub无法正常进入ubuntu, 报如题的错误,解决办法:sudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get purge nvidia-*sudo apt-get install invida-current-updates

2013-11-18 21:38:22 1016

原创 python3-postgresql

import pg (postgres) in python codes, you need to install 'python3-postgresql'or search it as follows:$ sudo apt-cache search python3-postgresql

2013-11-18 21:34:53 2163





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